60 research outputs found

    Composite materials in automotive industry: A review

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    Kompozitni materijali se primenjuju u mnogim granama industrije, uključujući i automobilsku. Vozila treba da budu laka, imaju nizak nivo izduvne emisije i potrošnje energije u cilju zaštite životne sredine, dok posedovanjem velike čvrstoće i jačine unapređuje bezbednost putnika. Ove zahteve moguće je ispuniti korišćenjem kompozitnih materijala. Premda se kompoziti koriste u industriji decenijama, u automobilskoj je njihova upotreba prilično nova, što zahteva razvoj drugačijeg procesa projektovanja i proizvodnje, ispitivanja i reciklaže. Ovaj rad navodi detalje po kojima se primena kompozita u auto industriji razlikuje od primene u drugim granama industrije. Deo koji se odnosi na reciklažu opisuje osnovne metode reciklaže, povezane zakone i primenu produkata reciklaže. Takođe, radom se ističe specifična primena kompozita koja pokazuje visok nivo inovativnosti - hibridni i prirodni kompoziti, strukturne baterije i vozila visokih performansi.Composite materials have found extensive use among many industries including automotive. Vehicles are supposed to be lightweight, have low emission and energy consumption to provide some environmental protection while having appropriate stiffness and strength to assure occupant protection. These requirements can be met with the use of composite materials. Although composites have been present in the industry for decades, their use in the automotive sector is moderately new, which requires development in design and manufacturing processes, testing, and recycling - this paper indicates the details by which the automotive industry differs from others. Principal recycling methods, related legislation, and where recycling products are used are described. Specific uses of composite materials that show a high level of innovativeness are indicated - hybrid and natural composites, structural batteries, and high-performance vehicles

    Composite materials in automotive industry: A review

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    Kompozitni materijali se primenjuju u mnogim granama industrije, uključujući i automobilsku. Vozila treba da budu laka, imaju nizak nivo izduvne emisije i potrošnje energije u cilju zaštite životne sredine, dok posedovanjem velike čvrstoće i jačine unapređuje bezbednost putnika. Ove zahteve moguće je ispuniti korišćenjem kompozitnih materijala. Premda se kompoziti koriste u industriji decenijama, u automobilskoj je njihova upotreba prilično nova, što zahteva razvoj drugačijeg procesa projektovanja i proizvodnje, ispitivanja i reciklaže. Ovaj rad navodi detalje po kojima se primena kompozita u auto industriji razlikuje od primene u drugim granama industrije. Deo koji se odnosi na reciklažu opisuje osnovne metode reciklaže, povezane zakone i primenu produkata reciklaže. Takođe, radom se ističe specifična primena kompozita koja pokazuje visok nivo inovativnosti - hibridni i prirodni kompoziti, strukturne baterije i vozila visokih performansi.Composite materials have found extensive use among many industries including automotive. Vehicles are supposed to be lightweight, have low emission and energy consumption to provide some environmental protection while having appropriate stiffness and strength to assure occupant protection. These requirements can be met with the use of composite materials. Although composites have been present in the industry for decades, their use in the automotive sector is moderately new, which requires development in design and manufacturing processes, testing, and recycling - this paper indicates the details by which the automotive industry differs from others. Principal recycling methods, related legislation, and where recycling products are used are described. Specific uses of composite materials that show a high level of innovativeness are indicated - hybrid and natural composites, structural batteries, and high-performance vehicles

    Morpho-physiological and molecular characterization of Alternaria species, pathogens of plants of the familz Brassicaceae in Serbia

