685 research outputs found

    P-wave meson properties with Wilson quarks

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    We describe two calculations involving P-wave mesons made of Wilson quarks: the strong coupling constant αs\alpha_s in the presence of two flavors of light dynamical fermions and the mass and decay constant of the a1a_1 meson.Comment: Poster presented at Lattice '94, September 27--October 1, 1994, Bielefeld, Germany (no changes to manuscript, but correction of Authors list above

    The Weakly Coupled Gross-Neveu Model with Wilson Fermions

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    The nature of the phase transition in the lattice Gross-Neveu model with Wilson fermions is investigated using a new analytical technique. This involves a new type of weak coupling expansion which focuses on the partition function zeroes of the model. Its application to the single flavour Gross-Neveu model yields a phase diagram whose structure is consistent with that predicted from a saddle point approach. The existence of an Aoki phase is confirmed and its width in the weakly coupled region is determined. Parity, rather than chiral symmetry breaking naturally emerges as the driving mechanism for the phase transition.Comment: 15 pages including 1 figur

    QCD thermodynamics with two flavors of Wilson quarks at N_t=6

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    We report on a study of hadron thermodynamics with two flavors of Wilson quarks on 12^3x6 lattices. We have studied the crossover between the high and low temperature regimes for three values of the hopping parameter, kappa=0.16, 0.17, and 0.18. At each of these values of kappa we have carried out spectrum calculations on 12^3x24 lattices for two values of the gauge coupling in the vicinity of the crossover in order to set an energy scale for our thermodynamics calculations and to determine the critical value of the gauge coupling for which the pion and quark masses vanish. For kappa=0.17 and 0.18 we find coexistence between the high and low temperature regimes over 1,000 simulation time units indicating either that the equilibration time is extremely long or that there is a possibility of a first order phase transition. The pion mass is large at the crossover values of the gauge coupling, but the crossover curve has moved closer to the critical curve along which the pion and quark masses vanish, than it was on lattices with four time slices. In addition, values of the dimensionless quantity T_c/m_rho are in closer agreement with those for staggered quarks than was the case at N_t=4. (A POSTSCRIPT VERSION OF THIS PAPER IS AVAILABLE BY ANONYMOUS FTP FROM sarek.physics.ucsb.edu ( IN THE FILE pub/wilson_thermo.ps)Comment: 24 page

    Hadron Spectrum in QCD with Valence Wilson Fermions and Dynamical Staggered Fermions at $6/g^2=5.6

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    We present an analysis of hadronic spectroscopy for Wilson valence quarks with dynamical staggered fermions at lattice coupling 6/g2=β=5.66/g^2 = \beta=5.6 at sea quark mass amq=0.01am_q=0.01 and 0.025, and of Wilson valence quarks in quenched approximation at β=5.85\beta=5.85 and 5.95, both on 163×3216^3 \times 32 lattices. We make comparisons with our previous results with dynamical staggered fermions at the same parameter values but on 16416^4 lattices doubled in the temporal direction.Comment: 32 page

    Fermion-scalar interactions with domain wall fermions

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    Domain wall fermions are defined on a lattice with an extra direction the size of which controls the chiral properties of the theory. When gauge fields are coupled to domain wall fermions the extra direction is treated as an internal flavor space. Here it is found that this is not the case for scalar fields. Instead, the interaction takes place only along the link that connects the boundaries of the extra direction. This reveals a richness in the way different spin particles are coupled to domain wall fermions. As an application, 4-Fermi models are studied using large N techniques and the results are supported by numerical simulations with N=2. It is found that the chiral properties of domain wall fermions in these models are good across a large range of couplings and that a phase with parity-flavor broken symmetry can develop for negative bare masses if the number of sites along the extra direction is finite.Comment: LaTeX, 17 pages, 8 eps figures; comment regarding the width of Aoki phase added in sec. 3; references adde

    Genome characterization and population genetic structure of the zoonotic pathogen, streptococcus canis

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    Background - Streptococcus canis is an important opportunistic pathogen of dogs and cats that can also infect a wide range of additional mammals including cows where it can cause mastitis. It is also an emerging human pathogen. Results - Here we provide characterization of the first genome sequence for this species, strain FSL S3-227 (milk isolate from a cow with an intra-mammary infection). A diverse array of putative virulence factors was encoded by the S. canis FSL S3-227 genome. Approximately 75% of these gene sequences were homologous to known Streptococcal virulence factors involved in invasion, evasion, and colonization. Present in the genome are multiple potentially mobile genetic elements (MGEs) [plasmid, phage, integrative conjugative element (ICE)] and comparison to other species provided convincing evidence for lateral gene transfer (LGT) between S. canis and two additional bovine mastitis causing pathogens (Streptococcus agalactiae, and Streptococcus dysgalactiae subsp. dysgalactiae), with this transfer possibly contributing to host adaptation. Population structure among isolates obtained from Europe and USA [bovine = 56, canine = 26, and feline = 1] was explored. Ribotyping of all isolates and multi locus sequence typing (MLST) of a subset of the isolates (n = 45) detected significant differentiation between bovine and canine isolates (Fisher exact test: P = 0.0000 [ribotypes], P = 0.0030 [sequence types]), suggesting possible host adaptation of some genotypes. Concurrently, the ancestral clonal complex (54% of isolates) occurred in many tissue types, all hosts, and all geographic locations suggesting the possibility of a wide and diverse niche. Conclusion - This study provides evidence highlighting the importance of LGT in the evolution of the bacteria S. canis, specifically, its possible role in host adaptation and acquisition of virulence factors. Furthermore, recent LGT detected between S. canis and human bacteria (Streptococcus urinalis) is cause for concern, as it highlights the possibility for continued acquisition of human virulence factors for this emerging zoonotic pathogen

