31 research outputs found

    Web Based Project Management Education in Student Population

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    Contemporary trends in project management through web-based application tools on the market contribute to more efficient and effective implementation of projects regarding budget, time and scope. In most cases on the Serbian market, choosing the right project management tool is a time-consuming and costly tedious process. On the other hand, appropriate people recruitment with project management competencies, especially with web-based project management knowledge, is directly related to software selection and methodology which will be applied in the company. The bridge that connects two sides particulary influences the education model and competencies improvement in student population. The research was conducted among student population in master studies at the Faculty of Organizational Sciences, University of Belgrade, on a sample of 60 respondents. Key results imply that adequate education in project management improves later project results and performances. Theoretical and practical implications will be discussed

    Does Competitiveness Have Anything To Do With People?

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    Research Question: Improvement of the educational system facilitates access to labour market and affectsstability as well as the competitiveness index. On the other hand, the country with a high score of GCI has a better edu-cational system and more stable labour market.Motivation:Our goal was to investigate how important it is for a countryto have educated people and how difficult it is to achieve a high rank in labour market efficiency without them. Results ofthe previous studies showed that higher education is connected with the labor market. According to this statement in thepaper we analyzed two indicators, the Higher education and training and Labor market efficiency and their influence onthe competitiveness score of the countries. Idea: The main idea was to analyze how higher education and training and labormarket efficiency impact the competitiveness score of the country. Data: The data were collected from The Global Com-petitiveness Report 2015-2016. We analysed the influence of Higher Education and Training pillar and Labour Market Ef-ficiency pillar on the overall rankings of 15 top competitiveness countries and 10 Balkan countries. Tools: In the paper weused correlation, clustering, and regression analyses. First, we compared the GCI 2015-2016 and the GCI 2014-2015.Second, we did cluster analysis between influential indicators in higher education and training pillar (pillar 5) as well as forLabour market efficiency pillar (pillar 7) to identify the difference between top 15 and the Balkan region countries. The re-gression analysis has been performed to determine the most influential indicators on GCI in pillar 5 and pillar 7. Findings:The most important result is that the human resource development and market demands for competences affect the de-velopment of the country’s economy. Contribution: Results may have important implications for labor market efficiencyand strategic national labour market framework development

    An integral model for IT project management maturity assessment

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    Informacione tehnologije (IT) predstavljaju pokretače razvoja savremenog društva i poslovanja. U današnjem poslovnom okruženju, informacione tehnologije kreiraju promene u sistemima poslovanja i oblicima funkcionisanja organizacija. Sa druge strane, ekspanzija primene veština, metoda i tehnika u upravljanju projektima, doprinela je da organizacije unapređuju sisteme upravljanja u cilju ostvarivanja konkurentske prednosti na tržištu. Upravljanje projektima informacionih tehnologija u organizacijama uključuje proces usklađivanja IT i poslovne strategije, sa ciljem zadovoljenja potreba internih i eksternih stejkholdera. Nivo sofisticiranosti i primene IT tehnologija zavisi od organizacionih kapaciteta i pristupa koji se primenjuju u procesu implementacije poslovne strategije. Razvoj uspešne IT strategije podrazumeva okvir koji obezbeđuje efikasnu i efektivnu upotrebu tehnologija. Shodno tome, primena sistema za evaluaciju kompetencija i kapaciteta omogućuje organizacijama da postave dobre polazne osnove za generisanje vrednosti kroz primenu informacionih tehnologija. Modeli zrelosti predstavljaju savremene alate za evaluaciju organizacionih kompetencija i kapaciteta u upravljanju projektima. Dosadašnji rezultati istraživanja, kao i različita razmatranja stručne i akademske zajednice, ukazuju na dva pravca analize zrelosti organizacija. Primenom opštih modela za ocenu zrelosti, primenljivih na različitim kategorijama projekata, zanemaruju se specifične kompetencije u datoj industrijskoj grani. Takođe, modeli zrelosti koji su implementirani u IT industriji, ne uključuju analizu projektnih i organizacionih kompetencija i kapaciteta. Cilj disertacije predstavlja kreiranje integrisanog modela za ocenu zrelosti organizacija, koji će obuhvatiti oba sistema evaluacije.Information technologies (IT) are the drivers of modern society and business development. In today’s business environment, information technologies create changes in business systems and the ways organizations work. The growing application of skills, methods and techniques in project management has contributed to the improvement of management systems in organizations with the purpose of creating competitive advantages on the market. IT project management in organizations includes the process of IT and business strategy harmonization, with the aim of satisfying the needs of internal and external stakeholders. IT application and sophistication level depend on the organizational capacity and the approaches used in business strategy implementation process. A successful IT strategy development requires a framework for an effective and efficient technology implementation. Therefore, the employment of competency and capacity evaluation systems enables organizations to establish a quality base for value creation with the use of IT. Maturity models represent modern tools for organizational competency and capacity evaluation in project management. Both past research results and studies performed by the academic and the professional community indicate two directions in organizational maturity analysis. The application of general maturity assessment models on various project types has resulted in the disregard of competencies specific to a particular industry. Moreover, maturity models implemented in IT industry do not include the analysis of project and organizational competencies and capacities. The aim of this thesis is to create an integral model for organizational maturity assessment that will include both evaluation systems

