34 research outputs found

    Plant Integrity – The Important Factor of Adaptability to Stress Conditions

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    Crop production, research of crop productivity, tolerance to abiotic and biotic stresses, plant disease, and pests all represent the problem of plant integrity. Plants represent an integrated system of units, which are responsible for its resistance to adverse environmental conditions on the basis of the evaluation of characteristics both aboveground and in the roots. This "complete unit" (root and shoot) has an influence on the formation of seeds, the quality of which may affect subsequent growth, development, and stress tolerance of the filial generation. Properties of the roots predominantly influence (especially at drought stress conditions) growth, development, and the metabolic processes in the aboveground part of the plant. The seed traits affect the filial generation root morphology at the beginning of the vegetation period (especially length, surface, depth of root penetration, and also root weight). In the biology of the seeds, roots, yield formation, stress tolerance, etc., attention needs to be paid to plant integrity and adaptability during variable environmental conditions. Every plant, and its traits, is a result of all the plant’s activities. This is important for plant breeding. For example, it is possible to provide selection for cultivar traits at seed germination. Quality of the embryonic traits is important for subsequent growth and development. In the juvenile phase, and in later stages, the same genotype is still active. This is is among the main reasons for studying plant integrity

    Walking In The Records Of Physical Activities Of People With Visual Impairments

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    Pro osoby se zrakovým postižením (ZrP) je provozování pohybových aktivit v mnoha směrech náročnější. Negativní trendy současného životního stylu spojené s nevyvážeností příjmu a výdeje energie na ně však mohou doléhat ve zvýšené míře. Příležitostí k energetickému výdeji není příliš mnoho. K nejčastěji udávaným pohybovým aktivitám osob se zrakovým postižením patří chůze. Její realizace může být ale spojena s řadou problémů. Cílem studie bylo zjistit, v jaké míře se realizují objemy každodenních PA ve srovnání s pasívním odpočinkem a jsou tak součástí běžného života u osob se ZrP. Krátkou verzí dotazníku IPAQ jsme u občanů se zrakovým postižením (n = 152) v Ústeckém kraji zjišťovali ukazatele charakterizující uplatňované pohybové aktivity a inaktivity během týdne. Získaná data byla přepočítána na hodnoty MET a MET-min • týden–1. Na celkovém objemu vykazovaných aktivit během týdne (2 967 MET-min • týden–1) se značnou měrou podílí chůze (2 222 MET-min • tý den–1). Získaná data jsme se pokusili objektivizovat aplikací pedometrů, která ukázala reálně nízké objemy kroků u vybraných jedinců. Ukazuje se, že jen malá část osob se ZrP plní více zdravotně doporučovaných kriterií. Jejich životní styl může trpět přemírou sedavých aktivit, které mohou nepříznivě ovlivňovat zdraví. Doporučujeme podporovat jejich aktivitu přítomností trasérů, zlepšením v navigaci a přípravou specifických programů. Opatření vidíme také na úrovni komunální politiky.It is more difficult in many ways to carry out physical activities for people with visual impairments. The trends of contemporary lifestyle related to the imbalance of energy intake and expenditure may negatively affect them. They do not have many opportunities for the energy expenditure. The most commonly reported physical activities of people with visual impairments include walking. But its realisation may be associated with a number of problems. The aim of the study was to find out the degree of everyday physical activities in comparison with passive relaxation and to find out to which extent they are a part of everyday life for people with visual impairments. We investigated the indicators characterising the applied physical activity and inactivity during the week among the citizens with the visual impairment in the Usti Region (n = 15) using the short version of the IPAQ questionnaire. The acquired data was converted to values MET and MET-min · week–1. In the total volume of reported activities during the week (2 967 MET-min · week–1) there is a larger quantity of walking (2 222 MET-min · week–1). We tried to objectify the acquired data by using pedometers and it showed low volumes of steps for selected individuals. It turns out that only a small proportion of people with visual impairments fulfil more of the medical recommended criteria. Their lifestyle may suffer from an excess of sedentary activities that may adversely affect health. We recommend supporting their activity by the presence of tracers, improvements in navigation and preparation of specific programmes. We also see the arrangements at the level of local politics

