30 research outputs found

    The concept of ‘Union interest’ in EU external trade law

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    The category of ‘Union interest’ plays a specific role in EU common commercial policy. Its significance is especially substantial in the field of trade defence instruments. Even though trade defence instruments reflect on international trade distortions, their main objective is to protect European industries and other economic operators against the injurious practices of competitors from third countries, the imposition of restrictive trade measures might not only offer advantages to the affected EU industries, but also disadvantages to other actors in the European Union. Consequently, the Union interest test makes sure the other side of the coin is looked at and the European Union is prevented from imposing trade defence instruments, when the negative impacts on certain interested actors are clearly disproportionate to the positive impacts the trade defence measure might have on the protected EU industries. The current paper is focusing on the nature and character of the ‘Union interest’. The paper starts by defining some basic concepts regarding the EU interests in EU law, examines the nature of ‘Union interest’ in the trade defence procedures, and then attempts to reflect on the new trade enforcement regulation and the EU general trade interests

    Establishing financial markets in Ethiopia: the environmental foundation, challenges and opportunities

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    This paper intends to examine the environmental foundation for establishing financial markets in Ethiopia, identify the potential challenges and opportunities. The environmental foundation is assessed using the PEST (political, economic, social and technological) perspectives. Emphasis is given to identify the roles that financial markets can play in expediting Ethiopian economy, the environmental factors that need to be analyzed the current situation of Ethiopia in terms of each factor. An exhaustive analysis of literature has been made on the secondary data obtained from different sources. The research method employed in the study has both qualitative and quantitative features. The findings of the study are presumed to be of paramount importance in providing input information for policy makers towards establishing financial markets in Ethiopia. As a way forward the Government of Ethiopia (GoE) need to take timely actions to further investigate the environmental situation to establish financial markets, appreciate the potential opportunities and make preparations towards addressing the direct challenges.Keywords: Financial Market, Securities Market, Environment, Governanc

    Establishing financial markets in Ethiopia: the environmental foundation, challenges and opportunities

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    This paper intends to examine the environmental foundation for establishing financial markets in Ethiopia, identify the potential challenges and opportunities. The environmental foundation is assessed using the PEST (political, economic, social and technological) perspectives. Emphasis is given to identify the roles that financial markets can play in expediting Ethiopian economy, the environmental factors that need to be analyzed the current situation of Ethiopia in terms of each factor. An exhaustive analysis of literature has been made on the secondary data obtained from different sources. The research method employed in the study has both qualitative and quantitative features. The findings of the study are presumed to be of paramount importance in providing input information for policy makers towards establishing financial markets in Ethiopia. As a way forward the Government of Ethiopia (GoE) need to take timely actions to further investigate the environmental situation to establish financial markets, appreciate the potential opportunities and make preparations towards addressing the direct challenges

    Significance and Impacts of the Tripartite Free Trade Area – a Qualitative Assessment

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    The Tripartite Free Trade Area (TFTA) has been driven by a need for improved growth in African countries following their respective independence. Since then, member nations have been seeking new initiatives to increase trade and to work cooperatively. The idea of regional integration in this ‘Cape-to-Cairo’ free trade zone is set to cover just under two-thirds of Africa\u27s population and improve the flow of goods and investment significantly. This paper explores the significance and impacts of the single FTA on various aspects of economic growth, including welfare, trade, price effects, custom tariffs, government revenues, and the labor market

    The Modernization of Turkey’s Customs Union with the European Union: Reasons and Possible Outcomes. EU Diplomacy Paper 09/2017

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    This paper seeks to explain why, in May 2015, the European Union (EU) and Turkey have chosen to modernize their Customs Union instead of directly completing Turkey’s accession process, how they will most likely do so, and the implications thereof for Turkish EU membership. I argue that Turkey and the EU seek to modernize the Customs Union because of the EU’s increased quest for bilateral free trade agreements after the failure to conclude the Doha Development Round, the flawed implementation of the institutional provisions of the 1963 Ankara Agreement, and the stalemate in EU accession negotiations. The Customs Union is likely to be modernized by liberalizing agriculture, services and public procurement and by improving the implementation of the 1963 Ankara Agreement. The modernized Customs Union will most probably be the institutional basis for EU-Turkey relations in the near future. However, in a better future conjuncture of bilateral relations, it may then serve as a further step for Turkey’s accession to the EU

