5,703 research outputs found

    On the Zariski-Lipman conjecture for normal algebraic surfaces

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    We consider the Zariski-Lipman Conjecture on free module of derivations for algebraic surfaces. Using the theory of non-complete algebraic surfaces, and some basic results about ruled surfaces, we will prove the conjecture for several classes of affine and projective surfaces.Comment: Final version; to appear in Jour. London Math. So

    Meiotic sex chromosome cohesion and autosomal synapsis are supported by Esco2.

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    In mitotic cells, establishment of sister chromatid cohesion requires acetylation of the cohesin subunit SMC3 (acSMC3) by ESCO1 and/or ESCO2. Meiotic cohesin plays additional but poorly understood roles in the formation of chromosome axial elements (AEs) and synaptonemal complexes. Here, we show that levels of ESCO2, acSMC3, and the pro-cohesion factor sororin increase on meiotic chromosomes as homologs synapse. These proteins are less abundant on the largely unsynapsed sex chromosomes, whose sister chromatid cohesion appears weaker throughout the meiotic prophase. Using three distinct conditional Esco2 knockout mouse strains, we demonstrate that ESCO2 is essential for male gametogenesis. Partial depletion of ESCO2 in prophase I spermatocytes delays chromosome synapsis and further weakens cohesion along sex chromosomes, which show extensive separation of AEs into single chromatids. Unsynapsed regions of autosomes are associated with the sex chromatin and also display split AEs. This study provides the first evidence for a specific role of ESCO2 in mammalian meiosis, identifies a particular ESCO2 dependence of sex chromosome cohesion and suggests support of autosomal synapsis by acSMC3-stabilized cohesion

    Higgs bundles and fundamental group schemes

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    Relying on a notion of ``numerical effectiveness'' for Higgs bundles, we show that the category of ``numerically flat'' Higgs vector bundles on a smooth projective variety XX is a Tannakian category. We introduce the associated group scheme, that we call the ``Higgs fundamental group scheme of XX,'' and show that its properties are related to a conjecture about the vanishing of the Chern classes of numerically flat Higgs vector bundles

    Optimal disturbance rejecting control of hyperbolic systems

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    Optimal regulation of hyperbolic systems in the presence of unknown disturbances is considered. Necessary conditions for determining the optimal control that tracks a desired trajectory in the presence of the worst possible perturbations are developed. The results also characterize the worst possible disturbance that the system will be able to tolerate before any degradation of the system performance. Numerical results on the control of a vibrating beam are presented

    Moduli Stabilization in Brane Gas Cosmology with Superpotentials

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    In the context of brane gas cosmology in superstring theory, we show why it is impossible to simultaneously stabilize the dilaton and the radion with a general gas of strings (including massless modes) and D-branes. Although this requires invoking a different mechanism to stabilize these moduli fields, we find that the brane gas can still play a crucial role in the early universe in assisting moduli stabilization. We show that a modest energy density of specific types of brane gas can solve the overshoot problem that typically afflicts potentials arising from gaugino condensation.Comment: minor changes to match the journal versio


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    Two hundred sixty four samples were collected from heart blood, liver, spleen and femur of 85 khaki Campbell ducks of which P. multocida could be isolated from 4 (4.70%) birds. Out of 4 samples, organisms could be isolated from heart blood of one ducklings liver and femur of one duck each. All the isolates were found positive to catalase, oxidase, indole, nitrate reduction test and negative to methyl red, Voges-Proskaur, citrate utilization, H2S production and triple sugar iron test. The isolates fermented glucose and manitol without production of gas and non-fermented lactose, salicin, dulcitol and inositol. The isolates were non-motile and pathogenic to mice. All isolates of P. multocida were sensitive to amoxiclav, chloramphenicol, gentamicin and three isolates were sensitive to co-trimoxazole. All were moderately sensitive to amikacin, cefotaxime, neomycin and norfloxacin and resistant to ciprofloxacin and lomefloxacin


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    Two hundred seventy two rectal swabs were examined from diarrhoeic and nondiarrhoeic pet dogs and cats. Out of 240 samples from dogs, 131 (54.58%) and out of 32 samples from cats, 15 (46.87%) were positive for E. coli by cultural characteristic, gram staining, motility,biochemical reactions and sugar fermentation tests. Out of 146 total positive isolates, only 12 isolates were pathogenic. Out of 12 pathogenic isolates of E. coli 6 isolates were O group non- typable and rest 6 E. coli strains were O25, O86a, O44 and O1 from dogs and O36 and O8 from cats. Out of 12 isolates 9 were sensitive to ceftriaxone, 8 were sensitive to ciprofloxacin and gentamicin, 4 were sensitive to amikacin, neomycin and norfloxacin, 2 were to Co-trimoxazole and 1 was sensitive to lomefloxacin. None of the isolate was sensitive to amoxyclav & cephotaxime

    Measurement of spark probability of GEM detector for CBM muon chamber (MUCH)

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    The stability of triple GEM detector setups in an environment of high energetic showers is studied. To this end the spark probability in a shower environment is compared to the spark probability in a pion beam.Comment: 5 pages, 10 figure