493 research outputs found

    Parasiten als Ursache von Urtikaria: Helminthen und Protozooen als Auslöser der Nesselsucht?

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    Zusammenfassung: Die Urtikaria ist eine der häufigsten Erkrankungen im dermatologischen Alltag. Die Beschwerden sind für die Betroffenen oft sehr einschränkend. Es gibt deutliche pathophysiologische und epidemiologische Hinweise, dass Helminthen und Protozoen zwar seltene, aber behandelbare Auslöser von akuter und chronischer Urtikaria sein können. Oftmals fehlt allerdings das Bewusstsein, dass Parasitosen auch in der industrialisierten Gesellschaft, bedingt durch einen steilen Anstieg von Migration und weltweiter Reisetätigkeit, mit zunehmender Prävalenz vorkommen. Der vorliegende Beitrag stellt die häufigsten parasitären Ursachen von Urtikaria vor und erläutert wichtige Aspekte von Anamnese, Klinik, Diagnostik und Therapi

    Exchange-coupling constants, spin density map, and Q dependence of the inelastic neutron scattering intensity in single-molecule magnets

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    The Q dependence of the inelastic neutron scattering (INS) intensity of transitions within the ground-state spin multiplet of single-molecule magnets (SMMs) is considered. For these transitions, the Q dependence is related to the spin density map in the ground state, which in turn is governed by the Heisenberg exchange interactions in the cluster. This provides the possibility to infer the exchange-coupling constants from the Q dependence of the INS transitions within the spin ground state. The potential of this strategy is explored for the M = +-10 -> +- 9 transition within the S = 10 multiplet of the molecule Mn12 as an example. The Q dependence is calculated for powder as well as single-crystal Mn12 samples for various exchange-coupling situations discussed in the literature. The results are compared to literature data on a powder sample of Mn12 and to measurements on an oriented array of about 500 single-crystals of Mn12. The calculated Q dependence exhibits significant variation with the exchange-coupling constants, in particular for a single-crystal sample, but the experimental findings did not permit an unambiguous determination. However, although challenging, suitable experiments are within the reach of today's instruments.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures, REVTEX4, to appear in PR

    SMOS calibration and validation activities with airborne interferometric radiometer HUT-2D during spring 2010

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    In this paper we present calibration and validation activities of European Space Agency’s SMOS mission, which utilize airborne interferomentric L-band radiometer system HUT-2D of the Aalto University. During spring 2010 the instrument was used to measure three SMOS validation target areas, one in Denmark and two in Germany. We present these areas shortly, and describe the airborne activities. We show some exemplary measurements of the radiometer system and demonstrate the studies using the data

    Seelische Belastung bei Menschen mit umweltbezogenen Störungen: Ein Vergleich zwischen Selbstbild und Fremdeinschätzung

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    Zusammenfassung: Umweltbezogene Gesundheitsstörungen stellen wissenschaftlich und klinisch ein diagnostisches und therapeutisches Konfliktfeld dar. Ein hoher subjektiver Leidensdruck, ein somatisches Krankheitsmodell sowie das Festhalten an einer Umweltursache gefährden die therapeutische Beziehung, wenn die Krankheitsmodelle von Arzt und Patient nicht übereinstimmen. Unsere Untersuchung greift diese empirisch noch kaum erforschte Diskrepanz auf, indem sie die Selbsteinschätzung von Patienten mit umweltbezogenen Krankheitsstörungen (n=61) systematisch der Fremdeinschätzung durch ein multidisziplinäres Expertenteam gegenüberstellt. Die Resultate weisen darauf hin, dass in Selbst- und Fremdeinschätzung psychisch unauffällige Probanden wenig psychiatrische Störungen zeigen, über stabile psychische Strukturen verfügen und v.a. unter umweltbedingten oder medizinischen Ursachen leiden. Wenn Selbst- und Fremdeinschätzung beide eine psychische Auffälligkeit beschreiben, sind entsprechend psychiatrische Störungen gehäuft, psychische Strukturen labil, und die Beschwerden werden psychiatrisch verursacht. Divergieren Selbst- und Fremdeinschätzung, erlaubt die Fremdeinschätzung akkuratere Aussagen bezüglich der psychiatrischen Diagnosen, der innerpsychischen Struktur und der Ursachenzuschreibun

    Cytokine gene polymorphisms and atopic disease in two European cohorts. (ECRHS-Basel and SAPALDIA)

