636 research outputs found
Reconsidering Manifesta 10: big exhibition project as narrative
This article analyzes the exhibition project of Manifesta 10 (St. Petersburg, 2014) as a complex of narratives including media texts and artists’ myths and stories. Two main, mutually affecting themes of the Manifesta 10 narrative are defined as a dialog between classical and contemporary art and an idea of “total work of art” in the context of the theory of “Gesamtkunstwerk”. The basis of the theory was laid by R. Wagner, and it had later continued in contemporary cultural studies in relation to interactivity of contemporary art. Big exhibition projects transform the idea of “total work of art” into the concept of unity of different artistic elements (artistic methods, media, art spaces, mythologies, commentaries, critical texts) in the whole of the exhibition. The curator’s idea of dialog between classical art and contemporary artworks stresses the key role of the Hermitage in the project of Manifesta 10 and demonstrates benefits and disadvantages of an exhibition mega-project in a classical museum. The “big story” about the opposition of contemporary art and tradition consists of minor stories of particular projects in the exhibition. In this regard, the criteria of Manifesta 10’s critical reception and interpretation are considered
Effectiveness of a treatment approach for comorbid panic disorder, major depressive disorder, and alcohol dependence: a case study
This case study evaluates the effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral therapy with a focus on therapeutic relationship in the treatment of an adult female who underwent treatment in a community mental health agency. The client was diagnosed with comorbid panic disorder, major depressive disorder, and alcohol dependence. In addition, the client experienced a variety of psychosocial stressors. The client\u27s psychosocial assessment is presented, and the empirical treatment literature related to the client\u27s diagnoses is reviewed. A variety of outcome measures were used. Results indicated that the treatment was effective: the client experienced a significant reduction in the severity of symptoms. However, further treatment is needed to extend the improvement in symptoms and to reduce the risk of future relapse. A comparison between the client\u27s current treatment and what might be considered best treatment is presented. Suggestions for treatment improvement are made
Development of communicative and technological competencies of students within programs of short-term mobility = Развитие коммуникативных и технологических компетенций студентов в рамках программ краткосрочной мобильности
The paper researches the development of competencies during students’ stay in a foreign country under the programme of short-term mobility. Communicative and technological competences are studied. The data were collected on the basis of surveys in the form of questionnaires of twenty students of Ryazan State Radio Engineering University. The survey was carried out anonymousl
Балканська федерація: геополітичні акценти та особливості етнокультурного розвитку
Досліджується еволюція ідеї Балканської Федерації. Проаналізовано визначальні чинники об’єднавчих інтенцій народів Балкан. Підкреслюється, що ідейна платформа геополітичного проекту Федерації балканських соціалістичних країн була опозиційною альтернативою західноєвропейському капіталістичному світу. За умов реалізації проекту балканська федерація могла б стати одним із могутніх регіональних центрів впливу в Європі.
Evolution of the idea of the Federation of Balkans is examined. The defining factors of unifying
intensions of the Balkans’ peoples are analyzed. It is underlined that the ideological basis of
geopolitical project of the Federation of Balkans social countries was an opposite alternative of the
West-European capitalist world. The Federation of Balkans would have been as one of the powerful regional centre of influence in Europe just in case it had been realized
Балканські країни у новій картографії Європи
Досліджується поступ Західної Європи у напрямку розширення та закріплення
геополітичних позицій у південно-східному напрямку, що неоднозначно позначається на політичній стабільності та економічному розвитку цієї частини Європи (на Балканах). Зайняття власної ніші у загальноєвропейському континуумі сприятиме модернізації та демократизації балканських країн, проте на фоні переструктурування сучасної „світ-системи” вони зазнаватимуть суттєвої модифікації та можуть скласти альтернативні геополітичні комбінації.
The motion of Western Europe in the direction of expansion and strengthening of geopolitical
positions in the south-east direction and its impact on the political stability and economic development of
this part of Europe (the Balkans) are examined. The occupation of own’s niche is promoted the
modernization and democratization of the Balkan countries, but against the restructuring of the modern
„world-system”, they will suffer a substantial modification and can be an alternative of geopolitical combinations
Сербія та Хорватія : перспективи, наслідки євроінтеграції на Балканах
Аналізуються перспективи та можливі наслідки інтеграції до Європейського Союзу
Хорватії та Сербії. Увагу приділено основним шляхам реалізації ідеї євроінтеграції у
хорватському і сербському суспільствах. Розглядаються визначальні фактори вибудовування
нової конфігурації відносин у межах „Європа-Балкани”.
