95 research outputs found

    Control of Doubly Fed Asynchronous Generators for Wind Power Application

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    This thesis researches and develops a Doubly Fed Induction Generator (DFIG) model suitable for a university lab environment. DFIGs have attracted significant amount of research, as it is one of the leading generator systems for wind power. The hardware is based on intelligent power modules from Fuji along with a Texas Instruments microcontroller which controls the insulated gate bipolar transistors (IGBT). Printed Circuit Boards (PCB) has been developed for the converter and measurement circuits. The lab generator is a 1.1 kW induction motor from Terco with slip rings connected to the rotor. The converter uses field-oriented control to control the performance of the generator, and samples signals required for the control system. This includes currents, voltages, rotor position and speed through an incremental encoder. And for future lab test a simulation of a DFIG have been done to use as a reference when tests are done on real hardware. In the end there is a discussion about which steps one should take forward, and which aspects that can be improved upon.Master's Thesis in EnergyENERGI399MAMN-ENER

    A Deep Reinforcement Learning - based Hyperheuristic for the Flexible Traveling Repairman Problem with Drones

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    Masteroppgave i informatikkINF399MAMN-PROGMAMN-IN

    A kernel for time series based on global alignments

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    We propose in this paper a new family of kernels to handle times series, notably speech data, within the framework of kernel methods which includes popular algorithms such as the Support Vector Machine. These kernels elaborate on the well known Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) family of distances by considering the same set of elementary operations, namely substitutions and repetitions of tokens, to map a sequence onto another. Associating to each of these operations a given score, DTW algorithms use dynamic programming techniques to compute an optimal sequence of operations with high overall score. In this paper we consider instead the score spanned by all possible alignments, take a smoothed version of their maximum and derive a kernel out of this formulation. We prove that this kernel is positive definite under favorable conditions and show how it can be tuned effectively for practical applications as we report encouraging results on a speech recognition task

    日本の標準プロトコールに従った口頭指導下での非医療事者の心肺停止蘇生法の質の評価 : シミュレーョン観察研究

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    Methods: We recruited laypersons at a shopping mall and measured the quality of CPR carried out in our simulation. Dispatchers provided instruction in accordance with the standard DACPR protocol in Japan. Results: Twenty‐three laypersons (13 with CPR training experience within the past 2 years and 10 with no training experience) participated in this study. The median chest compression rate and depth were 106/min and 33 mm, respectively. The median time interval from placing the 119 call to the start of chest compressions was 119 s. No significant difference was found between the groups with and without training experience. However, subjects with training experience more frequently placed their hands correctly on the manikin (84.6% versus 40.0%; P = 0.026). Twelve participants (52.2%, seven in trained and five in untrained group) interrupted chest compressions for 3–18 s, because dispatchers asked if the patient started breathing or moving. Conclusion: This current simulation study showed that the quality of DACPR carried out by lay rescuers can be less than optimal in terms of depth, hand placement, and minimization of pauses. Further studies are required to explore better DACPR instruction methods to help lay rescuers perform CPR with optimal quality.博士(医学)・乙第1417号・平成30年3月15日© 2017 The Authors. Acute Medicine & Surgery published by John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd on behalf of Japanese Association for Acute Medicine.This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License(https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited

    Rehabilitation, physical activity and motivation

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    Lidelser knyttet til inaktivitet har blitt et stort helseproblem, særlig i den industrialiserte delen av verden. Ulike tiltak er satt i gang for å fremme en mer aktiv livsstil. I Nordland fikk en gruppe langtidssykemeldte for en tid tilbake tilbud om et fire uker langt rehabiliteringsopplegg ved VHSS. Oppgaven har til hensikt å se nærmere på et treningsopphold ved VHSS for noen utvalgte personer i forbindelse med motivasjon for fysisk aktivitet og trening

    Romanlesing i ungdomsskulen. Ein kvalitativ studie av seks 10. klassingar sine lesingar av romanen Bli hvis du kan. Reis hvis du må (2010) av Helga Flatland.

