34 research outputs found

    Religious Changes in Postsocialism (A Comparative Analysis in the Cases of Yugoslavia and Russia)

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    Krajem 80-ih i početkom 90-ih godina na religijskim i konfesionalnim prostorima svih postsocijalističih druÅ”tava, pa i na dominantno pravoslanim prostorima Jugoslavije (Srbije I Crne Gore) i Rusije, sociologija religije je otrkrila u svojim brojnim iskustvenim istraživanjima religioznosti i vezanosti za religiju i crkvu, viÅ”e ili manje izražene religijske promene. Smatrajući da se radi o procesu koji je posebno značajan kao istraživački izazov za socilogije religije u zemljama tzv. postsocijallizma, predmet ovog istraživanja je određen kao utvrđivanje karaktera, stanja i smera religijskih promena na pravoslavno dominantnim prostorima Jugoslavije i Rusije aktuelnim u poslednjem desetleću burnih sicijalno-političkih previranja u njima. U ovako određenom predmetu istraživanja, glavni zadatak istraživanja jeste u identifikovanju i preispitivanju osnovnih tendecija u religijskim promenama. Oslanjajući se na obiman empririjski materijal o pomenutim promenama u radu se čini pokuÅ”aj preciznog detektovanja obima tih promena u različitim sferama religijskog, duhovnog i druÅ”tvenog života ljudi u tzv. postsocijalističkoj transformaciji druÅ”tvu (tranziciji). Precizan opis navedenih promena polazi od preciznog opisa religijske situacije u navedenim druÅ”tvima u vreme socijalizma. Zato ovaj rad uzima u obzir dve vremenske i sadržainske tačke analize religijske situacije: vremensku i opÅ”tedruÅ”tvenu ravan položaja religija i crkava i stanja religioznosti ljudi u socijalizmu i vremenske i opÅ”tedruÅ”tvene okvire delovanja crkava i stanje religioznosti ljudi u postsocijalizmu. Preciznom opisu navedenih promena prethodi teorijska rasprava o osnovnim pojmovima istraživanja, kao Å”to su pojmovi religije, (de)sekularizacije, i tranzicije. Cilj istraživanja, naravno, nije samo utvrđivanje obima i smera promena religioznosti građana, nego je jedan od glavnih ciljeva istraživanja pokuÅ”aj smeÅ”tanja navedenih religijskih promena u odgovarajući druÅ”tveni kontekst od koga se polazi u njihovoj teorijskoj eksplikaciji...At the end of 80s and the beginning of 90s the sociology of religion, in its numerous experience-based research of religiousness and attachment to religion and church, detected some more of less evident religious shanges in all postsocialist societies, including predominantly Orthodox countries of Yugoslavia (Serbia nad Montenegro) and Russia. Considering it to be a process of special significance and a research challenge to the sociology of religion, the subject of this research has been defined as the assessment of the character, state and direction of religious shanges in predominantly Orthodox countries of Yugoslavia and Russia which became apperent in those coutries during the socially and politically turbulent last decade. With the subject of the research being defined in that way, the main goal of the research has been to identify nad examine the main tendencies of religious changes. Relying on the large empirical material on the above mentioned changes, this paper has made on attempt do detect the precise scope of those changes in different domains of religious, spiritual and social lives of the majority of people during the so-called ā€œsocial transformation of societyā€ (or transition). The precise description of the above mentioned changes derives from the precise description of the religious situations it the above mentioned countries during the period of socialism. That is why in this paper I have taken into account two temporal and material items of the analiysis of the religious situation: a temporal and general sicial position of religions and charches and the state of religiousness with people living in socialism on one side and temporal and general social boundaries of church activities and the state of religiousness with people living in postsocialism on the other. The precise description of the above mentioned changes is preceded by a theoretical discussion on the basic nations of the research, namely religion, (de)secularisation and transition. Of course, the goal of the research has not been just to determine the scope and the direction of the changes in religiousness of the citizens, but also to try to set the religious changes in question into the proper socioal context which is the starting point in their theoretical explication..

    Activation energies as the validity criterion of a model for complex reactions that can be in oscillatory states

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    Modeling of any complex reaction system is a difficult task. If the system under examination can be in various oscillatory dynamic states, the apparent activation energies corresponding to different pathways may be of crucial importance for this purpose. In that case the activation energies can be determined by means of the main characteristics of an oscillatory process such as pre-oscillatory period, duration of the oscillatory period, the period from the beginning of the process to the end of the last oscillation, number of oscillations and others. All is illustrated on the Bray-Liebhafsky oscillatory reaction

    ABO histo-blood groups and Rh systems in relation to malignant tumors of the digestive tract in Bosnia and Herzegovina

