83 research outputs found

    Large-scale network organization in the avian forebrain: a connectivity matrix and theoretical analysis

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    Many species of birds, including pigeons, possess demonstrable cognitive capacities, and some are capable of cognitive feats matching those of apes. Since mammalian cortex is laminar while the avian telencephalon is nucleated, it is natural to ask whether the brains of these two cognitively capable taxa, despite their apparent anatomical dissimilarities, might exhibit common principles of organisation on some level. Complementing recent investigations of macro-scale brain connectivity in mammals, including humans and macaques, we here present the first large-scale wiring diagram for the forebrain of a bird. Using graph theory, we show that the pigeon telencephalon is organised along similar lines to that of a mammal. Both are modular, small-world networks with a connective core of hub nodes that includes prefrontal-like and hippocampal structures. These hub nodes are, topologically speaking, the most central regions of the pigeon's brain, as well as being the most richly connected, implying a crucial role in information flow. Overall, our analysis suggests that indeed, despite the absence of cortical layers and close to 300 million years of separate evolution, the connectivity of the avian brain conforms to the same organisational principles as the mammalian brain

    Navigating through digital folders uses the same brain structures as real world navigation

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    Efficient storage and retrieval of digital data is the focus of much commercial and academic attention. With personal computers, there are two main ways to retrieve files: hierarchical navigation and query-based search. In navigation, users move down their virtual folder hierarchy until they reach the folder in which the target item is stored. When searching, users first generate a query specifying some property of the target file (e.g., a word it contains), and then select the relevant file when the search engine returns a set of results. Despite advances in search technology, users prefer retrieving files using virtual folder navigation, rather than the more flexible query-based search. Using fMRI we provide an explanation for this phenomenon by demonstrating that folder navigation results in activation of the posterior limbic (including the retrosplenial cortex) and parahippocampal regions similar to that previously observed during real-world navigation in both animals and humans. In contrast, search activates the left inferior frontal gyrus, commonly observed in linguistic processing. We suggest that the preference for navigation may be due to the triggering of automatic object finding routines and lower dependence on linguistic processing. We conclude with suggestions for future computer systems design

    Juvenile Songbirds Compensate for Displacement to Oceanic Islands during Autumn Migration

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    To what degree juvenile migrant birds are able to correct for orientation errors or wind drift is still largely unknown. We studied the orientation of passerines on the Faroe Islands far off the normal migration routes of European migrants. The ability to compensate for displacement was tested in naturally occurring vagrants presumably displaced by wind and in birds experimentally displaced 1100 km from Denmark to the Faroes. The orientation was studied in orientation cages as well as in the free-flying birds after release by tracking departures using small radio transmitters. Both the naturally displaced and the experimentally displaced birds oriented in more easterly directions on the Faroes than was observed in Denmark prior to displacement. This pattern was even more pronounced in departure directions, perhaps because of wind influence. The clear directional compensation found even in experimentally displaced birds indicates that first-year birds can also possess the ability to correct for displacement in some circumstances, possibly involving either some primitive form of true navigation, or ‘sign posts’, but the cues used for this are highly speculative. We also found some indications of differences between species in the reaction to displacement. Such differences might be involved in the diversity of results reported in displacement studies so far

    Connections of the pigeon dorsomedial forebrain studied with WGA-HRP and 3H-proline.

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    The afferent-efferent connections of the pigeon dorsomedial forebrain, which is composed of the "hippocampus" (Hp) and "parahippocampus" (APH), presumed homologues of the mammalian hippocampal complex, were studied. Afferent projections were identified by wheat germ agglutinin-conjugated horseradish peroxidase (WGA-HRP) and efferent projections were identified by 3H-proline and WGA-HRP. In addition to identified intrinsic connections within Hp and APH, both Hp and APH were found to be in receipt of ipsilateral forebrain afferents from each other, the hyperstriatum accessorium, nucleus of the diagonal band, nucleus taeniae, and area corticoidea dorsolateralis. Only Hp received input from the contralateral Hp while only APH received input from the ipsilateral hyperstriatum dorsale and archistriatum, pars ventralis. Both Hp and APH received ipsilateral diencephalic afferents from the nucleus mamillaris lateralis, stratum cellulare internum, nucleus lateralis hypothalami, and nucleus paramedianus internus thalami. Only APH received bilateral input from the nucleus superficialis parvicellularis (this nucleus may send a small projection to Hp) and nucleus dorsolateralis anterior thalami, pars medialis, and an ipsilateral projection from the nucleus subrotundus. Brainstem afferents to Hp and APH included ipsilateral projections from the area ventralis (Tsai) nucleus reticularis pontis oralis, nucleus raphes, nucleus subceruleus dorsalis, and nucleus centralis superior of Bechterew, and bilateral projections from the nucleus linearis caudalis and locus ceruleus, of which the nucleus subceruleus dorsalis, nucleus centralis superior of Bechterew, and locus ceruleus projected to APH only. Forebrain efferents from both Hp and APH were found to project ipsilaterally to the septum, the area of the fasciculus diagonalis Brocae, nucleus taeniae, and area corticoidea dorsolateralis. Only Hp appeared to send efferents to the contralateral septum and Hp, while only APH sent efferents to the hyperstriatum dorsale and the archistriatum. A hypothalamic projection from Hp and APH was found to partially terminate near the nucleus mamillaris lateralis. At the level of pathway connections, the results demonstrate a striking similarity between the avian dorsomedial forebrain and the dorsomedial cortex of reptiles and the mammalian hippocampus

    The avian hippocampus: Evidence for a role in the development of the homing pigeon navigational map

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    Young homing pigeons were subjected to hippocampal lesion before being placed in their permanent loft to examine what effect such treatment may have on the development of their navigational map, which supports homing from distant unfamiliar locations. When later released from 3 distant unfamiliar locations, the hippocampal-lesioned pigeons were impaired in taking up a homeward bearing. The results identify a deficit in the acquisition of navigational ability after hippocampal ablation in homing pigeons. The results strongly suggest a deficit in navigational map acquisition, but alternative interpretations cannot be excluded. The findings offer the first insight into the central neural structures involved in the acquisition of the pigeon navigational map. Further, the results identify the hippocampus as a structure critical for the regulation of navigational behavior that manifests itself in a natural setting