136 research outputs found

    The healing process in obstructive jaundice

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    Revisa-se a literatura, analisando-se os trabalhos clínicos e experimentais, buscando-se conhecer os efeitos da obstrução extra-hepática sobre o processo de cicatrização.The literature is reviewed and clinical and experimental studies are analized for to know the effects of the obstructive jaundice on wound headling

    Effects of aging on abdominal wall healing in rats

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    PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to assess abdominal wall healing in old and young adult rats. METHODS: On average, young animals were 110 days old and old animals were 762 days old. A 4.0 cm median laparotomy was performed under anesthesia, followed by laparorrhaphy on two synthesis planes, i.e. peritoneum-muscle-aponeurosis and skin, using continuous 5.0 nylon sutures. The animals were evaluated on the 3rd, 7th, 14th and 21st postoperative days. The resistance of the two planes was studied separately and a histopathologic analysis was performed on sections stained with hematoxylin-eosin and Sirius Red. Immunohistochemical analysis was also carried out using PCNA, LCA and CD34. RESULTS: The skin scars gained resistance in a similar manner at the initial time points, but those of young rats were more resistant on the 21st day (p=0.0029). Total and type III collagen content was similar in the two groups and type I collagen content was higher in young animals on the 14th day. Inflammatory cell infiltration was more marked in the skin wounds of young animals on the 3rd day (p=0.0190). Reepithelialization was similar and angiogenesis was more intense in the skin wounds of young animals on the 14th day (p=0.0062). The peritoneum-muscle-aponeurosis wounds gained similar resistance during the early phases, but were more resistant on the 14th day (p=0.0005) and on the 21st day (p=0.0023) in old rats Collagen concentration was higher in the wounds of old animals on the 3rd day (p=0.0112) and in the wounds of young animals on the 21st day (p=0.0348). The inflammatory reaction was more intense in the wounds of old animals on the 3rd day (p=0.0060) and angiogenesis was more intense on the 14th day (0.0432). CONCLUSION: Although there are some differences in the healing course between young and old animals, age, of itself, does not impair the healing of abdominal wall wounds in rats

    Wound healing: comparative study in hypertensive rats untreated and treated with an angiotensin converting enzime inhibitor

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    BACKGROUND: We evaluated the influence of captopril on the skin wound healing process of hypertensive rats. METHODS: 111 rats were placed in 4 groups: normotensive control (N=30); hypertensive control (N=30), which received an oral daily dose of saline solution 0,9%; group experiment (N=31) was treated with 7.5mg/kg/day of captopril; and an aferition group (N=20) with 10 hypertensive and 10 normotensive animals in which arterial blood pressure was mesured in the aorta in the last day of the experiment. After 15 days of treatment, an skin incision of 4 cm was made in the animals. Samples of the dorsal wall scar were taken 4, 7 and 14 days after the last procedure. The wounds were excised and divided in 2 pieces. They were sent to tensiontrial and histological analysis. RESULTS: The aferition group showed mean arterial blood pressure of 82.5±7.55 mmHg in the normotensive animals and 150.5± 10.66 mmHg in the hypertensive ones. The resistance analysis showed that the scars of treated and untreated hypertensives were less resistant than those of normotensives rats in the initial days (p<0.05) and that on the 14th day the resistances became similar. There were no diferences among treated and untreated groups. Total collagen had higher density in normotensives rats throughout the study (p<0.05) and there were no diferences among treated and untreated hypertensive rats. Epitelization, inflammatory response and granulation tissue formation were similar in all groups. CONCLUSION: Captopril, doesn't modify the wound healing process in rats, being the differences due to hypertension.OBJETIVO: Reconhecer a interferência do captopril na cicatrização de feridas cutâneas de ratos hipertensos. MÉTODOS: Distribuíram-se 111 ratos em quatro grupos: controle normotenso (N=30); controle hipertenso (N=30), os quais receberam 1 ml/dia de solução de cloreto de sódio a 0.9% por via oral; grupo experimento (N=31), hipertensos que receberam 7,5mg/kg/dia de captopril e um grupo aferição (N=20), 10 hipertensos e 10 normotensos, nos quais aferiu-se a pressão na aorta abdominal, no último dia de experimento. Após 15 dias de medicação, fez-se uma incisão da pele e da tela subcutânea, na região médio-dorsal dos grupos I, II e III, seguida de síntese. Ressecaram-se as cicatrizes de 10 animais de cada grupo, no 4.º, 7.º e 14.º dias após a operação, que divididas em duas partes foram enviadas para a tensiometria e para análise histológica. RESULTADOS: A pressão arterial média de 83,18 ± 7,51 mmHg nos normotensos e 151,36 ± 10,51 mmHg nos hipertensos. As cicatrizes dos hipertensos tratados e não tratados eram menos resistentes que as dos normotensos, nos tempos iniciais (p<0,05) e que ao 14.º dia as resistências se igualaram. Não houve diferença entre o grupo tratado e o não tratado. A densidade de colágeno total foi maior nos normotensos em todos os tempos (p<0,05) e não houve diferença entre hipertensos tratados e não tratados. A epitelização, a reação inflamatória e a formação do tecido de granulação foi semelhante nos três grupos. CONCLUSÕES: O captopril, em ratos, não modifica a cicatrização, ficando as diferenças relacionadas à hipertensão.UNIFESP-EPMPUCPRUniversidade Tuiuti do ParanáThe National Hospital for Nervous Diseases Institute of Neurology Department of NeuropathologyUFSCUNIFESP, EPMSciEL

