1,338 research outputs found

    Vision and Textuality in

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    Este artículo analiza el conflicto entre las formas de representación visuales y textuales como tema central de la formación en Wilhelm Meisters Lehrjahre de Goethe. Los primeros intereses de Wilhelm por el teatro están claramente motivadas por un deseo de la óptica exclusiva prometida por esa institución. No obstante, a pesar de que Wilhelm quiere compartir los ilusorios poderes visuales, al final se ve a sí mismo seducido por la seguridad de la representación textual. A lo largo de una buena parte de la novela, Wilhelm parece incapaz de dar crédito a sus propios ojos a menos que la validez de su visión sea corroborada por alguna «evidencia» textual. La relación de Wilhelm con la representación cambia cuando se entera de su probable paternidad. Primero reconoce el potencial desilusionador de la representación textual y realmente desea «ver» a Félix como a su hijo. Para ello, Wilhelm finaliza su inútil propósito de ver a través del teatro y entra a formar parte de otro tetaron —el panóptico de la Sociedad de la Torre. No obstante, la Sociedad de la Torre hará enfrentarse a Wilhelm con alguna mesura al poder de la visión que tanto anhela. Al someterse a sí mismo al poder ocular absoluto de estos visionarios, Wilhelm sacrifica su independencia. Su formación concluye con la imagen de su propio ser, dibujada hasta el mínimo detalle por la mano maestra y manipuladora de la Sociedad de la Torre.This article examines the conflict between visual and textual forms of representation as a central theme of Bildung in Goethe’s Wilhelm Meisters Lehrjahre. Wilhelm’s earliest interest in the theater is clearly motivated by a desire for the exclusive vision promised by this institution. However, though Wilhelm wants a share in the illusive power of vision, he finds himself utterly seduced by security of textual representation. Through most of the novel, Wilhelm seems unable to believe his own eyes unless the validity of his vision is corroborated by some textual «evidence.» Wilhelm’s relationship to representation changes when he learns of his potential fatherhood. For the first time he recognizes the deceptive potential of textual representation and truly desires to «see» Felix as his son. Therefore, Wilhelm ends his futile pursuit of vision through the theater and joins another théa-tron — the panoptic Tower Society. Though the Tower Society will endow Wilhelm with some measure of the power of vision he so keenly desires, it comes at a cost. In submitting to the absolute ocular power of this society of visionaries, Wilhelm sacrifices his autonomy. His Bildung ends with the image of his own Bild — rendered in minute detail by the masterful and manipulative hands of the Tower Society

    Més que una pura successió: les altres dimensions del Temps

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    Forest land use classification from ERTS-1 imagery

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    The preparation of thematic maps and tabular summaries defining the maps is basic to forest land use decision making. Because objectives differ according to the decision being made, raw input data should be used to prepare the maps and tables. The Earth Resource Technology Satellite (ERTS-1) collects data over large areas and the data are available to any prospective user. Minimum collection of ground truth and handling of both ERTS-1 and ground data with a readily available set of com-puter programs permits classification of land use, forest types and volume classes. Orientation with the ground can be maintained in order to prepare the maps. Frequencies of classifications can be used to prepare tabular summaries. The classification system used consisted of a computer mapping program, a discriminant analysis classification program and chi-square testing of results. The system was complemented by a forest inventory program. In the dis-criminant analysis procedure, an option was used which per-mits user participation by assigning prior probabilities. A test of the system in Polk County, Tennessee, using ERTS-1 multispectral scanner channels 6 and 7 data acquired on October 15, 1972, showed acceptable results in classifying land use and forest type. Results of classifying volume were less acceptable because volume is a continuous function and discriminant analysis is applicable to discrete functions. The use of aircraft imagery as ground truth for land use classification was acceptable. Aircraft imagery for forest type classification was also acceptable, but forest type classification from ground truth was better when both sets of results were analyzed by the chi-square test of a contingency table. An important conclusion drawn was that ERTS-1 digital tapes should have been used instead of using photographic reproductions in a microdensitometer. Each generation of data results in some degradation. The most important con-clusion drawn was that prospective users of ERTS-1 imagery can construct a system from available computer programs and prepare thematic maps and tables. It is also possible to exert a degree of user control into the syste

    On Scholarly Composition: From Acceptable to Exceptional

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    Scholarly writing is a difficult skill to develop. This editorial presents our observations on how to move from acceptable to exceptional writing in academic manuscripts. We discuss three phases of writing—the predrafting, drafting, and postdrafting phases—and provide suggestions based on our experiences for improving the quality of academic manuscripts prior to their submission

