57 research outputs found

    Kommunale Wirtschaftsförderung und Nachhaltigkeit

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    Nachhaltigkeit ist als Thema in der kommunalen Wirtschaftsförderung durchaus von Interesse. Allerdings zeigen die Ergebnisse einer deutschlandweiten Befragung, dass bestehende Gestaltungsspielräume noch nicht erkannt und noch nicht ausreichend genutzt werden

    About the lithospheric structure of central Tibet based on seismic data from the INDEPTH III profile

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    Signals from 11 shots and 8 earthquakes, and numerous teleseismic events were recorded along the 400-km seismic line INDEPTH III in central Tibet and interpreted together with previous seismic and tectonic data. The abnormal behavior of various mantle phases reveals a complex Moho-transition zone, especially in the northern part of the line, in the Changtang Block, where the lower crust and the mantle show unusually low velocities, a shingled appearance of Pn and no low-velocity layer in the upper crust. The strong east-west anisotropy in the Changtang Block is related to an easterly escape movement of the whole lithosphere, facilitated by the warm and weak layers in the lower crust and the upper mantle, bounded apparently by two prominent west-east running fault zones

    Modelling of Short-Term Interactions Between Concrete Support and the Excavated Damage Zone Around Galleries Drilled in Callovo–Oxfordian Claystone

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    peer reviewedProduction of energy from nuclear power plants generates high-level radioactive nuclear waste, harmful during dozens of thousand years. Deep geological disposal of nuclear waste represents the most reliable solutions for its safe isolation. Confinement of radioactive wastes relies on the multi-barrier concept in which isolation is provided by a series of engineered (canister, backfill) and natural (host rock) barriers. Few underground research laboratories have been built all over the world to test and validate storage solutions. The underground drilling process of disposal drifts may generate cracks, fractures/strain localisation in shear bands within the rock surrounding the gallery especially in argillaceous rocks. These degradations affect the hydro-mechanical properties of the material, such as permeability, e.g. creating a preferential flow path for radionuclide migration. Hydraulic conductivity increase within this zone must remain limited to preserve the natural barrier. In addition galleries are currently reinforced by different types of concrete supports such as shotcrete and/or prefab elements. Their purpose is twofold: avoiding partial collapse of the tunnel during drilling operations and limiting convergence of the surrounding rock. Properties of both concrete and rock mass are time dependent, due to shotcrete hydration and hydromechanical couplings within the host rock. By the use of a hydro-mechanical coupled Finite Element Code with a Second Gradient regularization, this paper aims at investigating and predicting support and rock interactions (convergence, stress field). The effect of shotcrete hydration evolution, spraying time and use of compressible wedges is studied in order to determine their relative influence

    Excavation damaged zone modelling in claystone with coupled second gradient model

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    peer reviewedGalleries excavation leads to damage and significant properties changes of the host rock. The fracture structure of the excavation damaged zone created around the galleries remains nowadays a major issue especially in the context of underground storage. In order to correctly model the strain localisation, the second gradient local model (regularization method) is used within a hydro-mechanical modelling of a gallery excavation. The numerical results provide information about the strain localisation bands pattern

    Quels liens entre recherche agronomique pour le développement et production de connaissances par les acteurs de la grande hydraulique au Maroc ?

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    International audienceAu Maroc, comme dans d'autres pays, les changements de fond intervenus dans le secteur agricole (retrait de l'Etat, libéralisation des échanges) mettent en difficulté les modes classiques de programmation et valorisation des résultats produits par la recherche agronomique pour le développement, à la fois envers les pouvoirs publics et envers les agriculteurs. En particulier, les problèmes croissants de coordination entre les différents acteurs remettent en cause une circulation à sens unique de l'information. Dans d'autres pays, la recherche a pu faciliter la résolution de ces problèmes de coordination par l'appui à l'organisation de plates-formes multi acteurs. Cependant, au Maroc, ces platesformes ne seront efficaces que dans les régions où il existe des organisations professionnelles légitimes pour représenter les agriculteurs, en particulier l'agriculture familiale. Dans plusieurs périmètres de la grande hydraulique, ces plates-formes ne peuvent alors être considérées que comme un objectif à long terme. Dans ce contexte, différentes initiatives sont prises actuellement pour renouveler : i) les modes de production de connaissance chez les acteurs de la grande hydraulique ; ii) le rôle que la recherche peut jouer dans cette production de connaissance ; iii) la programmation de la recherche

    Cadre pour la caractérisation du stress en eau. Projet AquaStress. D2.A.A. Rapport final

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    The objective of this paper is to describe water stress indicators that enable the characterization of the severity of water stress in different sectors at the regional levels. These indicators will become the basis for a joint framework of analysis that will enable the assessment of water stress, inter-sectoral integration and the identification of response strategies. Although the catchment scale seems the most appropriate scale to ensure the inclusion of possible feedbacks, the challenge is to even become specific at the sub-catchment scale, without excluding possible outside links