294 research outputs found
This journal describes control system designing of Hoist Crane movement using Adaptive Fuzzy Reference Model (Adaptive Fuzzy Control Reference Model) for non-linear movement controlling. Non linear movement controlling in hoist crane selected to test adaptive fuzzy control rule effectiveness through simulation is non linear hoist crane movement model which basically is unstable. Adaptive Fuzzy Control rule is derived using Lyapunov theory based on linearization model from hoist crane movement. Reference model selected was stabilized linear model. Then simulation was performed to observe MRAFC performance on non linear model. Full state feedback control through simulation has been shown not able to stabilize hoist crane movement. MRAFC is able to perform better, even for cases where controlling parametric model was uncertain or changing over time (time-varying). Point to note in the designing was how to select reference model as wise as possible because it affect control system stability leve
High Starting Performance DC Motor
Crane or lifting machine is a tool that widely used in the container port at Dermaga Tanjung Perak Surabaya City, with series excited DC motor movement. The main functions of crane are to lift, move and discharge some goods from the origin place to determined place. The main composition of crane is electric motor as driver and gearbox as reduction of gear transmission and controller as the manager of electric motor speed. From three main components above, the component that needs serious treatment is the controller for the series excited dc motor. The stability control system of crane is the starting current at series dc motor. High starting performance dc motor of a crane with volt/hertz control requires rapid dynamics and precise regulation, that make the need of direct control is an urgent demand. Therefore, an independent control of torque and flux, which is similar to a separately excited DC motor is needed. Series DC motor has a high starting torque while separately excited DC motor can operate above the base speed in the starting current. Therefore, in this paper a high starting performance dc motor is suggested to run the series DC motor below base start. The Series DC motor direct control strategy is explained and a control circuit is proposed. A steady-state and transient analysis of the series dc motor is performed below and above base starting current
Peranan BIMAS dan INMAS Dalam Peningkatan Perekonomian Masyarakat = The role of BIMAS and INMAS in increasing the economy
Kata kunci: BIMAS, INMAS, perekonomian rakya
A fuzzy logic controller to line starting performance synchronous motor for a crane system using vector control
This paper presents the design process of a synchronous motor of crane system using vector control of line starting [1]. The preliminary design is d-q model armature rotor line start synchronous motor with vector control for decreasing a starting current and torque. The design allows the synchronous motor to operate at both starting and synchronous speed. The basic equations for park transformation of the rotor-stator for proposed vector control to synchronous motor are presented [2]. The starting performance of synchronous motor, for example in crane application, requires rapid dynamics and precise regulation; hence the need of direct control is becoming an urgent demand. This type of control providesanindependent vector control of torqueand current, whichis similar to a separatelyexcited synchronous motor and offersa number ofattractivefeatures. Synchronous motorhasahighstartingtorquewhileseparately synchronous motorcanoperate abovethebase low speedinthe line starting current [3]. This paper designs study and highlights the effectiveness of the proposed vector control methods for a line starting performance of synchronous motor model parameter, using a fuzzy logic controller methods both simulation and manufacturers measured experimental data. Asteady state and transient analysis of the synchronous motor is performed belowand abovebase line starting current
This journal describes a three phase induction motor of parametre to predictive a induction motor to work. In use based a data of designing of industries and fabrication. Three phase Industion motor is using maximum current, staring current full load current and power factor to full load. If its to needed a find to work amount optimum for induction motor, Although for non-linear movement controlling. Non linear movement controlling in hoist crane selected to test Binary Of Genetic Algorithm through simulation is non linear hoist crane movement model which basically is unstable. Binary Of Genetic Algorithm Control rule is derived using Lyapunov theory based on linearization model from hoist crane movement. Reference model selected was stabilized linear model. Then simulation was performed to observe Binary Of Genetic Algorithm performance on non linear model. Full state feedback control through simulation has been shown not able to stabilize hoist crane movement. It is modeling using to motor with dq model
Pembangunan Ekonomi Yang Ber Dasarkan Demokrasi Ekonomi = Economic Development Based on Economi Democracy.An Agricultural Economic Analysis
Dalam kesempatan ini akan disajikan sebuah uraian yang menjelaskan pembangunan ekonomi yang berdasarkan demokrasi ekonomi. Dalam Ketetapan MPR No. IV/MPR/1978 Bab III ditegaskan bahwa pembangunan ekonomi merupakan titik berat pembangunan jangka panjang, yang dilaksanakan bangsa Indonesia dalam perjoangan dan pembangunan nasionalnya. Di dalam UUD-45 pasal 33 telah digariskan ketentuanketentuan yang menguraikan makna demokrasi ekonomi. Yang perlu diuraikan lebih lanjut adalah penerapan demokrasi ekonomi itu dalam arah, langkah-langkah dan kebijaksanaan pembangunan ekonomi.