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    obuhvataju mnoge ekonomski, nutritivno i medicinski značajne vrste koje po obimu proizvodnje zauzimaju peto mesto u svetu. Obzirom na stalni nedostatak hrane u svetu, postoji kontinuirana potreba za povećanjem proizvodnje ovih biljnih kultura, a razvoj efikasnih strategija zaštite od patogena predstavlja važan cilj u njihovom gajenju. Fitopatogene vrste gljiva predstavljaju najznačajnije prouzrokovače bolesti kupusnjača, među kojima su i vrste roda Alternaria. U periodu od 2013. do 2016. godine, tokom obilazaka glavnih proizvodnih regiona kupusnjača u Srbiji, na 24 lokaliteta u 22 administrativna okruga, detektovani su tipični simptomi crne lisne pegavosti koje izazivaju Alternaria spp. Uočena je relativno visoka učestalost oboljenja za uljanu repicu (17-43%), ren (30-51%), kupus (22- 53%), brokoli (15-34%), karfiol (14-28%), kelerabu (18-26%) i kelj (21-28%). Iz uzoraka biljaka sa simptomima bolesti identifikovano je 436 izolata Alternaria spp. Rezultati morfoloških i molekularnih analiza su potvrdili prisustvo 8 vrsta, prouzrokovača lisne pegavosti kupusnjača: A. brassicae (141 izolat), A. brassicicola (141 izolat), A. japonica (12 izolata), A. alternata (114 izolata), A. arborescens (12 izolata), A. cheiranthi (8 izolata), A. nepalensis (4 izolata) i A. malvae (4 izolata). Na osnovu filogenetske analize i genealoške mreže ispitivanih sekvenci ITS, GAPDH, Alt a1 i ATP gena, potvrđeno je postojanje jednog multilokusnog haplotipa za A. brassicae, A. cheiranthi i A. malvae; tri haplotipa za A. brassicicola; po dva haplotipa za A. japonica i A. arborescens; dok je 20 haplotipova izdvojeno za A. alternata. Zavisnost distribucije haplotipova u odnosu na domaćina ili geografski region utvrđena je samo za neke delove haplotipske mreže izolata A. alternata, A. brassicicola i A. japonica. Na testiranim biljkama, najpatogenija je bila A. brassicicola, zatim A. brassicae i A. japonica, dok su ostale izolovane vrste Alternaria bile značajno manje patogene. Izolati A. alternata uglavnom su bili slabo patogeni, ali se izdvojila i grupa nepatogenih izolata, 15 izolata haplotipa 20 i 4 izolata haplotipa 4. Iako genetički različiti, patogeni i nepatogeni izolati A. alternata imali su visok stepen srodnosti, što sugeriše da su faktori patogenosti ili virulencije u ovoj filogenetskoj liniji nestabilniji nego što je slučaj kod ostalih vrsta. Biljke rena su bile najotpornije na infekciju Alternaria spp. pa tako vrste A. alternata, A. arborescens, A. cheiranthi i A. nepalensis nisu pokazale virulentnost na ovom domaćinu. U svim ispitivanim slučajevima stariji listovi su bili više oštećeni od mladih, što ukazuje na različitu osetljivost biljaka prema bolesti u različitim razvojnim stadijumima. Pored svega navedenog, ispitivanja patogenosti na različitim domaćinima ukazala su na potencijal Alternaria spp. za unakrsnu infekciju različitih zasada kupusnjača. Zabeležene vrednosti stope rasta i intenziteta sporulacije izolata na 0 °C, 5 °C, 10 °C, 15 °C, 20 °C, 25 °C, 30 °C, 35 °C i 40 °C istakle su razlike u evolucionim strategijama između vrsta. Izolati A. alternata su imali najširi opseg optimalnih temperatura i najbržu stopu rasta, A. brassicicola najveći intenzitet sporulacije i visoku stopu rasta, dok su optimalne temperature za A. brassicae izolate bile niže, a plastičnost spora na različitim temperaturama najveća u poređenju sa drugim grupama. Takođe, zaključeno je da učestalost javljanja A. brassicae i A. brassicicola na renu, kupusu, brokoliju, kelerabi i kelju u Srbiji može biti povezana sa sezonskim fluktuacijama temperature. Na osnovu mikrosatelitskih lokusa za populacije A. brassicicola uočen je visok genetički diverzitet populacije, netipičan za vrste koje se aseksualno razmnožavaju. Uprkos visokom genetičkom diverzitetu ove vrste, prisutvo mutacija koje su odgovorne za promenu osetljivosti na fungicid azoksistrobin nisu detektovane...The plants from family Brassicaceae are distributed