64 research outputs found

    Prevalence and risk factors for Toxoplasma gondii infection in the population of voluntary blood donors and pregnant women

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    Toksoplazmoza je jedno od najrasprostranjenijih parazitskih oboljenja koje izaziva obligatno intracelularna protozoa Toxoplasma gondii. Procenjuje se da je trećina čovečanstva inficirana ovim parazitom. Kod imunokompetentnih osoba infekcija je uglavnom asimptomatska ili protiče uz blagu kliničku sliku, ali kod fetusa i imunokompromitovanih osoba infekcija može imati teži klinički tok i može dovesti i do smrtnog ishoda. U složenom životnom ciklusu T. gondii učestvuje stalni domaćin, životinja iz porodice Felidae, i prelazni domaćin koji može biti bilo koja toplokrvna životinja, ali i čovek. Mačka, u kojoj se odvija seksualna faza razmnožavanja, izbacuje oociste parazita putem fecesa u spoljašnju sredinu koju tako kontaminira. Čovek se najčešće zarazi ingestijom zrelih oocista sa voća/povrća koje raste nisko pri zemlji, u kontaminiranoj vodi ili preko kontaminiranih ruku, kao i ingestijom tkivnih cista u nedovoljno termički obrađenom ili sirovom mesu. Značajan put prenosa infekcije je vertikalna transmisija sa majke na plod kada nastaje kongenitalna infekcija. Takođe, transplantacija solidnih organa ili matičnih ćelija hematopoeze može biti put prenosa infekcije T. gondii kod imunokompromitovanih pacijenata. Prenos vijabilnih parazita putem transfuzije krvi takođe je moguć, ali je često zanemaren i nedovoljno dokumentovan. Stoga je cilj ovog istraživanja bio određivanje prevalencije toksoplazmoze u opštoj, zdravoj populaciji (populaciji davalaca krvi) i populaciji trudnica sa sagledavanjem faktora rizika za nastanak toksoplazmoze, sa posebnim osvrtom na one koje je moguće modifikovati. Materijal i metode: Istraživanje je dizajnirano kao hibridno istraživanje koje su činile dve studije prevalencije. Prvim istraživanjem bilo je obuhvaćeno 1095 konsekutivno odabranih dobrovoljnih davalaca krvi, oba pola, uzrasta od 18 do 65 godina iz Beograda, koji su u u periodu od decembra 2017. do jula 2018. godine donirali krv u Institutu za transfuziju krvi Srbije. Drugom studijom preseka u okviru ovog istraživanja obuhvaćeno je 300 trudnica iz Beograda koje su dolazile u Institut za transfuziju krvi Srbije u periodu od novembra 2018. godine do februara 2019. godine zbog rutinskog ispitivanja krvne grupe i Rh faktora pre porođaja. Uzorkovanje krvi i epidemiološki intervju ispitanika sproveden je u Institutu za transfuziju krvi Srbije, a celokupno istraživanje sprovedeno je u Nacionalnoj referentnoj laboratoriji za toksoplazmozu. Ispitanike su intervjuisali lekari korišćenjem epidemiološkog upitnika (demografske karakteristike, stil života i ishrane, lična i ginekološka anamneza) posebno dizajniranog za ovaj tip studije u cilju otkrivanja potencijalnih faktora rizika za infekciju T. gondii. Serološki skrining na prisustvo specifičnih IgG antitela podrazumevao je primenu HSDA testa (eng. high sensitivity direct agglutination assay). Uzorci koji su bili pozitivni u HSDA testu su dalje ispitivani enzimskim imunotestom za određivanje specifičnih IgG antitela u automatizovanom mini VIDAS aparatu. Status infekcije T. gondii procenjivao se kod onih ispitanika kod kojih su specifična IgG antitela detektovana u koncentraciji ≥ 8 IU/ml, određivanjem njihovog aviditeta primenom enzimskog imunotesta za određivanje aviditeta IgG antitela specifičnih za T. gondii (VIDAS® Toxo IgG avidity TXGA, Biomerieux, Francuska). Kod ispitanika sa specifičnim IgG antitelima niskog ili graničnog aviditeta određivana su i specifična IgM antitela enzimskim imunotestom (VIDAS® Toxo IgM, TXM, Biomerieux, Francuska), sa ciljem da se potvdi/isključi primarna infekcija. Rezultati: Prevalencija infekcije T. gondii u populaciji davalaca krvi iznosi 20,5%, odnosno 16,5% u ukupnoj populaciji žena (trudnice i negravidne žene, davaoci krvi) i 12,7% u populaciji trudnica. Multivarijantnom regresionom analizom potvrđeno je da su uzrast ispitanika, opština stanovanja kao i kontakt sa zemljom nezavisni prediktori infekcije u populaciji davalaca krvi...Toxoplasmosis is one of the most widespread parasitic diseases caused by an obligate intracellular protozoan Toxoplasma gondii. It is estimated that one third of human population is infected with this parasite. In immunocompetent people, the infection is mostly asymptomatic or is presented with flu-like symptoms, but in fetus and immunocompromised host, clinical manifestations are generally more severe and even life-threatening. The complex life cycle of T. gondii involves a definitive host, animal from the Felidae family, and an intermediate host that can be any warm-blooded animal, as well as humans. Sexual reproduction occurs only in intestines of a cat and infected cat excretes the oocysts of the parasite via faeces into the environment. Humans are usually infected by ingestion of mature oocysts by contaminated fruits/vegetables, contaminated water, or contaminated hands, as well as by ingestion of tissue cysts in undercooked or raw meat. An important route of infection is vertical transmission of parasites from acutely infected mother to fetus, resulting in congenital toxoplasmosis. Also, toxoplasmosis may evolve as an opportunistic infection in immunocompromised patients after transplantation of solid organs or hematopoietic stem cells. Transmission of viable parasites via blood transfusion is also possible, but is often overlooked and insufficiently documented. Therefore, the aim of the research was to determine the prevalence of toxoplasmosis and risk factors in the general, healthy population (population of blood donors) and in the population of pregnant women, in order to identify risk factors for toxoplasmosis, with special reference to those that can be modified. Material and methods: The research was designed as a hybrid study consisting of two cross-sectional studies. The first study included 1095 consecutively selected voluntary blood donors, of both sexes, aged 18 to 65 from Belgrade, who donated blood to the Blood Transfusion Institute of Serbia in the period from December 2017 to July 2018. The second cross-sectional study included 300 pregnant women from Belgrade who came to the Institute for Blood Transfusion of Serbia in the period from November 2018 to February 2019 for routine testing of blood group and Rh factor before delivery. Blood sampling and epidemiological interview of the subjects was conducted at the Institute for Blood Transfusion of Serbia, and the entire research was conducted at the National Reference Laboratory for Toxoplasmosis. Subjects were interviewed by physicians using an epidemiological questionnaire (demographic characteristics, lifestyle data, medical and gynecological history) specially designed for this type of study in order to detect potential risk factors for T. gondii infection. Serological screening for the presence of specific IgG antibodies was performed by in-house high sensitivity direct agglutination assay (HSDA). The samples that were positive in the HSDA test were further examined by enzyme immunoassay for the determination of specific IgG antibodies in an automated mini VIDAS. All samples with specific IgG ≥ 8 IU/mL were further examined for their avidity (VIDAS® Toxo IgG avidity TXGA, Biomerieux, France). In subjects with low or borderline specific IgG avidity, specific IgM antibodies were also determined by enzyme immunoassay (VIDAS® Toxo IgM, TXM, Biomerieux, France), with the aim of confirming/excluding primary infection. Results: The prevalence of T. gondii infection in the population of blood donors is 20.5%, 16.5% in the population of women (pregnant and non-pregnant women) and 12.7% in the population of pregnant women. Multivariate regression analysis confirmed that the age, suburban living and contact with the soil are independent risk factors of infection in the population of blood donors..

