339 research outputs found

    Continuous fluidized bed crystallization

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    Centralised monitoring and alerting solution for complex information management infrastructure

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    Internship Report presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Data Science and Advanced AnalyticsMonitoring and alerting receive increasing attention over the last years together with growth of the information generated and managed from one side and increasing of the computing power and capacity of the computing hardware. Monitoring solutions have been tightly linked to the software being monitored making the broad view of the performance of the all interlinked services too complex and ineffective. In this work a monitoring and alerting solution based on “Prometheus” is developed. Continuous collection of metrics from various different services is performed and organized for visualization and monitoring in several layers of precision. Different exporters for various systems were evaluated and many of them enhanced. Alerting logic in response of detected performance problems and function irregularities has been developed and implemented with “Alert Manager”. Another software is developed for recording and visualizing current or past alerts and also is used as debugging tool of the alerts configuration. Visualization is implemented for Grafana with several dashboards. All tools and software packages used for implementing this monitoring and alerting solution are open source and free to use

    Integrating Europeans: The Political Economy and Social Aspects of Europeanization. ACES Working Papers (Curriculum Development), 2012

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    This course, then, investigates the effects of integration on European citizens as well as the duality of the EU as a competitive and social model. It is sensitive to the involvement of social groups, protest, and domestic politics in the study of market integration. Some of the questions we explore are: What are the effects of regulatory policy-making on social actors, how do such actors’ strategies and behaviors change as a consequence, and how to they overcome their collective action problems? Why is it that the logic of integration has at times followed a logic of “permissive consensus” while at other times it has been described as a “constraining dissensus”? What is the importance of discourse in domestic politics in order to articulate and legitimate Europeanization? How do European identities change as a consequence of policymaking as well as of protest? To what extent do ordinary Europeans matter in terms of accepting and opposing the project of European integration, how do European citizens in core and peripheral EU states experience Europeanization, and how is their involvement in the integration project to be conceptualized

    Lattice Multislice Algorithm for Fast Simulation of Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy Images

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    We introduce a new approach to the numerical simulation of Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy images. The Lattice Multislice Algorithm (LMA) takes advantage of the fact that electron waves passing through the specimen have limited bandwidth and therefore can be approximated very well by a low-dimensional linear space spanned by translations of a well-localized function uu. Just like in the PRISM algorithm recently published by C. Ophus, we utilize the linearity of the Schr\"odinger equation, but perform the approximations with functions that are well localized in real space instead of Fourier space. This way, we achieve a similar computational speedup as PRISM, but at a much lower memory consumption and reduced numerical error due to avoiding virtual copies of the probe waves interfering with the result. Our approach also facilitates faster recomputations if local changes are made to the specimen such as changing a single atomic column

    Optimized imaging using non-rigid registration

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    The extraordinary improvements of modern imaging devices offer access to data with unprecedented information content. However, widely used image processing methodologies fall far short of exploiting the full breadth of information offered by numerous types of scanning probe, optical, and electron microscopies. In many applications, it is necessary to keep measurement intensities below a desired threshold. We propose a methodology for extracting an increased level of information by processing a series of data sets suffering, in particular, from high degree of spatial uncertainty caused by complex multiscale motion during the acquisition process. An important role is played by a nonrigid pixel-wise registration method that can cope with low signal-to-noise ratios. This is accompanied by formulating objective quality measures which replace human intervention and visual inspection in the processing chain. Scanning transmission electron microscopy of siliceous zeolite material exhibits the above-mentioned obstructions and therefore serves as orientation and a test of our procedures

