54 research outputs found

    Combination PPARγ and RXR Agonist Treatment in Melanoma Cells: Functional Importance of S100A2

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    Nuclear hormone receptors, including RXR and PPARγ, represent novel therapeutic targets in melanoma. We have previously shown that the DRO subline of the amelanotic melanoma A375 responds to rexinoid and thiazolidinedione (TZD) treatment in vitro and in vivo. We performed microarray analysis of A375(DRO) after TZD and combination rexinoid/TZD treatment in which the calcium binding protein S100A2 had increased expression after rexinoid or TZD treatment and a synergistic increase to combination treatment. Increased S100A2 expression is dependent on an intact PPARγ receptor, but it is not sufficient to mediate the antiproliferative effects of rexinoid/TZD treatment. Over expression of S100A2 enhanced the effect of rexinoid and TZD treatment while inhibition of S100A2 expression attenuated the response to rexinoid/TZD treatment, suggesting that S100A2 is necessary for optimal response to RXR and PPARγ activation by respective ligands. In summary, we have identified potential downstream mediators of rexinoid and TZD treatment in a poorly differentiated melanoma and found that alterations in S100A2 expression affect RXR and PPARγ signaling in A375(DRO) cells. These studies provide insight into potential mechanisms of tumor response or resistance to these novel therapies

    Cancer-Preventive Rexinoid Modulates Neutral Lipid Contents of Mammary Epithelial Cells through a Peroxisome Proliferator- Activated Receptor ␥-Dependent Mechanism

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    ABSTRACT Synthetic rexinoids effectively suppress both estrogen receptor-positive and estrogen receptor-negative mammary tumors in animal models, which makes them prime candidates for a novel class of cancer-preventive agents. When used in combination with chemotherapy for non-small-cell lung cancer, the rexinoid bexarotene was most effective for patients who developed hypertriglyceridemia as a side effect. Although serum triglycerides originate from the liver, the effect of bexarotene on lipogenesis in breast epithelial cells is not known. Gene expression studies with normal mammary epithelial cells indicated that rexinoids modulate lipid metabolism, particularly enzymes involved in triglyceride synthesis. High-content analysis revealed dose-dependent accumulation of neutral lipids within adipocyte differentiation-related protein-associated cytoplasmic lipid droplets after long-term bexarotene treatment. Bexarotene also induced mRNA and protein levels for peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR) ␥, whereas selective knockdown of PPAR␥ attenuated the induction of both lipid droplets and adipocyte differentiation-related protein. Pharmacological activation of PPAR␥, but not PPAR␣ or retinoic acid receptors, effectively induced lipid accumulation. Furthermore, the combination of the PPAR␥ agonist rosiglitazone with bexarotene synergistically suppressed the growth of human mammary epithelial cells and revealed a strong, nonlinear, inverse correlation of cell growth with lipid droplet accumulation in the cell population. These findings indicate that rexinoids activate a lipogenic program in mammary epithelial cells through a retinoid X receptor/PPAR␥-mediated mechanism. It is noteworthy that combining low doses of bexarotene with the PPAR␥ agonist rosiglitazone provides effective growth suppression of mammary epithelial cells, potentially dissociating systemic adverse effects associated with standard bexarotene treatment from the antiproliferative effects on mammary epithelium

    Transcriptomic signature of Bexarotene (Rexinoid LGD1069) on mammary gland from three transgenic mouse mammary cancer models