    A Profile of Third-Grade Proficiency in Erie County

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    Produced by the United Way of Buffalo and Erie County, this report details information about why it is important for third graders in Erie County to be proficient in reading and math. Children below grade-level proficiency in third grade are much less likely to graduate from high school.Without mastering early reading and math skills, a child will fall further and further behind their peers. Without a high school degree, our children will face a future in which they are less likely to be able to support themselves through employment, and are more likely to live in poverty

    The Nebraska Panhandle: An Assessment of Birth-Grade 3 Care and Education

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    This report summarizes the collaborative work of the Panhandle Partnership, Inc., Educational Service Unit (ESU) 13, and the Buffett Early Childhood Institute at the University of Nebraska in documenting and assessing birth through Grade 3 programming in the Nebraska Panhandle. The report summarizes findings from 15 school-community conversations and includes data snapshots from local communities that provide information about the status of young children and the services and supports that exist to serve them and their families. Work in the Panhandle was undertaken on the basis of an agreement between the three organizations to work together to better understand and improve early learning and developmental outcomes for children. Efforts are ongoing and this report describes work to date in addressing two of the four strategies agreed upon to get work underway. Included in this report is a vision statement developed by representatives of the three organizations that indicates the aspirations and aims for young children, families, and communities in the Panhandle. Functioning as a set of guiding principles, the vision statement serves to focus efforts moving forward to develop a strategic plan for a sustainable, school-based early childhood initiative in the Panhandle

    Biologischer Abbau organischer Substanz bei unterschiedlichem Wassergehalt in einem Modellversuch

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    In der Landnutzung stellt die Bewertung der Versorgung mit organischer Bodensubstanz (OBS) eine besondere Herausforderung dar. Dabei wird der Einfluss der Bodenfeuchte aufgrund des globalen Klimawandels an Bedeutung gewinnen, da die Wasserverfügbarkeit Einfluss auf die Aktivität der bodenlebenden Mikroorganismen nimmt. Ziel der Arbeit waren daher Aussagen, inwieweit verschiedene Wassergehalte den biologischen Umsatz bei der Inkubation von Bodenproben mit unterschiedlicher Herkunft sowie organischer Düngung beeinflussen. In einem Modellversuch wurden Bodenproben ungedüngter Parzellen von drei deutschen Dauerfeldversuchen in einer zweifaktoriellen Blockanlage in Abhängigkeit von organischer Düngung (Weizenstroh, Stallmist) und Wassergehalt inkubiert. Die Experimente wurden in vier Feuchtigkeitsstufen mit 10, 40, 65 und 90 % der Feldkapazität über einen Zeitraum von 85 Tagen bei einer Temperatur von 25 °C realisiert. Zusätzlich sind vor und nach der Inkubation Thermogravimetrische Bodenanalysen (TGBA) durchgeführt worden. Die Ergebnisse belegen einen mit dem Wassergehalt steigenden C-Umsatz, da die Aktivität von aeroben Mikroorganismen bis zur Wassersättigung des Bodens zunimmt. Die Steigerung war bei Zugabe von Weizenstroh höher als bei Stallmist, ohne Düngerzusatz signifikant niedriger. Gleichzeitig änderte sich die Dynamik der Abbauprozesse. Durch besonders trockene Verhältnisse wurde die Umsetzung verzögert, zudem sank die Umsatzrate langsamer. Ein dauerhafter Einfluss des Standorts auf den Umsatz der Düngemittel war dagegen nicht nachweisbar. Der biologische Abbau im Inkubationsversuch veränderte darüber hinaus die thermische Zerfallsdynamik. Die größten Veränderungen wurden nach Zugabe von Stroh festgestellt. Nicht geklärt werden konnte, ob in Böden mit höherer Versorgung durch organische Substanz gleiche Ergebnisse erzielt werden können.In land use, the assessment of the supply of organic soil matter (OBS) is a particular challenge. The influence of soil moisture on global climate change will become increasingly important, as water availability influences the activity of soil-living microorganisms. The aim of the work is therefore to determine the extent to which different water contents influence the biological turnover during the incubation of soil samples with different origins as well as organic fertilisation. In a model experiment, soil samples from unfertilized plots of three German long-time field experiments were incubated in a two-factor block facility depending on organic fertilization (wheat straw, manure) and water content. The experiments were carried out in four humidity levels with 10, 40, 65 and 90 % of the field capacity over a period of 85 days at a temperature of 25 °C. In addition, thermogravimetric soil analyses (TGBA) were performed before and after incubation. The results prove a C turnover increasing with the water content, since the activity of aerobic microorganisms increases until the water saturation of the soil. The increase was higher with the addition of wheat straw than with manure, without fertilizer significantly lower. At the same time, the dynamics of the degradation processes changed. Due to particularly dry conditions, conversion was delayed and the turnover rate fell more slowly. A lasting influence of the site on fertilizer turnover was not proved. In addition, the biological degradation in the incubation experiment changed the thermal decay dynamics. The largest changes were observed after the addition of straw. It could not be clarified whether the same results could be achieved in soils with a higher supply of organic matter