    Classification algorithms using adaptive partitioning

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    Algorithms for binary classification based on adaptive tree partitioning are formulated and analyzed for both their risk performance and their friendliness to numerical implementation. The algorithms can be viewed as generating a set approximation to the Bayes set and thus fall into the general category of set estimators. In contrast with the most studied tree-based algorithms, which utilize piecewise constant approximation on the generated partition [IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory 52 (2006) 1335-1353; Mach. Learn. 66 (2007) 209-242], we consider decorated trees, which allow us to derive higher order methods. Convergence rates for these methods are derived in terms the parameter α\alpha of margin conditions and a rate ss of best approximation of the Bayes set by decorated adaptive partitions. They can also be expressed in terms of the Besov smoothness β\beta of the regression function that governs its approximability by piecewise polynomials on adaptive partition. The execution of the algorithms does not require knowledge of the smoothness or margin conditions. Besov smoothness conditions are weaker than the commonly used H\"{o}lder conditions, which govern approximation by nonadaptive partitions, and therefore for a given regression function can result in a higher rate of convergence. This in turn mitigates the compatibility conflict between smoothness and margin parameters.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/14-AOS1234 the Annals of Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aos/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Utjecaj virusa enzootske leukoze goveda na pojavu supkliničkog mastitisa u krava u različitim stupnjevima infekcije.

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    Studies were performed on 26 cows, divided into 3 groups on the basis of serological (by immunodiffusion test) and haematological analyses for bovine leukosis: Group I - seropositive without changes in haemogram; group II - seropositive with changes in haemogram and group III (control) - BLV negative. A statistically significant difference was observed in the incidence of subclinical mastitis in cows from group II (P<0.05) compared to healthy animals. The most commonly isolated microorganism was S. agalactiae (46.80%), followed by Staphylococcus spp. (36.06%). The results of our studies, as well as data from other investigators evidenced that the incidence of subclinical mastitis was higher in cows with changes in the white blood cell picture due to the immunosuppressive effect of the enzootic bovine leukosis virus.Istraživanje je provedeno na 26 krava podijeljenih u tri skupine na osnovi seroloških (imunodifuzijski test) i hematoloških pretraga na leukozu goveda. U prvoj skupini bile su serološki pozitivne krave bez promjena u hemogramu. U drugoj skupini bile su serološki pozitivne krave s promijenjenim hemogramom, a u trećoj kontrolnoj skupini bile su krave serološki negativne za virus enzootske leukoze goveda. Statistički značajna razlika u pojavi supkliničkog mastitisa u usporedbi sa zdravim kravama dokazana je u krava druge skupine (P<0,05). Najčešće izdvojena bakterija bila je S. agalactiae (46,80%) te Staphylococcus spp. (36,06%). Rezultati istraživanja potvrđuju da je pojava mastitisa bila češća u krava s poremećajima u bijeloj krvnoj slici, što se pripisuje učinku virusa enzootske leukoze goveda

    Utjecaj virusa enzootske leukoze goveda na pojavu supkliničkog mastitisa u krava u različitim stupnjevima infekcije.

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    Studies were performed on 26 cows, divided into 3 groups on the basis of serological (by immunodiffusion test) and haematological analyses for bovine leukosis: Group I - seropositive without changes in haemogram; group II - seropositive with changes in haemogram and group III (control) - BLV negative. A statistically significant difference was observed in the incidence of subclinical mastitis in cows from group II (P<0.05) compared to healthy animals. The most commonly isolated microorganism was S. agalactiae (46.80%), followed by Staphylococcus spp. (36.06%). The results of our studies, as well as data from other investigators evidenced that the incidence of subclinical mastitis was higher in cows with changes in the white blood cell picture due to the immunosuppressive effect of the enzootic bovine leukosis virus.Istraživanje je provedeno na 26 krava podijeljenih u tri skupine na osnovi seroloških (imunodifuzijski test) i hematoloških pretraga na leukozu goveda. U prvoj skupini bile su serološki pozitivne krave bez promjena u hemogramu. U drugoj skupini bile su serološki pozitivne krave s promijenjenim hemogramom, a u trećoj kontrolnoj skupini bile su krave serološki negativne za virus enzootske leukoze goveda. Statistički značajna razlika u pojavi supkliničkog mastitisa u usporedbi sa zdravim kravama dokazana je u krava druge skupine (P<0,05). Najčešće izdvojena bakterija bila je S. agalactiae (46,80%) te Staphylococcus spp. (36,06%). Rezultati istraživanja potvrđuju da je pojava mastitisa bila češća u krava s poremećajima u bijeloj krvnoj slici, što se pripisuje učinku virusa enzootske leukoze goveda

    An Optimal Adaptive Finite Element Method for the Stokes Problem

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