539 research outputs found

    Ermittlung der Körperzusammensetzung mittels bioelektrischer Impedanzanalyse – methodische Betrachtungen

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    Bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) has become a widely used method for body composition analysis. Body compartments like fat mass (FM), visceral adipose tissue, fat-free mass or skeletal muscle mass can be estimated and improve the diagnosis of obesity and malnutrition. Impedance raw data, like the phase angle, give additional information on tissue quality and the prognosis of the patient. There are, however, challenges that can impair the assessment of BIA measurements. (i) Body composition differs among ethnicities. We found a higher percentage of FM in Mexicans compared to Caucasians with the same BMI. FM percentage is similar in normal weight Japanese and Mexicans, whereas in overweight Japanese it is similar compared to Caucasians for men and women with the same BMI. These differences may lead to differences in obesity related cardiometabolic risk. We also found ethnic differences in muscle mass distribution and impedance raw data. (ii) In obese subjects, the assessment of body composition by two compartment methods is limited, because assumptions become inaccurate with higher amount of adipose tissue. FM is therefore underestimated by BIA and dual X-ray absorptiometry and it is overestimated by air displacement plethysmography. Corrections for BIA equations were developed. (iii) Impedance raw data are dependent on the measurement configuration used by a BIA device. Phase angle is higher when measured in supine compared to standing position and it is higher when measured on the right side of the body compared to the left side. The placement of the electrodes also has an impact on the phase angle. In conclusion, obesity related cardiometabolic risk may vary among different ethnicities due to differences in FM percentage for subjects with the same BMI. Ethnic differences in body composition and differences in phase angle between different measurement configurations must be considered in the assessment of BIA results. In obesity, BIA equations for FM and FFM should be validated against a multi-compartment model in a reference population that includes obese subjects

    Pricing excellence : Wegweiser für ein professionelles Preismanagement

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    Zahlreiche Unternehmen sehen derzeit in der Professionalisierung des Preismanagements einen der wichtigsten Stellhebel zur Profitsteigerung. Der Pricing Excellence Ansatz ist ein Leitfaden, der zur Optimierung des Preismanagements genutzt werden kann. Dabei geht es sowohl um eine Professionalisierung von Preisstrategien und Preissystemen als auch um eine Systematisierung von Pricingprozessen. Unter Preisstrategien und Preis- und Konditionensystemen verstehen wir Preisentscheidungen wie Preis-Leistungspositionierung, Preisdifferenzierung und Preisbündelung, Rabatt- und Bonusstrukturen sowie Zahlungsbedingungen. Pricingprozesse bestehen aus der methodischen Preisfindung, preisbezogenen Steuerung, internen Preisumsetzung sowie der externen Preisdurchsetzung und Kommunikation. Der Pricing Excellence Ansatz kann von Unternehmen als Systematisierungs- und Strukturierungshilfe genutzt werden. Weiterhin werden Erfolgsfaktoren und Instrumente/Methoden (Best practices) dargestellt, die Hinweise zur Verbesserung des Preismanagements geben. Die im Leitfaden dargestellten Checklisten können zur Selbsteinschätzung und Entscheidungsvorbereitung verwendet werden

    Hvor mange kompromiser har økologien råd til? Ægproduktion som eksempel

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    Mens konventionelt landbrug blot forpligter sig til at producere, hvad efterspørgslen dikterer, påtager økologisk landbrug sig et etisk ansvar for at producere i overensstemmelse med standarder, der er afledt af økologiens egne værdier og prioriteringer. Dette forhold er formentlig forklaringen på den bredt udtrykte sympati, der hersker for økologien. Men det gør også økologien sårbar i de tilfælde, hvor produktionen ikke synes at leve op til økologiens egne værdier. Gennem en analyse af økologiens værdier identificeres en fundamental prioritering i økologien, nemlig at miljø, dyrevelfærd og menneskelig sundhed skal tjenes gennem et ’sundt’ økosystem, snarere end gennem isoleret behandling af symptomer. Det følger heraf, at hvis dyr, mennesker eller miljøet vedholdende fungerer dårligt i økosystemet, så skal løsningen søges i at få økosystemet til arbejde ’sundere’. Nogle af de velfærdsproblemer, som findes hos økologiske æglæggende høner, ville ifølge økologiens ideer løses ved små flokstørrelser, men denne løsning realiseres ikke på grund af økonomiske hensyn. For andre problemer mangler der ideer til løsning. Denne case er måske ikke i sig selv repræsentativ for al økologisk produktion, men den rejser alligevel et principielt spørgsmål om, i hvilket omfang økonomiske hensyn tillader økologien at gå på kompromis i forhold til egne værdier – et spørgsmål, som det er relevant for økologien at overveje i lyset af, at nye markedsandele ofte vil være betinget af, at merprisen i forhold til konventionelle produkter må være beskeden. Artiklen peger på to mulige strategier: den pragmatiske, hvor man indrømmer, at det kan være nødvendigt at gå på kompromis, og den idealistiske, hvor man afviser alvorlige kompromiser på bekostning af, at visse former for produktion ikke vil være realisable

