78 research outputs found

    Relationship Marketing Through the Prism of Customer Loyalty

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    The paper sistemically analyzes two complex phenomena relevant to practice and science – mixture of relationship marketing and customer loyalty. The following fundamental aspects of these phenomena were analyzed: the historical context of relationship marketing and customer loyalty, content of relationship marketing at strategic and tactical levels, the most popular features of relationship marketing strategies, specifics of loyalty status change, the place of customer loyalty programs in marke-ting chain. Based on the results of the analysis a method for measuring the effect of marketing tools on the status of customer loyalty was prepared, the method has an integrated innovative component that calculates the synergy effect of marketing tools. The method was tested in analytical modelling manner, the possibilities of its application were discussed

    The Purposefulness Reasoning of New Service Development

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    The contradicting views of many theoreticians and practicians about purposefulness of new service development on the one hand, and often unproductive relatively heavy expenses on the other hand determined the deeper research in this area. In this article it is offered to use quantitative methods to determine purposefulness of new service development and to compare ways of developing service business. Also this article offers a new pattern for substantiation of purposefulness of new service development. The pattern consists of six components and there is proposed content of every component by the interrelationship and using conditions in this article. The core of the offered methodology is a comparison of all directions for the companies' business development and finding the best solution

    Įmonių restruktūrizavimo tikslų analizė

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    Restructuring is one of the essential ways of strategic management solving problems of companies’ business extension and efficiency increase under the clearly defined time perspective. Typically, a wide spectrum of set of measures and methods is applied and sought to implement at least a several goals when restructuring a company.Analysis of goals of restructuring companies in European Union and US shows, that business macroeconomic environment is one of most significant factors determining the company’s restructuring goals. Restructuring companies in the countries of these different continents (EU and US), the following goals were distinguished as the dominating ones: to reduce excess of the capacity (US – 37%), to extend the market (EU – 32.4%, US – 36%), to maintain the current market positions (EU – 44.4%).The regularities characteristic to the structure of goals of companies’ restructuring in the explored four economy sectors of Lithuania are following: for the sector of financial service – increase of liquidity of assets (especially when restructuring state banks in the period of 2001–2002), implementation of new products, market extension; for the insurance services – market extension, maintenance of market position, implementation of new products; for the energy resources – increase of liquidity of assets (often implementing modem technologies), reduction of debts of residents and municipalities (especially for district heating companies), management improvement; for the beer industry – market extension, implementation of new products (especially in the period of 1997–2000), increase of liquidity of assets.Looking to the explored Lithuanian financial, insurance services, energy resources sectors and the beer industry as to a whole complex, the dominating goals of companies’ restructuring in 1998–2002 were the following: increase of liquidity of assets (26%), market extension (21%), implementation of new products (20%). Lithuanian companies’ restructuring, from the point of view of the goals structure, becomes alike to those of countries with efficiently functioning market. This is one of outcomes of Lithuanian economy integration to EU and other economic structures of world.Determined regularities of companies’ restructuring goals in Lithuania and other countries as well as tendencies of revealed the goals’ structure may be useful for business of Lithuania when taking over the great experience of companies restructuring in other countries.Straipsnyje nagrinėjami įmonių restruktūrizavimo Europos Sąjungoje ir JAV tikslai, tiriami Lietuvos finansinių, draudimo paslaugų, energijos išteklių, alaus sektoriuose vykdomo įmonių restruktūrizavimo procesai. Atskleidžiama užsienio kapitalo įtaka restruktūrizuojant šalies įmones. Remiantis užsienio ir Lietuvos įmonių restruktūrizavimo raidos ypatumais, pabrėžiami įmonių restruktūrizavimo aspektai, lemiantys Lietuvos įmonių konkurencingumą bei turintys įtakos Lietuvos verslo plėtrai globalizacijos ir integracijos sąlygomis

    Improvement of the Pattern of New Services Development

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    This article reviews alternative approaches to new product development and new service development. The distinctions between products and services were recognized and mentioned in the article. The pattern of new service development must be different from the pattern of new product development because of special features of services. When compared with the field of new product development, research into new services has seen fewer developments and offers less comprehensive insights. Giving very limited research into new services development patterns, this section also reviews the patterns and evidence of new product development in order to draw a richer perspective of the question. Original modification of the pattern of new services development is introduced at the end of the article. The pattern consists of six functional components: the determination of new services expedience, new services design, analysis, planning, commercialization and evaluation of the implemention of new services. The purpose of all components is argued and commented in the purport of the article. The efficiency of the offered pattern is in the adequacy to the exceptional features of services, in its flexibility to use, which can be self-actualized in two ways: possibility to bypass some stages of the new services development, which are not so purposeful to make. Purposefulness depends on concrete situations. The other way is the possibility to make the work in parallel in some stages. These possibilities depend on concrete situations too

