12 research outputs found

    Resultados prévios do crescimento de megalobulimus paranaguensis (gastropoda, pulmonata) em Matinhos, Paraná

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    Orientador: Antonio Luis SerbenaMonografia (graduação) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Graduação em Gestão AmbientalAlguns arquivos de imagens inclusos a parte, devido a limitações técnicas (acesso pelo DSpace


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    O sítio arqueológico que constitui o objeto deste estudo localiza-se na entrada da baía de Paranaguá, na região conhecida como Ponta do Poço, município de Pontal do Paraná. O local onde foram encontrados vestígios abrange uma área de 3431 m². A ocorrência de objetos de significativo interesse arqueológico foi detectada pela primeira vez em 2001, quando foram encontrados fragmentos de cerâmica pertencentes à tradição denominada Neobrasileira (cerâmica de contato). Em 2007 com a necessidade de elaboração do EIA-RIMA para a construção do Terminal de Contêineres de Pontal do Paraná, a equipe responsável pelo levantamento arqueológico, em trabalho de campo, constatou a existência de diversos sítios na área. A presença de fragmentos de cerâmica, materiais ferrosos, vidros e diversos outros objetos que afloravam na região praial, indicavam a presença de antigas ocupações naquele local. Neste trabalho é feita uma abordagem histórica da ocupação do litoral paranaense, em especial da região da Ponta do Poço, a partir dos objetos encontrados no sítio arqueológico. A pesquisa foi realizada utilizando-se da metodologia de prospecção visual, sem coleta de material. Foram localizados um total de 1478 peças, incluindo vidraria, cerâmica, porcelanas, objetos metálicos e restos faunísticos

    First record of the Mediterranean mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis (Bivalvia, Mytilidae) in Brazil

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    The genus Mytilus comprises a large number of bivalve mollusk species distributed throughout the world and many of these species are considered invasive. In South America, many introductions of species of this genus have already taken place, including reports of hybridization between them. Now, the occurrence of the Mediterranean mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis is reported for the first time from the Brazilian coast. Several specimens of this mytilid were found in a shellfish growing areas in Florianópolis and Palhoça, Santa Catarina State, Brazil. Morphological analysis of the shells and molecular analysis through sequencing of the cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 (COI) confirmed the taxonomic identification. The species is known for its great invasive potential and can become a major environmental problem for seafood business and coastal communities, as it can compete and even hybridize with local species

    Nassarius foveolatus (Gastropoda, Nassariidae), a new record of an exotic species in Brazil

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    Exotic species are those that occur in an area beyond their natural limit and they are considered invasive when they cause harm to the economy, environment, or human health. In coastal environments, ballast water and inlays on the hull and other parts of vessels are the main ways of introducing invasive aquatic alien species. Nassarius foveolatus (Dunker, 1847) is native from the Central and East Indian Ocean to the East China Sea. The first specimens (empty shells) of N. foveolatus were collected manually on November 11, 2017 on the Rocio footbridge, located in the Paranaguá Estuarine Complex, on the coast of the State of Paraná, southern Brazil. Posteriorly, live specimens were collected in other localities of this bay. It is already possible to infer that the specimens of N. foveolatus occur together with the native specimens of N. vibex (Say, 1822), having the same niche. As previously only N. vibex existed in that place, at least a displacement of this native species has been occurred. However, certainly future ecological studies may confirm this displacement and additional consequences to the local ecosystem, as nassariids can be predators and scavengers. Control procedures should be also greatly implemented

    A contribuição de Frederico Lange de Morretes para a malacologia brasileira

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    Frederico Lange de Morretes nasceu em 5 de maio de 1892, no município de Morretes, litoral do Estado do Paraná, Brasil. Artista plástico renomado, foi também um importante malacólogo e sua produção científica na área o tornou um referencial para os pesquisadores brasileiros. O principal objetivo deste trabalho é a compilação comentada dos estudos malacológicos produzidos por Lange de Morretes. Ao todo, ele publicou 13 trabalhos científicos na área da malacologia, sendo oito deles relacionados à descrição de 25 novas espécies, dois novos gêneros e três subgêneros. Também escreveu três relatórios técnicos institucionais a respeito de atividades desenvolvidas no Museu Paulista e no Museu Paranaense.Frederico Lange de Morretes was born on May 5, 1892, in the municipality of Morretes, Paraná, Brazil. A renowned plastic artist, he was also an important malacologist, and his scientific production in the area made him a reference for Brazilian researchers. The main objective of this paper is to make a commented compilation of the malacological studies produced by him. He published 13 scientific papers in the area of malacology, eight of them related to the description of 25 new species, two new genera and three subgenera. He also wrote three institutional technical reports on activities carried out at the Museu Paulista and at the Museu Paranaense

    Fauna malacológica em dois sambaquis do litoral do Estado do Paraná, Brasil

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    http://dx.doi.org/10.5007/2175-7925.2011v24n3p39The shell mounds are artificial formations consisting mostly of mollusc shells fed to the prehistoric people who inhabited the coast. These sites are found throughout the Brazilian coast, where in Paraná hundreds were cataloged from the 1940s. The fragility of these sites, their importance as evidence of our early history and its rapid disappearance, justifies the need for new research that help to contextualize and draw up plans to preserve this heritage. The works related to mollusc fauna found in the shell mounds are restricted to citations of the most common and sometimes just their names. A greater understanding of the prehistoric inhabitants diet allows a better understanding of ancient ecosystems. The research was conducted in the shell mounds of Guaraguaçu and Boguaçu, municipalities of Paranagua and Guaratuba, respectively. The choice of these sites was due to their large size, ease of access and relative condition, despite the large amount of material extracted from both of them in past decades. The survey of the molluscs was carried out through field observations, specialized bibliography and comparison with previous work on the fauna of the molluscs on the coast of Parana