throughout the world, consisting of a wide range of economically, nutritionally and nutraceutically important crops, ranking 5th in the global production. The global demand for cruciferous plants makes it one of the fastest-growing crops in production with a need for increasing growing area and productivity, both of which depend on effective pathogen control strategies. Fungal pathogens causing leaf spot disease are one of the most limiting factors for growing Brassica crops and Alternaria spp. cause serious losses throughout the world. During the survey, period 2013-2016, a typical Alternaria-induced dark leaf spot lesions were noticed at 24 localities of 22 administrative districts of major production areas of the cruciferous crops in Serbia. From the symptomatic plants, 436 isolates of Alternaria spp. have been collected and estimated incidence of disease was relatively high, for rapeseed (17-43%), horseradish (30-51%), cabbage (22-53%), broccoli (15-34%), cauliflower (14-28%), kohlrabi (18-26%) and kale (21-28%). In this study, morphological, molecular and pathogenic analyses were congruent and identified 8 pathogens causing leaf spot disease: A. brassicae (141 isolates), A. brassicicola (141 isolates), A. japonica (12 isolates) , A. alternata (114 isolates), A. arborescens (12 isolates), A. cheiranthi (8 isolates), A. nepalensis (4 isolates) and A. malvae (4 isolates). Multigenetic analyses and haplotype network of ITS, Alt a1, GAPDH, and ATP sequences revealed: one multilocus haplotype for A. brassicae, A. cheiranthi and A. malvae; three haplotype groups for A. brassicicola; two for A. japonica and A. arborescens; and 20 haplotypes for A. alternata isolates. The haplotype distribution dependency on host or geographical regions was confirmed only for some parts of haplotype network of A. alternata, A. brassicicola and A. japonica isolates. The pathogenicity test showed that A. brassicicola was the most virulent, A. brassicae and A. japonica exhibited the same level of pathogenicity, while the other species showed less pathogenic capability for tested plants. A. alternata population was generally weakly pathogenic with two non-pathogenic groups, 15 isolates of haplotype 20 and 4 isolates of haplotype 4. Although these groups of pathogenic and non-pathogenic isolates were genetically separated, the analyses showed they are closely related, suggesting that pathogenicity or virulence factors are more unstable in this phylogenetic lineage. The difference in susceptibility among plants was indicated, where horseradish plants were the most resistant, A. alternata, A. arborescens, A. cheiranthi and A. nepalensis have not shown virulence on this host. Old leaves were more severely affected than young leaves in all cases, indicating an age-related difference in the susceptibility of the plants. All species indicated potential for cross-infection, and the same haplotypes of particular species were isolated from different cruciferous hosts in Serbia, suggesting the presence of one persistent Alternaria population on multiple Brassica hosts in the region. The data recorded on rate of growth and sporulation intensity of isolates at 0 °C, 5 °C, 10 °C, 15 °C, 20 °C, 25 °C, 30 °C, 35 °C and 40 °C revealed significant differences in evolutionary strategies among species: A. alternata had the widest optimum range and the fastest growth rate; A. brassicicola showed the highest sporulation intensity and high growth rate; and A. brassicae expressed lower optimum temperatures for sporulation and significant plasticity of spore dimensions compared to the other species. Temperature response and prevalence of species in the field suggested that incidence of A. brassicae and A. brassicicola species was related to seasonal temperature fluctuations in the all tested hosts except rapeseed. Analysis of microsatellite loci revealed high genetic diversity of A. brassicicola, not a common feature for species in which only asexual reproduction was noticed..

