26 research outputs found

    Ukrainas un Gruzijas informācijas centri

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    The human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 gene (HER2) is amplified in approximately 15%–20% of all breast cancers. This results in overexpression of the HER2 protein, which is associated with worse clinical outcomes in breast cancer patients. Several studies have shown that trastuzumab, a monoclonal antibody that interferes with the HER2/neu receptor, can improve overall survival in patients with HER2-positive breast cancer. Immunohistochemistry (IHC), combined with different methods for in situ hybridization, is currently used for routine assessment of HER2 status. The aim of the present study was to determine whether real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) can serve as a supplementary method for evaluation of HER2 status in primary breast cancer. For this purpose, 145 formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded primary breast cancer samples were tested by real-time PCR amplification of HER2, using amyloid precursor protein as a reference. The results were compared with HER2 status determined by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and IHC. The specificity, sensitivity, and reproducibility of real-time PCR were evaluated, and a comparison of formalin-fixed and fresh-frozen samples was performed. This showed concordance of 93% between real-time PCR and FISH, and 86% between real-time PCR and IHC. Therefore, we suggest that real-time PCR can be a useful supplementary method for assessment of HER2 status

    Nuclear expression of lysyl oxidase enzyme is an independent prognostic factor in rectal cancer patients

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    Emerging evidence has implicated a pivotal role for lysyl oxidase (LOX) in cancer progression and metastasis. Whilst the majority of work has focused on the extracellular matrix cross-linking role of LOX, the exact function of intracellular LOX localisation remains unclear. In this study, we analysed the LOX expression patterns in the nuclei of rectal cancer patient samples and determined the clinical significance of this expression. Nuclear LOX expression was significantly increased in patient lymph node metastases compared to their primary tumours. High nuclear LOX expression in tumours was correlated with a high rate of distant metastasis and increased recurrence. Multivariable analysis showed that high nuclear LOX expression was also correlated with poor overall survival and disease free survival. Furthermore, we are the first to identify LOX enzyme isoforms (50 kDa and 32 kDa) within the nucleus of colon cancer cell lines by confocal microscopy and Western blot. Our results show a powerful link between nuclear LOX expression in tumours and patient survival, and offer a promising prognostic biomarker for rectal cancer patients.Funding agencies: Swedish Cancer Foundation; Research Council of South East Sweden; Liu Cancer</p

    PINCH is an independent prognostic factor in rectal cancer patients without preoperative radiotherapy - a study in a Swedish rectal cancer trial of preoperative radiotherapy

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The clinical significance between particularly interesting new cysteine-histidine rich protein (PINCH) expression and radiotherapy (RT) in tumours is not known. In this study, the expression of PINCH and its relationship to RT, clinical, pathological and biological factors were studied in rectal cancer patients.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>PINCH expression determined by immunohistochemistry was analysed at the invasive margin and inner tumour area in 137 primary rectal adenocarcinomas (72 cases without RT and 65 cases with RT). PINCH expression in colon fibroblast cell line (CCD-18 Co) was determined by western blot.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In patients without RT, strong PINCH expression at the invasive margin of primary tumours was related to worse survival, compared to patients with weak expression, independent of TNM stage and differentiation (<it>P </it>= 0.03). No survival relationship in patients with RT was observed (<it>P </it>= 0.64). Comparing the non-RT with RT subgroup, there was no difference in PINCH expression in primary tumours (invasive margin (<it>P </it>= 0.68)/inner tumour area (<it>P </it>= 0.49). In patients with RT, strong PINCH expression was related to a higher grade of LVD (lymphatic vessel density) (<it>P </it>= 0.01)</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>PINCH expression at the invasive margin was an independent prognostic factor in patients without RT. RT does not seem to directly affect the PINCH expression.</p

    Attitudes to dental care, Sweden 2003-2013, and clinical correlates of oral health-related quality of life in 2013