    Molluskan fauna in two shell mounds in the State of Parana coast, Brazil

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    The shell mounds are artificial formations consisting mostly of mollusk shells used in the feeding of the prehistoric peoples which inhabited our coast. These sites are found throughout the Brazilian coast, and hundreds of them were cataloged in the State of Paraná since the 1940s. The fragility of these sites, their importance as evidences of our prehistoric period, and its abrupt disappearance, justify the need for new researches which contribute to contextualize and draw up plans to preserve this heritage. The works related to the molluskan fauna found in the shell mounds are restricted to refer to the most common species and, sometimes, just their popular names. A greater knowledge on these prehistoric inhabitants’ diet allows a better understanding of ancient natural ecosystems. The survey of mollusks was carried out in the shell mounds Guaraguaçu and Boguaçu, in the towns of Pontal do Parana and Guaratuba, respectively, and performed through visual inspection, reading of specialized bibliography and comparison to previous works on the fauna of the shell mounds in the State of Parana coast. Altogether, 29 species were observed in the shell mound Guaraguaçu and 17 species were observed in the shell mound Boguaçu, resulting in a total of 31 species

    Registro de Olivancillaria vesica (Gastropoda, Olividae) sinistrógira no litoral do Estado do Paraná, Brasil

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    Olivancillaria vesica (Gmelin, 1791) é um habitante comum das praias no sul e sudeste do Brasil, vivendo semi-enterrado em substratos arenosos da zona intertidal até áreas mais profundas no sublitoral. Neste trabalho, relatamos o encontro de uma concha sinistrógira de O. vesica, característica rara para esta espécie. Suas principais medidas são: 10.6 mm de altura, 5.1 mm de largura maior, 8.1 mm de altura da abertura e 2.1 mm de largura da abertura. O espécime foi coletado no município de Matinhos, litoral do Paraná, sul do Brasil, em cascalho biodetrític

    Registro de Macrodontes paulistus (Gastropoda: Odontostomidae) em um sambaqui na Ilha do Teixeira, baía de Paranaguá, sul do Brasil

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    Macrodontes paulistus Pilsbry & Ihering, 1898 is an odontostomid with fusiform, elongated, carinate shell and slightly convex whorls, acuminated protoconch, deep and slightly inclined suture. This species was found in the inner layers of a shell mound located on Teixeira Island, Paranaguá bay, southern Brazil. The specimens were collected manually, through visual prospecting. Three adult specimens of M.paulistus were found, all having shells with characteristic wear of material found in shell mounds. This is the first record of the species in shell moundsMacrodontes paulistus Pilsbry & Ihering, 1898 é um odontostomídeo com concha fusiforme alongada, carinada e voltas pouco convexas, protoconcha acuminada, sutura profunda e levemente inclinada. Esta espécie foi encontrada em camadas internas de um sambaqui localizado na Ilha do Teixeira, baía de Paranaguá, sul do Brasil. Os exemplares foram coletados manualmente, através de prospecção visual. Três exemplares adultos de M. paulistus foram encontrados, todos apresentando conchas com desgastes característicos de material encontrado em sambaquis. Este é o primeiro registro da espécie em sambaquis.Palavras chave: Litoral do Paraná, molusco, Odontostomidae, sítio arqueológico

    Diversity and community composition of marine mollusks fauna on a mainland island of the coast of Paraná, southern Brazil

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    Farol Island is a continental island in the state of Paraná, southern Brazil. Due to its position in relation to the continent, three distinct environmental areas are observed: rocky shore area with open exposure to the sea (A) estuarine area (B); sandy beach area (C). Considering that the continental islands are excellent study models that reproduce the environmental conditions of the coastal zone in a smaller scale, the study aimed at surveying and researching the marine malacofauna on the Farol Island and comparing the diversity and shellfish composition. The sampling method was based on a monthly collection in three locations for two years (2011-2012). The survey found 91 species: 47 Gastropoda, 41 Bivalvia and three Scaphopoda. The highest abundance and species richness prevailed in environmental area A. The greatest equitability was observed in B and the highest dominance in C. There was a predominance of Gastropoda and Bivalvia in A, while the frequency of Scaphopoda did not vary among environments. The species composition of the three classes varied among the three areas. The variation of diversity and species composition in the three environments may be related to the natural characteristics of each side of the island, as salinity and wave action.A Ilha do Farol é uma ilha continental, no estado do Paraná, sul do Brasil. Devido à sua posição em relação ao continente, três ambientes distintos são observados nela: área de costão rochoso exposto ao mar aberto (A); área estuarina (B); área de praia arenosa (C). Considerando que as ilhas continentais são excelentes modelos de estudo que reproduzem as condições ambientais da zona costeira em menor escala, o estudo teve como objetivo levantar e pesquisar a malacofauna marinha na Ilha do Farol e comparar sua diversidade e composição. O método de amostragem foi baseado em coletas mensais nos três ambientes da ilha durante dois anos (2011-2012). O levantamento encontrou 91 espécies: 47 Gastropoda, 41 Bivalvia e três Scaphopoda. A maior riqueza e abundância de espécies prevaleceu no ambiente A. A maior equidade foi observada em B e o maior domínio em C. Houve predominância de Gastropoda e Bivalvia em A, enquanto a frequência de Scaphopoda não variou entre os ambientes. A composição de espécies das três classes variou entre as três áreas. A variação da diversidade e composição das espécies nos três ambientes podem estar relacionados com as características naturais de cada ambiente da ilha, como salinidade e ação de onda