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    Føremålet med denne avhandlinga er å undersøkja korleis arbeidet med ein romantekst verkar inn på unge lesarar. Eg har undersøkt 10. klassingar sine lesingar av romanen Bli hvis du kan. Reis hvis du må (2010) skriven av Helga Flatland. Eg var interessert i å finna ut av både korleis dei opplevde å lesa denne teksten, men også å undersøkja kva språk dei nytta når dei snakka om romanteksten. I tillegg har eg sett på haldningane deira til å jobba med skjønnlitteratur i norskfaget generelt. For å finna ut av dette, har eg gjennomført intervju med seks 10. klassingar i etterkant av ei felles lesing av romanen i klassen deira. Som teoretisk rammeverk støttar eg meg til James Paul Gee (2008) sin diskursteori, der omgrepa primær- og sekundærdiskurs er sentrale. I tillegg er den lesarorienterte litteraturteorien med Wolfgang Iser (1988) og særleg Louise Rosenblatt (1995) sitt syn på kva litteraturundervising er, viktige i analysen. Eg ser også på materialet i ljos av J.A. Appleyard (1991) sine utviklingsstadum i det å bli ein skjønnlitterær lesar, med særleg fokus på ungdomslesaren, lesaren som tenkjar. Danning og literacy er sentrale omgrep i norskfaget, dei er også viktige i analysearbeidet mitt. Resultata viser at alle informantane har ein motivasjon for å jobba med tekst i norskfaget, og alle viser evne til å kunna snakka om den aktuelle romanen. Materialet viser at dei i stor grad brukar primærspråket sitt når dei snakkar om leseerfaringane sine. Gjennom primærspråket involverer dei seg med karakterane, dei brukar eigne erfaringar til å fylla tomrom i teksten, dei les med litterær fordobling og viser ei metaforståing om tekst og leseprosess. Dei har ei utforskande tilnærming til teksten. I tillegg viser datamaterialet at elevane hugsar få tekstutdrag og noveller dei les, noko som også samsvarer med tidlegare undersøkingar gjort av m.a. Penne (2006) og Skarstein (2013). Tidsbruk, kontekst, tilnærmingsmåte og undervisingsmetode er viktige faktorar for kva elevane sit att med. Å lesa i eit fellesskap er verdifullt for elevane, og dei meiner at dei vidareutviklar eigne lesingar av å lytta til kvarandre. I diskusjonen stiller eg spørsmål ved om det i norskfaget er for lite anerkjenning av elevane sitt primærspråk i arbeidet med skjønnlitteratur, og eg ser på tilhøvet mellom lesing som utforsking, språk og danning i ljos av elevytringane.The purpose of this thesis is to examine how a literary study of a novel influences young readers. I have examined how students in 10th grade interpret the novel Bli hvis du kan. Reis hvis du må (2010) written by the Norwegian author Helga Flatland. I wanted to explore their perception of the text as well examine what language they used when they talked about the novel. In addition, I have examined their attitudes towards working with fiction in general. To find out I interviewed six students in 10th grade after a group reading of the novel. As theoretical framework I use James Paul Gee´s (2008) theory on Discourse, where the concepts primary and secondary Discourse are essential. Reader- response criticism with Wolfgang Iser (1988) and especially Louise Rosenblatt´s (1995) view of what a literary work is, have been important in the analysis. I have also looked at the material in light of J.A. Appleyard´s (1991) developmental model of the reading process, with particular focus on adolescent readers, the reader as thinker. The concepts of culture and literacy are central terms in the curriculum of Norwegian, and they are also important to my work. The results show that all the informants are motivated to work with fiction, and all of them show the ability to talk about the novel in question. The material shows that they mostly use their primary Discourse when they talk about their experiences with the text, and through their primary Discourse they show the ability to connect with the characters, they use their own experiences to fill out empty spaces in the text, they read the text on different levels, and they express a metacognitive understanding of text and the reading process in general. In all they have an exploratory approach towards the text. The material also shows that the students remember very few of the extracts and short stories they read. This also correspond to earlier research done by Penne (2006) and Skarstein (2013). Time spent, context, approach, and methods of teaching are all important factors to what the students remember of a text. To read in a class community is valuable for the students, and they feel they develop as readers by listening to each other. In the discussion I question whether the primary Discourse of the students is sufficiently recognized when working with fiction in the Norwegian curriculum, and I examine the relationship between exploration, Discourse, and culture in the light of the students´ own comments.Erfaringsbasert masteroppgåve i undervisning med fordjupning i norskVID-MAUNORNORMAU65