    Occurrence and characterization of Alternaria species associated with leaf spot disease in rapeseed in Serbia

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    The global demand for rapeseed makes it one of the fastest growing markets in crop production, with a need for increasing growing area and productivity, both of which depend on effective pathogen control strategies. Alternaria pathogens cause serious losses of brassica crops and occur in most rapeseed-growing regions around the world. In this study, morphological, molecular, and pathogenic analyses of 113 isolates collected from nine important rapeseed-growing areas in Serbia identified four pathogens: Alternaria brassicae, A. brassicicola, A. japonica, and A. alternata, causing leaf spot disease. Molecular analyses of ITS, GAPDH, Alt a1, and ATP sequences revealed one multilocus haplotype for A. brassicae and A. japonica isolates, whereas for A. brassicicola and A. alternata three and five haplotypes were distinguished, respectively. Pathogenicity tests showed that A. brassicicola was the most virulent while A. brassicae and A. japonica exhibited the same level of pathogenicity. The A. alternata population was generally weakly pathogenic with one nonpathogenic, genetically separated but closely related group of isolates, suggesting that pathogenicity is more unstable in this phylogenetic lineage. The data recorded on rate of growth and sporulation of isolates at 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, and 40 °C revealed significant differences in evolutionary strategies among species, as A. alternata had the widest optimum range and the fastest growth rate, A. brassicicola showed the highest sporulation intensity, and A. brassicae expressed lower optimum temperatures for sporulation compared to other groups. All species indicated the potential for cross-infection of cabbage, and some haplotypes of A. brassicicola were previously isolated from horseradish in Serbia, suggesting the presence of one persistent Alternaria population on multiple brassica hosts in the region. This report describes the first detailed study of Alternaria spp. in rapeseed in Serbia

    Baktericidno delovanje nekih Bacillus spp. i Trichoderma harzianum na fitopatogene bakterije

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    Biological control is an innovative, cost effective and eco-friendly approach for control of many plant diseases. Bacillus sp. and Trichoderma sp. were known for its mycoparasitic and antagonistic mechanism in the control of wide range of phytopathogenic diseases in many types of crops. This research is based on the antibacterial activities of some Bacillus spp. and Trichoderma harzianum in relation to the 10 selected phytopathogenic bacteria in vitro study. The results indicated that among 52 strains of Bacillus spp. presented against phytopathogenic bacteria, only 6 of them showed inhibition but only against Xanthomonas genera. Other Bacillus spp. strains weren't effective against tested phytopathogenic bacteria. Results of testing of T. harzianum efficacy against the growth of selected phytopathogenic bacteria showed that this fungi could be effective to strains from genera Pseudomonas and Xanthomonas but for other tested genera was ineffective. In further work, all of this trial need to be supported by evaluation of antimicrobial activity in vivo.Biološka kontrola predstavlja inovativni, isplativ, ekološki pristup za suzbijanje mnogih biljnih bolesti. Vrste roda Bacillus i Trichoderma su poznati po svom mikoparazitskom i antagonističkom mehanizmu suzbijanja širokog spektra fitopatogenih prouzrokovača bolesti kod brojnih poljoprivrednih kultura. U ovom radu proučavano je baktericidno delovanje nekih vrsta roda Bacillus, kao i gljive Trichoderma harzianum na 10 odabranih fitopatogenih bakterija u in vitro uslovima. Prema dobijenim rezultatima, od ukupno 52 testirana izolata iz roda Bacillus, samo 6 je inhibiralo porast fitopatogenih bakterija i to samo iz roda Xanthomonas. Rezultati ispitivanja efikasnosti gljive T. harzianum su ukazali na mogućnost delovanja ove gljive na bakterije iz roda Pseudomonas i Xanthomonas, ali ne i na druge rodove fitopatogenih bakterija testirane u ovom radu. Dalja istraživanja treba bazirati na proučavanjima antimikrobne aktivnosti testiranih agenasa prema fitopatogenim bakterijama u in vivo ogledima

    New Insight in the Occurrence of Early Blight Disease on Potato Reveals High Distribution of Alternaria solani and Alternaria protenta in Serbia