    Progresivní materiály na bázi niklu a jeho slitin

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    Pohybové aktivity a zrakové postižení - problémy a možnosti

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    Boj proti korupci v České republice

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    Import 20/04/2006Prezenční výpůjčkaVŠB - Technická univerzita Ostrava. Ekonomická fakulta. Katedra (119) práv

    Physical activity in 25-57 year old inhabitants of the Ústí region in relation to employment

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    BACKGROUND: The social and health conditions in the inhabitants in the Ústí region are generally considered the worst in the Czech Republic. The high rate of unemployment there is to be considered as one of the significant factors of socio-economical status. AIM: The aim of the study was to analyze the relationship between physical activity (PA) in the adult population, the unemployment and other sociodemographic factors. Further, to identify information that could be used in formulating regional health policy and in the promotion of healthy and physically active lifestyle in the adult population. METHODS: In total, 467 women and 360 men aged 25-57, randomly selected, participated in the study. PA was estimated for last seven days using the IPAQ questionnaire. The PA structure included job related activities, transport, and recreational activities. Further, we estimated vigorous, moderate and walking activities. The data for each PA type and PA intensity were analyzed for the employed and the unemployed men and women. To carry out the statistical analysis, we used the Kruskal-Wallis test, and the logistic regression analysis. RESULTS: The results have confirmed that men perform more physical activity than women (both employed and unemployed) at work and more vigorous PA. On the other hand, both employed and unemployed women were more physically active at home than men. Cycling as a means of transport was used most by unemployed men and walking was the highest in unemployed women. More chances to meet the recommendation of 1200 MET-min of vigorous PA in a week were found in employed men with lower education, unemployed men living in walking and cycling friendly neighborhoods and in inhabitants performing organized PA. Performing moderate PA, the chances to meet the recommendation of 1200 MET-min in a week were found in educated employed people, people living in a family house, employed people owning a dog, and employed people performing organized PA. CONCLUSION: The differences found between PA in employed and unemployed people in the Ústí region can be used when creating re-qualification programs, dealing with issues in social, psychological and health areas especially in the unemployed population

    Method of testing of the seed traits and seedling development under abiotic stress conditions for selection of oilseed rape genetic resources

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    The method is based on laboratory tests of speed of seed germination, emergence and seedling growth under different stress conditions simulated by subnormal water level, extreme high and low temperatures. It allows to eliminate already at the seed level the plant materials (initial breeding materials and cultivars) which do not tolerate extreme temperatures and temperature changes during germination, have a low water use efficiency and are intolerant to abiotic stresors. It was confirmed that these genotypes have also poor field emergence and initial growth of roots with implications for further vegetation period, mainly for over wintering and spring regeneration what has significant influence on the yield. The method represents the tool for screening of genetic resources with the resistance to the abiotic stresors and this technology process is acceptable also for other crops

    Selected indicators of physical activities and inactivities of persons with visual impairments

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    BACKGROUND: For persons with visual impairments it is more difficult in many ways to carry out physical activities. They usually have a lower level of locomotive faculties and the negative trends of contemporary lifestyle related to the imbalance in energy intake and expenditure may affect them in larger measure. AIM: The objective of this research was to find out the volume of everyday physical activities compared to the passive relaxation. METHODS: Using the questionnaire IPAQ-short, we investigated the indicators characterizing the applied physical activity and inactivity during the week of citizens with visual impairment in the Usti Region (n = 152). The acquired data was converted to values MET and MET- min. . week-1. RESULTS: We recorded low values in intense physical activities and moderate activities. In the total volume of reported activities during the week (2967 METmin. . week-1) there is an increased share of walking (2222 MET-min. . week-1). CONCLUSIONS: Only a small part of the persons with visual impairments meets more of the health recommended criteria. Their lifestyle may suffer from an excess of sedentary activities that may have an unfavorable influence on health. These manifestations appear most in the persons with the highest degree of impairment. We recommend supporting their activity by the presence of tracers, improvements in navigation and preparation of specific programs. We see the possible measures also in the municipal politics