    Educating youth on project sustainability : project engagement and recognition of the green deal

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    The European Green Deal is a blueprint for a more sustainable life throughout the European Union and its member states. It is based on environmental protection and sensible consumption. However, implementing Green Deal policies necessitates the participation of local populations who are affected by pollution. This paper presents the significance that youth hold in contributing to the implementation and development of the European Green Deal and the circular economy as well as the key role they play in local self-government in order that the aims of the European Green Deal be achieved. To do so, three pilot studies (29 youth were engaged) and one comprehensive research (201 youth were engaged) were conducted on university and secondary school students in Republic of Serbia in 2022. Based on these, youth were found to not possess environmentally friendly habits, as well as adequate education on sustainability challenges. Theoretical and practical implication has been discussed

    What Characteristics in the Youth Labour Market of Serbia Are Likely to Result in Employment?

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    In stark contrast to certain EU member countries,Serbia faces a high youth unem-ployment rate of over 30% (34.9% in 2016, 32.8% in 2017 and 31% in 2018). This paper provides a logistic regression analysis of what characteristics among youth (15-30 years of age) contribute to the likelihood of their employment in Ser-bia. While youth is internationally defined as being between the ages of 15-24, this paper broadens it to 15-30, as it is defined in Serbia (RS) for the purposes of youth employment/unemploymentand for the country’s “National Youth Strategy from2015 to 2025.” The study was conducted usingmicro data fromthe LabourForce Survey provided on request from the Sta-tistical Office of the Republic of Serbia. The indicators that affect whether a young person will be employed or not are: the fi-nancial background of the participant’s household, earnings, age, gender, and total years of work experience.Theoretically, although it may be anticipated that unem-ployed individuals who have greater work experience find it easier to find a job, em-ployment does seem to automatically gen-erate longer working hours.The results of the research are both practical and scien-tific,as they may not only assist policy-makers in the process of writing strategies on youth employment, but alsobear groundwork for further study

    Nekroza potkožnog masnog tkiva kod dojenčeta

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    Subcutaneous fat necrosis of the newborn and infant is a rare disease, with still unknown incidence, which usually occurs in term or post-term newborns that have experienced perinatal stress. It usually occurs within the fi rst six weeks of newborn’s life; however, onset of the disease may be delayed for several months. A 6-week-old female infant was admitted to our department due to failure to thrive, irritability and vomiting. Physical examination in the area of the inner thighs, hips, back and shoulders, revealed the presence of subcutaneous infi ltrations, which were fi rm, slightly livid, and did not seem painful to touch. Laboratory analysis showed hypercalcemia, ultrasonographic review of body fat revealed hyperechogenicity, while abdominal ultrasound revealed nephrocalcinosis. Computerized tomography detected the presence of calcifi cations in the brain. Deep skin biopsy confi rmed the diagnosis of subcutaneous fat necrosis. Treatment included fl uid loading, termination of vitamin D substitution, and low calcium diet. Single doses of calcitonin and pamidronate were administered. After this therapy, calcium levels returned to normal range. Subcutaneous infi ltrates gradually decreased and became softer. In most reported cases, regression of skin lesions is expected after a few months, often without any residue on the skin. Elevated serum calcium may persist long after the withdrawal of cutaneous lesions, which is the reason for continuous monitoring of serum calcium and appropriate treatment in case of hypercalcemia in order to prevent metastatic calcifi cation.Nekroza potkožnog masnog tkiva kod novorođenčeta i dojenčeta je rijetka bolest još uvijek nepoznate incidencije, koja se obično javlja kod novorođenčadi rođene u terminu ili poslije termina izložene perinatalnom stresu. Najčešće nastaje u prvih šest tjedana djetetova života, no moguć je i odgođeni nastup bolesti za nekoliko mjeseci. Žensko dojenče staro 6 tjedana primljeno je na naš odjel zbog slabog napredovanja, razdražljivosti i povraćanja. Fizikalni pregled otkrio je na unutarnjem dijelu bedara, bokovima, leđima i ramenima potkožne infi ltrate koji su bili tvrdi, blago modrosivi i nisu se činili bolnima na dodir. Laboratorijske pretrage pokazale su hiperkalcemiju, dok je ultrazvučni pregled tjelesne masti otkrio hiperehogeničnost, dok je ultrazvuk abdomena pokazao nefrokalcinozu. Kompjutorizirana tomografi ja otkrila je prisutnost kalcifi kacija u mozgu. Duboka kožna biopsija potvrdila je dijagnozu nekroze potkožnog masnog tkiva. Liječenje je provedeno opterećenjem tekućinom, uz prestanak nadomještanja vitamina D i prehranu s niskim sadržajem kalcija. Dijete je dobilo po jednu dozu kalcitonina i pamidronata. Nakon ove terapije razine kalcija vratile su se na normalu. Potkožni infi ltrati postupno su se smanjili i omekšali. U većini opisanih slučajeva regresija kožnih promjena očekuje se kroz nekoliko mjeseci, često bez ikakvih zaostalih tragova na koži. Povišena razina kalcija u serumu može potrajati još dugo nakon što se kožne promjene povuku pa je potrebno stalno praćenje serumskog kalcija i odgovarajuće liječenje u slučaju hiperkalcemije kako bi se spriječila metastatska kalcifi kacija

