20 research outputs found

    Primjena metode nanošenja sloj po sloj na tekstil

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    U svijetu se u posljednjih 20 godina provode intenzivna istraživanja mogućnosti nanošenja tankih nanosa sloj po sloj na različite podloge, čija svojstva se time bitno mijenjaju. Nanosi su debljine od nekoliko nanometara, a nanose se naizmjeničnim slaganjem različito nabijenih slojeva. Takva obrada se ponavlja više puta te se dobivaju višeslojni nanosi. Ovakvom funkcionalizacijom materijalima se poboljšavaju, odnosno mijenjaju svojstva. Primjena ove tehnike moguća je i na tekstilu čime se obrađenom materijalu može povećati hidrofi lnost ili se može postići bolja otpornost na gorenje, bakterije, UV zračenje i drugo. Postojanost navedenih svojstava na pranje je predmet intenzivnog istraživanja. Laboratorijskim obradama dobiveni su dobri rezultati, ali ova obrada još nije uvedena u praksu no očekuje se da će se i to uspjeti u bližoj budućnosti

    The application of layer-by-layer deposition on textiles

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    U svijetu se u posljednjih 20 godina provode intenzivna istraživanja mogućnosti nanošenja tankih nanosa sloj po sloj na podlogu čime se bitno mijenjaju njena svojstva. Nanosi su debljine nekoliko nanometara, a nanose se izmjenično najčešće tako da najprije dođe nanos s pozitivnim slojem, zatim se ispire, pa zatim nanos s negativnim slojem. Može biti i obrnuto. Takva obrada se ponavlja više puta pa se dobivaju višeslojni nanosi. Materijalima s višeslojnim nanosima poboljšavaju se željena svojstva. Ova tehnika moguća je i na tekstilu čime se na obrađenom materijalu dobiva povećana hidrofilnost ili bolja otpornost na gorenje, otpornost na bakterije, zaštita od UV zračenja i drugo. Postojanost tih svojstava na pranje je predmet intenzivnog istraživanja. Laboratorijskim obradama dobiveni su dobri rezultati, ali ova obrada još nije provedena u pogonu, te se očekuje da će se i to uspjeti u bližoj budućnosti.Intensive research of layer-by-layer deposition on various substrates, whose properties are thereby substantially changed, has been carried out over the past 20 years. Deposits of only several nanometers in thickness are deposited by alternate applying of differently charged layers. This process is repeated several times resulting in multi-layered films. This kind of functionalism enhances initial properties of materials. The application of this technique is also possible on textiles, which improves the hydrophility of the treated material or better fire retardancy, bacterial resistance, UV resistance etc. Wash fastness of the mentioned properties is the subject of intensive research. Laboratory treatments yielded good results, but this kind of treatment has not yet been introduced into practice, but it is expected in near future

    Prehabilitation of elderly frail or pre-frail patients prior to elective surgery (PRAEP-GO): study protocol for a randomized, controlled, outcome assessor-blinded trial

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    Background: Frailty is expressed by a reduction in physical capacity, mobility, muscle strength, and endurance. (Pre-) frailty is present in up to 42% of the older surgical population, with an increased risk for peri- and postoperative complications. Consequently, these patients often suffer from a delayed or limited recovery, loss of autonomy and quality of life, and a decrease in functional and cognitive capacities. Since frailty is modifiable, prehabilitation may improve the physiological reserves of patients and reduce the care dependency 12 months after surgery. Methods: Patients >= 70 years old scheduled for elective surgery or intervention will be recruited in this multicenter, randomized controlled study, with a target of 1400 participants with an allocation ratio of 1:1. The intervention consists of (1) a shared decision-making process with the patient, relatives, and an interdisciplinary and interprofessional team and (2) a 3-week multimodal, individualized prehabilitation program including exercise therapy, nutritional intervention, mobility or balance training, and psychosocial interventions and medical assessment. The frequency of the supervised prehabilitation is 5 times/week for 3 weeks. The primary endpoint is defined as the level of care dependency 12 months after surgery or intervention. Discussion: Prehabilitation has been proven to be effective for different populations, including colorectal, transplant, and cardiac surgery patients. In contrast, evidence for prehabilitation in older, frail patients has not been clearly established. To the best of our knowledge, this is currently the largest prehabilitation study on older people with frailty undergoing general elective surgery

    Fatty acid compositions associated with high-light tolerance in the intertidal rhodophytes Mastocarpus stellatus and Chondrus crispus