    Skull bone anatomy of the young common hippopotamus (hippopotamus amphibius)

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    Hippopotamidae family is nowadays represented by two species within two different genera: pygmy hippopotamus (Choeropsis liberiensis) and common hippopotamus (Hippopotamus amphibius). The common hippopotamus has a very unique anatomy, and the shape of the body, especially the head is adapted for a semi-aquatic life style. The morphological examination and description of the gross anatomical features of the hippopotamus skull is described in this paper. The shape of the skull is adapted for the amphibian way of life. Their eyes, ears and nostrils are placed high on the roof of the skull which allows these organs to remain above the surface of the water while the animal is being submerged underwater. The skull is massive, but the brain case (neurocranium) is extremely small compared with the splanchnocranium and complete head. The dental formula of the common hippopotamus is: incisors (I) 2/2, canine

    The effect origanum vulgare l. essential oils on weed seed germination

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    Oregano is a common name for products derived from more than 60 plant species which mostly belong to the families Lamiaceae and Verbenaceae. Within the genus Origanum, fortytwo species and forty-nine taxa (species, subspecies and varieties) divided into 10 groups were classified. The largest number comes from the Mediterranean and it is of local character. [4]. In recent years, interest for use of natural compounds in control of weed species keeps growing. Natural compounds with allelopathic effect generally represent the products of secondary metabolism and are known as allelochemicals. Allelochemicals are safer than synthetic herbicides primarily because they are biodegradable and have a minimal detrimental impact on the environment [7]. During 2016, the allelopathic effect of oregano essential oil was studied on germination of some plant species such as: rucola (Eruca sativa Mill.), onion (Alium cepa L.), kohlrabi (Brassica oleraceavar.gongylodes L.) and kale (Brassica oleracea var. sabauda, L.). Seeds of the mentioned weed species were treated with different concentrations of oregano essential oil in the amount of 200 µl/ml, 400 µl/ml, 600 µl/ml and 800 µl/ml. Distilled water was used as a control. The obtained results indicate that the increase in concentrations of the essential oil results with the reduction in germination of onion and kohlrabi plant seeds, and also with the increase in its inhibitory effects. For kale and rucola seeds a deviation in correlative inhibition of germination at a concentration of 600 µ/ml was established, while the average seed germination was higher than at a lower concentration of 400 µ/ml

