46 research outputs found

    Improved General and Oral Health in Diabetic Patients by an Okinawan-Based Nordic Diet:A Pilot Study

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    Periodontal disease, periodontitis as well as the preceding gingivitis, has been associated with both obesity and diabetes. Studies have shown that diet changes can lead to a lower incidence of such inflammation. The aim of the present case series over four weeks was to study the effects on medical and dental conditions in patients with type 2 diabetes of the consumption of the Okinawan-based Nordic Diet (OBND¼). Medical and dental examinations were performed to estimate the general health and gingivitis/periodontitis. Serum cytokine levels were assessed using Luminex technology. Eight of ten study participants completed the study. All participants lost weight (p = 0.012). Six out of seven that were treated with insulin could reduce their insulin intake after two weeks with OBND¼. The reduction was about 16 units which corresponds to a 34% relative reduction compared to the starting point (range 15–63%). Fasting blood glucose values fell (p = 0.035). Hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) (p = 0.01), triglycerides (p = 0.05), and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) (p = 0.05) were also reduced. Bleeding on probing changed from ~28% before any dietary changes to ~13% after two weeks with OBND¼ (p = 0.01). The reduction in gingival bleeding was as substantial as might be expected from one session of professional tooth cleaning. Markers of inflammation were also reduced. The OBND¼ thus showed significant promise in alleviating the impact of diabetes on dental as well as general health

    Load Matching and Grid Interaction of Net Zero Energy Buildings

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    “Net Zero Energy Building” has become a prominent wording to describe the synergy of energy efficient building and renewable energy utilization to reach a balanced energy budget over a yearly cycle. Taking into account the energy exchange with a grid infrastructure overcomes the limitations of seasonal energy storage on-site. Even though the wording “Net Zero Energy Building” focuses on the annual energy balance, large differences may occur between solution sets in the amount of grid interaction needed to reach the goal. The paper reports on the analysis of example buildings concerning the load matching and grid interaction. Indices to describe both issues are proposed and foreseen as part of a harmonized definition framework. The work is part of subtask A of the IEA SHCP Task40/ECBCS Annex 52: “Towards Net Zero Energy Solar Buildings”

    Impact of an Okinawa/Nordic based diet on endocrinological and periodontal conditions in individuals with type 2 diabetes. A randomized case–control study

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    Objectives: To assess if the results following intake of a diet using an Okinawan-based Nordic diet (OBND) over one month differs in endocrinological, periodontal clinical outcome, and serum cytokine levels compared to a standard hospital care diet in individuals with diabetes type 2 (T2D) (control group). Background: Scientific evidence suggests that the use of diet for individuals with T2D may be beneficial. Methods: Participating individuals with T2D were randomly assigned to a test (OBND) (n = 14), or control group (n = 16). Anthropometric data, blood glucose levels, HbA1c levels, lipids, serum inflammation markers (CRP, and a routine panel of 24 cytokines), blood pressure, gingival bleeding on probing (BOP), probing pocket depths (PPD), and clinical attachment levels (CAL) were studied. Results: Statistical analyses of baseline study data failed to demonstrate study group differences. The mean weight reduction was greater in the OBND group (4.1 kg) versus the control group (1.3 kg) (p < 0.01). The reduction in BMI was 1.4 kg/m2 in OBND (p < 0.001) and 0.5 kg/m2 in the control group, respectively (p < 0.01). Diastolic and systolic blood pressure reductions were greater in the OBND group than in the control group (p < 0.01). Periodontal study parameters (BOP % scores) and (PPD values) decreased (p < 0.001) overall with no between group differences. The OBND resulted in reduction of serum levels of IFNÎł, Eotaxin IL-9, IP10,IL17a, MCP-1,m and PDFBB compared to the control diet. Conclusions: A strict T2D- diet provides an association between reduction in serum HbA1c and BOP scores. Serum levels decreases in IFNÎł, Eotaxin IL-9, IP-10, IL17a. MCP-1, and PDFBB were only found in the test group

