1,136 research outputs found

    Graduate attributes: How some university students experience and learn them

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    The voices of university students are often absent from academic discourses on the learning of graduate attributes (GAs). Such attributes are mostly constructed and conceptualised from the viewpoint of academics, institutions, education authorities and industry. However, as students within democratic contexts are increasingly challenged to assume greater responsibility for their own growth and development, it seems imperative that they participate in discussions related to the acquiring of graduate attributes. This article reports on how students at one South African university understand and relate to graduate attributes. Data were generated from a group of students at the University of the Western Cape through focus group interviews and photo elicitation. The results indicate that students who understand what graduate attributes are and how they can acquire these attributes might enhance such students’ further growth and their employability

    Effects of Lightning on Trees: A Predictive Model Based on in situ Electrical Resistivity

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    The effects of lightning on trees range from catastrophic death to the absence of observable damage. Such differences may be predictable among tree species, and more generally among plant life history strategies and growth forms. We used field‐collected electrical resistivity data in temperate and tropical forests to model how the distribution of power from a lightning discharge varies with tree size and identity, and with the presence of lianas. Estimated heating density (heat generated per volume of tree tissue) and maximum power (maximum rate of heating) from a standardized lightning discharge differed 300% among tree species. Tree size and morphology also were important; the heating density of a hypothetical 10 m tall Alseis blackiana was 49 times greater than for a 30 m tall conspecific, and 127 times greater than for a 30 m tall Dipteryx panamensis. Lianas may protect trees from lightning by conducting electric current; estimated heating and maximum power were reduced by 60% (±7.1%) for trees with one liana and by 87% (±4.0%) for trees with three lianas. This study provides the first quantitative mechanism describing how differences among trees can influence lightning–tree interactions, and how lianas can serve as natural lightning rods for trees

    Aligning clinical assessment with course elements in prosthodontic dentistry: a South African case

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    Clinical tests were introduced and implemented as an additional clinical assessment tool in the Prosthodontic curriculum of the fourth year undergraduate dentistry program at one South African university. This study compared the relationship between the students’ performance in the clinical tests and daily clinical grades on the one hand with their theoretical performance on the other. It also explored the perceptions of the academic staff on the validity of clinical tests as a clinical assessment tool. An analysis of the test results of fourth-year dental students showed insignificant relationships between students’ clinical daily grade assessment marks and their marks for assessing theory. However, clinical assessment via tests is well accepted by the course staff and they perceived them to be more reliable than daily clinical grade assessment methods. The findings of the study support other reported studies which concluded that the daily grade of Dentistry students poorly correlate with their competency exams module. The findings also relate well with the lecturers’ views that clinical tests were more reliable as a clinical assessment tool than students’ daily clinical mark.Web of Scienc

    Tips for Small Grain Seeding

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    TEST YOUR SOIL AND SUPPLY THE SUGGESTED LIMING AND FERTILIZER MATERIALS. A soil test is the first step to profitable small grain production. A pH of 6.0 to 6.5 is best, and nitrogen should be applied both in the fall and spring. If your small grains are part of a double cropping system the P and K requirements for both crops should be applied in the fall

    Predicting Shine–Dalgarno Sequence Locations Exposes Genome Annotation Errors

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    In prokaryotes, Shine–Dalgarno (SD) sequences, nucleotides upstream from start codons on messenger RNAs (mRNAs) that are complementary to ribosomal RNA (rRNA), facilitate the initiation of protein synthesis. The location of SD sequences relative to start codons and the stability of the hybridization between the mRNA and the rRNA correlate with the rate of synthesis. Thus, accurate characterization of SD sequences enhances our understanding of how an organism's transcriptome relates to its cellular proteome. We implemented the Individual Nearest Neighbor Hydrogen Bond model for oligo–oligo hybridization and created a new metric, relative spacing (RS), to identify both the location and the hybridization potential of SD sequences by simulating the binding between mRNAs and single-stranded 16S rRNA 3â€Č tails. In 18 prokaryote genomes, we identified 2,420 genes out of 58,550 where the strongest binding in the translation initiation region included the start codon, deviating from the expected location for the SD sequence of five to ten bases upstream. We designated these as RS+1 genes. Additional analysis uncovered an unusual bias of the start codon in that the majority of the RS+1 genes used GUG, not AUG. Furthermore, of the 624 RS+1 genes whose SD sequence was associated with a free energy release of less than −8.4 kcal/mol (strong RS+1 genes), 384 were within 12 nucleotides upstream of in-frame initiation codons. The most likely explanation for the unexpected location of the SD sequence for these 384 genes is mis-annotation of the start codon. In this way, the new RS metric provides an improved method for gene sequence annotation. The remaining strong RS+1 genes appear to have their SD sequences in an unexpected location that includes the start codon. Thus, our RS metric provides a new way to explore the role of rRNA–mRNA nucleotide hybridization in translation initiation