    Method for acquisition and analysis of operating parameters of a supercapacitor electric bus

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    Smanjenje emisije štetnih gasova jedan je od glavnih motiva za sve veću zastupljenost električnih autobusa u javnom gradskom prevozu širom sveta. Usled toga, sve veći značaj se pridaje smanjenju potrošnje energije kod elektroautobusa. Jedan od najefikasnijih načina za smanjenje potrošnje energije, odnosno povećanje autonomije kretanja, je odgovarajuća edukacija vozača. Sagledavanjem trenutno dostupnih istraživanja, može se uvideti da se većina istraživanja bavi procenom potrošnje energije elektrovozila na osnovu matematičkih modela i simulacija, dok je veliki deo ispitivanja sproveden u laboratorijskim uslovima, na dinamometrijskim valjcima. Ovim radom je prikazan postupak akvizicije i analize radnih parametara elektroautobusa koji kao izvor energije koristi superkondenzator. Postupak je korišćen pri ispitivanju elektroautobusa, kako u realnim uslovima eksploatacije, tako i na poligonskim ispitivanjima, gde je sprovedeno više različitih voznih ciklusa. Akvizicija podataka je izvršena pomoću postojećih priključaka na CAN magistralu vozila (gde je moguće pratiti različite radne parametre elektroautobusa), merenjem određenih analognih signala i korišćenjem nekoliko davača. Analizom prikupljenih podataka je moguće utvrditi uticaj različitih stilova vožnje na ekonomoičnost elektroautobusa i, na osnovu toga, definisati preporučeni stil vožnje. Takođe, prikupljeni podaci omogućuju utvrđivanje utrošene/rekuperisane energije za različite režime vožnje.Reducing the air pollution is one of the main reasons for increased usage of electric buses in city public transport around the world. As a result, reducing the energy consumption of electric buses is becoming increasingly important. One of the most effective ways to reduce energy consumption, and therefore increase vehicle autonomy, is proper driver education. Based on the conducted analysis, it can be seen that the most of researches deal with the estimation of the energy consumption in electric vehicles with the help of mathematical models and simulations, while, on the other side, majority of testing was conducted in laboratory conditions, on chassis dynamometers. This paper presents the method for acquisition and analysis of operating parameters of the electric bus that uses a supercapacitor as an energy source. This method was used during the testing of electric bus in real operating conditions, and on a test track where different driving cycles were performed. Data acquisition was conducted by using the existing CAN bus data and some additional sensors. By analysing the collected data, it is possible to determine the impact of different driving styles on the efficiency of the electric bus and, based on that, to define the recommended driving style. Also, the collected data can be used for determination of the energy consumed/recuperated during different driving regimes

    Sequence variability at the internal ribosome entry site of the HCV genome in relation to therapy outcome

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    Different types of interferon are widely used to treat hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection. Results obtained in vitro suggest that interferon inhibits internal ribosome entry site (IRES)-mediated translation of the HCV genome. To elucidate the possible effect of the nucleotide sequence of IRES on therapy outcome, we compared HCV isolates from patients with sustained response and non-response to interferon/ribavirin combination therapy. In 56 analyzed HCV isolates, nucleotide changes appeared strictly in the stem-loop IIIb region, the stem part from 243 nt to 248 nt, and the polypyrimidine-II region. The natural sequence variability of IRES in isolates of genotype 3a was significantly higher than in isolates of genotype 1b (p < 0.05). The average number of nucleotide changes in genotype 3a correlated with response to therapy (p < 0.05).Interferonska terapija se danas najčešće koristi u lečenju infekcije virusom hepatitisa tipa C (HCV). In vitro rezultati su pokazali da interferoninhibira translaciju kod ovog virusa preko interakcije sa delom genoma koji učestvuje u inicijaciji translacije tzv. 'unutrašnje ribozomalno ulazno mesto' (IRES). U ovom radu smo ispitivali nukleotidne izmene u IRES-u kod izolata HCV-a dobijenih iz seruma osoba koje su primale kombinovanu terapiju interferon/ribavirin. U analiziranoj grupi od 56 HCV izolata, nukleotidne izmene su utvrđene u: IIIb petlji, regiji između 243 nt i 248 nt i polipirimidin-II regiji. Utvrđena varijabilnost IRES-a kod izolata genotipa 3a značajno je veća u poređenju sa izolatima genotipa 1b (p < 0.05). Prosečan broj nukleotidnih izmena kod izolata genotipa 3a je u korelaciji sa odgovorom na primenjenu terapiju (p < 0.05).Projekat ministarstva br. 143010 i 14301