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    Objective: To investigate attitudes to dental care, and to assess possible associations with socio‐economic and clinical variables over a period of ten years, and to investigate the association between OHRQoL assessed by oral impact on daily performance (OIDP), and socio‐economic, dental care habits, smoking and oral status. Materials and methods: Cross‐sectional studies performed in the county of Dalarna, Sweden, in 2003, 2008 and 2013. Random samples of 1,107‐1,115 dentate individuals, aged 30‐85 years, who answered a questionnaire and who were radiographically and clinically examined were included. Results: The importance of preventive treatment, regular recalls and meeting the same caregiver as on previous visits became less important. In individuals with alveolar bone loss, meeting the same caregiver as on previous visits was important (P&lt;.05). In individuals with manifest caries, information on treatment cost was important, while prevention became less important (P&lt;.05). OIDP was reported by 31% of the individuals in the study, and frequent impact was reported by 10%. Individuals with manifest caries lesions, less than 20 remaining teeth, and temporomandibular disorders (TMD) reported OIDP to a significantly higher degree, compared to orally healthy individuals. Conclusion: Attitudes important in maintaining and improving good oral health, such as preventive care and regular recalls to dentistry, became less important during this period of 10 years. Oral impact was found to be associated with irregular dental visits and limited economy for dental care, individuals with less than 20 remaining teeth, TMD and manifest caries

    of Health Sciences, Linköping

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    in breast cancer: comparison of IHC, FISH, and real-time PCR analysis of formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissu

    Tafazzin protein expression is associated with tumorigenesis and radiation response in rectal cancer: a study of Swedish clinical trial on preoperative radiotherapy.

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    Background Tafazzin (TAZ), a transmembrane protein contributes in mitochondrial structural and functional modifications through cardiolipin remodeling. TAZ mutations are associated with several diseases, but studies on the role of TAZ protein in carcinogenesis and radiotherapy (RT) response is lacking. Therefore we investigated the TAZ expression in rectal cancer, and its correlation with RT, clinicopathological and biological variables in the patients participating in a clinical trial of preoperative RT. Methods 140 rectal cancer patients were included in this study, of which 65 received RT before surgery and the rest underwent surgery alone. TAZ expression was determined by immunohistochemistry in primary cancer, distant, adjacent normal mucosa and lymph node metastasis. In-silico protein-protein interaction analysis was performed to study the predictive functional interaction of TAZ with other oncoproteins. Results TAZ showed stronger expression in primary cancer and lymph node metastasis compared to distant or adjacent normal mucosa in both non-RT and RT patients. Strong TAZ expression was significantly higher in stages I-III and non-mucinious cancer of non-RT patients. In RT patients, strong TAZ expression in biopsy was related to distant recurrence, independent of gender, age, stages and grade (p = 0.043, HR, 6.160, 95% CI, 1.063–35.704). In silico protein-protein interaction study demonstrated that TAZ was positively related to oncoproteins, Livin, MAC30 and FXYD-3. Conclusions Strong expression of TAZ protein seems to be related to rectal cancer development and RT response, it can be a predictive biomarker of distant recurrence in patients with preoperative RT

    Media literacy of secondary school students: evaluation of manipulative language and digital tools in social media Instagram content during the Covid-19 pandemic (March 13th – April 14th, 2020)

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    Maģistra darba mērķis ir izpētīt, kādi manipulatīvie valodas, informācijas un digitālie līdzekļi lietoti sociālā medija Instagram Latvijas jauniešu influenceru ierakstos, un noskaidrot, vai un kurus no tiem vidusskolēni spēj identificēt. Teorētiskajā daļā ietverti medijpratības, mediju izglītības aspekti, dezinformācija un manipulatīvo līdzekļu lietojums pārliecināšanā, kā arī izpētīti sociālo mediju un digitālā satura veidošanas nosacījumi. Darbā izmantota kvantitatīvā un kvalitatīvā kontentanalīze influenceru ierakstu analīzei un tiešsaistes aptauja vidusskolēnu medijpratības noteikšanai. Secināts, ka influenceri ierakstos iesaista valodas manipulatīvos līdzekļus, kurus atpazīst arī vidusskolēni, tomēr manipulācijas ar saturu vidusskolēni ierauga gadījumos, kad tie ir vienīgie manipulācijas līdzekļi.The goal of the master’s thesis is to investigate what manipulative means of language, information and digital content are used by Latvian youth influencers on the Instagram social media platform and to determine if secondary school students are capable of identifying these means. The theoretical part includes media literacy, aspects of media education, disinformation and the use of manipulative means for persuasion, as well as the conditions for creating social media and digital content. Quantitative and qualitative content analyses were used in the thesis for the analysis of social influencer posts and an online survey was used to determine the media literacy of secondary school students. It was concluded that influencers include means of manipulative language in their posts, which are recognised by secondary school students, however manipulations of content are only recognised if it is the only means of manipulation