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    Background: The rexinoid bexarotene (LGD1069, Targretin) is a highly selective retinoid × receptor (RXR) agonist that inhibits the growth of pre-malignant and malignant breast cells. Bexarotene was shown to suppress the development of breast cancer in transgenic mice models without side effects. The chemopreventive effects of bexarotene are due to transcriptional modulation of cell proliferation, differentiation and apoptosis. Our goal in the present study was to obtain a profile of the genes modulated by bexarotene on mammary gland from three transgenic mouse mammary cancer models in an effort to elucidate its molecular mechanism of action and for the identification of biomarkers of effectiveness. Methods: Serial analysis of gene expression (SAGE) was employed to profile the transcriptome of p53-null, MMTV-ErbB2, and C3(1)-SV40 mammary cells obtained from mice treated with bexarotene and their corresponding controls. Results: This resulted in a dataset of approximately 360,000 transcript tags representing over 20,000 mRNAs from a total of 6 different SAGE libraries. Analysis of gene expression changes induced by bexarotene in mammary gland revealed that 89 genes were dysregulated among the three transgenic mouse mammary models. From these, 9 genes were common to the three models studied. Conclusion: Analysis of the indicated core of transcripts and protein-protein interactions of this commonly modulated genes indicate two functional modules significantly affected by rexinoid bexarotene related to protein biosynthesis and bioenergetics signatures, in addition to the targeting of cancer-causing genes related with cell proliferation, differentiation and apoptosis.Centro de Investigaciones Inmunológicas Básicas y Aplicada

    Induction of apoptosis by HBI-8000 in adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma is associated with activation of Bim and NLRP3

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    Adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma (ATL) is an aggressive T-cell malignancy caused by human T-cell lymphotropic virus 1. Treatment options for acute ATL patients include chemotherapy, stem cell transplantation, and recently the anti-chemokine (C-C motif) receptor 4 antibody, although most patients still have a poor prognosis and there is a clear need for additional options. HBI-8000 is a novel oral histone deacetylase inhibitor with proven efficacy for treatment of T-cell lymphomas that recently received approval in China. In the present study, we evaluated the effects of HBI-8000 on ATL-derived cell lines and primary cells obtained from Japanese ATL patients. In most cases HBI-8000 induced apoptosis in both primary ATL cells and cell lines. In addition, findings obtained with DNA microarray suggested Bim activation and, interestingly, the contribution of the NLR family, pyrin domain containing 3 (NLRP3) inflammasome pathway in HBI-8000-induced ATL cell death. Further investigations using siRNAs confirmed that Bim contributes to HBI-8000-induced apoptosis. Our results provide a rationale for a clinical investigation of the efficacy of HBI-8000 in patients with ATL. Although the role of NLRP3 inflammasome activation in ATL cell death remains to be verified, HBI-8000 may be part of a novel therapeutic strategy for cancer based on the NLRP3 pathway

    Transcriptomic signature of bexarotene (rexinoid LGD1069) on mammary gland from three transgenic mouse mammary cancer models

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    Background: The rexinoid bexarotene (LGD1069, Targretin) is a highly selective retinoid × receptor (RXR) agonist that inhibits the growth of pre-malignant and malignant breast cells. Bexarotene was shown to suppress the development of breast cancer in transgenic mice models without side effects. The chemopreventive effects of bexarotene are due to transcriptional modulation of cell proliferation, differentiation and apoptosis. Our goal in the present study was to obtain a profile of the genes modulated by bexarotene on mammary gland from three transgenic mouse mammary cancer models in an effort to elucidate its molecular mechanism of action and for the identification of biomarkers of effectiveness. Methods: Serial analysis of gene expression (SAGE) was employed to profile the transcriptome of p53-null, MMTV-ErbB2, and C3(1)-SV40 mammary cells obtained from mice treated with bexarotene and their corresponding controls. Results: This resulted in a dataset of approximately 360,000 transcript tags representing over 20,000 mRNAs from a total of 6 different SAGE libraries. Analysis of gene expression changes induced by bexarotene in mammary gland revealed that 89 genes were dysregulated among the three transgenic mouse mammary models. From these, 9 genes were common to the three models studied. Conclusion: Analysis of the indicated core of transcripts and protein-protein interactions of this commonly modulated genes indicate two functional modules significantly affected by rexinoid bexarotene related to protein biosynthesis and bioenergetics signatures, in addition to the targeting of cancer-causing genes related with cell proliferation, differentiation and apoptosis.Centro de Investigaciones Inmunológicas Básicas y Aplicada

    Immunoregulatory activity of a T cell receptor alpha chain demonstrated by in vitro transcription and translation

