42 research outputs found

    Mutations in UDP-Glucose:Sterol Glucosyltransferase in Arabidopsis Cause Transparent Testa Phenotype and Suberization Defect in Seeds

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    In higher plants, the most abundant sterol derivatives are steryl glycosides (SGs) and acyl SGs. Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) contains two genes, UGT80A2 and UGT80B1, that encode UDP-Glc:sterol glycosyltransferases, enzymes that catalyze the synthesis of SGs. Lines having mutations in UGT80A2, UGT80B1, or both UGT80A2 and UGT8B1 were identified and characterized. The ugt80A2 lines were viable and exhibited relatively minor effects on plant growth. Conversely, ugt80B1 mutants displayed an array of phenotypes that were pronounced in the embryo and seed. Most notable was the finding that ugt80B1 was allelic to transparent testa15 and displayed a transparent testa phenotype and a reduction in seed size. In addition to the role of UGT80B1 in the deposition of flavanoids, a loss of suberization of the seed was apparent in ugt80B1 by the lack of autofluorescence at the hilum region. Moreover, in ugt80B1, scanning and transmission electron microscopy reveals that the outer integument of the seed coat lost the electron-dense cuticle layer at its surface and displayed altered cell morphology. Gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry of lipid polyester monomers confirmed a drastic decrease in aliphatic suberin and cutin-like polymers that was associated with an inability to limit tetrazolium salt uptake. The findings suggest a membrane function for SGs and acyl SGs in trafficking of lipid polyester precursors. An ancillary observation was that cellulose biosynthesis was unaffected in the double mutant, inconsistent with a predicted role for SGs in priming cellulose synthesis

    A heuristic framework for video-based teaching and learning scenarios in higher education

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    Video has been proven to be an effective tool for enhancing the professional vision of higher education students, which is a crucial situation-specific skill within their professional competence. To ensure the successful integration of video in higher education teaching and learning, several implementation actions and processes need to be considered. This paper proposes a heuristic framework for implementing video-based teaching and learning scenarios across various disciplines in higher education. The framework combines existing research strands on professional vision, video implementation, technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK), and interactive, constructive, active, and passive (ICAP) learning activities. To highlight the interdisciplinary nature of the framework, examples from four different higher education disciplines (Catholic moral theology, Communication science, German as a second and foreign language, Medicine) are provided. These examples serve to underscore the framework’s applicability across a range of academic fields

    Impact of Protein Intake during Weight Loss on Preservation of Fat-Free Mass, Resting Energy Expenditure, and Physical Function in Overweight Postmenopausal Women: A Randomized Controlled Trial

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    Introduction: Weight loss in old age increases the risk of sarcopenia caused by the age-related reduction of fat-free mass (FFM). Due to the strong correlation between FFM and resting energy expenditure (REE), the maintenance of this must also be considered. Besides, the physical function (PF) must be maintained. Objective: The impact of protein intake on changes in FFM, REE, and PF during weight loss in overweight postmenopausal women was investigated. Methods: Fifty-four postmenopausal women (BMI 30.9 ± 3.4; age 59 ± 7 years) were randomized into 2 groups receiving energy-restricted diets with either 0.8 g (normal protein; NP) or 1.5 g protein/kg body weight (high protein; HP) for 12 weeks, followed by a 6-month follow-up phase with an ad libitum food intake. FFM, REE, and PF (strength, endurance, and balance) were measured at baseline, after weight loss, and after follow-up. Results: Forty-six women completed the weight loss intervention and 29 were followed up. The weight loss was –4.6 ± 3.6 kg (HP) and –5.2 ± 3.4 kg (NP; both p < 0.001) and the weight regain during follow-up was 1.3 ± 2.8 kg (HP; p = 0.03) and 0.4 ± 2.5 kg (NP; p = 0.39), with no differences between groups. Similar decreases in FFM (–0.9 ± 1.1 [HP] vs. –1.0 ± 1.3 kg [NP]) and REE (–862 ± 569 [HP] vs. –1,000 ± 561 kJ [NP]; both p < 0.001) were observed in both groups. During follow-up, no changes in FFM were detected in either group, whereas in the NP group the REE increased again (+138 ± 296; p = 0.02). The main determinants of FFM loss were the energy deficit and the speed of weight loss. In the NP group, the Short Physical Performance Battery score improved with weight loss (+0.6 ± 0.8; p < 0.001) and handgrip strength decreased (–1.7 ± 3.4 kg; p < 0.001), whereas no changes were observed in the HP group. Conclusions: An HP weight-loss diet without exercise had no impact on preservation of FFM and REE but may help to maintain muscle strength in postmenopausal women