    Women’s Economic Empowerment through Tourism: A Case Study of Selected Western Balkans Countries

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    Tourism is considered to be an essential means of empowering women in the national, regional and global economy, presenting both opportunities for gender equality and women’s empowerment. However, the general lack of women’s empowerment worldwide calls for research. This paper investigates opportunities for women to improve their socioeconomic status through tourism in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, and Serbia. Its methodology is based on qualitative research. A survey was conducted on a sample of 388 female respondents engaged within the tourism sector from these countries. The results are presented through descriptive methods, comparing the attitudes of women 18 to 65 years of age, their respective levels of education and barriers within entrepreneurship activities in tourism. The data obtained were analyzed in accordance with the objectives of this study and the research questions posed. It is found that training and further education, as well as providing financial assistance, would significantly assist women in opening their own tourism businesses within the region. The study also finds that women generally report financial support as a crucial factor in helping support businesses in the tourism sector

    The influence of selenium and deiodinases blockers on juvenile rats body weight

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    In this work there was investigated the influence of selenium and deodinases blockers on juvenile rats body weight during three months. The experiment was carried out on 64 rats divided into eight groups with eight individual animals per group. Following groups were formed: 1. Se+PTU-IA- (control group), 2. Se+PTU+IA+, 3. Se+PTU+IA-, 4. Se+PTU- IA+, 5. Se-PTU-IA-, 6. Se-PTU+IA+, 7. Se-PTU+IA- and 8. Se-PTU-IA+. The groups labeled (Se+) were selenium adequate and they were fed with food that contained 0.334 mg Se/kg. The groups labeled (Se-) were selenium deficient and obtained food with 0.031 mg Se/kg. As deiodinases blockers there were used propylthiouracil (PTU+) in a dose of 150 mg/L of drinking water and iopanoic acid (IA+) in a dose of 6 mg/100 g TM intraperitoneally. Body weight of experimental rats was measured every seven days. After three weeks of treatment there were taken blood samples of animals from all experimental groups and following parameters were determined: selenium concentration in blood, thyroxine (T4), triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroidstimulating hormone (TSH) in blood plasma. Analysis of the samples showed that the animals from the groups treated with PTU had lower body weight in regard to the control group, as well as lower concentration of T3 and T4 in plasma. Selenium deficient rats had lower average body weight compared to the selenium adequate ones after three weeks, but there were no differences in thyroid hormones concentration. The lowest average body weight was noticed in selenium deficient rats groups treated with PTU. [Projekat Ministartsva nauke Republike Srbije, br. TR31050 i br. TR31003

