76 research outputs found

    Prinicipi i standardi rekonstrukcije krivičnog događaja

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    This paper deals with crime reconstruction as a method of crime investigation which represents a set of systematic, analytical processes which serve to provide relevant information about the manner of creation and dynamics of crime perpetration. Special attention is paid to ethical principles of crime reconstruction, as well as to the relationship between a scientific method and crime reconstruction method. In addition to this, basic information on models, scientific principles and practical standards of crime reconstruction have been presented. The subject of research is directed towards the analysis of determinants of creation of material pieces of evidence, as well as towards establishing theories and scientific principles for their analysis in order to deduct evidence admissible in court. Finally, the paper analyses the place of crime reconstruction within a complex procedure of its clearing up and proving.Rekonstrukcija krivičnog dela se definiÅ”e kao skup sistematskih analitičkih procesa kojima se obezbeđuju relevantne informacije o načinu nastanka i dinamici izvrÅ”enja krivičnog dela. Polaznu osnovu u njenoj realizaciji čine materijalni dokazi, do kojih se najvećim delom dolazi na uviđaju, ali i iskazi svedoka, žrtve i okrivljenog. Pri tome treba imati u vidu činjenicu da je percepcija krivičnog dela od strane različitih subjekata različita, te da je rezultat odraza radnje i determinanti krivičnog dela u njihovoj svesti. Rezultati rekonstrukcije zavise od poÅ”tovanja etičkih principa profesije, primene naučnih metoda i praktičnih standarda analize dokaza. Takođe, oni su direktno uslovljeni i profesionalizmom koji se manifestuje kroz stručnu (posedovanje neophodnih znanja vezanih za profesiju) i moralnu komponentu (etički kodeks profesije) ličnosti kriminaliste. Objektivna analiza činjenica, odnosno dokaza, podrazumeva postojanje profesionalnog integriteta i nezavisnosti osobe koja izvodi zaključke. Poseban akcenat u postupku rekonstrukcije treba staviti na praktične standarde, kao fundamentalna pravila interpretacije dokaza u postupku rekonstrukcije krivičnog dela

    Arterijska vaskularizacija mozga malog zelenog majmuna, Cercopithecus aethiops sabeus

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    Cell cultures from the small green monkey are used for the cultivation of poliovirus in the manufacture of vaccines against poliomyelitis. In addition kidney cultures from the same monkey serve for detection of the virus in biological material. This was the main reason that prompted us to undertake a study of one part of the monkeyā€™s cardiosvascular system and thus contribute to a better understanding of the structure of its body.Glavni krvni sudovi koji dovode arterijsku krv u mozak su A.carotis interna i A. vertebralis. Spajanjem leve i desne kičmene arterije (A. vertebralis sinistra et dextra) nastaje A. basilaris cerebri. A. carotis interna sinistra et dextra pružaju se kroz parafaringealni prostor prema lobanjskoj duplji, u koju ulaze poÅ”to prođu kroz karotidne kanale (canales carotici) piramide slepoočne kosti u kavernozni sinus u kome se povezuju obe Aa. carotides preko A. intercarotica caudalis. Grane A. carotis internae su: A. ophthalmica, A. cerebri media, A. communicans caudalis. A.ophthalmica dovodi krv u optičke i pomoćne delove oka. A. cerebri media daje grane koje ulaze u moždanu masu i dovodi krv u lateralnu povrÅ”inu moždane hemisfere. A. communicans caudalis povezuje zadnju moždanu arteriju (A. cerebri caudalis) sa unutraÅ”njom karotidnom arterijom i daje grane za vaskularizaciju hipotalamusa. A.cerebri rostralis je produžetak stabla unutraÅ”nje karotidne arterije. Ona se spaja sa odgovarajućom granom druge strane ispred Chiasma opticum. Iz ovog spoja nastaje A. cerebri rostralis communis. Od A. cerebri rostralis odvajaju se povrÅ”ne i duboke grane koje ulaze u moždanu masu. A. cerebri caudalis, A. communicans caudalis i A. cerebri rostralis obrazuju oko hipofize i raskrŔća vidnih nerava arterijski krug (Circulus arteriosus Willisi)