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    BACKGROUND: Atopy and allergic phenotypes are biologically characterized by an imbalanced T helper cell response skewed towards a type 2 (TH2) immune response associated with elevated serum immunoglobulin E (IgE) levels. Polymorphisms in cytokine genes might modulate regulation of the TH1/TH2 balance. We thus aimed at reproducing our previous findings from a European study population on the association of various cytokine polymorphisms with self-reported hay fever as well as increased total and specific IgE levels in two comparable study populations. METHODS: Two prospective Caucasian cohorts were used. In the Basel center of the European Community Respiratory Health Survey (ECRHS, n = 418) ten distinct cytokine polymorphisms of putative functional relevance were genotyped. In the Swiss cohort Study on Air Pollution And Lung Disease In Adults (SAPALDIA, n = 6003) two cytokine polymorphisms were genotyped. The associations of these polymorphisms with atopy were estimated by covariance and logistic regression analysis. RESULTS: We confirmed IL4, IL10, IL6 and IL18 as candidate genes for atopic health outcomes. In the large, well-characterized SAPALDIA cohort the IL6(-174G>C) and IL18(-137G>C) polymorphisms were associated with circulating total IgE concentrations in subjects with hay fever. The IL18(-137G>C) polymorphism was also associated with the prevalence of hay fever. CONCLUSION: Comprehensive characterization of genetic variation in extended cytokine candidate gene regions is now needed. Large study networks must follow to investigate the association of risk patterns defined by genetic predisposing and environmental risk factors with specific atopic phenotypes

    Skin testing in patients with hypersensitivity reactions to iodinated contrast media - a European multicenter study

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    BACKGROUND: Iodinated contrast media cause both immediate and nonimmediate hypersensitivity reactions. The aim of this prospective study was to determine the specificity and sensitivity of skin tests in patients who have experienced such reactions. METHODS: Skin prick, intradermal and patch tests with a series of contrast media were conducted in 220 patients with either immediate or nonimmediate reaction. Positive skin tests were defined according to internationally accepted guidelines. Seventy-one never-exposed subjects and 11 subjects who had tolerated contrast medium exposure, served as negative controls. RESULTS: Skin test specificity was 96-100%. For tests conducted within the time period from 2 to 6 months after the reaction, up to 50% of immediate reactors and up to 47% of nonimmediate reactors were skin test positive. For immediate reactors, the intradermal tests were the most sensitive, whereas delayed intradermal tests in combination with patch tests were needed for optimal sensitivity in nonimmediate reactors. Contrast medium cross-reactivity was more common in the nonimmediate than in the immediate group. Interestingly, 49% of immediate and 52% of nonimmediate symptoms occurred in previously unexposed patients. Many of these patients were skin test positive, indicating that they were already sensitized at the time of first contrast medium exposure. CONCLUSIONS: These data suggest that at least 50% of hypersensitivity reactions to contrast media are caused by an immunological mechanism. Skin testing appears to be a useful tool for diagnosis of contrast medium allergy and may play an important role in selection of a safe product in previous reactors

    Skin testing in patients with hypersensitivity reactions to iodinated contrast media - a European multicenter study

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    BACKGROUND: Iodinated contrast media cause both immediate and nonimmediate hypersensitivity reactions. The aim of this prospective study was to determine the specificity and sensitivity of skin tests in patients who have experienced such reactions. METHODS: Skin prick, intradermal and patch tests with a series of contrast media were conducted in 220 patients with either immediate or nonimmediate reaction. Positive skin tests were defined according to internationally accepted guidelines. Seventy-one never-exposed subjects and 11 subjects who had tolerated contrast medium exposure, served as negative controls. RESULTS: Skin test specificity was 96-100%. For tests conducted within the time period from 2 to 6 months after the reaction, up to 50% of immediate reactors and up to 47% of nonimmediate reactors were skin test positive. For immediate reactors, the intradermal tests were the most sensitive, whereas delayed intradermal tests in combination with patch tests were needed for optimal sensitivity in nonimmediate reactors. Contrast medium cross-reactivity was more common in the nonimmediate than in the immediate group. Interestingly, 49% of immediate and 52% of nonimmediate symptoms occurred in previously unexposed patients. Many of these patients were skin test positive, indicating that they were already sensitized at the time of first contrast medium exposure. CONCLUSIONS: These data suggest that at least 50% of hypersensitivity reactions to contrast media are caused by an immunological mechanism. Skin testing appears to be a useful tool for diagnosis of contrast medium allergy and may play an important role in selection of a safe product in previous reactors
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