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    Early blight is an economically important disease of potato worldwide. Understanding which fungal pathogens are the causal agents of early blight and their distribution on the same host is essential to finding the best strategy for the control of this disease. Previous studies have shown that Alternaria solani is the main early blight pathogen parasitizing potato. Here, we analyzed genetic and phenotypic diversity in isolates of Alternaria spp. covering all potato production areas in Serbia. We showed that the four species of Alternaria were found in areas with different distributions of the species. The occurrence of Alternaria spp. was studied by analyzing isolates from symptomatic potato leaves during multiyear sampling. In addition to Alternaria solani, we detected three more large-spored species identified as A. linariae (syn. A. tomatophila), A. protenta, and A. grandis that were involved in early blight disease on naturally infected potato leaves in Serbia. Differentiation of species was supported by phylogeny obtained from the DNA sequences of the GAPDH, calmodulin and Rpb2 genes. Our findings present a new perspective into the population structure of large-spored Alternaria species associated with early blight disease. Within the groups of large-spored Alternaria present in Serbia, evidence of A. protenta at high frequency reveals new insight into the contribution of Alternaria species in early blight disease. This work opens new perspectives for early blight management, while the distribution of different species on the same host suggests that the etiology of disease could depend on crop organization and the presence of other Alternaria hosts in close proximity to potato plants

    Zn(II) complexes with thyazolyl-hydrazones: structure, photophysical properties, and antiproliferative activity

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    Netoksični kompleksi na bazi Zn(II) privlače pažnju kao obećavajući kandidati za različite primene. U ovom radu je sintetisano i strukturno okarakterisano šest kompleksa Zn(II) (1‒3-NO3 i 1‒3-Cl) sa tiazolil-hidrazonskim ligandima na bazi piridina, koji se razlikuju po prirodi supstituenata na periferiji liganda, tipu anjona i geometriji oko jona metala. Simetrični kompleksi 2-Cl i 3-Cl, gde se atomi cinka nalaze na osi rotacije 2, ne pokazuju fotofizička svojstva, za razliku od drugih sintetisanih asimetričnih kompleksa. Poreklo fotoluminiscentnih svojstava je razjašnjeno korišćenjem DFT i TD-DFT proračuna. Antiproliferativna aktivnost kompleksa je bila u nanomolarnom opsegu na nekim od ispitivanih ćelijskih linija raka. Ukupni rezultati ukazuju na to da kompleksi Zn(II) sa tiazoil-hidrazonima imaju značajan potencijal kao multifunkcionalni materijali.Non-toxic Zn-based complexes are drawing attention as promising candidates for various applications. In this study we report six Zn(II) complexes (1‒3-NO3 and 1‒3-Cl) with pyridyl-based thiazolyl-hydrazone ligands, which differ in the nature of substituents at the ligands’ periphery, anion type, and geometry around the metal ion. The symmetrical complexes 2-Cl and 3-Cl, where zinc atoms are located at a two-fold axis, do not exhibit photophysical properties, unlike other synthetized asymmetrical complexes. The origin of photoluminescent properties have been elucidated using DFT and TD-DFT calculations. Antiproliferative activity of the complexes was in the nanomolar range on some of the investigated cancer cell lines. The overall results suggest that Zn(II) thiazoyl-hydrazone complexes have considerable potential as multifunctional materials

    Mitochondrial COI in phylogenetic relationships of Laimaphelenchus belgradiensis (nematoda: Aphelenchoididae)

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    Nematodes of the genus Laimaphelenchus are small and tiny organisms. Some parts of their body are measured in nanometers. The identification and classification of such organisms is a complex task. Previously, the major source of classification was morphology based on anatomical characters and measurements. Nowadays, this approach is supplemented by: "nano-morphology" based on scanning electron microscopy and molecular data and phylogeny, resulting in molecular systematics. Laimaphelenchus belgradiensis was recently described species. Since cytochrome c oxidase subunit I gene was successful in DNA based species diagnosis, it was chosen as a molecular marker to infer phylogeny of the newly discovered species. Phylogenetic relationships were based on Bayesian inference, the pairwise distances and the content of nitrogenous bases. The great genetic diversity was observed among close and distant species