    Electroporation by nucleofector is the best nonviral transfection technique in human endothelial and smooth muscle cells

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    BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to determine the optimal non-viral transfection method for use in human smooth muscle cells (SMC) and endothelial cells (EC). METHODS: Coronary Artery (CoA) and Aortic (Ao) SMC and EC were transfected with a reporter plasmid, encoding chloramphenicol acetyltransferase type 1 (CAT), with seven different transfection reagents, two electroporation methods and a photochemical internalization (PCI) method. CAT determination provided information regarding transfection efficiency and total protein measurement was used to reflect the toxicity of each method. RESULTS: Electroporation via the nucleofector machine was the most effective method tested. It exhibited a 10 to 20 fold (for SMC and EC, respectively) increase in transfection efficiency in comparison to the lipofection method combined with acceptable toxicity. FuGene 6 and Lipofectamine PLUS were the preferred transfection reagents tested and resulted in 2 to 60 fold higher transfection efficiency in comparison to the PCI which was the least effective method. CONCLUSION: This study indicates that electroporation via the nucleofector machine is the preferred non-viral method for in vitro transfection of both human aortic and coronary artery SMC and EC. It may be very useful in gene expression studies in the field of vascular biology. Through improved gene transfer, non-viral transfer techniques may also play an increasingly important role in delivering genes to SMC and EC in relevant disease states

    Real-Time Chest Compression Quality Measurements by Smartphone Camera

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    Out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) is recognized as a global mortality challenge, and digital strategies could contribute to increase the chance of survival. In this paper, we investigate if cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) quality measurement using smartphone video analysis in real-time is feasible for a range of conditions. With the use of a web-connected smartphone application which utilizes the smartphone camera, we detect inactivity and chest compressions and measure chest compression rate with real-time feedback to both the caller who performs chest compressions and over the web to the dispatcher who coaches the caller on chest compressions. The application estimates compression rate with 0.5 s update interval, time to first stable compression rate (TFSCR), active compression time (TC), hands-off time (TWC), average compression rate (ACR), and total number of compressions (NC). Four experiments were performed to test the accuracy of the calculated chest compression rate under different conditions, and a fifth experiment was done to test the accuracy of the CPR summary parameters TFSCR, TC, TWC, ACR, and NC. Average compression rate detection error was 2.7 compressions per minute (±5.0 cpm), the calculated chest compression rate was within ±10 cpm in 98% (±5.5) of the time, and the average error of the summary CPR parameters was 4.5% (±3.6). The results show that real-time chest compression quality measurement by smartphone camera in simulated cardiac arrest is feasible under the conditions tested.Real-Time Chest Compression Quality Measurements by Smartphone CamerapublishedVersio

    Kartlegging for sharkavirus 2013

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    Sharkavirus (Plum pox virus, PPV) er en karanteneskadegjører som har blitt funnet i plomme, fersken og aprikos i Norge. Første påvisning var i 1998. Siden da har det pågått et kartleggings- og utryddingsprogram med det mål å utrydde sharkavirus fra frukthager med kommersiell plommedyrking i Norge. Det ble testet 2392 prøver for sharkavirus i 2013. Av disse var 625 kvistprøver testet i perioden januar til mai, mens 1767 var bladprøver. Det ble ikke påvist sharkavirus i noen av kvistprøvene. I alt 47 prøver slo ut positiv for sharkavirus i 2013. Disse prøvene ble funnet på 10 lokaliteter, hvorav 8 var helt nye. I alt 12 lokaliteter som hadde hatt funn tidligere ble inspisert på nytt i 2013 uten at det ble påvist sharkavirus. Siden 1998 har det blitt testet mer enn 80 000 trær på 921 lokaliteter (frukthager, privathager, planteskoler og hagesentere). Det har blitt påvist sharkavirus på 88 lokaliteter. Vi kan regne smitten for å være utryddet på 80 % av disse lokalitetene. Med en god oppfølging som har inkludert grundig inspeksjon, testing av alle plommetrær på lokaliteter med smitte, og rydding av infiserte trær, har en lykkes godt med å rydde smitte i alle viktige fruktområder. Det er imidlertid et problem at virkningen av bekjempelsesarbeidet blir dårlig på grunn av at det følger med smitte med nytt plantemateriale som importeres til å etablere nyplantinger