    Design and Performance of a Polarity Coincidence Detector

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    Coordinated Science Laboratory was formerly known as Control Systems LaboratoryContract DA-36-039-TR US AMC 02208(E

    Spinal anaesthesia in a patient with Takayasu's disease

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    We report the successful anaesthetic management of therapeutic abortion under spinal anaesthesia in a 32-yr-old woman with Takayasu's disease. The pathology and pathophysiology of this syndrome and their impact on anaesthesia are discussed. (Br. J. Anaesth. 1994; 72: 129-132

    Simulating the Water Requirements and Economic Feasibility of Corn in the Midwest

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    An evaluation of the economics of supplemental irrigation when using a surface water supply must be site specific in order to account for variations in soil moisture holding capacity, watershed area supplying the runoff, climatic conditions, and proposed irrigation management procedures. With the use of farm specific simulation models to determine grain yields, availability of irrigation water, and economic expenditures involved in irrigation, an economic evaluation of supplemental irrigation can be performed, In the model presented in this report, the Duncan SIMAIZ model is used to predict grain yields using long-term daily weather information. SIMAIZ also determines irrigation water demand for the crop. The Haan Water Yield Model is used to predict flow into a reservoir using the same weather information. By knowing daily water flow into a reservoir and water demand for irrigation, a reservoir size is determined which will supply water at all times for the study period. Simulations are then run by incrementally reducing, by volume, the size of this reservoir, thus limiting the availability of irrigation water, and resulting in reduced irrigated yields. An economic evaluation is performed for each reservoir size. Costs and benefits included are: initial cost of constructing the reservoir, yearly reservoir maintenance cost, yearly irrigation costs of operation, and additional income resulting from the increase in grain yields. After the project life has been assumed, the model determines the capital available for investing in an irrigation system for a given year and reservoir size. By ranking these values, a probability distribution is obtained indicating the probability of making money in any given year. By using the Central Limit Theorem, these results are converted to the probability of making money over the life of the system. A sensitivity analysis examines the sensitivity of capital available for investment in an irrigation system to select input variation. The results indicate that great care should be exercised when assigning values to some inputs, while for others, a reasonable estimate is adequate. This model can be used as a tool for evaluating which irrigation practices, if any, are economically feasible. An example of its use is shown

    Heterosis in Sweet Sorghum and Selection of a New Sweet Sorghum Hybrid for Use in Syrup Production in Appalachia

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    Although heterosis is well established in grain and forage sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench], reports of heterosis in sweet sorghum are limited to results from grain sorghum × sweet sorghum hybrids. Recent development of cytoplasmic male-sterile sweet sorghum lines allows creation of sweet sorghum hybrids for research and industry. Male sterility may also affect allocation of photosynthate to plant parts, creating the potential to increase sugar content in stems by eliminating seed as a sink. The objectives of this study were to compare performance of A3 cytoplasmic male-sterile lines and A3 cytoplasmic male-sterile hybrids to fertile B3 counterparts and to each other. A3 cytoplasmic male-sterile ‘Dale’, ‘Wray’, ‘Sugar Drip’, and N100 were crossed in all combinations to their male-fertile counterparts, resulting in 20 genotypes including the male-fertile lines. The 20 genotypes were grown in a randomized complete block in 2004 and 2005 at Lexington, KY. Male-sterile hybrids and lines had higher brix than male-fertile lines. Hybrids produced greater stalk yield due to taller plants with greater stem diameter. Juice fraction and juice composition remained relatively unchanged. Only six hybrids showed positive heterosis for brix. The greater juice yield and higher sugar content of selected hybrids such as A3 N100 × Dale could produce more total syrup or ethanol than current pureline sweet sorghum varieties
