2,644 research outputs found

    Groundwater reinjection and heat dissipation: lessons from the operation of a large groundwater cooling system in Central London

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    The performance of a large open-loop groundwater cooling scheme in a shallow alluvial aquifer at a prominent public building in Central London has been monitored closely over its first 2 years of operation. The installed system provided cooling to the site continuously for a period of 9 months between June 2012 and April 2013. During this period, c. 131300 m3 of groundwater was abstracted from a single pumping well and recharged into a single injection borehole. The amount of heat rejected in this period amounts to c. 1.37 GWh. A programme of hydraulic testing was subsequently undertaken over a 3 month period between July and October 2013 to evaluate the performance of the injection borehole. The data indicate no significant change in injection performance between commissioning trials undertaken in 2010 and the most recent period of testing, as evidenced by comparison of injection pressures for given flow rates in 2010 and 2013. Continuous temperature monitoring of the abstracted water, the discharge and a number of observation wells demonstrates the evolution of a heat plume in the aquifer in response to heat rejection and subsequent dissipation of this heat during the 18 month planned cessation

    The development of a new measure of quality of life for children with congenital cardiac disease

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    The purpose of the study was to develop a questionnaire measuring health-related R1 quality of life for children and adolescents with congenital heart disease, the ConQol, that would have both clinical and research applications. We describe here the process of construction of a questionnaire, the piloting and the development of a weighted scoring system, and data on the psychometric performance of the measure in a sample of 640 children and young people recruited via 6 regional centres for paediatric cardiology from across the United Kingdom. The ConQol has two versions, one designed for children aged from 8 to 11 years, and the other for young people aged from 12 to 16 years. Initial findings suggest that it is a valid and reliable instrument, is acceptable to respondents, and is simple to administer in both a research and clinical context

    High resolution Late-glacial and early-Holocene summer air temperature records from Scotland inferred from Chironomid assemblages

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    Lateglacial and early-Holocene mean July air temperatures have been reconstructed, using a chironomid-based inference model, from lake-sediment sequences from Abernethy Forest, in the eastern Highlands of Scotland, and Loch Ashik, on the Isle of Skye in north-west Scotland. Chronology for Abernethy Forest was derived from radiocarbon dates of terrestrial plant macrofossils deposited in the lake sediments. Chronology for Loch Ashik was derived from tephra layers of known ages, the first age-depth model of this kind. Chironomid-inferred temperatures peak early in the Lateglacial Interstadial and then gradually decline by about 1 °C to the beginning of the Younger Dryas (YD). At Abernethy Forest, the Lateglacial Interstadial is punctuated by three centennial-scale cold oscillations which appear to be synchronous with the Greenland Interstadial events GI-1d, when temperatures at Abernethy fell by 5.9 °C, GI-1c, when temperatures fell by 2.3 °C, and GI-1b, when temperatures fell by 2.8 °C. At Loch Ashik only the oscillation correlated with GI-1d is clearly defined, when temperatures fell by 3.8 °C. The start of the YD is clearly marked at both sites when temperatures fell by 5.5 °C at Abernethy Forest and 2.8 °C at Loch Ashik. A warming trend is apparent during the late-YD at Abernethy Forest but at Loch Ashik late-YD temperatures became very cold, possibly influenced by its close proximity to the Skye ice-field. The rapidly rising temperatures at the YD – Holocene transition occur about 300 years earlier at both sites than changes in sediment lithology and loss-on-ignition. The temperature trends at both sites are broadly similar, although between-site differences may result from the influence of local factors. Similar climate trends are found at other sites in the northern British Isles. However, the British summer temperature records differ in detail from trends in the oxygen-isotope records from the Greenland ice-cores and from other chironomid-inferred temperature records available from Scandinavia, north-west Europe and central Europe, which suggest important differences in the influence of climatic forcing at regional scales.publishedVersio

    Interpretation of Light-Quenching Factor Measurements

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    We observe that the pattern of the quenching factors for scintillation light from various ions, recently studied in CaWO4CaWO_4 in connection with dark matter detectors, can be understood as a saturation phenomenon in which the light output is simply proportional to track length, independent of the ion and its energy. This observation is in accord with the high dE/dx limit of Birks' law. It suggests a simple model for the intrinsic resolution of light detectors for low energy ions, which we briefly discuss.Comment: Seven pages, seven figures, some with colo

    Full-vector analysis of a realistic photonic crystal fiber

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    We analyze the guiding problem in a realistic photonic crystal fiber using a novel full-vector modal technique, a biorthogonal modal method based on the nonselfadjoint character of the electromagnetic propagation in a fiber. Dispersion curves of guided modes for different fiber structural parameters are calculated along with the 2D transverse intensity distribution of the fundamental mode. Our results match those achieved in recent experiments, where the feasibility of this type of fiber was shown.Comment: 3 figures, submitted to Optics Letter

    Improved Fast Neutron Spectroscopy via Detector Segmentation

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    Organic scintillators are widely used for fast neutron detection and spectroscopy. Several effects complicate the interpretation of results from detectors based upon these materials. First, fast neutrons will often leave a detector before depositing all of their energy within it. Second, fast neutrons will typically scatter several times within a detector, and there is a non-proportional relationship between the energy of, and the scintillation light produced by, each individual scatter; therefore, there is not a deterministic relationship between the scintillation light observed and the neutron energy deposited. Here we demonstrate a hardware technique for reducing both of these effects. Use of a segmented detector allows for the event-by-event correction of the light yield non-proportionality and for the preferential selection of events with near-complete energy deposition, since these will typically have high segment multiplicities.Comment: Accepted for publication in Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section

    Relation between composition, microstructure and oxidation in iron aluminides

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    The relation between chemical composition, microstructure and oxidation properties has been investigated on various FeAl based alloys, the aim being to induce changes in the microstructure of the compound by selective oxidation of aluminium. Oxidation kinetics that was evaluated on bulk specimens showed that, due to fast diffusion in the alloys, no composition gradient is formed during the aluminium selective oxidation. Accordingly, significant aluminium depletion in the compound could be observed in the thinnest part of oxidised wedge-shape specimens. Another way to obtain samples of variable aluminium content was to prepare diffusion couples with one aluminide and pure iron as end members. These latter specimens have been characterised using electron microscopy and first results of oxidation experiments are presented

    Light and gas confinement in hollow-core photonic crystal fibre based photonic microcells

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    We review the recent progress on the understanding of optical guidance mechanisms in hollow-core photonic crystal fibres, and on the quantum and nonlinear optical applications of photonic microcells based on this fibre form. Two classes of hollow-core photonic crystal fibre are identified: one guides via a photonic bandgap and the other guides by virtue of an inhibited coupling between core and cladding mode constituents. For the former fibre type, we explore how the bandgap is formed using a photonic analogue of the tight-binding model and how it is related to the anti-resonant reflection optical waveguide guidance. For the second type of fibre, which can guide over a broad wavelength range, we examine the nature of the inhibited coupling. We describe a technique for the fabrication of photonic microcells that can accommodate vacuum pressures, and we finish by showing the latest results on electromagnetically induced transparency in a rubidium filled hollow-core photonic crystal fibre, the CW-pumped hydrogen Raman laser and the generation of multi-octave spanning stimulated Raman scattering spectral combs
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