    Ethiopia’s Investment Prospects: A Sectoral Overview*

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    Ethiopia is in the midst of a sustained growth surge that is becoming increasingly broadbased, building on major improvements in educational attainment, improved health outcomes, and infrastructure capacity in terms of access to power, transportation and telecommunications. The Government’s Growth and Transformation Plan sets ambitious targets for further improvements in these areas, together with significant reforms aiming to improve trade logistics, by rolling-out the authorized economic operator program across export-oriented industry parks and improving the main export corridor to Djibouti. This industrialization push coincides with global trends that provide Ethiopia an opportunity to integrate its economy into the modern “Made in the World” production system, including by attracting labor-intensive production, which is leaving China and other East Asian economies due to their rising wage rates. This paper considers Ethiopia’s prospects to succeed in this endeavor. It reviews overall economic management and performance indicators and provides a horizontal overview of the investment framework. It then summarizes the investment prospects in several major sectors of the economy, in light of Ethiopia’s emerging capacities and global developments: agriculture, mining, oil & gas, economic infrastructure, manufacturing, and selected services, including health and tourism. Keywords: Ethiopia, investment, growth and transformation pla


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    Export is an important indicator used to assess the economic state of a nation. Sri Lanka has started a few trade policy reforms aimed at supporting the export industry. Sri Lanka's contribution to global exports is still a very small percentage, nonetheless. It was important to determine how bilateral trade agreements affected export flows between Sri Lanka and its trading partners given the importance of exports in the economy. Thus, using the gravity model of trade, this research investigates the determinants influencing Sri Lanka's exports. The panel dataset used ranged from 2012 to 2021. The results suggest that Sri Lanka’s GDP and Sri Lanka’s trading partner’s GDP had a positive and statistically significant effect on Sri Lanka’s export performance. The geographical distance between the two countries and Sri Lanka’s GDP per capita had a negative and statistically significant effect on export performance in Sri Lanka. The study further showed that Sri Lanka's export performance significantly improved once trade agreements were formed. These findings have significance for the creation of trade policies to make sure Sri Lanka's export potential is utilized to boost economic growth

    Export of Agricultural Product Growth Nexus in Ethiopia: A Time Series Analysis

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    The agricultural export is an important lead of export growth, and its impact on profitable growth has grown a debating macro-economic policy program among scholars & policymakers. Therefore, the study examined Export of Agricultural Product Growth Nexus in Ethiopia A Time Series Analysis, on the data duo of 1990 to 2021; from World Bank & National Bank of Ethiopia. The study applied time series econometric techniques. The result of the study revealed that the Long- run and short- run effect of agricultural export (coffee export and oil seed export) are positive at 5% and 1% significant level independently. This implies, that these coffee and oil seed export had served productive export share to growth. The long run effect of pulse export didn't serve significant share of growth. But the short run effect of pulse export reveals a negative and significant at 1% showing that unproductive consumption. The error correction model result shows that, the former year’s error will be corrected in the current period at an adjustment speed of 82% which takes about 1.2 years to meet to its long- run static position after the short- run shocks. The researcher recommends the concerned body for better benefits of agrarian export, the government of Ethiopia has to play a significant role in icing better institutional policy arrangement and sound macroeconomic programs, which help to make export led growth by value adding other than exporting primary product and therefore, agrarian export suggested to be in further investment climate for better profitable development. Keywords: Auto Regressive Distributed Lag, Agricultural Export, Economic Growth, Error Correction Model, Ethiopia. DOI: 10.7176/JESD/14-15-01 Publication date:October 31st 202

    Determinants of Households’ Multidimensional Poverty: The Case of Nekemte City, Oromia, Ethiopia

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    The study aimed at analyzing determinants of households’ multidimensional poverty in Nekemte City. To achieve this objective, the study used both primary and secondary data. The primary data was collected using semi-structured questionnaire. Simple random sampling technique was followed to draw 379 sample household heads. For data analysis, both econometric and descriptive method was applied. From econometric models, binary logit regression model was employed. The logit model result indicated that household heads’ educational level, family size, dependency ratio, income, house ownership, saving habit and social capital are the major factors significantly influencing households’ multidimensional poverty in the city. Based on the findings, the study suggests improving economic activities, promoting access to education and improving saving habits. Moreover, improved targeting devices can be useful instruments in reducing multidimensional poverty, in particular to reach those in severe poverty. Keywords: Multidimensional poverty, logit, Ethiopia DOI: 10.7176/EJBM/14-21-01 Publication date: November 30th 202