1,215 research outputs found

    Taxonomy of the Cognitive Domain: An Example of Architectural Education Program

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    AbstractCognitive domain includes the behaviors regarding mental skills. These behaviors are at the level of knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis and evaluation according to American education psychologist Benjamin Samuel Bloom et al. Architectural education aims to acquire a profession within the efforts of designing and building along with creative solutions by harmonizing the requirements with technical opportunities. It is built on the architectural project studies and contains theoretical and practical courses.In this paper; elective course named as ‘New Buildings in Historical Environments-Studio’ included in the educational program of Department of Architecture of Karabük University will be analyzed according to Bloom Taxonomy

    Heart Disease Risk Prediction: A Comparison of Machine Learning Techniques

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    Healthcare services have once again demonstrated their worldwide importance under the pandemic conditions. Under the leadership of Industry (4.0), data mining continues to develop in the field of health. Data mining prediction tool act a critical role in healthcare. Heart disease is the most dangerous noncommunicable disease in the world. To predict heart disease, a variety of data mining techniques are used. The study's goal is to use classification algorithms to predict the occurrence of heart disease in an individual. In the study, a dataset consisting of 14 variables belonging to 303 patients accessed from the Kaggle site was used. 75% of the dataset is split into training sets and 25% into test sets in order to train and test the model. Classification performances were compared using K-Nearest Neighborhood (KNN), Random Forest (RF) and Decision Tree (DT) algorithms. As a result of the study, it was determined that the classification accuracy of KNN, RF and DT algorithms was 88.16%, 89.47% and 84.21%, respectively

    Design and implementation of high quality H.264 video streaming over wireless mesh networks

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    Wireless multimedia home servers are the next generation of home entertainment systems. From a single broadband connection entering a residence, the multimedia stream is transmitted to television headsets and other peripherals by using only wireless links. The provision of high quality time-critical multimedia services in indoor environment is very challenging due to high attenuation and multi-path fading caused by the walls and contention in the shared channel. In this thesis, we demonstrate that the newly proposed wireless standard on wireless mesh networks can help improve the coverage while supporting Quality of Service requirements of both multimedia and data users, when the video packets are given EDCA priorities based on their importance according to the new high definition video streaming standard H.264. We support our hypothesis by presenting test results gathered from both simulations and from a real implementation test bed, where we observe very low delay and very few packet losses in video stream and almost no loss in perceived video quality even in the presence of high contending neighboring data traffi

    Cytokines in Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA)

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    Cytokines are cell molecules that are secreted by immune cells and aid cell to cell communication in immune responses and stimulate the movement of cells towards sites of inflammation, infection and trauma. So, the cytokines are the main part of the immune network to provide the communication in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) too. In RA, cytokines may be classified into four groups: pro-inflammatory cytokines, inflammatory cytokines in joints, anti-inflammatory cytokines and natural cytokine antagonists. After the initial stimuli have occurred, cytokines play a role in communication between the parts of immune system in every step of the pathophysiology process of RA. The differentiation of narve T cells into Th17 cells results in inflammation (synovitis) in joints. B cells further the pathogenic process through antigen presentation and autoantibody and cytokine production. The release of cytokines, especially tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α, interleukin (IL)-6 and IL-1, causes synovial inflammation. In addition to their articular effects, pro-inflammatory cytokines promote the development of systemic effects (anemia, cardiovascular disease, fatigue and depression). So, cytokines are the main molecules contributing to all facets of the disease

    Role of MicroRNAs in Rheumatoid Arthritis

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    Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a common autoimmune disease. The hallmarks of RA are synovial inflammation and hyperplasia, autoantibody production, systemic features, and deformity. A lot of researchers have paid attention to the possibility that microRNAs (miRNAs) play a role in the pathogenesis of RA. miRNAs are a class of small noncoding RNAs, which have 18–25 nucleotides. These small RNAs modify gene expression by binding to target messenger RNA (mRNA), and they block the translation or induce the degradation of target mRNA. Biological relevance of miRNAs has been investigated in physiological and pathological conditions. A growing body of evidence suggests that miRNAs participate in the inflammatory disorders including RA. In this chapter, an overview of biogenesis and function of miRNAs has been presented to introduce researchers to the changes and functional regulation of the key miRNAs in RA and to provide current knowledge in miRNA and RA. It is important to understand the relationship between the key miRNAs and RA pathology as modulation of specific miRNA alterations could be of great pharmaceutical interest in the future

    A Review on Machine Learning Applications: CVI Risk Assessment

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    Comprehensive literature has been published on the development of digital health applications using machine learning methods in cardiovascular surgery. Many machine learning methods have been applied in clinical decision-making processes, particularly for risk estimation models. This review of the literature shares an update on machine learning applications for cardiovascular intervention (CVI) risk assessment. This study selected peer-reviewed scientific publications providing sufficient detail about machine learning methods and outcomes predicting short-term CVI risk in cardiac surgery. Thirteen articles fulfilling pre-set criteria were reviewed and tables were created presenting the relevant characteristics of the studies. The review demonstrates the usefulness of machine learning methods in high-risk CVI applications, identifies the need for improvement, and provides efficient support for future prediction models for the healthcare system


