13 research outputs found

    Inkludering – mer än ett specialpedagogiskt spörsmål?

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    Inkludering i utbildningssammanhang utgör ett territorium där specialpedagogikens forskare befunnit sig i över två decennier. Kopplingen mellan specialpedagogik och inkludering ter sig så självklar att vi sällan ens ifrågasätter den. I boken The Irregular School. Exclusion, schooling and inclusive education (Slee 2011) propagerar Roger Slee starkt för att inkluderingsforskningen bör frikopplas från specialpedagogiken. I föreliggande artikel redogörs och diskuteras resultaten från en doktorsavhandling i specialpedagogik, en avhandling där inkluderande utbildning står i fokus. I artikeln ifrågasätts även den typ av forskning som avhandlingen representerar med utgångspunkt i Slees argumentation

    Inkludering - mer än ett specialpedagogiskt spörsmål?

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    Inkludering i utbildningssammanhang utgör ett territorium där specialpedagogikens forskare befunnit sig i över två decennier. Kopplingen mellan specialpedagogik och inkludering ter sig så självklar att vi sällan ens ifrågasätter den. I boken The Irregular School. Exclusion, schooling and inclusive education (Slee 2011) propagerar Roger Slee starkt för att inkluderingsforskningen bör frikopplas från specialpedagogiken. I föreliggande artikel redogörs och diskuteras resultaten från en doktorsavhandling i specialpedagogik, en avhandling där inkluderande utbildning står i fokus. I artikeln ifrågasätts även den typ av forskning som avhandlingen representerar med utgångspunkt i Slees argumentation

    Governing students for work and for life - guidance for students with special educational needs in Finnish VET

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    Guidance has gained an increasingly important role in education. In this study, guidance for students with special educational needs within competence-based and customer-oriented, Finnish vocational education and training (VET) is examined from a governance perspective. Data were collected via focus group discussions among different categories of staff at one VET provider. A close-to-text analysis of the data was then performed followed by an investigation based on the Foucauldian key concepts, governmentality and power. Three versions of guidance were identified. In the first version, students are regarded as active and self-governing people, whose own motives and interest in education need to be identified and taken into account. In the second version, students are described as having difficulties in carrying out their studies and are given a passive role and exposed to objectifying governance by means of disciplinary power. In the third version, students are assumed to have a great need for support and are subject to a thorough, yet subtle, governance by means of pastoral power. The results are discussed with a focus on student categorisation and subject positions.publishedVersio

    Special teachers and the use of co-teaching in Swedish-speaking schools in Finland

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    Speciallärares organisering av stöd för elever med inlärningssvårigheter i Svenskfinland

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    Forskning och finländska styrdokument beskriver olika sätt att organisera stöd för elever med inlärningssvårigheter så som olika typer av smågruppsundervisning, individuell undervisning och samundervisning (kompanjonundervisning). Syftet med studien är att beskriva hur finlandssvenska speciallärare organiserar specialundervisningen med avseende på val av undervisningsarrangemang för elever med inlärningssvårigheter. Elever med inlärningssvårigheter jämställs i studien med elever som får intensifierat eller särskilt stöd. Data har samlats in med hjälp av en enkät som speciallärare och specialklasslärare (N = 158) har svarat på. Resultaten visar att finlandssvenska speciallärare använder den största procentuella andelen av sin arbetstid för att undervisa elever inom intensifierat stöd. På alla stödnivåer är smågruppsundervisning det vanligaste undervisningsarrangemanget. Samundervisning används inte lika regelbundet som de andra undervisningsarrangemangen. Det är vanligast att speciallärare använder flexibel gruppering och samundervisning regelbundet för elever som har intensifierat stöd, medan individuell undervisning är vanligare för elever som får särskilt stöd. Vidare indikerar resultaten vissa skillnader mellan speciallärare i årskurs F–6 och årskurs 7–9. Till exempel är det fler speciallärare i årskus F–6 än i årskurs 7–9 som använder individuell undervisning regelbundet för elever på allmänt och intensifierat stöd. Resultaten diskuteras i relation till forskning om olika specialpedagogiska undervisningsarrangemang och i ljuset av inkluderande undervisning.publishedVersio

    Extremfall, stjärnelever och verktygsskramlare : en diskursanalytisk studie av lärares tal om studerande som behöver särskilt stöd

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    The groups within Finnish vocational upper secondary education and training (VET) are often heterogeneous with respect to the student's need for support in their studies. According to the national core curricula, Special Education Needs (SEN) students should in the first place, get their education in the same group as everyone else. This dissertation aims to clarify and create an understanding about how the ideals and intention of equality in education is constructed in communication among teachers in VET in the Swedish-speaking parts of Finland. Through this understanding it should be possible to highlight a potential which could ultimately contribute to a positive development of a more inclusive education within VET. The epistemological platform of the study is to be found within the post structuralist philosophy of language that is considered as subsumed in a social constructionist thinking. The data has been collected through focus group discussions in groups of 3–6 participants (teachers) in seven schools in Finnish-Swedish VET. The analyses are based on a discursive psychological analysis combined with an analysis based on Michel Foucault's concepts with an emphasis on the subject, government and power. Four discourser where identified in the analysis of teachers' constructions of the educational assignment in relation to SEN students. The most dominant was discussing the educational assignment as a pragmatic project i.e. as a matter of transmission of knowledge. The discourse included both interpretative repertoires where the heterogeneous group was constructed as self-evident and possible to manage as well as a constructed as an impossible project. The educational assignment was also constructed as a holistic project, as part of a democratic project, and as a labor market project. Each discourse contains both including as well as excluding features in relation to SEN students. The development of an inclusive practice can and should therefore include elements from all of them. Three discourses were identified in the analysis concerning teachers' versions of SEN students: students with difficulties and problems; students who do not use or do not have ability and students who are irresponsible and lack the will to study. Within the various discourses and interpretative repertoires were both constructs when teachers described a concern and kindness in relation to the individual SEN student and constructions where teachers mainly expressed fears that other students in the group would be negatively affected by students in need of special support. Results from the third research question conclude the results from the two others, the analysis is done out of a government perspective. In the material use of different government techniques are identified: disciplinary power through direct reprimands; pastoral power by a desire of insight in order to promote the opportunities for consultation and the use of bio-power that primarily focuses on what is best for the population and whose tool racism results in a legitimation of the exclusion of SEN students. The conclusion is that teachers in VET need to pay attention to inclusive and exclusive elements identified in various discourses