    Upravljanje elektro-mehaničkim pokretačem za primjene u zrakoplovnim sustavima

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    The paper mainly focuses two major areas of electromechanical actuator system composed of power screw, spur gear train and Brushless DC Servo Motor. First it describes control of electromechanical actuator system with three level of current controller which is composed of power amplifier, DSP module and interfacing circuitry. The non-linear model of the three level controllers developed in SIMULINK environment is presented. A second point which was included in this study is the comparison of two control strategies i.e. three level controller and PWM current controller. The main outcomes of the study is that three level controller is simple in construction and much more stable. This is much suitable for higher reduction systems, short missions and low power density actuators; however it has few limitation that make it unsuitable for applications such as high power density, long missions and direct drive system.Ovaj se rad u osnovi fokusira na dvjema glavnim područjima vezanih za elektro mehanički pokretački sustav, koji je sačinjen od pogonskog vijka, prijenosnog sistema i istosmjernog motora bez četkica. Prvo je opisano upravljanje elektro mehaničkim pokretačkim sustavom pomoću kontrolera sa tri nivoa struje, koji je sačinjen od DSP procesorskog modula i elektronskog kola sa pojačivačem. Prikazan je i nelinearan model kontrolera sa tri nivoa struje koji je razvijen u SIMULINK okruženju. U radu je također prikazana usporedba dvaju tipova kontrole: kontroler sa tri nivoa struje i PWM strujni kontroler. Glavni zaključci na osnovi dobijenih rezultata su da je kontroler sa tri nivoa struje jednostavniji za izradu i mnogo stabilniji. Njegova primjena posebno je pogodna u sustavima sa velikom redukcijom, u kratkotrajnim misijama i sustavima s manjom izlaznom snagom; ipak ukazano je i na nekoliko nedostataka: nije preporučljivo koristiti ga pri većim snagama i u dužem vremenskom razdoblju uslijed većih toplotnih gubitaka

    Control of Electro-Mechanical Actuator for Aerospace Applications

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    The paper mainly focuses two major areas of electromechanical actuator system composed of power screw, spur gear train and Brushless DC Servo Motor. First it describes control of electromechanical actuator system with three level of current controller which is composed of power amplifier, DSP module and interfacing circuitry. The non-linear model of the three level controllers developed in SIMULINK environment is presented. A second point which was included in this study is the comparison of two control strategies i.e. three level controller and PWM current controller. The main outcomes of the study is that three level controller is simple in construction and much more stable. This is much suitable for higher reduction systems, short missions and low power density actuators; however it has few limitation that make it unsuitable for applications such as high power density, long missions and direct drive system

    Prinicipi i standardi rekonstrukcije krivičnog događaja

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    This paper deals with crime reconstruction as a method of crime investigation which represents a set of systematic, analytical processes which serve to provide relevant information about the manner of creation and dynamics of crime perpetration. Special attention is paid to ethical principles of crime reconstruction, as well as to the relationship between a scientific method and crime reconstruction method. In addition to this, basic information on models, scientific principles and practical standards of crime reconstruction have been presented. The subject of research is directed towards the analysis of determinants of creation of material pieces of evidence, as well as towards establishing theories and scientific principles for their analysis in order to deduct evidence admissible in court. Finally, the paper analyses the place of crime reconstruction within a complex procedure of its clearing up and proving.Rekonstrukcija krivičnog dela se definiÅ”e kao skup sistematskih analitičkih procesa kojima se obezbeđuju relevantne informacije o načinu nastanka i dinamici izvrÅ”enja krivičnog dela. Polaznu osnovu u njenoj realizaciji čine materijalni dokazi, do kojih se najvećim delom dolazi na uviđaju, ali i iskazi svedoka, žrtve i okrivljenog. Pri tome treba imati u vidu činjenicu da je percepcija krivičnog dela od strane različitih subjekata različita, te da je rezultat odraza radnje i determinanti krivičnog dela u njihovoj svesti. Rezultati rekonstrukcije zavise od poÅ”tovanja etičkih principa profesije, primene naučnih metoda i praktičnih standarda analize dokaza. Takođe, oni su direktno uslovljeni i profesionalizmom koji se manifestuje kroz stručnu (posedovanje neophodnih znanja vezanih za profesiju) i moralnu komponentu (etički kodeks profesije) ličnosti kriminaliste. Objektivna analiza činjenica, odnosno dokaza, podrazumeva postojanje profesionalnog integriteta i nezavisnosti osobe koja izvodi zaključke. Poseban akcenat u postupku rekonstrukcije treba staviti na praktične standarde, kao fundamentalna pravila interpretacije dokaza u postupku rekonstrukcije krivičnog dela


