184 research outputs found

    Corte costituzionale e “materia penale”

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    The progressive affirmation of the European criminal law and the increasingly activity of the European Courts in criminal field have profoundly affected the corollaries of the principle of criminal legality, enshrined in Article 25, second paragraph, of the Italian Constitution. On the domestic side, too, the evolution of this principle has distanced the guarantees of nullum crimen from the design that the Constituent had outlined, in homage to their Enlightenment genesis. In this context, doctrine and jurisprudence, both national and supranational, have dealt in particular with the dilemma of “criminal matter”, that means with the problem of the boundaries of the principle of legality referred to in Article 25, second paragraph, Const.; this topic has taken on a very special relevance in recent times, after the Constitutional Court elevated nullum crimen to the rank of supreme principle of our legal system, insofar as it imposes determinacy and non-retroactivity in malam partem. The present volume aims to investigate these issues, from the peculiar perspective of constitutional law, trying to measure the advantages and costs, also from a systematic point of view, of an elastic notion of “criminal matters”

    Estudo da adição de folhas de oliveira durante o processo de extração na composição química e perfil sensorial de azeite virgem Cv. cobrançosa utilizando metodologia de superfície de resposta

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    Mestrado com dupla diplomação com a Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáO azeite é o óleo vegetal extraído da azeitona (Olea europaea L.). A sua qualidade está diretamente relacionada com as características e composição da azeitona e com o processo de extração, nomeadamente o tempo de batedura das pastas. As folhas das oliveiras são ricas em compostos antioxidantes e alguns trabalhos indicam que a sua adição durante o processo de extração pode melhorar quer a composição química quer o perfil sensorial dos azeites extraídos. Neste sentido, o presente trabalho teve por objetivo aplicar a metodologia de superfície de resposta para optimização da escolha da quantidade de folha a adicionar durante o processo de extração (0, 5 e 10 %); e do tempo de batedura das pastas (20, 30 e 40 minutos), na qualidade e composição de azeites da Cv. Cobrançosa. Foram selecionados 13 eventos de combinação de ambos os fatores, com três repetições, e nos azeites obtidos foram avaliados os parâmetros de qualidade, a composição (ácidos gordos, tocoferóis e voláteis), a atividade antioxidante, e a cor. Os resultados indicam que a adição de folhas juntamente com o tempo de batedura influi ao nível de alguns parâmetros de qualidade e da composição química dos azeites extraídos. A adição de folhas apesar de ter um efeito positivo ao nível da qualidade e composição, mostrou influir negativamente nos parâmetros relacionados com a oxidação. As adições de folhas, juntamente com o tempo de batedura, exerceram um efeito positivo nas sensações de frutado e verde e influenciou a composição em ácidos gordos, com diminuição do teor em ácido oleico e aumento do linoleico, sendo os ácidos gordos monoinsaturados, influênciados com tempos extremos de batedura. A adição de folhas durante a extração pareceu exercer um efeito negativo na estabilidade e atividade antioxidante dos azeites extraído o que estará relacionado com a incorporação de clorofilas. Na fração volátil, identificaram-se 22 compostos, entre eles o (E)-2- hexanal, o (Z)-3-hexenal e o (Z)-3-hexen-1-ol que foram influênciados quer pela adição de folhas e tempo de batedura.The olive oil is the vegetable oil extracted from olives (Olea europaea L.). Its quality is directly related to the characteristics and composition of the olive and the extraction process, and in particular with time taken during paste malaxation. The leaves of the olive tree are rich in antioxidants and some studies indicate that their addition during the extraction process can improve both the chemical composition or the sensory profile of the extracted oils. In this sense, the present study aimed to apply the response surface methodology to optimize the choice of the amount of olive leaves to be added during the extraction process (0, 5 and 10%); and olive paste malaxation time (20, 30 and 40 minutes), in the quality and composition of oils from Cv. Cobrançosa. Were selected 13 events of combination of both factors, with three replicates, and the obtained olive oils were evaluated for quality parameters, composition (fatty acids, tocopherols and volatiles), antioxidant activity, and color. The results indicate that the addition of olive leaf together with the malaxation time influence some quality parameters and the chemical composition of the extracted oil. The addition of olive leaf, despite having a positive effect on the quality and composition, showed to influence negatively the parameters related to oxidation. The addition of olive leaf, together with the time malaxation, had a positive effect on the fruity and green sensations; and influence the fatty acid composition, with a decrease in oleic acid and an increase in linoleic acid content, being monounsaturated fatty acids influenced by extreme malaxation times. Addition of olive leaf during extraction appear to have a negative effect on the antioxidant activity and stability of the oil extracted which might be associated with the incorporation of chlorophylls. In the volatile fraction, 22 compounds were identified, including the (E)-2-hexenal, (Z)-3-hexenal and (Z)-3-hexen-1-ol, which were affected by addition of leaves and time of malaxation