    Uticaj selena i blokatora dejodinaza na telesnu masu juvenilnih pacova

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    In this work there was investigated the influence of selenium and deodinases blockers on juvenile rats body weight during three months. The experiment was carried out on 64 rats divided into eight groups with eight individual animals per group. Following groups were formed: 1. Se+PTU-IA- (control group), 2. Se+PTU+IA+, 3. Se+PTU+IA-, 4. Se+P-TU-IA+, 5. Se-PTU-IA-, 6. Se-PTU+IA+, 7. Se-PTU+IA- and 8. Se-PTU-IA+. The groups labeled (Se+) were selenium adequate and they were fed with food that contained 0.334 mg Se/kg. The groups labeled (Se-) were selenium deficient and obtained food with 0.031 mg Se/kg. As deiodinases blockers there were used propylthiouracil (PTU+) in a dose of 150 mg/L of drinking water and iopanoic acid (IA+) in a dose of 6 mg/100 g TM intraperitoneally. Body weight of experimental rats was measured every seven days. After three weeks of treatment there were taken blood samples of animals from all experimental groups and following parameters were determined: selenium concentration in blood, thyroxine (T4), triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroidstimulating hormone (TSH) in blood plasma. Analysis of the samples showed that the animals from the groups treated with PTU had lower body weight in regard to the control group, as well as lower concentration of T3 and T4 in plasma. Selenium deficient rats had lower average body weight compared to the selenium adequate ones after three weeks, but there were no differences in thyroid hormones concentration. The lowest average body weight was noticed in selenium deficient rats groups treated with PTU.U okviru ogleda je ispitivan uticaj selena i blokatora dejodinaza na telesnu masu juvenilnih pacova tokom tri nedelje. Ogled je izveden na 64 pacova podeljenih u osam grupa od po 8 jedinki. Formirane su sledeće grupe: 1. Se+PTU-IA- (kontrolna grupa), 2. Se+PTU+IA+, 3. Se+PTU+IA-, 4. Se+PTU-IA+, 5. Se-PTU-IA-, 6. Se-PTU+IA+, 7. Se-PTU+IA- i 8. Se-PTU-IA+. Grupe sa oznakom (Se+) su bile selenadekvatne i dobijale su hranu koja je sadržala 0,334 mg Se/kg hrane. Grupe sa oznakom (Se-) su bile selendeficitne i dobijale su 0,031 mg mg Se/kg hrane. Kao blokatori dejodinaza su korišćeni propiltiouracil (PTU+) u dozi od 150 mg/L vode za piće i jopanoična kiselina (IA+) u dozi od 6 mg/100g t.m. intraperitonealno. Telesna masa oglednih pacova je merena svakih sedam dana. Nakon tri nedelje tretmana uzeti su uzorci krvi životinja iz svih oglednih grupa i određivani su sledeći parametri: koncentracja selena u punoj krvi, tiroksin (T4), trijodtironin (T3) i tireostimulirajući hormon (TSH) u krvnoj plazmi. Analiza je pokazala da su jedinke iz grupe tretiranih sa PTU imale nižu telesnu masu u odnosu na kontrolnu, kao i nižu koncentraciju T3 i T4 u plazmi. Selendeficitni pacovi su nakon tri nedelje imali nižu prosečnu telesnu masu u odnosu na selenadekvatne, ali nisu uočene razlike u koncentraciji tireoidnih hormona. Najniža prosečna telesna masa zabeležena je kod selendeficitnih grupa pacova tretiranih sa PTU

    Effects of selenium and thyroid hormone deficiency on peritoneal macrophages adhesion and occurrence of natural IGM antibodies in juvenile rats

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    Both selenium, as an effector and regulator of antioxidative enzymes activity, and thyroid hormones are potent immunomodulators. Besides, selenium incorporated into iodothyronine deiodinases is involved in the thyroid function and thus indirectly regulates the immune response. Studies of the mutual infl uence of selenium and thyroid hormones on the immune response are scarce, hence we analyzed the effects of an iodothyronine deiodinases blocker, propylthiouracil (PTU), and selenium defi ciency on the function of peritoneal macrophages, and titer of naturally occurring anti-sheep red blood cells (SRBC) IgM antibodies in juvenile rats. The experiment was carried out on 64 Wistar male rats allotted to 4 groups: controlselenium adequate PTU-group; selenium adequate, PTU+ group; selenium defi cient, PTU-group; and selenium defi cient, PTU+. The selenium adequate and selenium defi cient groups were fed a diet containing 0.334 and 0.031 mg Se/kg, respectively. PTU+ groups received PTU (150 mg/L) in drinking water. After 3 weeks, thyroxine (T-4), triiodothyronine (T-3), and thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) were determined. The animals having "intermediate" concentrations of T-3 (1.56-1.69 nmol/L) and T 4 (41-50 nmol/L) were excluded from further analysis. Thus, PTU+ groups included hypothyroid animals (T-3 lt = 1.55 nmol/L; T-4 lt = 40 nmol/L), while PTU-groups included euthyroid rats (T-3 lt = 1.70 nmol/L; T-4 lt = 50 nmol/L). Both groups of selenium defi cient rats had, when compared to the control group, a signifi cantly lower activity of glutathione peroxidase GPx1 and GPx3. Neither selenium defi ciency nor PTU infl uenced the adherence of peritoneal macrophages. Selenium defi ciency signifi cantly decreased the peroxide synthesis in macrophages and signifi cantly increased the titer of anti-SRBC IgM. Hypotyroidism alone or in combination with selenium defi ciency had no infl uence on these parameters