    Current driven magnetization dynamics in helical spin density waves

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    A mechanism is proposed for manipulating the magnetic state of a helical spin density wave using a current. In this paper, we show that a current through a bulk system with a helical spin density wave induces a spin transfer torque, giving rise to a rotation of the order parameter.The use of spin transfer torque to manipulate the magnetization in bulk systems does not suffer from the obstacles seen for magnetization reversal using interface spin transfer torque in multilayered systems. We demonstrate the effect by a quantitative calculation of the current induced magnetization dynamics of Erbium. Finally we propose a setup for experimental verification.Comment: In the previous version of this paper was a small numerical mistake made when evaluating equation 3 and 9. The number of digits given in the calculation of the torque current tensor is reduced to better represent the accuracy of the calculation. A slightly modified paper have been published in Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 256601 (2006) 4 pages 3 figure

    Influence of spin waves on transport through a quantum-dot spin valve

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    We study the influence of spin waves on transport through a single-level quantum dot weakly coupled to ferromagnetic electrodes with noncollinear magnetizations. Side peaks appear in the differential conductance due to emission and absorption of spin waves. We, furthermore, investigate the nonequilibrium magnon distributions generated in the source and drain lead. In addition, we show how magnon-assisted tunneling can generate a fullly spin-polarized current without an applied transport voltage. We discuss the influence of spin waves on the current noise. Finally, we show how the magnonic contributions to the exchange field can be detected in the finite-frequency Fano factor.Comment: published version, 15 pages, 10 figure

    Rosengårds idrottsområde

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    Beskrivningen som en ö mitt i Malmö bekräftar bilden av Rosengård som en isolerad stadsdel i förhållande till övriga Malmö. Ett resultat av denna fysiska isolering är att stadsdelen besöks av få Malmöbor utöver de som bor där och att få Rosengårdsbor söker sig utanför stadsdelen. Det finns dock en strävan mot att öppna upp stadsdelen och genom olika åtgärder göra den mer tillgänglig och attraktiv. Med detta hoppas kommunen locka dit folk från övriga Malmö och göra Rosengård till en bättre plats för dess invånare. Idrottsområdet i söder, beläget på Rosengårdsfältet, ingår i dessa planer och är tänkt att förändras för att göras mer tillgängligt och attraktivt att vistas i. Det finns delar som motverkar detta i dag, bland annat upplevs området som slitet, otillgängligt och otryggt. De två sistnämnda utgör två viktiga hörnstenar inom social hållbarhet. När samtidigt en stor del av stadsdelens problem är av social karaktär blir en viktig del i förändringsprocessen hur social hållbarhet skapas. Denna fallstudie ämnar undersöka hur den sociala hållbarheten ser ut i samband med Idrottsområdet. Intervjuer med aktörer kring Idrottsområdet och textanalys av aktuella dokument utgör det underlag som jag använder för att identifiera styrkor och svagheter kring den sociala hållbarheten i samband med Idrottsområdet. Utifrån det är det sedan möjligt att hitta de behov som finns.The description of Rosengård as an island in the middle of Malmö confirms Rosengård as an isolated part of the town. A result of this physical isolation is that the neighborhood is visited by few people apart from the ones living there and few from Rosengård seeks outside this part of town. There is however a quest to open up this part of town and through various actions makes it more available and attractive. In this way the municipality of Malmö hopes to attract more visitors and make Rosengård a better place for the inhabitants. The sportsactivity center in south, at the Rosengårdsfältet, is part of these plans and is considered to be changed into a place attractive and available for visitors. Today this is not the case, among other things the area is perceived as worn, unavailable and unsafe. The two later descriptions are foundations in social sustainability. When, at the same time, a big part of the problems in the area is of social character, the quest of creating social sustainability is going to be a significant part of the transformationprocess. This case study will investigate how the social sustainability appears in and around the sportsactivity center. Interviews with people involved in the sportsactivity center and analysis of current documents are sources for my analysis of strengths and weaknesses surrounding social sustainability in correlation with the sportsactivity center. From this analysis it is then possible to find the necessary adjustments that are needed