    Glutamine influence on liver regeneration

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    Objetivo: Este trabalho visa estabelecer a relação mais precisa do uso da glutamina na regeneração hepática. Métodos: Foram utilizados 37 ratos da linhagem Wistar, fêmeas, com idade de 120 dias e peso entre 345 ± 80 gramas os quais foram divididos em um grupo controle (C), com 17 animais, e um grupo de experimento (E), com 20 animais. Aproximadamente 70% do fígado foi cirurgicamente removido nos dois grupos. Administraram-se 50 μg de glutamina/dia, via oral, diluído em 1 ml de água destilada, administrado por sondagem orogástrica diária no grupo de experimentação. No grupo controle, administrou-se volume equivalente de água destilada. As aferições foram feitas nos períodos de 24 horas e 7 dias, com 3 métodos: Fórmula de KWON et al. para reconhecer ganho de volume, contagem das figuras de mitose em 5 campos e percentual dos núcleos PCNA positivos em 5 campos. Resultados: O remanescente hepático ganhou maior volume nos dois grupos tanto com 24 horas (p&gt;0,05) quanto com 7 dias (p=0,0518). Os cortes histológicos revelaram mais figuras de mitose com 24 horas, tanto no grupo controle quanto no grupo experimento. A contagem dos núcleos PCNA positivos, com 24 horas, foi maior nos cortes dos fígados do grupo experimento em relação ao grupo controle (p&lt;0,001); enquanto não apresentou grandes mudanças, em 7 dias, para ambos os grupos (p&gt;0,05). Conclusão: A suplementação de glutamina à dieta leva à maior replicação de hepatócitos com 24 horas. Logo, é benéfica para a regeneração hepática.Objective: The aim of this work is to establish a precise relation between the use of glutamine and hepatic regeneration. Methods: 37 rats of the Wistar ancestry were used, females, with age of 120 days and weight between 345±80 grams, which were divided in a control group (C), with 17 animals, and an experimental group (E), with 20 animals. Approximately 70% of the liver was surgically removed in these two groups. 50 μg of glutamine/day was managed, orally, diluted in 1 ml of distilled water, managed by daily gavage in the experimental group. In the control group, distilled water was managed in equivalent volume. The contings were made in the periods of 24 hours and 7 days, by 3 methods: Formula of KWON et al. to recognize volume gain, mitoses fi gures counting in 5 fields and PCNA positive nucleus percentage in 5 fields. Results: The remainder hepatic tissue gained greater volume in the two groups as much in the period of 24 hours (p&gt;0,05), as in 7 days (p=0,0518). The histological cuts have disclosed more figures of mitoses in 24 hours, as much in the group control as in the group experiment. The counting of positive nucleus PCNA, in 24 hours, was bigger in the livers cuts of the experiment group in relation to the group control (p&lt;0,001); although it has not presented great changes, in 7 days, in both the groups (p&gt;0,05). Conclusion: The supplementation of glutamine to the diet leads to the biggest response of hepatocytes within 24 hours. Consequently, it is benefi cial for hepatic regeneration