    Youtube, Ehinger, KRC och 100 till - analys av kemilÀrares digitala resurser

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    Syftet med denna studie var att utifrĂ„n en sammanstĂ€llning av kemispecifika digitala resurser kemilĂ€rarna anser vĂ€rdefulla, en sammanstĂ€llning vi först fick skapa, kunna undersöka vilken effekt lĂ€rarnas val av resurser kan fĂ„ för undervisning och lĂ€rande i kemi. Bakgrunden Ă€r att datorer anvĂ€nds alltmer i undervisningen, idag har nĂ€stan alla lĂ€rare och elever pĂ„ gymnasiet tillgĂ„ng till egen dator. Det finns dock ingen information om vilka digitala resurser kemilĂ€rarna tycker Ă€r vĂ€rdefulla idag och vilka effekter pĂ„ undervisning och lĂ€rande dessa dĂ„ kan fĂ„. Genom en enkĂ€tundersökning med ett webbaserat frĂ„geformulĂ€r genererades en sammanstĂ€llning av 625 tips pĂ„ kemispecifika digitala resurser frĂ„n 80 kemilĂ€rare pĂ„ gymnasiet. Totalt innehöll materialet 261 unika lĂ€nkar till olika lĂ€rresurser frĂ„n totalt 117 olika hemsidor. LĂ€rarna hade sjĂ€lva fördelat sina svar pĂ„ fyra kategorier utifrĂ„n för vem (lĂ€rare eller elev) och var (i eller utanför klassrummet) resursen passar bĂ€st. EnkĂ€tundersökningens resultat visar att ett fĂ„tal digitala resurser dominerar bland lĂ€rarnas svar. Youtube, Ehinger och KRC och Phet förekom flest gĂ„nger vilket indikerar att dessa resurser kan ha stor pĂ„verkan pĂ„ innehĂ„llet i gymnasiets kemiundervisning. För att ta reda pĂ„ vilka effekter pĂ„ lĂ€rande och undervisning de digitala resurserna skulle kunna ha undersöktes de digitala resursernas egenskaper hos tre resursgrupper: de 12 digitala resurser flest respondenter nĂ€mnt, de 80 Youtube-lĂ€nkarna samt de 71 resurser i kategorin ”elever i klassrummet”. Dessa digitala resurser granskades utifrĂ„n utvalda analysfrĂ„gor baserade pĂ„ tre modeller tidigare beskrivna i litteraturen. Resultaten frĂ„n undersökningen visar att det finns en övervikt av engelsksprĂ„kiga resurser, nĂ„got som tidigare forskning visat kan vara negativt för lĂ€rande. Dessutom visar resultaten att Youtube-filmerna var korta, majoriteten under 5 minuter, vilket tyder pĂ„ en varierad undervisning, och att "elever i klassrummet" innehĂ„ller stor andel interaktiva resurser. BĂ„da dessa egenskaper har tidigare visat sig kunna vara fördelaktiga för lĂ€randet

    Enzyme variation and inheritance in Glechoma hederacea (Lamiaceae), a diploidized tetraploid

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    The chromosome number of the polyploid species Glechoma hederacea was found to be 2n = 36 in a sample of 93 ramets derived from 27 sites in N and C Europe. Variation in 10 enzymes was surveyed in material from S Sweden and S Czech Republic. The genetic control of variation was investigated using segregating progeny from crosses and self-fertilized heterozygous plants. The generic analysis comprised 30 of 32 putative alleles detected in the geographical survey. Five loci (Aat-2, Tpi-1, Tpi-2 Pgd-2 and Mnr) behaved as isoloci with one copy of a locus being monomorphic for a common allele, the other di-allelic for a common allele and a variant allele. In four isoloci (Pgd-1, Pgi-2, Mdh-2 and Adh), both copies of the duplicated locus were polymorphic, with one allele common to both copies and with another allele unique for each copy except for Pgd-1 where both copies were tri-allelic. Three loci, Pgm-3, Skd-1 and Skd-2 were regarded as being non-duplicated. Segregation ratios for all enzyme loci were in close agreement with expectations based on disomic inheritance. Our data suggest that the tetraploid G. hederaca is a diploidized autotetraploid

    Inheritance of a hair character in Helianthemum oelandicum var. canescens and allele frequencies in natural populations

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    Helianthemum oelandicum var. canescens (Hartm.) Fr. is an endemic taxon with a restricted distribution (less than 10 km2) in the southernmost part of the Baltic island of Öland, SE, Sweden. The taxon varies with respect to stellate hairs. Most plants can be classified into two morphs, the stellated morph (with a dense carpet of stellate hairs on the abaxial surface of the leaves) and the bristled morph (without a carpet of stellate hairs). In crosses between plants assumed to be homozygous for the trait that characterises the phenotypes of the two morphs, F1 offspring was indistinguishable from the bristled morph. Segregation in F2 did not deviate from the expected 3:1 ratio (bristled morph/stellated morph), indicating one major gene with a dominant allele for the phenotype of the bristled morph and a recessive allele for the phenotype of the stellated morph. Besides the Mendelian inheritance of the presence/absence of a whitish cover of stellate hairs, the density of hairs appeared to be further modified by quantitative genes. The frequency of the recessive allele for the phenotype of the stellated morph varied among populations and showed a geographical structure. Possible mechanisms behind the spatial variation in indumentum are discussed

    Low quality dental care is better than none : Policy analysis of the establishment of dental care in Sweden between 1904-1938