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    The aim of the study was to test the influence of noise on the occurrence of thyroid disease. A group of examinees included the noise-exposed workers (300) who work in the production halls and the control group (50) doing administrative jobs in the office. The testing was performed by the service of occupational medicine, within regular control and periodic check-ups of the noise-exposed group and health systematic examinations of the control group. Some laboratory analyses of the thyroid hormone were used for the purpose of this study. The percentage of those with an increased thyroid activity in the control group is 2%, while in the group of workers exposed to noise it equals 6,8%. In the control group, the total number of those with a decreased thyroid function is 0,85% and 4,85% in the noise-exposed group. In the control group, the total number of workers with the changed thyroid function is 2,85%, while in the group exposed to noise, the total number of workers with the changed thyroid function is 11,65%. By comparing the number of workers having disturbances in the thyroid function from the control group to those from the noise-exposed group who have hearing nerve damage, it can be noticed that there is no statistically significant difference. There were 21 examinees that had subjective health complaints with the levels of hormones increased; 15 examinees had subjective health complaints while the levels of hormones were decreased, and 77 examinees had subjective health complaints with the levels of hormones within the normal range. The largest number of workers with a changed thyroid function had between 10 and 20 years of service. After analyzing the results, obtained in both control and noise-exposed groups, the conclusion was that the number of workers having problems with the thyroid activity is larger in the group exposed to noise in relation to the workers from the control group. These values are in correlation with the level of noise at the working place

    Natural Pigment from Madder Plant as an Eco-Friendly Cathode Material for Aqueous Li and Na-Ion Batteries

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    Modifying commercial Li-ion batteries to become more environmentally friendly is of a growing concern. This paper provides an examination of a potential replacement for commercial cathode material using a naturally occurring purpurin in aqueous solutions of lithium and sodium salts. The purpurin is extracted from the Madder plant (Rubia tinctorum) and characterized through XRPD, FTIR, and SEM methods. The intercalation and de-intercalation capacities obtained for the purpurin as a cathode material in the aqueous solution of LiNO3 are approximately 40 mAh g(-1). Compared to the capacity of similar to 35 mAh g(-1) obtained for commercially used transition metal oxides in an aqueous solution of Li salt, results presented make the purpurin a promising material for the "green" development of Li-ion batteries. Although the initial purpurin capacity in NaNO3 solution is almost doubled (similar to 73 mA h g(-1)) compared to that of Li-salt, it is unstable and fades during cycling. The possible explanation of the electrochemical behavior of purpurin as the cathode material in aqueous solutions of Li and Na salts is discussed in detail

    The role-share-influence of the posterior tibial slope on rupture of the anterior cruciate ligament

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    Background/Aim. Posterior tibial slope is one of the most citated factors wich cause rupture of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL). The aim of this study was to determine the association of a greather posterior tibial slope on the lateral condyle, that is a lesser posterior tibial slope on the medial condyle, with ACL rupture. Methods. The patients were divided into two groups. The study group included the patients with chronic instability of the knee besause of a previous rupture of ACL. The control group included the patients with knee lesion, but without ACL rupture. Posterior tibial slope measuring was performed by sagittal MR slices supported by lateral radiograph of the knee. We measured posterior tibial slope on lateral and medial condyles of the tibia. Using these values we calculated an average posterior tibial slope as well as the difference between slopes on lateral and medial condyles. Results. Patients with ACL rupture have highly statistically significantly greather posterior tibial slope (p < 0.01) on lateral tibial condyle (7.1Ā° : 4.5Ā°) as well as statistically significantly lesser posterior tibial slope (p < 0.05) on medial tibial condyle (5.0Ā° : 6.6Ā°) than patients with intact ACL. Conclusion. Great posterior tibial slope on lateral tibial condyle associated with the small posterior tibial slope on the medial tibial condyle, that is a positive differentce between lateral and medial tibial condyles are factors wich may cause ACL rupture

    Skull bone anatomy of the young common hippopotamus (hippopotamus amphibius)

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    Hippopotamidae family is nowadays represented by two species within two different genera: pygmy hippopotamus (Choeropsis liberiensis) and common hippopotamus (Hippopotamus amphibius). The common hippopotamus has a very unique anatomy, and the shape of the body, especially the head is adapted for a semi-aquatic life style. The morphological examination and description of the gross anatomical features of the hippopotamus skull is described in this paper. The shape of the skull is adapted for the amphibian way of life. Their eyes, ears and nostrils are placed high on the roof of the skull which allows these organs to remain above the surface of the water while the animal is being submerged underwater. The skull is massive, but the brain case (neurocranium) is extremely small compared with the splanchnocranium and complete head. The dental formula of the common hippopotamus is: incisors (I) 2/2, canine