Prospects and possible consequences of integration of Croatia and Serbia to the European
Union are analyzed. Attention is concentrated on the basic ways of realization of the idea of
European integration in Croatian and Serbian societies. The factors of determination of new
configuration of relations in extent “Europe-the Balkans” are examined.
Аналізуються перспективи та можливі наслідки інтеграції до Європейського Союзу
Хорватії та Сербії. Увагу приділено основним шляхам реалізації ідеї євроінтеграції у
хорватському і сербському суспільствах. Розглядаються визначальні фактори вибудовування
нової конфігурації відносин у межах „Європа-Балкани”.
Prospects and possible consequences of integration of Croatia and Serbia to the European
Union are analyzed. Attention is concentrated on the basic ways of realization of the idea of
European integration in Croatian and Serbian societies. The factors of determination of new
configuration of relations in extent “Europe-the Balkans” are examined
Comprehensive Assessment of Promising Potato Hybrids of Breeding VSC RAS
Using the traditional and marker-assisted selection methods, a comprehensive assessment of promising hybrids from the collection of the All-Russian Scientific Center was carried out. The assessment was conducted in 2018–2019 in the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania. As a result of molecular genetic analysis, hybrids were found with complex resistance to potato nematode, virus Y and X viruses - 2 / V, 5 / V, 6 / V, 17 / V, 40 / V, 43 / V, 46 / V, 54 / V, 124 / V, 9 / VI, 22a / VI, 35 / VI, 130 / VI, 71 / VII and 118 / VIII. Use of these selected forms allows optimal protection of potatoes, limitation of the spread of pathogens and prevention of the emergence of more aggressive pathotypes (races and strains). The hybrids with resistance to potato virus Y (with the presence of R-gene markers - 1/I, 3/I, 10/I, 13/I, 11/II, 15/III, 2/V, 5/V, 6/V, 7/V, 10/V/1140, 17/V, 40/V, 43/V, 46/V, 54/V, 124/V, 9/VI, 22a/VI, 35/VI, 100/VI, 130/VI, 71/VII) are of interest for practical breeding, as well as the hybrids with resistance to Phytophthora infestans such as 15/III, 119/IX and the hybrids 15 / III, 35 / VI, 130 / VI and 71 / VII, which have high marketable yield and weight of tuber.
Keywords: potato, interspecific hybrids, marker-assisted breeding, resistance gene
Transcriptome-wide analysis of microRNA expression in the malaria mosquito Anopheles gambiae
BACKGROUND: microRNAs (miRNAs) are a highly abundant class of small noncoding regulatory RNAs that post-transcriptionally regulate gene expression in multicellular organisms. miRNAs are involved in a wide range of biological and physiological processes, including the regulation of host immune responses to microbial infections. Small-scale studies of miRNA expression in the malaria mosquito Anopheles gambiae have been reported, however no comprehensive analysis of miRNAs has been performed so far. RESULTS: Using small RNA sequencing, we characterized de novo A. gambiae miRNA repertoire expressed in adult sugar- and blood-fed females. We provided transcriptional evidences for 123 miRNAs, including 58 newly identified miRNAs. Out of the newly described miRNAs, 19 miRNAs are homologs to known miRNAs in other insect species and 17 miRNAs share sequence similarity restricted to the seed sequence. The remaining 21 novel miRNAs displayed no obvious sequence homology with known miRNAs. Detailed bioinformatics analysis of the mature miRNAs revealed a sequence variation occurring at their 5'-end and leading to functional seed shifting in more than 5% of miRNAs. We also detected significant sequence heterogeneity at the 3'-ends of the mature miRNAs, mostly due to imprecise processing and post-transcriptional modifications. Comparative analysis of arm-switching events revealed the existence of species-specific production of dominant mature miRNAs induced by blood feeding in mosquitoes. We also identified new conserved and fragmented miRNA clusters and A. gambiae-specific miRNA gene duplication. Using miRNA expression profiling, we identified the differentially expressed miRNAs at an early time point after regular blood feeding and after infection with the rodent malaria parasite Plasmodium berghei. Significant changes were detected in the expression levels of 4 miRNAs in blood-fed mosquitoes, whereas 6 miRNAs were significantly upregulated after P. berghei infection. CONCLUSIONS: In the current study, we performed the first systematic analysis of miRNAs in A. gambiae. We provided new insights on mature miRNA sequence diversity and functional shifts in the mosquito miRNA evolution. We identified a set of the differentially expressed miRNAs that respond to normal and infectious blood meals. The extended set of Anopheles miRNAs and their isoforms provides a basis for further experimental studies of miRNA expression patterns and biological functions in A. gambiae
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