16 research outputs found

    Acrokeratosis paraneoplastica (Bazex syndrome)n

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    Acrokeratosis paraneoplastica of Bazex is rare condition, characterized with scaly hyperkeratotic psoriasiform plaques on acral parts of body (helices, nose, and malar and acral surfaces), and in later stages propagation to the limbs and trunk.This syndrome is distinct marker for different neoplastic conditions, predominantly squamous cell carcinoma of the upper aerodigestive tract with possible cervical lymph node metastases.In this paper we present 56 years old male patient, with hyperkeratotic plaques on the skin of his palms, soles, ear lobes and apex of the nose. Detailed examination found tumorous swelling on the left side of his neck. Histopathologic examination revealed solid anaplastic metastatic tumor. Patient died before primary tumor could be found. Bazex syndrome can appear before the diagnosis of internal malignancies, and thus is important for dermatologists to recognize it in favor of early diagnosis of specific malignant process

    A consensus-based practical and daily guide for the treatment of acne patients

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    Background: Many current guidelines provide detailed evidence-based recommendations for acne treatment. Objective: To create consensus-based, simple, easy-to-use algorithms for clinical acne treatment in daily office-based practice and to provide checklists to assist in determining why a patient may not have responded to treatment and what action to take. Methods: Existing treatment guidelines and consensus papers were reviewed. The information in them was extracted and simplified according to daily clinical practice needs using a consensus-based approach and based on the authors' clinical expertise. Results: As outcomes, separate simple algorithms are presented for the treatment of predominant comedonal, predominant papulopustular and nodular/conglobate acne. Patients with predominant comedonal acne should initially be treated with a topical retinoid, azelaic acid or salicylic acid. Fixed combination topicals are recommended for patients with predominant papulopustular acne with treatment tailored according to the severity of disease. Treatment recommendations for nodular/conglobate acne include oral isotretinoin or fixed combinations plus oral antibiotics in men, and these options may be supplemented with oral anti-androgenic hormonal therapy in women. Further decisions regarding treatment responses should be evaluated 8 weeks after treatment initiation in patients with predominant comedonal or papulopustular acne and 12 weeks after in those with nodular/conglobate acne. Maintenance therapy with a topical retinoid or azelaic acid should be commenced once a patient is clear or almost clear of their acne to prevent the disease from recurring. The principal explanations for lack of treatment response fall into 5 main categories: disease progression, non-drug-related reasons, drug-related reasons, poor adherence, and adverse events. Conclusion: This practical guide provides dermatologists with treatment algorithms adapted to different clinical features of acne which are simple and easy to use in daily clinical practice. The checklists to establish the causes for a lack of treatment response and subsequent action to take will facilitate successful acne management. © 2016 European Academy of Dermatology and Venereolog

    Remodeling of collagen constituting interlobular septa of subcutaneous adipose tissue following microwaves application

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    In this study, the application of a recently introduced device based on electromagnetic energy transfer by microwaves for fat reduction, permitted to study specifically the modifications of thick fibrous collagen interlobular septa in the subcutaneous adipose tissue, related to the formation of large clusters of adipocytes. The use of Picrosirius red staining associated with circularly polarized microscopy gave evidence of appreciable modifications of the fibrous connective tissue forming septa. Compact fibrotic bundles of collagen I forming interlobular septa appeared reduced or dissolved, in part substituted by the increase of more diffuse and finely reticular collagen III. Remodeling of fibrous collagen, which formed bridles involved in the appearance at the surface of the skin of dimpling/orange peer pattern typical of cellulite, was observed

    Chemical and mechanical characterization of hyaluronic acid hydrogel cross-linked with polyethylen glycol and its use in dermatology

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    Hydrogels based on hyaluronic acid are used to restore volume, hydration, and skin tone, as well as to correct scars, asymmetries or defects of the soft tissue. Hyaluronic acid is often chemically crosslinked with different crosslinking agents in order to improve its mechanical and biological properties. Here we focused on defining the chemical and mechanical characterization of a new hydrogel with specific characteristics: hyaluronic acid polyethylene glycol (PEG)-crosslinked with a high concentration of hyaluronic acid (28 mg/mL), manufactured by MatexLab Spa, via Carlo Urbani 2, ang Via Enrico Fermi, Brindisi, Italy. We made a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the content of sodium hyaluronate in the hydrogel after polymerization and sterilization processes and also evaluated histologically the bio integration of these hydrogels in the cutaneous soft tissues. The results suggest that hyaluronic acid hydrogel PEG-crosslinked have great bio integration, great chemical and mechanical properties, compared with other products available on the market, that are cross-linked with different cross-linking agents. The nontoxicity and nonimmunogenicity of PEG guarantee the lack of allergic and immunological reactions. The PEG-crosslinking technology guarantees a high duration time of the implanted hydrogel because of more resistant physiological degradation