1,612 research outputs found

    On Dijkgraaf-Witten Type Invariants

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    We explicitly construct a series of lattice models based upon the gauge group ZpZ_{p} which have the property of subdivision invariance, when the coupling parameter is quantized and the field configurations are restricted to satisfy a type of mod-pp flatness condition. The simplest model of this type yields the Dijkgraaf-Witten invariant of a 33-manifold and is based upon a single link, or 11-simplex, field. Depending upon the manifold's dimension, other models may have more than one species of field variable, and these may be based on higher dimensional simplices.Comment: 18 page

    Jupiter's radiation belts: Can Pioneer 10 survive?

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    Model calculations of Jupiter's electron and proton radiation belts indicate that the Galilean satellites can reduce particle fluxes in certain regions of the inner magnetosphere by as much as six orders of magnitude. Average fluxes should be reduced by a factor of 100 or more along the Pioneer 10 trajectory through the heart of Jupiter's radiation belts in early December. This may be enough to prevent serious radiation damage to the spacecraft

    Absorption of trapped particles by Jupiter's moons

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    Absorption effects of the four innermost moons in the radial transport equations for electrons and protons in Jupiter's magnetosphere are presented. The phase space density n at 2 R sub J for electrons with equatorial pitch angles less than 69 deg is reduced by a factor of 4.2 x 1000 when lunar absorption is included in the calculation. For protons with equatorial pitch angles less than 69 deg, the corresponding reduction factor is 3.2 x 100000. The effect of the satellites becomes progressively weaker for both electrons and protons as equatorial pitch angles of pi/2 are approached, because the likelihood of impacting a satellite becomes progressively smaller. The large density decreases which we find at the orbits of Io, Europa, and Ganymede result in corresponding particle flux decreases that should be observed by spacecraft making particle measurements in Jupiter's magnetosphere. The characteristic signature of satellite absorption should be a downward pointing cusp in the flux versus radius curve at the L-value corresponding to each satellite

    A Closed Contour of Integration in Regge Calculus

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    The analytic structure of the Regge action on a cone in dd dimensions over a boundary of arbitrary topology is determined in simplicial minisuperspace. The minisuperspace is defined by the assignment of a single internal edge length to all 1-simplices emanating from the cone vertex, and a single boundary edge length to all 1-simplices lying on the boundary. The Regge action is analyzed in the space of complex edge lengths, and it is shown that there are three finite branch points in this complex plane. A closed contour of integration encircling the branch points is shown to yield a convergent real wave function. This closed contour can be deformed to a steepest descent contour for all sizes of the bounding universe. In general, the contour yields an oscillating wave function for universes of size greater than a critical value which depends on the topology of the bounding universe. For values less than the critical value the wave function exhibits exponential behaviour. It is shown that the critical value is positive for spherical topology in arbitrary dimensions. In three dimensions we compute the critical value for a boundary universe of arbitrary genus, while in four and five dimensions we study examples of product manifolds and connected sums.Comment: 16 pages, Latex, To appear in Gen. Rel. Gra

    Quasinormal Modes and Black Hole Quantum Mechanics in 2+1 Dimensions

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    We explore the relationship between classical quasinormal mode frequencies and black hole quantum mechanics in 2+1 dimensions. Following a suggestion of Hod, we identify the real part of the quasinormal frequencies with the fundamental quanta of black hole mass and angular momentum. We find that this identification leads to the correct quantum behavior of the asymptotic symmetry algebra, and thus of the dual conformal field theory. Finally, we suggest a further connection between quasinormal mode frequencies and the spectrum of a set of nearly degenerate ground states whose multiplicity may be responsible for the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy.Comment: 8 pages, LaTeX; references added and corrected, introduction and conclusion slightly expande