    Analysis of Methodological Presumptions for Optimisation of Marketing Programmes

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    The analysis focuses on researches on optimisation of marketing programmes conducted over the last decade. On one hand, methods and models suggested by the researchers as well as results obtained by experimental modelling do not comply with contemporary marketing needs and therefore can hardly be used in practice. On the other hand, they are treated as a significant basis for the development of methodological research. Given the results of the analysis, the systemic guidelines were designed. The guidelines were concretised according to specifications based on three models required for marketing programme optimisation. The presentation of the specifications is based on fundamental determinants for the content and composition of models, which are as follow: practice requirements, existing methodological assumptions and methods for applied decision

    Methodological aspects of evaluation of state budge! programmes

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    The paper deals with the reasonability of allocation of public financial resources. It presents an integrated evaluation model applicable to budget programmes and capable of deepening the comprehensiveness as well as the objectivity of programme evaluation aimed at benchmarking. The nucleus of the model consists of four components: evaluation of relevance, evaluation of efficiency, evaluation of fitness, and the synthesis of the said evaluations. The contents and main methodological aspects of each component are described. First Published Online: 14 Oct 201

    Įmonių bankroto grėsmės įvertinimas

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    Evaluation of enterprises’ bankruptcy threat is a means to evaluate the enterprises’ condition by quantitative parameters and establish the negative tendencies of the enterprises’ activity and the probability of bankruptcy. In the same way, based on the evaluation of enterprises’ bankruptcy threat. it is possible to propose effective strategic decisions on how the enterprise may get out of its difficult condition and avoid bankruptcy or reduce the threat of bankruptcy.Foreign scientists have tried to solve this problem for a lung time. Many foreign scientists have established models, created from certain financial ratios, for evaluation of enterprises’ bankruptcy threat. The American economist, E.I. Altman, has studied this area very extensively. He has created models fur two, five and seven financial ratios.Foreign countries do not use just financial ratios models. Many auditing and other activity companies, engaged in analytical reviews, prognosis and consultation, use not only financial but also non-financial ratios systems to evaluate the condition of enterprises. The English scientist, J. Argenti, has prepared such a different means of evaluation of enterprises’ bankruptcy threat. This method is based on both financial and non-financial ratios.Several financial and non-financial ratios models adapted for evaluation of enterprises’ bankruptcy threat in foreign countries were examined. This analysis, identified that when an enterprise selects any model for evaluation of bankruptcy threat, its reliability depends on the enterprise’s ability to gather and accumulate information about its own activities as well as to analyse and use this information effectively and in time. Direct application of these models to forecast the bankruptcy threat of Lithuanian enterprises would nut he effective, but to adapt it could be expedient.In Lithuania they arc trying to solve the problem of evaluating of enterprises’ bankruptcy threat (financial condition), i.e. to create systems for those financial ratios corresponding to the evaluation of the condition of the enterprises. In financial ratios systems, the activities and specific character of the institutions using them determine the selection of calculable ratios. However, the possibilities of those studies, connected with the evaluation of the condition of enterprises, are increasing. In analysing the condition of enterprises, describing the results of the analysis, and accumulating statistical data, the ratios systems, which arc used to evaluate the condition of enterprises, are being improved and new models are being sought.Straipsnyje analizuojama įmonių bankroto grėsmės išankstinio nustatymo problema: teoriniai ir praktiniai jos aspektai. Nagrinėjama užsienio šalyse ir Lietuvoje taikomų įvairių modelių, leidžiančių įvertinti finansinę įmonių būklę ir bankroto grėsmę, esmė, skirtumai ir naudojimo galimybės. Aptarti atskirų modelių pranašumai ir trūkumai. Atskleistas kompleksinio modelio formavimo ir jo naudojimo būtinumas, įvertinant bankroto grėsmę Lietuvos įmonių praktikoje