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    Within the well-known Taricco affair, the Constitutional Court, with the refer n. 24 of 2017, raised the principle of legality in criminal law, enshrined in art. 25, second paragraph of the Constitution, to the rank of supreme principle of the constitutional legal order, insofar it requires that criminal rules must be precise and must not have retroactive effect, recognizing the extraordinary importance of the individual guarantees related to it. However, this statement of the Constitutional Judge comes into a context of deep crisis of the guarantees historically referred to the principle of nullum crimen, which, due to the distortions of legislative procedures and the increasingly importance of the jurisprudence (common and constitutional), due to the definitive affirmation of a European criminal law and of the progressive incidence of the European Court in the criminal sector, has profoundly changed its own content of guarantee, compared to the original model traced by the Constituent. This doctoral research intends to investigate, with the peculiar perspective of constitutional law, this complex ground focusing, after a brief introduction of its historical and philosophical origins, on the evolution of the principle of legality in criminal law, in light of the integration with the European Charters, with the idea of particularly deepening the most recent and controversial issues: firstly, the definition of the scope of the principle recognized by the art. 25, second paragraph of the Constitution (which is a priority topic); the current significance of the statutory clause in criminal matters in a scenario where the representative Parliament seems ousted from the definition of the criminal policy\u2019s directives; the role played in criminal matters by the Constitutional Court, called to represent the last bastion in defense of the principle of legality and sometimes becomes itself the source of guarantees\u2019 weakening linked to the statutory clause and the principle of certainty; and lastly, the impact on the domestic penal system brought by the criminalization\u2019s choices taken by the institutions of the European Union and the increasingly role of supranational Courts

    New insights into key determinants for adenosine 1 receptor antagonists selectivity using supervised molecular dynamics simulations

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    Adenosine receptors (ARs), like many otherGprotein-coupledreceptors (GPCRs), are targets of primary interest indrug design. However, one of the main limits for the development of drugs for this class of GPCRs is the complex selectivity profile usually displayed by ligands. Numerous efforts have been madefor clarifying the selectivity of ARs, leading to the development of many ligand-based models. The structure of the AR subtype A1 (A1AR) has been recently solved,providing important structural insights. In the present work, we rationalized the selectivity profile of two selective A1AR and A2AAR antagonists, investigating their recognition trajectories obtained by Supervised Molecular Dynamics from an unbound state and monitoring the role of the water molecules in the binding site

    La 'storia infinità' della sentenza costituzionale n. 32/2014 : Ricadute della decisione e spunti di riflessione sul giudicato penale e sul principio di legalità della pena

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    SOMMARIO: 1. Premessa. 2. La sentenza costituzionale n. 32/2014 e gli effetti di \u201cprima generazione\u201d: la reviviscenza della normativa previgente. 3. (Segue): gli effetti di \u201cseconda generazione\u201d. 4. La dichiarazione d\u2019illegittimit\ue0 costituzionale di una norma penale sostanziale diversa dalla norma incriminatrice e l\u2019art. 30, comma IV, l. 87 del 1953. 5. (Segue): la progressiva erosione del \u201cmito\u201d del giudicato penale. 6. La rideterminazione in executivis delle pene divenute illegali a seguito della sentenza costituzionale n. 32/2014. 7. Riflessioni conclusive

    Revisiting the Allosteric Regulation of Sodium Cation on the Binding of Adenosine at the Human A2A Adenosine Receptor: Insights from Supervised Molecular Dynamics (SuMD) Simulations

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    One of the most intriguing findings highlighted from G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) crystallography is the presence, in many members of class A, of a partially hydrated sodium ion in the middle of the seven transmembrane helices (7TM) bundle. In particular, the human adenosine A2A receptor (A2A AR) is the first GPCR in which a monovalent sodium ion was crystallized in a distal site from the canonical orthosteric one, corroborating, from a structural point of view, its role as a negative allosteric modulator. However, the molecular mechanism by which the sodium ion influences the recognition of the A2A AR agonists is not yet fully understood. In this study, the supervised molecular dynamics (SuMD) technique was exploited to analyse the sodium ion recognition mechanism and how its presence influences the binding of the endogenous agonist adenosine. Due to a higher degree of flexibility of the receptor extracellular (EC) vestibule, we propose the sodium-bound A2A AR as less efficient in stabilizing the adenosine during the different steps of binding