    Properties of the a1 Meson from Lattice QCD

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    We determine the mass and decay constant of the a1a_1 meson using Monte Carlo simulation of lattice QCD. We find Ma1=1250±80M_{a_1} = 1250 \pm 80 MeV and fa1=0.30±0.03 (GeV)2f_{a_1} = 0.30 \pm 0.03 ~({\rm GeV})^2, in good agreement with experiment.Comment: 9 page uu-encoded compressed postscript file. version appearing in Phys. Rev. Lett. 74 (1995) 459

    Spontaneous Flavor and Parity Breaking with Wilson Fermions

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    We discuss the phase diagram of Wilson fermions in the m0m_0--g2g^2 plane for two-flavor QCD. We argue that, as originally suggested by Aoki, there is a phase in which flavor and parity are spontaneously broken. Recent numerical results on the spectrum of the overlap Hamiltonian have been interpreted as evidence against Aoki's conjecture. We show that they are in fact consistent with the presence of a flavor-parity broken ``Aoki phase''. We also show how, as the continuum limit is approached, one can study the lattice theory using the continuum chiral Lagrangian supplemented by additional terms proportional to powers of the lattice spacing. We find that there are two possible phase structures at non-zero lattice spacing: (1) there is an Aoki phase of width Δm0∼a3\Delta m_0 \sim a^3 with two massless Goldstone pions; (2) there is no symmetry breaking, and all three pions have an equal non-vanishing mass of order aa. Present numerical evidence suggests that the former option is realized for Wilson fermions. Our analysis then predicts the form of the pion masses and the flavor-parity breaking condensate within the Aoki phase. Our analysis also applies for non-perturbatively improved Wilson fermions.Comment: 22 pages, LaTeX, 5 figures (added several references and a comment

    Light Quark Masses from Lattice QCD

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    We present estimates of the masses of light quarks using lattice data. Our main results are based on a global analysis of all the published data for Wilson, Sheikholeslami-Wohlert (clover), and staggered fermions, both in the quenched approximation and with nf=2n_f=2 dynamical flavors. We find that the values of masses with the various formulations agree after extrapolation to the continuum limit for the nf=0n_f=0 theory. Our best estimates, in the MSbar scheme at μ=2GeV\mu=2 GeV, are \mbar=3.4 +- 0.4 +- 0.3 MeV and ms=100+−21+−10MeVm_s = 100 +- 21 +- 10 MeV in the quenched approximation. The nf=2n_f=2 results, \mbar = 2.7 +- 0.3 +- 0.3 MeV and ms=68+−12+−7MeVm_s = 68 +- 12 +- 7 MeV, are preliminary. (A linear extrapolation in nfn_f would further reduce these estimates for the physical case of three dynamical flavors.) These estimates are smaller than phenomenological estimates based on sum rules, but maintain the ratios predicted by chiral perturbation theory. The new results have a significant impact on the extraction of ϵ′/ϵ\epsilon'/\epsilon from the Standard Model. Using the same lattice data we estimate the quark condensate using the Gell-Mann-Oakes-Renner relation. Again the three formulations give consistent results after extrapolation to a=0a=0, and the value turns out to be correspondingly larger, roughly preserving m_s \vev{\bar \psi \psi}.Comment: 32 pages. Package submitted in uufiles format: unpack and tex paper.tex. Modified "axis" source for figures also included. Latex2e document. Uncomment hyperref if available. This is the final published versio

    Finite-Temperature Phase Structure of Lattice QCD with Wilson Quark Action

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    The long-standing issue of the nature of the critical line of lattice QCD with the Wilson quark action at finite-temperatures, defined to be the line of vanishing pion screening mass, and its relation to the line of finite-temperature chiral tansition is examined. Analytical and numerical evidence are presented that the critical line forms a cusp at a finite gauge coupling, and the line of chiral transition runs past the tip of the cusp without touching the critical line. Implications on the continuum limit and the flavor dependence of chiral transition are discussed.Comment: 13 pages(4 figures), latex (epsf style-file needed), one sentence in abstract missed in transmission supplied and a few minor modifications in the text mad
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