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    Previous studies from our laboratory and those of others suggested the possibility that the T-cell antigen receptor a (TCRa) chain from some T cells can be released in a soluble form and can have antigen- specific immunoregulatory activity. We have analyzed this phenomenon by in vitro transcription and translation (IVTT) of a cDNA encoding a TCRa chain (A1.1 TCRa) suspected of having such activity. We found that TCRa, but not TCR,6, protein produced in this way showed antigen-specific regulatory activity in an in vitro immune-response assay. Protein derived from truncated forms of the A1.1 TCRa cDNA had activity providing that, in addition to the variable (V) and joining (J) regions of the a chain (VJa), at least the first 25 amino acids of the a chain of the constant (C) region (Ca) were present. Addition of an irrelevant protein sequence to the VJa failed to impart activity to the molecule, suggesting that the Ca requirement is not simply for stabilization of the resulting protein. These results are discussed in the context of other recent studies on the immunoregulatory activity of soluble TCRa molecules, and the possible physiological relevance of these observations is considered

    Rexinoid-induced Expression of IGFBP-6 Requires RARβ-dependent Permissive Cooperation of Retinoid Receptors and AP-1*

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    The synthetic rexinoid bexarotene (Targretin, LGD1069) inhibits the formation of both estrogen receptor-negative and estrogen receptor-positive breast cancer in preclinical models and controls the expression of growth-regulatory biomarkers, such as IGFBP-6 (insulin-like growth factor-binding protein 6), RARβ, or cyclin D1. In this study, we identified a classical retinoic acid-responsive element in the first intron in the IGFBP-6 gene adjacent to a consensus AP-1 binding site, both elements essential for rexinoid-induced expression of IGFBP-6. In chromatin binding experiments, bexarotene increased the occupancy of the identified enhancer element by RXRα, RARβ, cJun, cFos, and p300. In normal mammary epithelial cells and T47D breast cancer cells, small interfering RNA-mediated knockdown of all RXR isoforms or RARβ, but not RARα or RARγ alone, blocked the induction of IGFBP-6 by bexarotene. Simultaneous knockdown of RARα and RARγ abrogated both the induction of RARβ and the up-regulation and secretion of IGFBP-6. The suppression of either RARβ or cJun by small interfering RNA blocked the recruitment of RXRα and cJun to the enhancer. These results demonstrate a novel cooperative interaction between retinoid receptors and AP-1 orchestrated by RARβ and highlight a novel mechanism by which RARβ can mediate the cancer-preventive effects of rexinoids

    9-cis retinoic acid inhibition of activation-induced apoptosis is mediated via regulation of Fas ligand and requires retinoic acid receptor and retinoic X receptor activation

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    T-cell hybridomas, thymocytes, and T cells can be induced to undergo apoptotic cell death by activation through the T-cell receptor. This process requires macromolecular synthesis and thus gene expression, and it has been shown to be influenced by factors regulating transcription. Recently, activation, T-cell hybridomas rapidly express the Fas/CD95 receptor and its ligand, Fas ligand (FasL), which interact to transduce the death signal in the activated cell. Retinoids, the active metabolites of vitamin A, modulate expression of specific target genes by binding to two classes of intracellular receptors, retinoic acid receptors (RARs) and retinoid X receptors (RXRs). They are potent modulators of apoptosis in a number of experimental models, and they have been shown to inhibit activation-induced apoptosis in T-cell hybridomas and thymocytes. Particularly effective is the prototypic pan- agonist 9-cis retinoic acid (9-cis RA), which has high affinity for both RARs and RXRs. We report here that 9-cis RA inhibits T-cell receptor-mediated apoptosis in T-cell hybridomas by blocking the expression of Fas ligand following activation. This inhibition appears to be at the level of FasL mRNA, with the subsequent failure to express cell surface FasL. RAR-selective (TTNPB) or RXR-selective (LG100268) ligands alone were considerably less potent than RAR-RXR pan-agonists. However, the addition of both RAR- and RXR-selective ligands was as effective as the addition of 9-cis RA alone. The demonstrates that the inhibitory effect requires the ligand-mediated activation of both retinoid receptor signaling pathways