41 research outputs found

    A new step in Turkish Higher Education System: Program outcomes

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    1st World Conference on Learning, Teaching and Administration, WCLTA-2010 --29 October 2010 through 31 October 2010 -- Cairo --Within the last decade, along with Bologna process, qualification framework studies have been conducted in many countries in order to make higher education systems more transparent, qualified and comparable. - In Turkey, identifying and evaluating the results of the programs according to the needs and opinions of the partners will be basic steps for the accreditation process which is a new step for Turkish Higher Education System. This study aims to determine the program outcomes of CEIT department at Anadolu University in Turkey and to evaluate the program outcomes by view of the educational partners of CEIT to meet the needs mentioned. Survey method has been used in the research. Survey data was collected from 100 educational partners. © 2010 Published by Elsevier Ltd

    Constructing technopedagogical education based on teacher competencies in terms of national standards [Ulusal standartlar açısından teknopedagojik eğitime dayalı Öğretmen yeterliklerinin oluşturulmas]

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    In literature, there are a number of technology integration models that could be a conceptual framework for effective technology use in the teaching process. One of these models is Technopedagogical education (Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK). The Technopedagogical education model is an integration model based on teacher competencies. However, although there are various studies conducted on this model in literature, there is no research carried out to determine teacher competencies based on the Technopedagogical education model. Depending on this, the purpose of the present study was to determine teacher competencies based on Technopedagogical education. The study was carried out with the qualitative research design. The participants of the study were 24 faculty members. In the study, audio and video recordings, researcher journals and workshop documents were used as the data collection tools. For the analysis of the research data, the techniques of descriptive analysis and inductive analysis were applied. Based on the views of field experts, the obtained results revealed 20 competencies within the framework of six competency fields and 120 performance indicators defining these competencies. The obtained indicators were discussed in line with the related literature. © 2014, Ankara University. All rights reserved

    Borçlar kanunu şerhi: umumî hükümler

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    Eserde "Ticaret Mekteb-İ Âlisi Kütübhanesi" Ve "Yüksek İktisat Ve Ticaret Mektebi Kütüphanesi" Mühürleri Vardır

    1912 Balkan harbine aid hatıratım

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    Eserde "Marmara Üniversitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Kütüphanesi" Mührü Vardır. Kaynaklarda Belirtilen Haritalar Bu Nüshada Yoktur

    İstanbul sayfiyeleri, Tebdil-i hava

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    Tebdil-İ Havanın Maksad Ve Şeraiti İle Her Hastalığa Münasib Olan Tebdil-İ Hava Mevakıına Ve Dersaadet’in Sayfiyelerine Dair Malumatı Camidir. Mekteb-İ Tıbbiye-İ Şahane Tedkik-İ Müellefat Komisyonunun Tasdik Ve Maarif Nezâret-İ Celilesi’nin Fi 6 Rebiü’l-Evvel Sene 324, 27 Nisan Sene 322 Tarihli Ve 54/1925 Numaralı Ruhsatnamesiyle Tab Olunmuşdur. Eserde "İstanbul Eğitim Enstitüsü Kitaplığı" Ve "Zaman Kütübhanesi" Mühürleri Vardır. Eserin Dış Kapağı Yırtıktır

    Yeni türk ceza kanunu şerhi

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    Eserin İçerisindeki İlave Planşta Yazarın Portre Resmi Vardır. İç Kapak İmzalıdır. Eserde "İstanbul Eğitim Enstitüsü Kitaplığı" Mührü Vardır

    Mukaddime-i ilm-i hukuk

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    Mekteb-İ Hukuk-I Osmanî'de Tedris Edilen Derslerin Takrirleridir. Eserde Kütübhaneye İhda Kaydı Vardır. Eserde "İstanbul Eğitim Enstitüsü Kitaplığı" Ve "Darülmuallimîn Kütübhanesi" Mühürleri Vardır

    L'Organisation et les uniformes de l'armee Ottomanne: depuis 1326 Fusqua 1826

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    19 Planşta 247 Kıt'a Boyalı Resmi Havidir. Eserin Baş Tarafındaki İlave Sayfalarda Eserin "Mukaddime"Si İle "Fihrist"İ Vardır. Eserde "İstanbul Eğitim Enstitüsü Kitaplığı" Mührü Vardır

    Efficient doxorubicin loading to isolated dexosomes of immature JAWSII cells: formulated and characterized as the bionanomaterial

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    Immature dendritic cells (IDc), ‘dexosomes’, are promising natural nanomaterials for cancer diagnose and therapy. Dexosomes were isolated purely from small-scale-up production by using t25-cell-culture flasks. Total RNA was measured as 1.43 ± 0.33 ng/106 cell. Despite the fact that they possessed a surface that is highly abundant in protein, this did not become a significant effect on the DOX loading amount. Ultrasonication was used for doxorubicin (DOX) loading into the IDc dexosomes. In accordance with the literature, three candidate DOX formulations were designed as IC50 values; dExoIII, 1.8 µg/mL, dExoII, 1.2 µg/mL, and dExoI, 0.6 µg/mL, respectively. Formulations were evaluated by MTT test against highly metastatic A549 (CCL-185; ATTC) cell line. Confocal images of unloaded (naïve) were obtained by CellMaskTM membrane staining before DOX loading. Although, dexosome membranes were highly durable subsequent to ultrasonication, it was observed that dexosomes could not be stable above 70 °C during the SEM-image analyses. dExoIII displayed sustained release profile. It was found that dynamic light scattering (DLS) and nanoparticle tracking analysis (NTA) results were in good agreement with each other. Zeta potentials of loaded dexosomes have approximately between −15 to −20 mV; and, their sizes are 150 nm even after ultrasonication. IDcJAWSII dexosomes can be able to be utilized as the “BioNanoMaterial” after DOX loading via ultrasonication technique