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    Abstract The rhodophytes Mastocarpus stellatus and Chondrus crispus occupy the lower intertidal zone of rocky shores along North Atlantic coastlines, with C. crispus generally occurring slightly deeper. Consequently, M. stellatus is exposed to more variable environmental conditions, related to a generally higher stress tolerance of this species. In order to extend our understanding of seasonal modulation of stress tolerance, we subjected local populations of M. stellatus and C. crispus from Helgoland, North Sea, to short-term high-light stress experiments over the course of a year (October 2011, March, May and August 2012). Biochemical analyses (pigments, antioxidants, total lipids, fatty acid compositions) allowed to reveal mechanisms behind modulated high-light tolerances. Overall, C. crispus was particularly more susceptible to high-light at higher water temperatures (October 2011 and August 2012). Furthermore, species-specific differences in antioxidants, total lipid levels and the shorter-chain/longer-chain fatty acid ratio (C14 + C16/C18 + C20) were detected, which may enhance the tolerance to high-light and other abiotic stress factors in M. stellatus, so that this species is more competitive in the highly variable upper intertidal zone compared to C. crispus. Since the high-light tolerance in C. crispus seemed to be affected by water temperature, interactions between both species may be impacted in the future by rising mean annual sea surface temperature around the island of Helgoland

    Short- and long-term acclimation patterns of the giant kelp Macrocystis pyrifera (Laminariales, Phaeophyceae) along a depth gradient

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    The giant kelp, Macrocystis pyrifera, is exposed to highly variable irradiance and temperature regimes across its geographic and vertical depth gradients. The objective of this study was to extend our understanding of algal acclimation strategies on different temporal scales to those varying abiotic conditions at various water depths. Different acclimation strategies to various water depths (0.2 and 4m) between different sampling times (Jan/Feb and Aug/Sept 2012; long-term acclimation) and more rapid adjustments to different depths (0.2, 2 and 4m; short-term acclimation) during 14d of transplantation were found. Adjustments of variable Chl a fluorescence, pigment composition (Chl c, fucoxanthin), and the de-epoxidation state of the xanthophyll cycle pigments were responsible for the development of different physiological states with respect to various solar radiation and temperature climates. Interestingly, the results indicated that phlorotannins are important during long-term acclimation while antioxidants have a crucial role during short-term acclimation. Furthermore, the results suggested that modifications in total lipids and fatty acid compositions apparently also might play a role in depth acclimation. In Aug/Sept (austral winter), M.pyrifera responded to the transplantation from 4m to 0.2m depth with a rise in the degree of saturation and a switch from shorter- to longer-chain fatty acids. These changes seem to be essential for the readjustment of thylakoid membranes and might, thus, facilitate efficient photosynthesis under changing irradiances and temperatures. Further experiments are needed to disentangle the relative contribution of solar radiation, temperature and also other abiotic parameters in the observed physiological changes

    Domain Imaging in Periodic Submicron Wide Nanostructures by Digital Drift Correction in Kerr Microscopy

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    Magneto‐optical Kerr microscopy is a powerful method for imaging magnetic domains. Even though domain imaging below the diffractive resolution limit is possible, such investigations are getting increasingly complex with decreasing structure size due to the decreasing Kerr contrast. As magnetic domain images free of topographical artifacts are obtained by subtracting a reference image from the actual image, the corresponding challenges are additionally increased by unavoidable sample motion in the time interval between acquiring the two images. Software‐based drift corrections typically rely on a unique structure in the image's region of interest (ROI), recognized automatically or selected manually by the user. By digital image shifting, the ROI positions in the actual and reference images are aligned, and the sample motion is compensated. For magnetic domain imaging in periodically arranged micro‐ or nano‐objects, unique topographical features are not given, making the drift correction by ROIs difficult, often even impossible. Herein, a novel software‐based approach is presented for drift corrections to image domains with features close/below the optical resolution limit and for investigating periodically arranged micro‐ or nano‐objects without utilizing ROIs. High‐contrast images are obtained, enabling the characterization of periodically arranged 1D, 2D, and 3D magnetic objects with lateral dimensions below 100 nm

    Recording of bipolar multichannel ECGs by a smartwatch

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    Aims:\it Aims: Feasibility study of accurate three lead ECG recording (Einthoven I, II and III) using an Apple Watch Series 4. Methods:\it Methods: In 50 healthy subjects (18 male; age: 40 ±\pm 12 years) without known cardiac disorders, a 12-lead ECG and three bipolar ECGs, corresponding to Einthoven leads I, II and III were recorded using an Apple Watch Series 4. Einthoven I was recorded with the watch on the left wrist and the right index finger on the crown, Einthoven II with the watch on the left lower abdomen and the right index finger on the crown, Einthoven III with the watch on the left lower abdomen and the left index finger on the crown. Four experienced cardiologists were independently asked to assign the watch ECGs to Einthoven leads from 12-lead ECG for each subject. Results:\it Results: All watch ECGs showed an adequate signal quality with 134 ECGs of good (89%) and 16 of moderate signal quality (11%). Ninety-one percent of all watch ECGs were assigned correctly to corresponding leads from 12-lead ECG. Thirty-nine subjects (78%) were assigned correctly by all cardiologists. All assignment errors occurred in patients with similar morphologies and amplitudes in at least two of the three recorded leads. Erroneous assignment of all watch ECGs to leads from standard ECG occurred in no patient. Conclusion:\it Conclusion: Recording of Einthoven leads I-III by a smartwatch is accurate and highly comparable to standard ECG. This might contribute to an earlier detection of cardiac disorders, which are associated with repolarization abnormalities or arrhythmias

