123 research outputs found

    Effectiveness of fluid viscous damper for steel frame building subjected to earthquake load

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    Since the appearance of the first modern multistories buildings, besides the demand of ensuring the bearing capacity, one of the urgent problems facing the engineer is to do how to design structure to ensure the requirements of normal use such as displacement, motion acceleration within permissible limits. There exist many methods to reduce these response of structure under lateral load. Among these, using fluid viscous damper (FVD) is one of the most applied equipment because of its simplicity. This paper presents the examination of eight-story steel frame structure subjected to seismic load. The FVD system is defined in Etabs with link properties. In each story, four dampers are located in each direction of plan, with two on each side of the center of stiffness of the story. The time history analysis was conducted to study the structure subjected to seimic load collected from the function library of program Etabs. The effect of FVD system was determined by the dynamic response of the building and displacement indexes such as maximum displacement of roof, story drift ratio. The results show that, all the dynamic response characters of structure were decreased significantly when providing the FVD to it


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    The magnesium and magnesium alloys has applied widely in different industrial aspects in Vietnam in the modern life. Especially, the products from magnesium alloys implementing in the automotive have increased rapidly since the car elements tend to be generated by the light alloys in order to save the fuel. However, in the current time, Vietnam has no factories to produce the magnesium to adapt the domestic demand although it owns an enrich resource of raw materials. This research indicates the possibility of using the dolomite ore in Thanhhoa – Vietnam to make the magnesium as well as evaluate the primary factors like recovering temperature, reducing agent rate, recovering time having effect on the reduction efficiency of Thanhhoa dolomite by metallothermic method in vacuum (Pidgeon Process). This is basic process, low investment and suitable for the small and medium scales in Vietnam. The experiment includes heating, indicating the chemical ingredients and recovering experiment on the dolomite after calcination (dolime) by using ferrosilicon. The thermodynamic model is created to estimate the recovering efficiency in the Pidgeon. The result shows that the CaO/MgO molar ratio of calcination dolomite in Thanhhoa is nearly 1.5 which is suitable to produce magnesium in the case of highly-required efficiency and pureness. Besides, the result from the furnace of the experiment is lower than the one in the model. The samples are set up to check the influence of the rate of ferrosilicon in the compound. The result indicates that the ideal efficiency reaches 85 % with 30 % ferrosilicon. Moreover, the study confirms that the optimal operating conditions in this process are recovering during three hours at 1200 °C and 100 Pa pressure. This result proves the potential application of Thanhhoa dolomite in the industry suitable with the current condition in Vietna

    Primary Evaluation on Growth Performances of Stress Negative Piétrain Pigs Raised in Hai Phong Province of Vietnam

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    peer reviewedThe present study was carried out on 19 stress negative Piétrain pigs (Pietrain ReHal), consisting of 13 gilts and 6 young boars imported from Belgium, raised in the livestock farm of Dong Hiep (Hai Phong) in order to evaluate growth performances and their adaptability in the North of Vietnam. Results showed that the average body weight of the whole herd at 2, 4, 5.5, and 8.5 months old was 19.05, 51.05, 85.82, and 119.47 kg, respectively. During the growing periods, except the first stage, the male grew faster than the female and the pigs of the CT genotype grew faster than those of CC genotype although the difference was not significant (P>0.05). The average daily gain (ADG) was 528.56 grams for the whole herd. The ADG was higher for the male (546.48 grams) than for the female (520.29 grams), and its was higher for the CT than the CC, but the difference was not statistically significant (P>0.05). The feed conversion ratio (FCR) was 2.69 kg. The estimated lean percentage at 8.5 months old was 64.08%. The results indicate that Piétrain stress negative pigs could develop well on the farm conditions in Hai Phong, Vietnam

    Effect of enzyme-assisted extraction on yield, composition, and antimicrobial activity of essential oils from Rosmarinus officinalis L. grown in Lam Dong Province, Viet Nam

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    In the present study, viscozyme L pre-treatment for aerial parts of Rosmarinus officinalis L. (rosemary), grown in Lam Dong province, was performed to evaluate the effective extraction of essential oils by hydro-distillation. Enzymatic pre-treatment with 1 g viscozyme L enzyme mixed with 5 mL sodium chloride 15% at 50oC for 1 hour, followed by hydro-distillation, was seen to slightly increase the yield of rosemary essential oils from 0.96% to 1.08%. GC/MS analysis showed the presence of 32 compounds in rosemary essential oils, of which the major components were α-pinene (29.71 - 32.17%) and cineol (17.55 - 18.74%) in both the control and the enzymatically treated samples. The results also revealed that rosemary essential oils obtained from both the control and the enzymatically treated samples exhibited moderate antimicrobial activity against Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, and Candida albicans in all tested concentrations