    Uporedne karakteristike metatarzalnih kostiju (Ossa metatarsi) i članaka prstiju (Ossa digitorum pedis seu phalanges digitorum) srne (Capreolus capreolus) i ovce (Ovis aries) u cilju utvrđivanja vrste životinja

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    Metatarsal bones and finger articles of roe deer and sheep are rarely used for animal identification. In practice there are frequent cases where on a corpse the head and distal parts of the limbs are missing. That is in order to prevent the identification of the bones, by which it is easiest to determine the animal species. For identification of metatarsal bones (Ossa metatarsi) as well as finger articles (Ossa digitorum pedis seu phalanges digitorum) there were used distal parts of hindlimb bones, taken from 6 roe deers and 7 sheep. Afer the separation from the soft tissues, the bones were boiled in an autoclave, and for bleaching and degreasing they were kept in 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). The bones were air dried, and then photographed. In roe deer, four metatarsal bones are developed: the second (Os metatarsale secundum), the third (Os metatarsale tertium), the fourth (Os metatarsale quartum) and the fifth (Os metatarsale quintum). In sheep, the third (Os metatarsale tertium) and the fourth (Os metatarsale quartum) metatarsal bones are developed. Both in roe deer and sheep, the third and the fourth metatarsal bones are fused into one single bone - main metatarsal bone. In sheep, on dorsal and plantar side of these bones there are grooves which are more shallow and wider than in roe deer. In roe deer, hindlimbs have four fingers, and in sheep two. In roe deer there is also the difference in the number of articles on the second and fifth finger. In this animal the second and fifth finger have coalesced the first and second article (Ph1 + Ph2) and the third article(Ph3). Based on the third article of the third and fourth finger, it may be distinguished one anĀ­imal from another. Margo solearis in roe deer is peaky and in sheep it is blunt. In roe deer Processus extensorius is peaky on Margo coronalis, while in shee it is blunt. In the cases when material (fresh meat, blood, hair) necessary for some laboratory methods is missing, there is used the method of animal species determination based on morphological differences between the bones of these two animals. By this method it can be with certainty determined which animal the bones belong to.Metatarzalne kosti i članci prstiju srne i ovce ređe se koriste za identifikaciju vrste životinja. U praksi su česti slučajevi da na leÅ”u nedostaju glava i distalni delovi ekstremiteta, kako bi se onemogućila identifikacija kostiju, po kojima je najlakÅ”e odrediti vrstu životinja. Za ispitivanje metatarzalnih kostiju (Ossa metatarsi) i članaka prstiju (Ossa digitorum pedis seu phalanges digitorum) upotrebljene su kosti distalnog dela zadnjeg ekstremiteta, od 6 srna i 7 ovaca. Posle odvajanja od mekih tkiva, kosti su kuvane u autoklavu, a radi beljenja i odmaŔćivanja držane su u 3% rastvoru vodonik peroksida (H2O2). Kosti su suÅ”ene prirodnim putem na vazduhu, a zatim su fotografisane. U srne su razvijene četiri metatarzalne kosti: druga (Os metatarsale secundum), treća (Os metatarsale tertium), četvrta (Os metatarsale quartum) i peta (Os metatarsale quintum). U ovce je razvijena treća (Os metatarsale tertium) i četvrta (Os metatarsale quartum) metatarzalna kost. Kod srne i ovce treća i četvrta metatarzalna kost su srasle u jednu kost - glavna metatarzalna kost. Kod ovce na dorzalnoj i plantarnoj strani ovih kostiju se nalaze žlebovi, koji su plići i Å”iri nego u srne. Na zadnjem ekstremitetu u srne postoje četiri prsta, a u ovce dva prsta. Razlika postoji u broju članaka drugog i petog prsta u srne. U srne drugi i peti prst se sastoje iz sraslog prvog i drugog članka (Ph1 + Ph2) i trećeg članka (Ph3). Na osnovu trećeg članka, trećeg i četvrtog prsta može se razlikovati jedna životinja od druge. Margo solearis u srne je zaÅ”iljen, a u ovce zatupast. Kod srne je zaÅ”iljen i Processus extensorius na Margo coronalis, dok je u ovce zatupast. Kada nedostaje materijal (sveže meso, krv, dlaka) potreban za sprovođenje drugih laboratorijskih metoda, onda se koristi metoda određivanja vrste životinja na osnovu morfoloÅ”kih razlika kostiju srne i ovce. Ovom metodom sa sigurnoŔću možemo utvrditi kojoj životinji kosti pripadaju
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