13 research outputs found


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    This study aims to determine the role of gender in the process of making copra in Lolah Tiga Village, Tombariri Timur District. The study was conducted from May to June 2017. The data used were primary and secondary data. Primary data through interviews using questionnaires to 30 respondents and secondary data obtained from Village Office of Lolah Tiga. This analysis uses descriptive analysis. The research results show that gender role in the process of making the most copra in male labor in the activities of picking, transporting, stripping and selling. While done by female workers. The activity of stripping and separating meat is done by male and female laborers

    (Pre)figuring the 1960s “Urban crisis”: The Fate of the African American Rights Struggle in Postwar New York City

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    This article argues that framing the Birmingham struggle of 1963 as the critical moment when the southern civil rights movement became a national civil rights struggle problematically marginalizes the long history of antiracist activism in the US North and West. New York, like many other northern and western cities, was reshaped by the enormous in-migration of black southerners throughout the 20th century. While they discovered that segregation was present and lawful nationwide, these migrants and their children seized on the comparatively greater political opportunities in New York to wage a comprehensive fight for racial freedom. The many defeats and setbacks of this northern civil rights movement constitute a backdrop to the unrest of the late 1960s.Cet article soutient que choisir les Ă©vĂ©nements de Birmingham en 1963 comme moment-clĂ© de la transformation du combat sudiste pour les droits civiques en mouvement national pose problĂšme et marginalise la longue histoire de lutte anti-raciste dans le Nord et dans l’Ouest des Etats-Unis. New York, comme de nombreuses autres villes du Nord et de l’Ouest, fut transformĂ© par l’arrivĂ©e massive de migrants noirs en provenance du Sud tout au long du vingtiĂšme siĂšcle. Alors mĂȘme qu’ils dĂ©couvraient que la sĂ©grĂ©gation Ă©tait prĂ©sente et inscrite dans les lois de la nation tout entiĂšre, ces migrants et leurs enfants ont profitĂ© de perspectives politiques plus grandes Ă  New York pour organiser un combat de grande ampleur en faveur de la libertĂ© raciale. Les Ă©checs et revers multiples de ce mouvement nordiste pour les droits civiques ont constituĂ© la toile de fond des remous de la fin des annĂ©es soixante

    Incidences de l'événement

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    Les chercheurs en Ă©tudes afro-amĂ©ricaines rĂ©unis dans ce volume ont apprĂ©hendĂ© le mouvement des droits civiques, pĂ©riode de refondation pour la nation amĂ©ricaine et Ă©vĂ©nement charniĂšre pour les noirs amĂ©ricains, Ă  la lumiĂšre de la dĂ©finition qu'Ariette Farge donne de l'Ă©vĂ©nement. La pĂ©riodisation du mouvement, ses composantes rĂ©volutionnaires, son incidence sur les arts et les lettres sont ici autant d'angles d'approche pour penser les hĂ©rissements de la continuitĂ© et l'irrĂ©gularitĂ© au cƓur de la notion d'Ă©vĂ©nement. RĂ©Ă©crire l'histoire des Noirs aux États-Unis devient alors un processus d'intelligibilitĂ© renouvelĂ© et une sensibilitĂ© aux paroles dites, aux temps vĂ©cus par les acteurs de cette histoire, aux rĂ©cits et Ɠuvres d'art qui produisent le changement et en tĂ©moignent

    ‘Unrest among the Negroes’: the African Blood Brotherhood and the politics of resistance

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    This article focuses on the impact of the Bolshevik revolution and Irish national liberation struggles on the black radical tradition in the US. Between 1919 and 1922 the African Blood Brotherhood published a monthly journal which attempted to forge a very specific race/class politics in the US. The Crusader, shaped its powerfully articulated vision of black liberation through its trumpeting of the Russian Revolution and the Irish anti-colonial struggle

    Crystal structure of the kinase domain of serum and glucocorticoid-regulated kinase 1 in complex with AMP–PNP

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    Serum and glucocorticoid-regulated kinase 1 (SGK1) is a serine/threonine protein kinase of the AGC family which participates in the control of epithelial ion transport and is implicated in proliferation and apoptosis. We report here the 1.9 Å crystal structure of the catalytic domain of inactive human SGK1 in complex with AMP–PNP. SGK1 exists as a dimer formed by two intermolecular disulfide bonds between Cys258 in the activation loop and Cys193. Although most of the SGK1 structure closely resembles the common protein kinase fold, the structure around the active site is unique when compared to most protein kinases. The αC helix is not present in this inactive form of SGK1 crystal structure; instead, the segment corresponding to the C helix forms a ÎČ-strand that is stabilized by the N-terminal segment of the activation loop through a short antiparallel ÎČ-sheet. Since the differences from other kinases occur around the ATP binding site, this structure can provide valuable insight into the design of selective and highly potent ATP-competitive inhibitors of SGK1 kinase