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    Syftet med denna uppsats Ă€r delvis att undersöka hur en del av vĂ„rden, nĂ€rmare bestĂ€mt tandvĂ„rden, gjordes tillgĂ€nglig för en större del av den svenska befolkningen. För att kunna göra detta sĂ„ har följande frĂ„gestĂ€llningar anvĂ€nts: 1. Vilka argument för en allmĂ€n tandvĂ„rd presenteras mellan Ă„ren 1904–1938 och hur förĂ€ndras de under tidsperioden? 2. Vilka diskurser gĂ„r att finna i argumentationen under tidsperioden 1904–1938?? 3. Sker det nĂ„gon förĂ€ndring av diskursen under tidsperioden 1904–1938? Det empiriska materialet i uppsatsen bestĂ„r av 15 motioner som har analyserats först utifrĂ„n ett argumentationsteoretiskt perspektiv dĂ€r de skrivna motionerna har brutits ner till en tes som Ă€r underbyggd av motionens argument. Argumenten har sedan kategoriserats vilket resulterade i fyra grupper, (1) tandrötans spridning, (2) skoltandvĂ„rden, (3) tandvĂ„rden för den övriga befolkningen och (4) tandlĂ€karnas instĂ€llning till lösningen av tandvĂ„rdsfrĂ„gan. UtifrĂ„n dessa kategorier har sedan riksdagsledamöternas olika argument tolkats inom ramen för diskursanalysen vilket resulterat i tre diskurser. Den första Ă€r en befolkningspolitisk diskurs som syftar till att skapa en friskare och mer arbetsför befolkning. Den andra Ă€r en ekonomisk diskurs dĂ€r individen i stor utstrĂ€ckning pekas ut som ansvarig för sin egen hĂ€lsa. Den tredjediskursen Ă€r en folkhĂ€lsodiskurs som framför allt framtrĂ€der efter 1924 dĂ€r staten tar ett allt större ansvar för befolkningens tandvĂ„rd som finansieras kollektivt

    Inheritance of glabrous plants in Helianthemum oelandicum var. oelandicum and spatial patterns of allele frequencies in local populations

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    Helianthemum oelandicum var. oelandicum is an endemic taxon on the Baltic island of Öland, SE Sweden. Plants can be classified into two morphs: the bristled morph (with bristles and with or without scattered stellate hairs) and the glabrous morph (without bristles and stellate hairs). In crosses between plants assumed to be homozygous for the trait that characterises the phenotypes of the two morphs, offspring in F1 could not be distinguished from the bristled morph. Segregation in F2 did not deviate from the expected 3:1 ratio (bristled morphs/glabrous morphs), indicating one major gene with a dominant allele for the phenotype of the bristled morph and a recessive allele for the phenotype of the glabrous morph. Besides the Mendelian inheritance of presence/absence of hairs, the density of hairs appeared to be further modified by quantitative genes. The frequency of the recessive allele for the phenotype of the glabrous morph varied among local populations and showed a geographical structure, both on local and regional scales. Possible mechanisms behind the spatial variation in indumentum are discussed

    Low quality dental care is better than none : Policy analysis of the establishment of dental care in Sweden between 1904-1938

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    Syftet med denna uppsats Ă€r delvis att undersöka hur en del av vĂ„rden, nĂ€rmare bestĂ€mt tandvĂ„rden, gjordes tillgĂ€nglig för en större del av den svenska befolkningen. För att kunna göra detta sĂ„ har följande frĂ„gestĂ€llningar anvĂ€nts: 1. Vilka argument för en allmĂ€n tandvĂ„rd presenteras mellan Ă„ren 1904–1938 och hur förĂ€ndras de under tidsperioden? 2. Vilka diskurser gĂ„r att finna i argumentationen under tidsperioden 1904–1938?? 3. Sker det nĂ„gon förĂ€ndring av diskursen under tidsperioden 1904–1938? Det empiriska materialet i uppsatsen bestĂ„r av 15 motioner som har analyserats först utifrĂ„n ett argumentationsteoretiskt perspektiv dĂ€r de skrivna motionerna har brutits ner till en tes som Ă€r underbyggd av motionens argument. Argumenten har sedan kategoriserats vilket resulterade i fyra grupper, (1) tandrötans spridning, (2) skoltandvĂ„rden, (3) tandvĂ„rden för den övriga befolkningen och (4) tandlĂ€karnas instĂ€llning till lösningen av tandvĂ„rdsfrĂ„gan. UtifrĂ„n dessa kategorier har sedan riksdagsledamöternas olika argument tolkats inom ramen för diskursanalysen vilket resulterat i tre diskurser. Den första Ă€r en befolkningspolitisk diskurs som syftar till att skapa en friskare och mer arbetsför befolkning. Den andra Ă€r en ekonomisk diskurs dĂ€r individen i stor utstrĂ€ckning pekas ut som ansvarig för sin egen hĂ€lsa. Den tredjediskursen Ă€r en folkhĂ€lsodiskurs som framför allt framtrĂ€der efter 1924 dĂ€r staten tar ett allt större ansvar för befolkningens tandvĂ„rd som finansieras kollektivt