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    The distribution of ABO blood groups and the Rhesus factor was analyzed in 279 patients who suffered from malignant tumors of the digestive system. Patients were registered retrospectively in the Gastroenterohepatology Clinic, Clinical Center, University of Sarajevo over a discontinuous period of 88 months. From the results obtained, it was concluded that: (a) men became ill from gastric cancer significantly more frequently than women; (b) the frequency of liver carcinoma was three times higher than the global frequency and the frequency neighboring ethnic groups; and (c) patients with blood group B and patients with RhD(-) exhibited a significantly higher proportion of disease.Analizirana je distribucija krvnih grupa ABO sistema i Rezus faktora kod 279 pacijenata obolelih od malignih tumora digestivnog sistema. Pacijenti su registrovani retrospektivno u GastroenterohepatoloÅ”koj klinici Kliničkog centra Univerziteta u Sarajevu u diskontinuitetu tokom 88 meseci (1987-1998). Na osnovu analizirane populacije pacijenata zaključeno je da: (a) muÅ”karci značajno čeŔće oboljevaju od kancera želuca u odnosu na žene; (b) učestalost karcinoma jetre je tri puta veća upoređenju sa učestaloŔću ovog oboljenja u svetu i susednim zemljama; (c) pacijenti sa V krvnom grupom i pacijenti sa RhD(-) su u značajnom stepenu čeŔći u ispitivanoj populaciji obolelih od očekivanog.Projekat ministarstva br. 143010 i 14301

    Physicochemical analysis and phenolic profile of polyfloral and honeydew honey from Montenegro

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    The research subject of this paper was a detail physicochemical analysis of 28 honey samples from the northern part of Montenegro. The honey from Montenegro has not been previously studied in such detail. Differentiation between samples, such as honeydew honey and polyfloral honey, was based on electrical conductivity, which was higher than 0.8 mS cm-1 for honeydew honey, as was expected. Other investigated physicochemical parameters (water content, free acids, diastase activity, hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) content and sugar content) have shown great similarity for all honey samples. The main interest of this study was the identification and quantification of phenolic compounds using ultra-high performance liquid chromatography (UHPLC) with mass spectrometry detection. The results show that honey samples are very rich in phenolic compounds, especially quercetin. Among the 31 quantified phenolic compounds, the most dominant were phenolic acids. The highlight was based on p-hydroxybenzoic acid, p-coumaric acid, caffeic acid and ferulic acid. Considering polyphenolic compounds and sugar content, a high nutritional value can be observed in all samples, with an emphasis on polyfloral honeys, as was confirmed with principal component analysis (PCA). In addition, all honey samples were tested for total phenolic content (TPC) and radical scavenging activity (RSA). The results indicate the higher antioxidant ability of honeys from Montenegro in comparison to some honey samples from other countries in the region.Supplementary material: [http://cherry.chem.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/3828

    Artificial Neural Network Model for Prediction of Studentsā€™ Success in Learning Programming

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    This paper presents the model for predicting studentsā€™ success in acquiring programming knowledge and skills. In order to collect the data needed for development of the model, 159 undergraduate IT students from Faculty of Technical Sciences in Čačak were tested. Other relevant data were also gathered for each student: high school, the subject he/she took at the entrance exam, size of studentā€™s birthplace, average high school grade, points from high school, gender, previous education, existence of IT educational profile in high school, study year, percentage of attendance on classes, reason for enrolment, subjective assessment of preparedness for programming, solving sequential tasks, type of programming student prefers, subjective assessment of preparedness for working in industry, solving tasks with branching and cycle, solving complex tasks, knowledge level, formal education,Ā  informal education, Kolb's learning style. Based on the results about the relevance of the parameters, the model reached an accuracy of 92.3%. In order to facilitate the use of the created model, a Web-based application for displaying the results were created. The application was primarily created for teachers with no experience in working with neural networks, who can use it for planning the teaching process based on prediction of studentsā€™ performance

    Polyphenol profile of buckwheat honey, nectar and pollen

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    A focus of research in recent years is the comparison of honey as the final product of bees with pollen and nectar of the plant from which the honey originates, as the main food source for bees. Buckwheat honey is recognized as a nutritionally valuable product, which provides a scientifically proven health benefit and is confirmed as a functional food. The quality of this type of honey is attributed to high levels of phytochemicals in buckwheat. The purpose of this study was the examination of similarity between buckwheat honey and buckwheat nectar and pollen, as well as simultaneous investigation of their chemical profiles and the origin of the honey. The phenolic profile of buckwheat pollen showed a lower number of flavonoids and phenolic acids than those of nectar and honey samples, but confirmed the presence of the most characteristic polyphenols derived from the buckwheat plant. The notable difference was found to be the presence of (epi)catechin units, its galloylated derivatives and procyanidin dimers, which were not present in honey. Honey polyphenols displayed a pronounced correlation with those of nectar, but not with those of pollen. Finally, by comparing the polyphenolic profiles of honey, nectar and pollen sharing the same geographical origin, new data could be provided for a potential assessment of the botanical origin of buckwheat honey