403 research outputs found

    Quantum Sensing of Single Phonons via Phonon Drag in Two-Dimensional Materials

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    The capacity to electrically detect phonons, ultimately at the single-phonon limit, is a key requirement for many schemes for phonon-based quantum computing, so-called quantum phononics. Here, we predict that by exploiting the strong coupling of their electrons to surface-polar phonons, van der Waals heterostructures can offer a suitable platform for phonon sensing, capable of resolving energy transfer at the single-phonon level. The geometry we consider is one in which a drag momentum is exerted on electrons in a graphene layer, by a single out-of-equilibrium phonon in a dielectric layer of hexagonal boron nitride, giving rise to a measurable induced voltage (VdragV_{\rm drag}). Our numerical solution of the Boltzmann Transport Equation shows that this drag voltage can reach a level of a few hundred microvolts per phonon, well above experimental detection limits. Furthermore, we predict that VdragV_{\rm drag} should be highly insensitive to the mobility of carriers in the graphene layer and to increasing the temperature to at least 300 K, offering the potential of a versatile material platform for single-phonon sensing.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figure

    Dielectric properties of thin Cr2O3 films grown on elemental and oxide metallic substrates

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    In an attempt to optimize leakage characteristics of α-Cr2O3 thin films, its dielectric properties were investigated at local and macroscopic scale. The films were grown on Pd(111), Pt(111), and V2O3 (0001), supported on Al2O3 substrate. The local conductivity was measured by conductive atomic force microscopy mapping of Cr2O3 surfaces, which revealed the nature of defects that formed conducting paths with the bottom Pd or Pt layer. A strong correlation was found between these electrical defects and the grain boundaries revealed in the corresponding topographic scans. In comparison, the Cr2O3 film on V2O3 exhibited no leakage paths at similar tip bias value. Electrical resistance measurements through e-beam patterned top electrodes confirmed the resistivity mismatch between the films grown on different electrodes. The x-ray analysis attributes this difference to the twin free Cr2O3 growth on V2O3 seeding


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    Antiferromagnetic magneto - electric spin - orbit read ( AF SOR ) logic devices are presented . The devices include a voltage - controlled magnetoelectric ( ME ) layer that switches polarization in response to an electric field from the applied voltage and a narrow channel conductor of a spin - orbit coupling ( SOC ) material on the ME layer . One or more sources and one or more drains , each optionally formed of ferromagnetic material , are provided on the SOC material

    Moving towards the magnetoelectric graphene transistor

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    The interfacial charge transfer between mechanically exfoliated few-layer graphene and Cr2O3 (0001) surfaces has been investigated. Electrostatic force microscopy and Kelvin probe force microscopy studies point to hole doping of few-layer graphene, with up to a 150 meV shift in the Fermi level, an aspect that is confirmed by Raman spectroscopy. Density functional theory calculations furthermore confirm the p-type nature of the graphene/chromia interface and suggest that the chromia is able to induce a significant carrier spin polarization in the graphene layer. A large magnetoelectrically controlled magneto-resistance can therefore be anticipated in transistor structures based on this system, a finding important for developing graphene-based spintronic applications

    Towards a Strong Spin–Orbit Coupling Magnetoelectric Transistor

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    Here, we outline magnetoelectric (ME) device concepts based on the voltage control of the interface magnetism of an ME antiferromagnet gate dielectric formed on a very thin semiconductor channel with large spin–orbit coupling (SOC). The emphasis of the ME spin field-effect transistors (ME spin FET) is on an antiferromagnet spin–orbit read logic device and a ME spin-FET multiplexer. Both spin-FET schemes exploit the strong SOC in the semiconducting channel materials but remain dependent on the voltage-induced switching of an ME, so that the switching time is limited only by the switching dynamics of the ME. The induced exchange field spin polarizes the channel material, breaks time-reversal symmetry, and results in the preferential charge transport direction, due to the spin–orbit-driven spin-momentum locking. These devices could provide reliable room temperature operation with large on/off ratios, well beyond what can be achieved using magnetic tunnel junctions. All of the proposed device spintronic functionalities without the need to switch a ferromagnet, yielding a faster writing speed (~10 ps) at a lower cost in energy (~10 aJ), excellent temperature stability (operational up to 400 K or above), and requiring far fewer device elements (transistor equivalents) than CMOS

    The Lifetime of FRIIs in Groups and Clusters: Implications for Radio-Mode Feedback

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    We determine the maximum lifetime t_max of 52 FRII radio sources found in 26 central group galaxies from cross correlation of the Berlind SDSS group catalog with the VLA FIRST survey. Mock catalogs of FRII sources were produced to match the selection criteria of FIRST and the redshift distribution of our parent sample, while an analytical model was used to calculate source sizes and luminosities. The maximum lifetime of FRII sources was then determined via a comparison of the observed and model projected length distributions. We estimate the average FRII lifetime is 1.5x10^7 years and the duty cycle is ~8x10^8 years. Degeneracies between t_max and the model parameters: jet power distribution, axial ratio, energy injection index, and ambient density introduce at most a factor of two uncertainty in our lifetime estimate. In addition, we calculate the radio active galactic nuclei (AGN) fraction in central group galaxies as a function of several group and host galaxy properties. The lifetime of radio sources recorded here is consistent with the quasar lifetime, even though these FRIIs have substantially sub-Eddington accretion. These results suggest a fiducial time frame for energy injection from AGN in feedback models. If the morphology of a given extended radio source is set by large-scale environment, while the lifetime is determined by the details of the accretion physics, this FRII lifetime is relevant for all extended radio sources.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figures. Accepted for publication in ApJ. High resolution paper available at http://www.astronomy.ohio-state.edu/~bird/BMK07.pd

    How Sleep Affects Recovery and Performance in Basketball: A Systematic Review

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    Background: Sleep is considered an essential component related to physiological and psychological recovery in athletes and particularly in basketball, given the impact of condensed travel and game schedules on player health and performance. Objective: The aim of this systematic review is to examine studies published to date on sleep and basketball performance. Methodology: All scientific articles that reported a relationship between sleep and its possible impact on performance in basketball are included. The research processes followed the PRISMA criteria, and the relevant articles were extracted (PubMed, WOS, Scopus) as of December 31, 2021. Results: Twenty-eight articles were selected for inclusion and data extraction, with 27 demonstrating that sleep is a vital component in the recovery of basketball players and their corresponding on-court performance. Three central themes that we identified: (1) the quality and extension of sleep (the better quality and more extension of sleep, better performance and lower probability of injury); (2) influence of the players circadian rhythm (tTravel and game scheduling do not currently facilitate or take this into account); and (3) higher training loads and/or increased stress may jeopardize a subsequent good night's sleep, which should be taken into account when scheduling practices and workouts. Conclusion: The current systematic review regarding sleep and basketball performance and highlights that there is a strong relationship between both variables. Collectively, the evidence supports the critical influence of sleep on player recovery and basketball performance and risk for injury
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