Uraian tentang pembangunan dapat mencakup lingkup yang luas serta cakrawala pelaksanaannya yang berbeda-beda jangkauannya. Untuk dapat menyajikan uraian yang bermakna, analitis dan operasional, dalam kesempatan ini hanya akan diulas pembangunan ekonomi yang menjangkau cakrawala yang dicakup dalam Pola Umum Pembangunan Jangka Panjang, seperti dimuat dalam Bab III Ketetapan MPR No. IV/MPR/ 1978. Kecuali itu, dalam uraian ini, hanya diulas penerapan demokrasi ekonomi dalam arah dan langkah-langkah pembangunan yang strategis dan konsepsional. Penjabarannya lebih lanjut perlu dirumuskan secara lebih terperinci dalam Pola Umum Pelita, maupun dalam Repelita itu sendiri
Kata kunci: pembangunan ekonomi berdasarkan demokrasi ekonom
Keberagaman Budaya Gerakan Japelidi Melawan Hoaks Covid-19
Pandemi Covid-19 membuat seluruh dunia, termasuk di Indonesia, mengalami kesulitan yang luar biasa dan telah menciptakan ketidakpastian di tengah masyarakat, sehingga muncul infodemik seperti hoaks, mengganggu kepercayaan pada sumber informasi resmi, kepanikan, dan gangguan penanganan pandemi. Penelitian studi kasus ini berfokus pada Jaringan Pegiat Literasi Digital (Japelidi). Melalui pengumpulan data observasi dan dokumen, diperoleh hasil penelitian yang menunjukkan para pegiat Japelidi yang beragam latar belakang budaya memproduksi poster dalam berbagai bahasa untuk melawan hoaks. Penghargaan terhadap keberagaman budaya berbasis sukarela menjadi kunci Japelidi dalam melawan hoaks. Gerakan ini menunjukkan pentingnya kolaborasi dalam literasi digital
Role of Genetic Testing in Male Infertility
Male-factor infertility is responsible for 30-55% of all infertility cases. The causes of male infertility include varicocele, endocrine disorders, genital tract infections, genetic disorders and idiopathic. It is estimated that genetic abnormalities contribute to 50% of male infertility. In daily practice, the diagnosis of male infertility has been based on history taking, relevant physical examination, hormone tests and basic semen analysis with a strong emphasis on the assessment of sperm concentration, motility, and morphology. Although recent development in assisted-reproductive technologies such as in vitro fertilization and intrauterine insemination increases the chance of clinical pregnancy and live birth, genetic counseling and testing should always beperformed whenever genetic risks are related to the cause of infertility for the identification of possible genetic abnormalities and to assess the risk of transmitting the genetic defects to future generations. Genetic defects affect male infertility by disrupting hormonal homeostasis, spermatogenesis, and sperm quality. These genetic defects include chromosomal abnormalities (e.g. Klinefelter Syndrome), Y chromosome deletions, and cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator gene mutations. The utilization of genetic counseling and testing is also important to predict the success of sperm retrieval in men with certain genetic abnormalities. Toname a few, genetic analysis at the chromosomal level (karyotyping), androgen receptor gene mutations test, cystic fibrosis test, and Y chromosome microdeletions analysis should be considered in the diagnosis of male factor infertility where genetic risks are present
Pengelolaan Wakaf Ditinjau Dari Hukum Islam dan Hukum Positif; Studi Kasus Yayasan Taman Mandiri Syari’ah Tangerang Banten
Taman Mandiri Syari'ah Foundation is an organization in the social, humanitarian and religious. The foundation aims to raise the social dignity of orphans and poor people with zakat, infaq, shodaqoh, and waqf that are permitted by the Shari'a and legal funds from individuals, companies, community groups, or other institutions. The study uses Qualitative method with literary and empirical approach. The findings of this study are state waqf management of Taman Mandiri Syari'ah Foundation, based on the perspective of Islamic Law and Positive Law, the waqf process of Taman Mandiri Syari'ah Foundation, the provisions of the waqf have required the pillars and conditions. Yet the waqf letter, YTS as Nadzir for land waqf in Depok, has not completed the waqf document by register to National Land Agency. The waqf management has doing are land waqf and cash waqf.Keywords: Waqf, Management, Law. AbstrakYayasan Taman Mandiri Syari’ah merupakan lembaga yang bergerak di bidang sosial, kemanusiaan dan keagamaan. Yayasan ini dibangun dengan tujuan mengangkat harkat sosial kemanusiaan kaum yatim dan dhuafa dengan dana zakat, infak, shodaqoh serta wakaf dan dana-dana yang dihalalkan oleh syariat dan legal, baik dari perorangan, perusahaan, kelompok masyarakat, atau sumber lembaga lainnya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian Kualitatif, dengan pendekatan literatur dan empiris. Hasil penelitian ini menyatakan bahwa Pengelolaan wakaf di Yayasan Taman Mandiri Syari’ah, berdasarkan tinjauan Hukum Islam dan Hukum Positif, proses perwakafan di Yayasan Taman Mandiri Syari’ah, ketentuan wakafnya sudah memenuhi rukun dan syarat. Namun dalam kelengkapan surat wakaf, YTS sebagai Nadzir atas wakaf tanah di Depok, belum melengkapi surat wakaf yang seharusnya didaftarkan ke Badan Pertanahan Nasional (BPN). Pengelolaan wakaf yang sudah berjalan di Yayasan Taman Mandiri Syari’ah berupa wakaf tanah dan wakaf tunai.Kata Kunci: Pengelolaan, Wakaf, Huku
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