    Verdsettelse av Europris ASA

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    Denne bacheloroppgaven omhandler en verdsettelse av Europris ASA (Europris). Basert på bokførte verdier per 31.12.2022 og offentlig tilgjengelig informasjon vil oppgaven beregne verdien av selskapet. Verdsettingen gjennomføres ved en fundamental verdsettelse der fremtidige kontantstrømmer til totalkapitalen beregnes, før en relativ verdsettelse supplerer resultatet. Oppgaven presenterer først selskapet og næringen, før det blir presentert ulike verdsettelsesmetoder som blir brukt senere i oppgaven. Det blir så foretatt en ekstern og intern analyse av selskapet og bransjen ved hjelp av PESTEL-, VRIO-analyse og Porters Five Forces. Analysen blir oppsummert i en SWOT-analyse og viser at Europris står sterkt i markedet, har flere utviklingsmuligheter, men er foreløpig kun avhengig av det norske markedet, samt blir påvirket av valuta og konsum. Det blir så foretatt en regnskapsanalyse på bakgrunn av regnskapstall i en femårs periode. Analysen viser til god lønnsomhet i forhold til konkurrenter og akseptabel soliditet og likviditet sammenliknet med konkurrentene i bransjen. På bakgrunn av den strategiske analysen og regnskapsanalysen utarbeides det et fremtidsregnskap. Det beregnes fremtidige kontantstrømmer fem år inn i fremtiden. Konstant fremtidig vekst settes til 1,5% og WACC beregnes til 8,95%. Dette gir en fundamentalt estimert aksjeverdi på kr 83,83. Det gjennomføres en sensitivitetsanalyse som viser at den estimerte aksjeverdien er svært sårbar for endringer i WACC og konstant vekst. Den relative verdsettelsen gir en estimert aksjeverdi på kr 68,36. Begge verdsettelsesmetodene blir vektet likt og en endelig estimert aksjeverdi blir kr 76,09. Virkelig aksjekurs per 19.04.2023 gir en nedgang på 6,08% fra vårt estimat og oppgaven konkluderes med en hold-anbefaling.This bachelor thesis is based on the valuation of Europris ASA. The valuation is calculated from the recorded values on 31.12.2022 and publicly available documents, this thesis will calculate the value of the company. The valuation is approached using the fundamental valuation where future cash flows to the total capital are calculated before a relative valuation supplements the results. This thesis first presents the company and its industry before various valuation methods that will be used later in the thesis is presented. There will be both an external and internal analysis of the company and its industry with a PESTEL, VRIO Analysis, Porter's Five forces. The analysis is summed up in a SWOT analysis and shows that Europris is strong in its market, they have several development opportunities, but is currently only dependent on the Norwegian market. Europris is also affected by currency fluctuations and consumption. Further a financial analysis is performed based on financial statements over a five-year period. This analysis shows good profitability compared to competitors and acceptable solvency and liquidity compared to their competitors in the industry. Our findings in the strategic and financial analysis give us the tools we need to make our future financial statements. Future cashflows are calculated five years into the future. The constant future growth is set at 1,5 % and the WACC is calculated at 8,95%. This provides a fundamental estimated stock value of NOK 83,83, - Further a sensitivity analysis is conducted which shows that the estimated stock value is very vulnerable to changes in WACC and constant growth. The relative valuation gives an estimated stock value of NOK 68,36, - Both the methods are weighted equally, and the final estimated stock value is NOK 76,09, - The actual stock price as of 19.04.2023 shows a decrease of 6,08 % from our estimate, which concludes the thesis with a hold recommendation