    Management and monitoring of air and water pollution by using GIS technology: Research article

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    The need for a green clean living environment is increasing today, with the boom of the socioeconomic development, educational level. However, the environmental pollution becomes an alerted global issue due to the large amount of wastes discharged making this need to be not easily met at the moment. Greenhouse gas emission mainly from energy, transport and agricultural land use is causing climate change because of their long atmospheric lifetime and trapping the heat in the atmosphere. Harmful effects and damages caused by environment pollution and climate change are unpredictable. It was reported that every year millions of people die because of fine particles when exposing to air pollution and other millions die from water-born diseases. Management and monitoring of air and water pollution by using GIS technology is an effective method. The measured data can be obtained continuously, quickly and accurately at stations in any regions even with complex terrain. This helps reduce the required number of employees, manage automatically and continuously a large number of data.Ngày nay nhu cầu về một môi trường sống xanh, sạch đang gia tăng, với sự bùng nổ của phát triển kinh tế - xã hội và trình độ dân trí. Tuy nhiên, ô nhiễm môi trường đang trở thành một vấn đề cảnh báo toàn cầu do số lượng lớn các chất thải được xả ra môi trường làm cho nhu cầu này không dễ dàng được đáp ứng tại thời điểm này. Phát thải khí nhà kính chủ yếu là từ sử dụng năng lượng, giao thông vận tải và đất nông nghiệp đang gây ra biến đổi khí hậu vì thời gian tồn tại của cúng dài và giữ nhiệt trong khí quyển. Các ảnh hưởng xấu và thiệt hại gây ra bởi ô nhiễm môi trường và biến đổi khí hậu là không thể đoán trước. Thông tin báo cáo chỉ ra rằng mỗi năm có hàng triệu người chết vì hít các hạt bụi mịn khi tiếp xúc với ô nhiễm không khí; và hàng triệu người khác chết vì bệnh do nước sinh ra. Quản lý và giám sát ô nhiễm không khí và nước bằng cách sử dụng công nghệ GIS là một phương pháp hiệu quả. Các dữ liệu đo có thể được lấy liên tục, nhanh chóng và chính xác tại các trạm ở bất kể khu vực nào, ngay cả nơi có địa hình phức tạp. Điều này giúp làm giảm số lượng lao động cần thiết, quản lý tự động và liên tục một số lượng lớn dữ liệu

    Relationship between cash holding and capital structure of Vietnamese public companies in the COVID-19 pandemic context

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    Determining the capital and cash holdings pattern is among the most critical decisions of firm executives. This study investigates the link between cash holdings and capital structure to help executives consider the best pattern of capital and cash. The study collected a sample of 5,747 observations from public companies in Vietnam during 2019–2022 and employed the panel data regression method for analysis. The findings demonstrate a correlation between capital structure and cash holding ratio that is statistically significant. However, these relationships are inconsistent between the cash holdings and each component of the capital structure. Current debt and total debt ratios have a positive and linear association with cash holdings, while non-current debt ratio has a negative and nonlinear association. The study highlights a heterogeneous association of the cash holding ratio with three proxies of debt structure. The results reveal that, during COVID-19, the effects of the non-current debt ratio on cash holding and of cash holding on the current debt ratio have no statistical significance

    Interventional Treatment of Lymphatic Leakage Post Appendectomy: Case Report

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    BACKGROUND: Postoperative lymphatic complications are not common, and lymphatic leakage complication post appendectomy (LLCPC) is even rarer. However, the number of this operation is high so LLCPC can occur. CASE REPORT: Here, we report a female patient post appendectomy with severe chylous ascites. This patient underwent six operations. A leakage point at the right iliac-fossa, which was embolized successfully after two sessions, was spotted during intranodal lymphangiography. After 6 months, the ascites were significantly reduced while some lymphatic aneurysms still existed in the lumbar-retroperitoneal region. CONCLUSIONS: Basing the knowledge of this clinical case and literature, we have concluded that lymphatic leakage can be diagnosed and embolized by percutaneous intervention