    Proteome Coverage after Simultaneous Proteo-Metabolome Liquid-Liquid Extraction

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    Proteomics and metabolomics are essential in systems biology, and simultaneous proteo-metabolome liquid-liquid extraction (SPM-LLE) allows isolation of the metabolome and proteome from the same sample. Since the proteome is present as a pellet in SPM-LLE, it must be solubilized for quantitative proteomics. Solubilization and proteome extraction are critical factors in the information obtained at the proteome level. In this study, we investigated the performance of two surfactants (sodium deoxycholate (SDC), sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)) and urea in terms of proteome coverage and extraction efficiency of an interphase proteome pellet generated by methanol-chloroform based SPM-LLE. We also investigated how the performance differs when the proteome is extracted from the interphase pellet or by direct cell lysis. We quantified 12 lipids covering triglycerides and various phospholipid classes, and 25 polar metabolites covering central energy metabolism in chloroform and methanol extracts. Our study reveals that the proteome coverages between the two surfactants and urea for the SPM-LLE interphase pellet were similar, but the extraction efficiencies differed significantly. While SDS led to enrichment of basic proteins, which were mainly ribosomal and ribonuclear proteins, urea was the most efficient extraction agent for simultaneous proteo-metabolome analysis. The results of our study also show that the performance of surfactants for quantitative proteomics is better when the proteome is extracted through direct cell lysis rather than an interphase pellet. In contrast, the performance of urea for quantitative proteomics was significantly better when the proteome was extracted from an interphase pellet than by direct cell lysis. We demonstrated that urea is superior to surfactants for proteome extraction from SPM-LLE interphase pellets, with a particularly good performance for the extraction of proteins associated with metabolic pathways. Data are available via ProteomeXchange with identifier PXD027338.</p

    Asteroid 2008 TC3, not a polymict ureilitic but a polymict C1 chondrite parent body? Survey of 249 Almahata Sitta fragments

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    On October 7, 2008, the asteroid 2008 TC3 exploded as it entered the Earth’s atmosphere, producing significant dust (in the atmosphere) and delivering thousands of stones in a strewn field in Sudan, collectively known as the Almahata Sitta (AhS) stones. About 600 fragments were officially recovered in 2008 and 2009. Further rocks were collected since the fall event by local people. From these stones, 249 were classified at the Institut für Planetologie in Münster (MS) known as MS‐xxx or MS‐MU‐xxx AhS subsamples. Most of these rocks are ureilitic in origin (168; 67%): 87 coarse‐grained ureilites, 60 fine‐grained ureilites, 15 ureilites with variable texture/mineralogy, four trachyandesites, and two polymict breccias. We identified 81 non‐ureilitic fragments, corresponding to 33% of the recovered samples studied in Münster. These included chondrites, namely 65 enstatite chondrites (43 EL; 22 EH), 11 ordinary chondrites (OC), one carbonaceous chondrite, and one unique R‐like chondrite. Furthermore, three samples represent a unique type of enstatite achondrite. Since all AhS stones must be regarded as individual specimens independent from each other, the number of fresh ureilite and enstatite chondrite falls in our meteorite collections has been increased by several hundred percent. Overall, the samples weigh between <1 and 250 g and have a mean mass of ~15 g. If we consider—almost 15 years after the fall—the mass calculations, observations during and after the asteroid entered the atmosphere, the mineralogy of the C1 stones AhS 91A and AhS 671, and the experimental work on fitting the asteroid spectrum (e.g., Goodrich et al., 2019; Jenniskens et al., 2010; Shaddad et al., 2010), the main portion of the meteoroid was likely made of the fine‐grained (carbonaceous) dust and was mostly lost in the atmosphere. In particular, the fact that C1 materials were found has important implications for interpreting asteroid 2008 TC3's early spectroscopic results. Goodrich et al. (2019) correctly suggested that if scientists had not recovered the “water‐free” samples (e.g., ureilites, enstatites, and OC) from the AhS strewn field, 2008 TC3 would have been assumed to be a carbonaceous chondrite meteoroid. Considering that the dominating mass of the exploding meteoroid consisted of carbonaceous materials, asteroid 2008 TC3 cannot be classified as a polymict ureilite; consequently, we state that the asteroid was a polymict carbonaceous chondrite breccia, specifically a polymict C1 object that may have formed by late accretion at least 50–100 Ma after calcium–aluminum‐rich inclusions