    Characterization of Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae, Causal Agent of Citrus Blast of Mandarin in Montenegro

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    Citrus blast caused by bacterium Pseudomonas syringae is a very important disease of citrus occuring in many areas of the world, but with few data about genetic structure of the pathogen involved. Considering the above fact, this study reports genetic characterization of 43 P syringae isolates obtained from plant tissue displaying citrus blast symptoms on mandarin (Citrus reticulata) in Montenegro, using multilocus sequence analysis of gyrB, rpoD, and gapl gene sequences. Gene sequences from a collection of 54 reference pathotype strains of P syringae from the Plant Associated and Environmental Microbes Database (PAMDB) was used to establish a genetic relationship with our isolates obtained from mandarin. Phylogenetic analyses of gyrB, rpoD, and gapl gene sequences showed that P syringae pv. syringae causes citrus blast in mandarin in Montenegro, and belongs to genomospecies 1. Genetic homogeneity of isolates suggested that the Montenegrian population might be clonal which indicates a possible common source of infection. These findings may assist in further epidemiological studies of this pathogen and for determining mandarin breeding strategies for P syringae control

    Toksičnost fungicida različitog mehanizma delovanja prema izolatima Didymella pinodella poreklom sa graška

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    Didymella pinodella – prozrokovač crne pegavosti graška je najrazornija bolest graška širom sveta koja, u zavisnosti od uslova sredine i kvaliteta graška, može usloviti gubitke prinosa od 28 do 88%. U ovom radu, u in vitro uslovima, ispitan je uticaj fungicida različitog mehanizma delovanja na izolate D. pinodella poreklom sa graška. Izolati D. pinodella korišćeni u ispitivanjima, poreklom su sa lista i mahuna graška, kolekcionisani tokom 2023 godine iz lokaliteta Trbušac i Skupljen (okolina Šapca) i deo su kolekcije fitopatogenih gljiva Instituta za zaštitu bilja i životnu sredinu (Beograd). Ispitivana je osetljivost gljive prema četiri kombinacije komercijalnih fungicida: ciprodinil + fludioksonil, fluksapiroksad + difenokonazol, azoksistrobin + difenokonazol i difenokonazol a kao standard je korišćen azoksistrobin. Primenjeni su fungicidi u početnoj preporučenoj koncentraciji primene: ciprodinil + fludioksonil (25μg/10ml vode), fluksapiroksad + difenokonazol (100μl/10ml vode), azoksistrobin + difenokonazol (50μl/10ml vode), difenokonazol (25μl/10ml vode) i azoksistrobin (50μl/10ml vode). Za ispitivanje antifungalne aktivnosti fungicida korišćena je mikrodiluciona metoda na miktrotitarskim pločama. Određivanje minimalnih inhibitornih koncentracija (MIC) vršeno je pomoću skale razređenja primenjenih fungicida od 10-1 do 10-9 u krompir dekstroznom tečnom medijumu u četiri ponavljanja. Na kraju je dodavano 10 μl suspenzije micelije u tečni medijum finalne zapremine od 100 μl. Mikrotitarske pločice inkubirane su u termostatu na 25°C u trajanju od 14 dana. Najniža koncentracija na kojoj nije bilo rasta micelije uzimana je za minimalnu inhibitornu koncentraciju (MIC). Najviši stepen tokstičnosti ispoljila je kombinacija azoksistrobina i difenokonazola, sa prosečnom vrednosti minimalne koncentracije inhibicije od 0,003 μl/ml; zatim kombinacija ciprodinila i fludioksonila - MIC 0,02 μg/ml; kombinacija fluksapiroksada i difenokonazola - MIC 0,08 μl/ml, dok je najnižu toksičnost ispoljio difenokonazol - MIC 0,2 μl/ml