    Bioinformatics online support for bioactive substances cytotoxicity testing and their statistical analysis

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    Preclinical in vitro/in vivo testing is the first step in discovery of anticancer medicines, among others evaluation of cytotoxic activity of bioactive substances (BAS) on various human normal and cancer cell lines. Cytotoxicity expressed as IC50 value (a dose that inhibits 50% of cell growth) is one of the most commonly used parameter for comparable analysis of activity between different substances. This study includes examination of number of BAS and their results for cytotoxic activity obtained in the Laboratory for cell and molecular biology (LCMB) that require various statistical and computational techniques for proper effective analysis. In order to improve experimental data analysis, make it faster, more effective, error proof with secure online data repository, a Web application with LCMB IC50 database was developed as a useful research tool acting as a leverage for scientific data processing requirements. Analysis includes cytotoxic effects of chemical and natural BAS (IC50 values) on HCT-116, SW-480, MDA-MB-231, and MRC-5 cell lines. Generally, it can be concluded that BAS of different origin, chemical or natural, have various cytotoxic effects and cause different cell line sensitivity, which is presented and discussed. This paper presents developed SQL database-centric Web application with remote user-friendly data management for a biology researcher user type profile. Data processing in this article can be useful for a further overlook and testing of cytotoxic substances.Publishe

    Allelopathic effect of Xanthium strumarium L. and Abuthilon theophrasti Med. extracts on germination of maize and soybean seed

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    During 2014 allelopathic effects of Xanthium strumarium L. and Abutilon theophrasti Med. extracts to germination and initial development of maize (Zea mays L.), and soybean (Glycine max L.) were studied in laboratory conditions. In addition to the Water extracts out of dry mass of the tested weed species, extracts made by use of hexane, ethyl acetate and methanol in different concentrations were also used. The applied concentrations were 10, 20, 30 and 40 g/l of dry matter made out of weed species in the 3-4 leaf stage of development. Inhibiting effect of water extract from dry matter of X. strumarium and methanol extract from which methanol part was evaporated to maize seed epicotyls and hypocotyls length was established. In comparison to the control, the maximum concentration of 40 g / l of the extract made from Water solution of A. theophrasti showed inhibitory effect on soybean seed epicotyls and hypocotyls length. The applied extracts made out of dry matter of the both of the studied weed species X. strumarium and A. theophrasti reduced maize seed germination for 14.8-26.83% and soybean seed germination for 18.5-35.82%, in comparison to the control in which it was 95% and 92%, respectively. After germination in a climate chamber, epicotyls’ and hypocotyls’ length of maize and soybean seeds was measured three, six and ten days following spraying by extracts

    The influence xanthium strumarium l. extracts on maize yield

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    In several years lasting period occur great numbers of harmful organisms that cause decrease in crops yield. The most frequently occurring weed species cause great damages in agricultural crops, with potential yield loss of 34% [5]. They compete with the crops for water, space, light and nutrients and are hosts to insects and pathogens [8]. During 2014 allelopathic influence of Xanthium strumarium L. on maize yield (Zea mays L.) was studied in field conditions. Beside water extract from plant dry weight of the studied weed species, extract of methanol was also used in different concentrations. Concentrations of 0.04, 0.02, 0.01 and 0.004 g of the plant dry weight per 1 ml of solution were used. The required material was made from weed species picked up in 3-4 leaves phenophases. The reduced maize yield was established in fields in which water extracts, as well as methanol extracts were used. In comparison to untreated control variants, the reduced yield of 10.53-30.3% was established in treatments in which water extracts were applied. In relation to control plots, methanol treatments reduced yield for 20.26-36.32%

    Analysis of the frequency and characteristics of the most common predictors of anxiety in adolescents

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    Anxiety represents the behavioral, emotional and cognitive response of the person on experience if potential or future danger. Pathological anxiety occurs when this reaction is unreasonable, that is it is not proportionate to the stress or challenge, and it leads to intense fear, nervousness and impaired functioning. Anxiety can occur in any period of life. Adolescence is a turbulent developmental period that increases the risk of young people to develop numerous mental disorders. Numerous predictors determinate the development of anxiety in adolescents. Prevention of anxiety disorders in adolescents is a public health priority, therefore it is necessary to identify risk factors and implement activities to suppress these factors