    Comparative Assessment of Quantification Methods for Tumor Tissue Phosphoproteomics

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    With increasing sensitivity and accuracy in mass spectrometry, the tumor phosphoproteome is getting into reach. However, the selection of quantitation techniques best-suited to the biomedical question and diagnostic requirements remains a trial and error decision as no study has directly compared their performance for tumor tissue phosphoproteomics. We compared label-free quantification (LFQ), spike-in-SILAC (stable isotope labeling by amino acids in cell culture), and tandem mass tag (TMT) isobaric tandem mass tags technology for quantitative phosphosite profiling in tumor tissue. Compared to the classic SILAC method, spike-in-SILAC is not limited to cell culture analysis, making it suitable for quantitative analysis of tumor tissue samples. TMT offered the lowest accuracy and the highest precision and robustness toward different phosphosite abundances and matrices. Spike-in-SILAC offered the best compromise between these features but suffered from a low phosphosite coverage. LFQ offered the lowest precision but the highest number of identifications. Both spike-in-SILAC and LFQ presented susceptibility to matrix effects. Match between run (MBR)-based analysis enhanced the phosphosite coverage across technical replicates in LFQ and spike-in-SILAC but further reduced the precision and robustness of quantification. The choice of quantitative methodology is critical for both study design such as sample size in sample groups and quantified phosphosites and comparison of published cancer phosphoproteomes. Using ovarian cancer tissue as an example, our study builds a resource for the design and analysis of quantitative phosphoproteomic studies in cancer research and diagnostics

    Cognitive, physical and emotional determinants of activities of daily living in nursing home residents—a cross-sectional study within the PROCARE-project

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    Background Interdependencies of health, fitness, cognition, and emotion can promote or inhibit mobility. This study aimed to analyse pathways and interactions between individual subjective and objective physical performance, cognition, and emotions with activities of daily living (ADLs) as mobility indicators in multimorbid nursing home residents. Methods The study included nn = 448 (77.1% females, age = 84.1 ± 7.8 years) nursing home residents. To describe the participant\u27s demographics, frailty, number of falls, and participating institutions\u27 socioeconomic status (SES) were assessed. ADLs were measured with the Barthel Index (BI; dependent variable). Independent variables included objective physical performance, subjective physical performance, cognition, and emotions. A structural equation model (SEM) with maximum likelihood estimation was conducted with AMOS. Direct and indirect effects were estimated using standardized coefficients (significance level of 0.05). Results Indices showed (Chi2^2(148) = 217, PCMIN/DF = 1.47; p < .001; Comparative Fit Index = .940; Tucker Lewes Index = .902, RMSEA = .033) that the model fitted the data adequately. While there was no direct association between emotions, subjective physical performance, and ADLs, objective physical performance and cognition predicted higher ADLs (p < .01). Emotions had a strong relationship with subjective physical performance, and cognition had a moderate relationship with objective physical performance. Discussion and conclusion Objective performance and cognition predicted higher functional status, as expressed by higher BI scores. ADLs, such as mobility, dressing, or handling tasks, require motor and cognitive performance. Subjective performance is an important predictor of ADLs and is only partly explained by objective performance, but to a large extent also by emotions. Therefore, future interventions for nursing home residents should take a holistic approach that focuses not only on promoting objective physical and cognitive performance but also on emotions and perceived physical performance