    Single-lead ECG recordings including Einthoven and Wilson leads by a Smartwatch

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    Background: Smartwatches that are able to record a bipolar ECG and Einthoven leads were recently described. Nevertheless, for detection of ischemia or other cardiac diseases more leads are required, especially Wilson's chest leads. Objectives: Feasibility study of six single-lead smartwatch (Apple Watch Series 4) ECG recordings including Einthoven (I, II, III) and Wilson-like pseudo-unipolar chest leads (Wr, Wm, Wl). Methods: In 50 healthy subjects (16 males; age: 36 ±\pm 11 years, mean ±\pm SD) without known cardiac disorders, a standard 12-lead ECG and a six single-lead ECG using an Apple Watch Series 4 were performed under resting conditions. Recording of Einthoven I was performed with the watch on the left wrist and the right index finger on the crown, Einthoven II was recorded with the watch on the left lower abdomen and the right index finger on the crown, Einthoven III was recorded with the watch on the left lower abdomen and the left index finger on the crown. Wilson-like chest leads were recorded corresponding to the locations of V1 (Wr), V4 (Wm) and V6 (Wl) in the standard 12-lead ECG. Wr was recorded in the fourth intercostal space right parasternal, Wm was recorded in the fifth intercostal space on the midclavicular line, and Wl was recorded in the fifth intercostal space in left midaxillary line. For all Wilson-like chest lead recordings, the smartwatch was placed on the described three locations on the chest, the right index finger was placed on the crown and the left hand encompassed the right wrist. Both hands and forearms also had contact to the chest. Three experienced cardiologists were independently asked to allocate three bipolar limb smartwatch ECGs to Einthoven I–III leads, and three smartwatch Wilson-like chest ECGs (Wr, Wm, Wl) to V1, V4 and V6 in the standard 12-lead ECG for each subject. Results: All 300 smartwatch ECGs showed a signal quality useable for diagnostics with 281 ECGs of good signal quality (143 limb lead ECGs (95%), 138 chest lead ECGs (92%). Nineteen ECGs had a moderate signal quality (7 limb lead ECGs (5%), 12 chest lead ECGs (8%)). One-hundred percent of all Einthoven and 92% of all Wilson-like smartwatch ECGs were allocated correctly to corresponding leads from 12-lead ECG. Forty-six subjects (92%) were assigned correctly by all cardiologists. Allocation errors were due to similar morphologies and amplitudes in at least two of the three recorded Wilson-like leads. Despite recording with a bipolar smartwatch device, morphology of all six leads was identical to standard 12-lead ECG. In two patients with acute anterior myocardial infarction, all three cardiologists recognized the ST-elevations in Wilson-like leads and assumed an occluded left anterior descending coronary artery correctly. Conclusion: Consecutive recording of six single-lead ECGs including Einthoven and Wilson-like leads by a smartwatch is feasible with good ECG signal quality. Thus, this simulated six-lead smartwatch ECG may be useable for the detection of cardiac diseases necessitating more than one ECG lead like myocardial ischemia or more complex cardia arrhythmias

    Vaccine-hesitant individuals accumulate additional COVID-19 risk due to divergent perception and behaviors related to SARS-CoV-2 testing: a population-based, cross-sectional study

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    Purpose To investigate the perception of SARS-CoV-2 detection methods, information sources, and opinions on appropriate behavior after receiving negative or positive test results. Methods In a questionnaire-based, cross-sectional study conducted between September 1 and November 17, 2021, epidemiological, behavioral, and COVID-19-related data were acquired from the public in Munich, Germany. Results Most of the 1388 participants obtained information from online media (82.8%) as well as state and federal authorities (80.3%). 93.4% believed in the accuracy of SARS-CoV-2 PCR testing and 41.2% in the accuracy of rapid antigen tests (RATs). However, RATs were preferred for testing (59.1%) over PCR (51.1%). 24.0% of all individuals were willing to ignore hygiene measures and 76.9% were less afraid of SARS-CoV-2 transmission after receiving a negative PCR test (5.9% and 48.8% in case of a negative RAT). 28.8% reported not to self-isolate after receiving a positive RAT. Multivariate analyses revealed that non-vaccinated individuals relied less on information from governmental authorities (p = 0.0004) and more on social media (p = 0.0216), disbelieved in the accuracy of the PCR test (p <= 0.0001) while displaying strong preference towards using RATs (p <= 0.0001), were more willing to abandon pandemic-related hygiene measures (p <= 0.0001), less afraid of transmitting SARS-CoV-2 after a negative RAT (p <= 0.0001), and less likely to isolate after a positive RAT (p <= 0.0001). Conclusion Insights into preferred information sources as well as perception, preferences, and behavior related to SARS-CoV-2 testing and hygiene measures are key to refining public health information and surveillance campaigns. Non-vaccinated individuals' divergent believes and behaviors possibly increase their COVID-19 risk