52 research outputs found

    Numerical and Experimental Analysis of the Influence of Assembling Conditions and the Tolerance of Adapted Implantological Components on the Durability of the Prosthetic Construction

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    Durable fastening of implant retained prosthetic restorations, consisting of a series of elements, is one of the main factors of successful prosthetic rehabilitation. Clinically observed mechanical problems concerning the above mentioned components are complications that occur most often in the loading phase. The aim of this research was evaluation of the suppleness of the implant- -anti-rotary abutment construction to loosening under the influence of labile mechanical stress. Numerical analysis of resistance based on the finite element analysis (FEA) was used in the initial phase of this research. The actual tests were done with the use of a dynamic mechanical analyser Netzsch DMA 242 and a polarisation microscope equipped with a CCD camera. A series of implants connected with abutments composed of two parts were analysed. The results of initial studies utilizing the finite element analysis (FEA) allowed definition of the spheres of stress concentration. On the basis of in vitro experiments, the investigators evaluated the influence of tolerance of adapted implant-abutment interface fit, as well as the torque used in the assembly of the abutment, on the occurrence of micromovements and loosening of components. The results strongly indicate correlation between the chosen variables and the risk of occurrence of mechanical complications

    Combination of self-organization mechanisms to enhance service discovery in open systems

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    Decentralized systems have emerged as an alternative to centralized approaches for dealing with dynamic requirements in new business models. These systems should provide mechanisms that contribute to flexibility and facilitate adaptation to changes in the environment. In this paper, we present two self-organization mechanisms for a decentralized service discovery system in order to improve its performance. These mechanisms are based on local actions of agents that only consider local information about queries they forward during the discovery process. The self-organization actions are chosen by each agent individually when the agent considers them to be appropriate. The actions are: remaining in the system, leaving the system, cloning, and changing structural relations with other agents. We have evaluated each self-organization mechanism separately but also the combination of the two as the environmental conditions in the service demand change. The results show that the proposed self-organization mechanisms considerably improve the performance of the service discovery systemDel Val Noguera, E.; Rebollo Pedruelo, M.; Botti Navarro, VJ. (2014). Combination of self-organization mechanisms to enhance service discovery in open systems. Information Sciences. 279:138-162. doi:10.1016/j.ins.2014.03.109S13816227

    Hollywood\u27s War with Poland, 1939-1945

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    During World War II, Hollywood studios supported the war effort by making patriotic movies designed to raise the nation\u27s morale. These movies often portrayed the combatants in very simple terms: Americans and their allies were heroes, and everyone else was a villain. Norway, France, Czechoslovakia, and England were all good because they had been invaded or victimized by Nazi Germany. Poland, however, was represented in a negative light in numerous movies. This book draws on a close study of prewar and wartime films such as To Be or Not to Be (1942), In Our Time (1944), and None Shall Escape (1944). For the book, memoirs, letters, diaries, and memoranda written by screenwriters, directors, studio heads, and actors were researched to explore the negative portrayal of Poland during World War II. The book also examines the political climate that influenced Hollywood films.https://uknowledge.uky.edu/upk_film_and_media_studies/1036/thumbnail.jp

    Ideology, Politics and Diplomacy in East Central Europe

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    Possibilities for improving the safety of use of motor truck of visibility

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    W artykule omówiony został problem związany z ograniczeniem pola widoczności tzw. stref martwych w pojazdach użytkowych oraz pojazdach ciężarowych. Problem związany z bezpieczeństwem użytkowania takich pojazdów wiąże się w dużej mierze ze specyfiki konstrukcji samego nadwozia pojazdu oraz miejsca pracy kierowcy. Jednym ze sposobów poprawy widoczności z miejsca kierowcy wynikającym z wprowadzenia nowych przepisów jest wprowadzanie różnego rodzaju lusterek. Rozwój techniki wizyjnej oraz systemów przekształcania obrazu otworzył możliwości wykorzystania w technice samochodowej mini kamer. Jednym z najnowszych rozwiązań w tym zakresie jest „system 360 stopni” w pełni analizujący otoczenie wokół pojazdu.The paper discusses the issue of limited visibility in commercial vehicles and lorries. The problem with the safety of such vehicles is associated largely with the specifi cs of the structure of the vehicle body and the driver’s workplace. One way to improve the visibility of the driver resulting from the of introduction of the new regulations is the implementation of various types of mirrors. The development of vision technology and image conversion systems has opened possibilities for use in automotive engineering mini cameras. The latest development is a system of 360 degree, fully analyzing the environment around the vehicle

    Studies on transport and granulation properties of superphosphate pulps

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    W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań nad zmianą konsystencji pulp: TSP, MSP oraz USP na podstawie pomiarów mocy mieszania oraz temperatury podczas jej wytwarzania, w zaprojektowanym do tego celu zestawie. Na podstawie uzyskanych wyników, dla każdej z prób sporządzono wykresy zależności zmiany mocy mieszania i temperatury w czasie. Ponadto przeprowadzono próby granulacji nawozów w skali laboratoryjnej przy użyciu pulp TSP oraz USP jako głównego czynnika surowcowego i granulacyjnego.The paper presents results of studies on changing pulp consistency of TSP, MSP, and USP based on mixing power and temperature measurements in their production, in a device designed for this purpose. Plots of mixing power and temperature changes in time were prepared for each test on the basis of results. Fertilizer granulation tests have been carried out on laboratory scale using TSP and USP pulps as the main raw material and granulation factor

    Utilization of Industrial Wastes in Fertilizer Industry. Possibilities and Implementation

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    Omówiono wyniki ważniejszych badań przeprowadzonych w Instytucie Nowych Syntez Chemicznych oraz w Instytucie Technologii Nieorganicznej i Nawozów Mineralnych Politechniki Wrocławskiej nad zagospodarowaniem odpadów z różnych działów gospodarki przy produkcji nawozów mineralnych. Wykazano, że duże ilości odpadów o znaczącej zawartości składników pokarmowych dla roślin, można wykorzystać do produkcji nawozów w charakterze źródła składników pokarmowych (np. siarczan potasu z produkcji biopaliw) czynnika uaktywniającego fosfor (np. kwas siarkowy z produkcji bieli tytanowej) a także jako źrodło składników pokarmowych i jako czynnika stabilizującego zawiesiny (np. szlam pofiltracyjny z oczyszczania kwasu fosforowego). Stwierdzono, że w dalszym ciągu, w skali świata pozostaje nierozwiązany problem fosfogipsu i przedstawiono koncepcję wykorzystania części fosfogipsu do produkcji nawozów azotowo-siarkowych z udziałem mocznika.The results of the most important studies conducted in the New Chemical Syntheses Institute and the Institute of Inorganic Technology and Mineral Fertilizers, Wroclaw University of Technology on waste management in different sectors of the economy in the production of mineral fertilizers. It has been shown that large amounts of waste with a significant content of nutrients for the plants can be used for the production of fertilizers as a source of nutrients (eg. Potassium sulphate from the production of biofuels) agent that activates phosphorus (eg. sulfuric acid from the production of titanium dioxide), and also as a source of nutrients and as a slime stabilizing agent (eg. the filter sludge from the purification of phosphoric acid). It was found that problem of phosphogypsum continues to remain unsolved worldwide and the concept of using part of phosphogypsum to produce fertilizer nitrogen and sulfur with the participation of urea was introduced