    Combined Metabolic and Chemical (CoMetChem) Labeling Using Stable Isotopes—a Strategy to Reveal Site-Specific Histone Acetylation and Deacetylation Rates by LC-MS

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    [Image: see text] Histone acetylation is an important, reversible post-translational protein modification and a hallmark of epigenetic regulation. However, little is known about the dynamics of this process, due to the lack of analytical methods that can capture site-specific acetylation and deacetylation reactions. We present a new approach that combines metabolic and chemical labeling (CoMetChem) using uniformly 13C-labeled glucose and stable isotope-labeled acetic anhydride. Thereby, chemically equivalent, fully acetylated histone species are generated, enabling accurate relative quantification of site-specific lysine acetylation dynamics in tryptic peptides using high-resolution mass spectrometry. We show that CoMetChem enables site-specific quantification of the incorporation or loss of lysine acetylation over time, allowing the determination of reaction rates for acetylation and deacetylation. Thus, the CoMetChem methodology provides a comprehensive description of site-specific acetylation dynamics

    Causes of death and comorbidities in hospitalized patients with COVID-19

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    Infection by the new corona virus strain SARS-CoV-2 and its related syndrome COVID-19 has been associated with more than two million deaths worldwide. Patients of higher age and with preexisting chronic health conditions are at an increased risk of fatal disease outcome. However, detailed information on causes of death and the contribution of pre-existing health conditions to death yet is missing, which can be reliably established by autopsy only. We performed full body autopsies on 26 patients that had died after SARS-CoV-2 infection and COVID-19 at the Charite University Hospital Berlin, Germany, or at associated teaching hospitals. We systematically evaluated causes of death and pre-existing health conditions. Additionally, clinical records and death certificates were evaluated. We report findings on causes of death and comorbidities of 26 decedents that had clinically presented with severe COVID-19. We found that septic shock and multi organ failure was the most common immediate cause of death, often due to suppurative pulmonary infection. Respiratory failure due to diffuse alveolar damage presented as immediate cause of death in fewer cases. Several comorbidities, such as hypertension, ischemic heart disease, and obesity were present in the vast majority of patients. Our findings reveal that causes of death were directly related to COVID-19 in the majority of decedents, while they appear not to be an immediate result of preexisting health conditions and comorbidities. We therefore suggest that the majority of patients had died of COVID-19 with only contributory implications of preexisting health conditions to the mechanism of death

    Physical activity and health promotion for nursing staff in elderly care: a study protocol for a randomised controlled trial

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    Introduction Nursing staff is burdened by high workload and stress. Furthermore, heavy lifting, as well as transferring nursing home residents, cause lumbar tissue damage and back pain. Exercise intervention studies to reduce work-related problems are rare and the evidence for efficacy of studies among nurses is limited. Studies including targeted analysis of requirements are necessary to generate effective recommendations and tailored interventions for health promotion programmes. The purpose of this multicentred intervention study is to identify work-related problems, to implement health promotion programmes and to evaluate their effectiveness. Methods and analysis A randomised controlled trial will be conducted, including a total of 48 nursing home facilities in eight regions of Germany with an estimated sample size of 700 nurses. Standardised ergonomics and posture training (10 weeks, once a week for 20–30 min) and subsequently, back-fitness training (12 weeks, once a week for 45–60 min) will be administered. Following the implementation of standardised health promotion programmes, further demand-oriented interventions can be implemented. The perceived exposure to work-related demands, work-related pain in different parts of the body, health-related quality of life, perceived stress, work-related patterns of behaviour and experience, presentism behaviour, work environment as well as general needs and barriers to health promotion, will be assessed at baseline (pre-test), at 10 weeks (post-test, after ergonomics training), at 22 weeks (post-test, after back-fitness training) and at 34 weeks of the programme (follow-up). Ethics and dissemination The study was reviewed and approved by the local ethics committee of the University of Hamburg (AZ: 2018_168). The results of the study will be published in open-access and international journals. Furthermore, the results will be presented in the participating nursing homes and at national and international conferences