    Integrated approach to strategic planning in public institutions

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    Planning of actions for implementation of institution's strategic decisions is one of the most complicated, on the other hand, the weakest in methodic provision complex objectives of strategic planning. Considering the local target of this phase of the strategic planning cycle to set the best ways to take the right directions in development of the scope of activity of an institution, a well‐reasoned composition of such a complex objective is as follows: generating action plan alternatives, defining the evaluation criteria of the alternatives and forming a combination of criteria, analysis and evaluation of the action plan alternatives, adopting a plan. The structure of an action plan for implementing institution's strategic decisions arose the necessity to identify two‐level objectives for drawing up the plan as well as the specific sequence of objective fulfilment in an analysed complex. The specifics of each level was evaluated in our proposals for improvement of the planning of the implementation of institution's strategic decisions based on the analysis of the results of progressive experience. First Published Online: 14 Oct 201

    A System of Indicators for the Complex Evaluation of the Tax System

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    The main problem examined in the current article is the evaluation of tax system. It is suggested that tax systems should be evaluated through the hierarchical evaluation system consisting of primary, partially-integrated and complex-integrated indicators. Primary non-recurrent indicators are classified into three groups and aimed at evaluating a tax system through the prism of a certain aspect. The system is built taking into consideration the requirements of consistency, comparability and simplicity, and aimed at objective and accurate evaluation of tax systems. The synthesis of partially integrated indicators creates preconditions for complex evaluation of tax systems enabling identification of the quality of tax systems and comparison of tax systems of various countries. Complex tax system evaluation provides with a possibility to conduct a systematic analysis and to generate a quantitative estimate. The recommended complex tax system evaluation creates preconditions to analyse tax systems as a uniform totality, to identify their standing in various aspects correlated in quantitative terms, and to carry out dynamic and comparative analyses. Interstate comparative analysis of tax systems creates preconditions to reveal relevant quality of tax systems in various countries, to crystallise out the best practices that could be used for improvement of the quality of the tax system in the country at issue. Also, the evaluation system could be adapted to various needs of the evaluator: classification of indicators into groups enables elimination of some indicators or introduction of new ones without destroying the established system of significance of the indicators, simply by adjusting significance levels within the group

    Integrated DSS for strategic planning in public institutions

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    The paper deals with a problem of support to the strategic planning decision‐making in public institutions. In special literature there are various approaches proposed to what decision support system (DSS) is rational to use in management area. This diversity is determined by the nature of management problems, goals and the chosen approaches for achieving the goals. In order to prepare the approaches which are necessary to carryout the strategic planning in the institutions, the role of the DSS was revealed, the structure of the system was defined, and the variety of the DSS was systematized. Besides, the factors which predetermine the requirements for the DSS of strategic planning in the institutions were defined. According to these factors and the results of the research on theoretical potential of decision support, it is rational to apply a complex character of intelligent support to prepare alternatives and to make decisions of strategic planning in public institutions. The authors have based a solution with regard to the integrated DSS for the strategic planning. Santrauka Straipsnyje nagrinejama viešojo sektoriaus instituciju strateginio planavimo sprendimu paramos problematika. Specialiojoje literatūroje pateikiami skirtingi požiūriai i tai, kokia sprendimu paramos sistema (toliau – SPS) racionalu taikyti valdymo problemoms spresti. Tokia ivairove lemia nagrinejamu valdymo problemu, kartu keliamu tikslu ir ju igyvendinimo nuostatu pobūdis. Siekiant parengti viešojo sektoriaus instituciju strateginiam planavimui reikalingos SPS principines nuostatas, atskleistas SPS vaidmuo, apibrežta pagrindinems SPS funkcijoms igyvendinti būtina sistemos struktūra, susistemintos SPS atmainu savybes. Be to, nustatyti veiksniai, kurie lemia reikalavimus, keliamus viešojo sektoriaus instituciju strateginio planavimo SPS. Atsižvelgiant i tokius veiksnius ir sprendimu paramos teorinio potencialo nagrinejimo rezultatus, numatyta skirtinga pagal pobūdi intelektine parama viešojo sektoriaus instituciju strateginio planavimo sprendimams rengti ir priimti, pagristas sprendimas del integruotos strateginio planavimo SPS. First Published Online: 10 Feb 2011 Reikšminiai žodžiai: viešojo sektoriaus institucija, strateginis planavimas, sprendimu paramos sistema, integruotas požiūri