    Observations of electron gyroharmonic waves and the structure of the Io torus

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    Narrow-banded emissions were observed by the Planetary Radio Astronomy experiment on the Voyager 1 spacecraft as it traversed the Io plasma torus. These waves occur between harmonics of the electron gyrofrequency and are the Jovian analogue of electrostatic emissions observed and theoretically studied for the terrestrial magnetosphere. The observed frequencies always include the component near the upper hybrid resonant frequency, (fuhr) but the distribution of the other observed emissions varies in a systematic way with position in the torus. A refined model of the electron density variation, based on identification of the fuhr line, is included. Spectra of the observed waves are analyzed in terms of the linear instability of an electron distribution function consisting of isotropic cold electrons and hot losscone electrons. The positioning of the observed auxiliary harmonics with respect to fuhr is shown to be an indicator of the cold to hot temperature ratio. It is concluded that this ratio increases systematically by an overall factor of perhaps 4 or 5 between the inner and outer portions of the torus

    Birmingham’s Eastside story: making steps towards sustainability?

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    Sustainability has come to play a dominant discursive role in the UK planning system, particularly relating to urban regeneration. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the role that sustainability plays in a major regeneration programme, known as Eastside, currently underway in Birmingham, the UK. That this ÂŁ6 billion redevelopment is now widely talked about by such key players as Birmingham City Council and the Regional Development Agency, Advantage West Midlands, as having a central sustainability agenda points to the growing importance of the ideal of sustainability in planning and regeneration agendas. In this paper, we investigate in detail how and why sustainability has become part of the planning discourse for Eastside and critically evaluate what impact, if any, this is having on public policy decision-making

    Non-Quasinormal Modes and Black Hole Physics

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    The near-horizon geometry of a large class of extremal and near-extremal black holes in string and M theory contains three-dimensional asymptotically anti-de Sitter space. Motivated by this structure, we are led naturally to a discrete set of complex frequencies defined in terms of the monodromy at the inner and outer horizons of the black hole. We show that the correspondence principle, whereby the real part of these ``non-quasinormal frequencies'' is identified with certain fundamental quanta, leads directly to the correct quantum behavior of the near-horizon Virasoro algebra, and thus the black hole entropy. Remarkably, for the rotating black hole in five dimensions we also reproduce the fractionization of conformal weights predicted in string theory.Comment: 4 pages, revtex4; v2: reference added; v3: more references, minor typo corrected; v4: minor rewording to adjust size (ugh!); v5: some small clarifications at referees' suggestio

    Topological Modes in Dual Lattice Models

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    Lattice gauge theory with gauge group ZPZ_{P} is reconsidered in four dimensions on a simplicial complex KK. One finds that the dual theory, formulated on the dual block complex K^\hat{K}, contains topological modes which are in correspondence with the cohomology group H2(K^,ZP)H^{2}(\hat{K},Z_{P}), in addition to the usual dynamical link variables. This is a general phenomenon in all models with single plaquette based actions; the action of the dual theory becomes twisted with a field representing the above cohomology class. A similar observation is made about the dual version of the three dimensional Ising model. The importance of distinct topological sectors is confirmed numerically in the two dimensional Ising model where they are parameterized by H1(K^,Z2)H^{1}(\hat{K},Z_{2}).Comment: 10 pages, DIAS 94-3

    Quantization of AdS_3 Black Holes in External Fields

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    2+1-dimensional Anti-deSitter gravity is quantized in the presence of an external scalar field. We find that the coupling between the scalar field and gravity is equivalently described by a perturbed conformal field theory at the boundary of AdS_3. We derive the explicit form of this coupling, which allows us to perform a microscopic computation of the transition rates between black hole states due to absorption and induced emission of the scalar field. Detailed thermodynamic balance then yields Hawking radiation as spontaneous emission, and we find agreement with the semiclassical result, including greybody factors. This result also has application to four and five dimensional black holes in supergravity. However, since we only deal with gravitational degrees of freedom, the approach is not based on string theory, and does not depend, either, on the validity of Maldacena's AdS/CFT conjecture.Comment: 12 pages, Late
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