    Teaching Time; Disrupting Common Sense

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    In my course “Time” I set out to disrupt the connection between cognitive tools used to represent time (clocks and calendars) and experiences of time. This article documents some of the topics and pedagogical methods I use: using unusual due dates for assignments, making the clock look strange, disrupting the idea of “now,” showing how clocks cultivate gullibility, exploring the different hour systems of the past, criticizing clock-based logics used in primatological research, explaining the theory of special relativity, and exploring the political and economic consequences of sleep loss

    Identification and characterization of BATF3 as a context-specific coactivator of the glucocorticoid receptor

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    The ability of the glucocorticoid receptor (GR) to regulate the transcriptional output of genes relies on its interactions with transcriptional coregulators. However, which coregulators are required for GR-dependent activation is context-dependent and can be influenced by the sequence of the DNA bound by GR and by the nature of the GR isoform responsible for the regulation of a gene. Here, we screened for GR-interacting proteins for which the interaction signal differed between two GR isoforms GRalpha and GRgamma. These isoforms diverge by a single amino acid insertion in a domain, the lever arm, which adopts DNA sequence-specific conformations. We identify Basic Leucine Zipper ATF-Like Transcription Factor 3 (BATF3), an AP-1 family transcription factor, as a GR coregulator whose interaction with GR is modulated by the lever arm. Further, a combination of experiments uncovered that BATF3 acts as a gene-specific coactivator of GR whose coactivator potency is influenced by the sequence of the GR binding site. Together, our findings suggest that GR isoform and the sequence of GR binding site influence the interaction of GR with BATF3, which might direct the assembly of gene-specific regulatory complexes to fine-tune the expression of individual GR target genes

    N-Nachlieferungspotenzial an zwei Pfirsichstandorten

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    Ein wichtiger Aspekt bei der Kultur von Pfirsichen (Prunus persica) ist die optimale, bedarfsgerechte N-Versorgung. Durch diese werden Höhe und Qualität der Erträge sowie die Gesundheit der Pflanzen beeinflusst, aber auch unerwünschte Effekte auf die Umwelt vermieden. Ziel der Arbeit waren daher Empfehlungen zur zukünftigen Handhabung der N-Versorgung an zwei Beispielstandorten und zur praktikabelsten Kulturweise. Es wurden Nmin-Bestimmungen, Inkubationsversuche und Thermogravimetrische Bodenanalysen durchgeführt, um die N-Nachlieferung aus der organischen Bodensubstanz an den Standorten zu beschreiben. Die Ergebnisse zeigen eine deutliche Überversorgung der Kultur im Hausgarten auf - die Pfirsiche auf der untersuchten Obstwiese sind hingegen optimal mit N versorgt. Empfohlen wird deshalb eine Reduzierung der organischen Düngung im Hausgarten, verbunden mit einem Verzicht auf frisches organisches Schnittmaterial als Dünger. Bei der Pfirsichkultur auf der Obstwiese ist die Einführung von Mulchmaßnahmen überlegenswert. Der Standort mit begrünter Bodenoberfläche ist gegenüber dem Hausgarten mit offener Bodenoberfläche vorzuziehen, da die N-Nachlieferung bei einer Begrünung einfacher handhabbar ist und weniger Risiken hinsichtlich einer N-Überversorgung vorhanden sind.An important aspect in the cultivation of peaches (Prunus persica) is the optimal, demand-oriented N-supply. This influences the amount and quality of yields and the health of the plants, but also prevents undesirable effects on the environment. The aim of the work was therefore to make recommendations for future use of the N-supply at two sample locations and for the most practicable cultivation method. Nmin determinations, incubation experiments and thermogravimetric soil analyses were carried out to describe the N-supply from the organic soil substance at the sites. The results show a clear oversupply of the crop in the house garden - the peaches on the investigated fruit meadow, on the other hand, are optimally supplied with N. Therefore, it is recommended to reduce the amount of organic fertiliser in the garden, combined with the elimination of fresh organic cuttings as fertiliser. In peach cultivation on the fruit meadow, the introduction of mulching methods is worth considering. The location with a planted ground surface is preferable to the garden with an open ground surface, as the N-supply is easier to handle if greenery is present and there are fewer risks with regard to an N-oversupply