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    Çağdaş demokrasilerde ifade hürriyeti temel insan haklarından birisidir. Avrupa İnsan Hakları Sözleşmesi ve İnsan Hakları Evrensel Beyannamesinde de ifade hürriyetinin temel insan haklarından olduğu vurgulanmaktadır. İfade hürriyetinin sağlıklı bir şekilde kullanılabilmesi için bireylerin bilgiyi toplama, açıklama ve yaymalarına imkân verilmesi gerekmektedir. Bu çerçeveden konuya bakıldığında ifade hürriyetinin kullanılmasında en önemli araçlar kitle iletişim araçlarıdır. Birçok işleve sahip bu araçların en önemli işlevi haber verme işlevidir. Haberler hazırlanırken ‘hür fakat sorumlu’ bir anlayışla hukuki anlamda bazı sorumlulukların yerine getirilmesi için belirli kurallara uyulması gerekmektedir. Kısaca, haberin unsurları olarak bilinen haberin hukuka uygunluk unsurlarına uygun şekilde haber yapılması gereklidir. Haberlere yönelik çeşitli yargısal süreçler yaşanmaktadır. Medya mensuplarının bu tür yargısal süreçlerde herhangi bir cezai bir yaptırımla karşılaşmamaları için yaptıkları haberlerin hukuka uygun olması gerekir. Bir haberin hukuka uygun olmasının temel şartı ise haberin içeriğinin hukuka uygunluk unsurlarını içermesidir. Bu unsurlar gerçeklik, güncellik, objektiflik, kamu yararı ve kamusal ilgi ve öz ve biçim arasındaki dengedir. Haberlere ilişkin olarak Mahkeme kararları incelendiğinde de bu hukuka uygunluk unsurlarının arandığı görülmektedir. Makalede, kavramsal olarak haber ele alındıktan sonra hukuka uygunluk unsurlarına yer verilmiştir. Bu unsurların açıklamaları yapıldıktan sonra konuya ilişkin mahkeme kararlarına yer verilmiştir. Özetle, bu makale haberin hukuka uygunluk unsurlarını ve bu unsurlarla ilintili bazı mahkeme kararlarını ele almaktadır

    Lacanian Implications of Departures in Zemeckis’s Beowulf from Beowulf, the Old English Epic

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    Although Robert Zemeckis’s film Beowulf (2007) is a re-writing of the Old English epic Beowulf with a shifting of perspective, certain details in the film can only be understood by referring to the poem. That is, a better understanding of the film is tied closely to an awareness of certain narrative elements in the epic. The emphasis on Beowulf in the poem shifts to the Mother in the film. This shift obviously leads to a recontextualization of the narrative elements of the former text. In the epic, Grendel is left without a father; however, in the film, he is fathered by Hrothgar but this biological fathering does not lead to linguistic castration. In their case, things are reversed: rather than the infant being castrated by the Law/language, the biological father is led to a psychic regression due to the son. This appears to be a dramatization of the conflicts between the (m)Other and the shared Other/the representative of the paternal metaphor: that is, Hrothgar. This time, the (m)Other conquers the representative of the paternal metaphor and annuls his masculinity, which radically changes the way in which we evaluate the course of events in the film. These departures make more sense if they are analyzed against the background of Lacanian epistemology. This paper aims to explore the film’s departures from the poem by approaching it from a Lacanian perspective

    S.T. Coleridge’s Conservative Years: A Journey to Trinitarianism

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    The years 1797-1798 mark the most prolific years of Coleridge. This period is also regarded as his mature period as he wrote his best poems during this time. However, in the aftermath of the publication of the Lyrical Ballads (1798) and his trip to Germany, and his encounter with German idealists, Coleridge underwent radical changes in his views concerning philosophy, politics and aesthetics. This was also a move away from Unitarianism, a re-evaluation of the Bible from a rational and scientific viewpoint, towards Trinitarianism, which was dominated by a more conservative perspective. Although he supported anti-establishment views, was against the Divine Right of Kings and harshly criticized the political practice of the Pitt government, on his return from Germany, he began to support the established system. He tried to reconcile a conservative interpretation of Christianity with German idealism. This essay aims to explore the intricate relations between his political and religious views in his later conservative years with references to his biography


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    Çağdaş demokrasilerde ifade hürriyeti temel insan haklarından birisidir. Avrupa İnsan Hakları Sözleşmesi ve İnsan Hakları Evrensel Beyannamesinde de ifade hürriyetinin temel insan haklarından olduğu vurgulanmaktadır. İfade hürriyetinin sağlıklı bir şekilde kullanılabilmesi için bireylerin bilgiyi toplama, açıklama ve yaymalarına imkân verilmesi gerekmektedir. Bu çerçeveden konuya bakıldığında ifade hürriyetinin kullanılmasında en önemli araçlar kitle iletişim araçlarıdır. Birçok işleve sahip bu araçların en önemli işlevi haber verme işlevidir. Haberler hazırlanırken ‘hür fakat sorumlu’ bir anlayışla hukuki anlamda bazı sorumlulukların yerine getirilmesi için belirli kurallara uyulması gerekmektedir. Kısaca, haberin unsurları olarak bilinen haberin hukuka uygunluk unsurlarına uygun şekilde haber yapılması gereklidir. Haberlere yönelik çeşitli yargısal süreçler yaşanmaktadır. Medya mensuplarının bu tür yargısal süreçlerde herhangi bir cezai bir yaptırımla karşılaşmamaları için yaptıkları haberlerin hukuka uygun olması gerekir. Bir haberin hukuka uygun olmasının temel şartı ise haberin içeriğinin hukuka uygunluk unsurlarını içermesidir. Bu unsurlar gerçeklik, güncellik, objektiflik, kamu yararı ve kamusal ilgi ve öz ve biçim arasındaki dengedir. Haberlere ilişkin olarak Mahkeme kararları incelendiğinde de bu hukuka uygunluk unsurlarının arandığı görülmektedir. Makalede, kavramsal olarak haber ele alındıktan sonra hukuka uygunluk unsurlarına yer verilmiştir. Bu unsurların açıklamaları yapıldıktan sonra konuya ilişkin mahkeme kararlarına yer verilmiştir. Özetle, bu makale haberin hukuka uygunluk unsurlarını ve bu unsurlarla ilintili bazı mahkeme kararlarını ele almaktadır