123 research outputs found

    Solar resource assessment study for Pakistan

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    Solar resource assessment becomes a very important factor for planners of Photovoltaic (PV) and Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) systems. Choice between nearby locations can make a difference if a plant is profitable or not, especially in a climatic region with complex topography as can be found in Pakistan. Nevertheless, Pakistan’s geographic location and climate offers a very high potential for solar energy applications. The solar resource assessment study presented in this article describes the approach and set-up required by the World Bank’s Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP).1 The project aims to create a validated solar atlas for Pakistan based on a combination of satellite data and ground measurements to support country-driven efforts to improve renewable energy resource awareness and exploitation. There are several country-specific, ESMAP-funded projects conducted by the World Bank Group (WBG) that cover comprehensive mapping and geospatial planning, including ground-based data collection. The solar resource estimation of Pakistan was one of the first projects to be approved within the program. The final and validated dataset ultimately will be published in the International Renewable Energy Agencies’ (IRENA) global atlas for renewable energy

    High-resolution neural network-driven mapping of multiple diffusion metrics leveraging asymmetries in the balanced steady-state free precession frequency profile

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    We propose to utilize the rich information content about microstructural tissue properties entangled in asymmetric balanced steady-state free precession (bSSFP) profiles to estimate multiple diffusion metrics simultaneously by neural network (NN) parameter quantification. A 12-point bSSFP phase-cycling scheme with high-resolution whole-brain coverage is employed at 3 and 9.4 T for NN input. Low-resolution target diffusion data are derived based on diffusion-weighted spin-echo echo-planar-imaging (SE-EPI) scans, that is, mean, axial, and radial diffusivity (MD, AD, and RD), fractional anisotropy (FA), as well as the spherical coordinates (azimuth Φ and inclination ϴ) of the principal diffusion eigenvector. A feedforward NN is trained with incorporated probabilistic uncertainty estimation. The NN predictions yielded highly reliable results in white matter (WM) and gray matter structures for MD. The quantification of FA, AD, and RD was overall in good agreement with the reference but the dependence of these parameters on WM anisotropy was somewhat biased (e.g. in corpus callosum). The inclination ϴ was well predicted for anisotropic WM structures, while the azimuth Φ was overall poorly predicted. The findings were highly consistent across both field strengths. Application of the optimized NN to high-resolution input data provided whole-brain maps with rich structural details. In conclusion, the proposed NN-driven approach showed potential to provide distortion-free high-resolution whole-brain maps of multiple diffusion metrics at high to ultrahigh field strengths in clinically relevant scan times

    The Carnegie Astrometric Planet Search Program

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    We are undertaking an astrometric search for gas giant planets and brown dwarfs orbiting nearby low mass dwarf stars with the 2.5-m du Pont telescope at the Las Campanas Observatory in Chile. We have built two specialized astrometric cameras, the Carnegie Astrometric Planet Search Cameras (CAPSCam-S and CAPSCam-N), using two Teledyne Hawaii-2RG HyViSI arrays, with the cameras' design having been optimized for high accuracy astrometry of M dwarf stars. We describe two independent CAPSCam data reduction approaches and present a detailed analysis of the observations to date of one of our target stars, NLTT 48256. Observations of NLTT 48256 taken since July 2007 with CAPSCam-S imply that astrometric accuracies of around 0.3 milliarcsec per hour are achievable, sufficient to detect a Jupiter-mass companion orbiting 1 AU from a late M dwarf 10 pc away with a signal-to-noise ratio of about 4. We plan to follow about 100 nearby (primarily within about 10 pc) low mass stars, principally late M, L, and T dwarfs, for 10 years or more, in order to detect very low mass companions with orbital periods long enough to permit the existence of habitable, Earth-like planets on shorter-period orbits. These stars are generally too faint and red to be included in ground-based Doppler planet surveys, which are often optimized for FGK dwarfs. The smaller masses of late M dwarfs also yield correspondingly larger astrometric signals for a given mass planet. Our search will help to determine whether gas giant planets form primarily by core accretion or by disk instability around late M dwarf stars.Comment: 48 pages, 9 figures. in press, Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacifi

    Single molecule localization microscopy of the distribution of chromatin using Hoechst and DAPI fluorescent probes

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    Several approaches have been described to fluorescently label and image DNA and chromatin in situ on the single-molecule level. These superresolution microscopy techniques are based on detecting optically isolated, fluorescently tagged anti-histone antibodies, fluorescently labeled DNA precursor analogs, or fluorescent dyes bound to DNA. Presently they suffer from various drawbacks such as low labeling efficiency or interference with DNA structure. In this report, we demonstrate that DNA minor groove binding dyes, such as Hoechst 33258, Hoechst 33342, and DAPI, can be effectively employed in single molecule localization microscopy (SMLM) with high optical and structural resolution. Upon illumination with low intensity 405 nm light, a small subpopulation of these molecules stochastically undergoes photoconversion from the original blue-emitting form to a green-emitting form. Using a 491 nm laser excitation, fluorescence of these green-emitting, optically isolated molecules was registered until “bleached”. This procedure facilitated substantially the optical isolation and localization of large numbers of individual dye molecules bound to DNA in situ, in nuclei of fixed mammalian cells, or in mitotic chromosomes, and enabled the reconstruction of high-quality DNA density maps. We anticipate that this approach will provide new insights into DNA replication, DNA repair, gene transcription, and other nuclear processes

    Particle acceleration in three-dimensional tearing configurations

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    In three-dimensional electromagnetic configurations that result from unstable resistive tearing modes particles can efficiently be accelerated to relativistic energies. To prove this resistive magnetohydrodynamic simulations are used as input configurations for successive test particle simulations. The simulations show the capability of three-dimensional non-linearly evolved tearing modes to accelerate particles perpendicular to the plane of the reconnecting magnetic field components. The simulations differ considerably from analytical approaches by involving a realistic three-dimensional electric field with a non-homogenous component parallel to the current direction. The resulting particle spectra exhibit strong pitch-angle anisotropies. Typically, about 5-8 % of an initially Maxwellian distribution is accelerated to the maximum energy levels given by the macroscopic generalized electric potential structure. Results are shown for both, non-relativistic particle acceleration that is of interest, e.g., in the context of auroral arcs and solar flares, and relativistic particle energization that is relevant, e.g., in the context of active galactic nuclei.Comment: Physics of Plasmas, in prin
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