815 research outputs found

    Pressure pain mappings:development and applications

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    Tilblivelse af en musical : En analyse af de funktioner og arbejdsprocesser, der foregår i arbejdet med at lede og organisere opsætningen af en semiprofessionel musicalforestilling.

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    Dette studie beskriver de processer der foregår, når Musical Silkeborg opsætteren nyskreven musicalopsætning, Drewsen. Da der er tale om en heltny egenproduktion, bliver det dermed muligt at følge hele processen fra idetil forestilling. Musical Silkeborg laver nogle bemærkelsesværdige opsætninger,da de er af semiprofessionel karakter. Det vil sige, at visse aktørersom instruktør, dirigent og de ledende roller løses af professionelle, mensstore biroller og ensemblet, teknik og mange andre opgaver varetages affrivillige.For at opsætte en semiprofessionel musical skal mange ting koordineresog gå op i en højere enhed, for at resultatet bliver en forestilling af høj kvalitet.Mit forskningsspørgsmål lyder derfor: Hvilke processer indgår i tilblivelsenaf en semiprofessionel musicalforestilling? Herunder undersøges idet følgende, hvordan arbejdet med opsætningen ledes og organiseres, frastykket udvælges til arbejdet med at pille scenen ned igen er afsluttet? Hvordankoordineres og holdes der sammen på et netværk af forskellige aktørersom professionelle skuespiller og lokale amatører, specialiserede teknikereog frivillige, musikere og mange andre, som bidrager med tid, penge, udstyrog viden?Dette studie handler om ledelse og organisering og interesserer sig forprocesser, arbejdsgange og funktioner, snarere end for personer, motiver ogoplevelser.Det sker med udgangspunkt i inspiration aktør-netværksteori som analytiskramme og teoretisk afsæt for at forstå ledelse og organisering. Medaktør-netværksteori fokuseres på, hvad netværk gør ved at samle et utalaf humane og ikke-humane aktører og undersøge, hvordan noget samles,forbliver holdt sammen eller falder fra hinanden samt hvilke effekter, dergenereres herved. Studiet tilrettelægges som et empirisk feltarbejde, hvorde forskellige aktører, følges og observeres, når de arbejder med deres opgaver.Disse aktørers arbejde former et netværk, der kan kortlægges. Hverkenproduktionsleder eller instruktør er den eneste aktør i organisationen, somkan være kilde til handlinger, det kan andre humane aktører også, forudenmaterielle aktører som teknologier, ideer og bygninger. Derfor forstås opsætningenaf en musicalforestilling som en proces, der indebærer en løbendesamling af ideer, mennesker, kompetencer, teknologier med megetmere. Det er netop beskrivelsen af, hvordan disse forskellige aktører samles,holdes sammen og hvilke effekter, disse samlinger genererer, som er interessantat kortlægge og beskrive

    Næste kandidat-generation skal gøre djøficering til et plus-ord

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    Nye samfundsvidenskabelige skal kunne løse samfundets udfordringer, samtidig med at de har positive relationer til de medborgere, som deres arbejde retter sig imod, sådan at alle danskere kan se og mærke, hvordan god offentlig administration bidrager til det gode samfund

    Forced Sterilization of Immigrant Women in US Detention Center

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    Abstract  This article addresses the reports of immigrant Latin American women being forcibly sterilized in the Irwin County ICE detention center through an intersectional approach and by using Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) on data retrieved from news articles from the past six years and sources on the history of the practice of forced sterilization. How are these women vulnerable to this kind of abuse? The results indicate that immigrant Latin American women are in fact vulnerable to forced sterilization because of their position within the intersecting inequalities of gender, race and status, but that it is exacerbated by the negative discourses by the political elites and media (re)produce about them.        Keywords: intersectionality, CDA, forced sterilization, US

    Geological characterisation of potential disposal areas for radioactive waste from Risø, Denmark

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    Low- and intermediate-level radioactive waste from the Danish nuclear research facility, Risø, includes construction materials from the reactors, different types of contaminated material from the research projects and radioactive waste from hospitals, industry and research institutes. This material must be stored in a permanent disposal site in Denmark for at least 300 years (Indenrigs- og Sundhedsministeriet 2007). The Ministry of Health and Prevention presented the background and a decision plan for the Danish Parliament in January 2009 (Ministry of Health and Prevention 2009) and all political parties agreed to the plan. In the beginning of 2011 three studies were presented to the parliament (http://www.im.dk/Aktuelt/Nyheder/ Forebyggelse/2011/Maj/Slutdepot.aspx): (1) A pre-feasibility study for the final disposal of radioactive waste, (2) a study on radiation doses from the transport of radioactive waste to a future repository and (3) a study on identifying potential disposal areas. The latter study was conducted by the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS) and the aim was to locate a sediment or rock body with low permeability down to 100–300 m below the ground surface. The ultimate goal is long-term protection of people and environment by isolating the radioactive waste in a final depository. This goal can be reached by identifying a significant volume of sediments or rocks characterised by a low flow regime and high absorption potential. GEUS was given the task to locate approximately 20 potential disposal areas

    Heterobimetallic lanthanide helicates:deciphering substituent effects by crystallography and NMR analysis

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    Based on the ligand LAB the new heterobitopic ligands LAB2, LAB3, LAB4 and LAB5 have been designed and synthesised. The five ligands were designed to selectively form heterobimetallic complexes of composition [LnLn'(L)3](ClO4)6 when reacted with a pair of lanthanide ions Ln(ClO4)3 and Ln'(ClO4)3 in solution. The benzimidazole-pyridine-benzimidazole (bpb) moiety codes for the larger and softer lanthanide ions, while the benzimidazole-pyridine-amide (bpa) moiety codes for the smaller and harder ions of the lanthanide series. When reacted with 1/3 equivalent La3+ and 1/3 equivalent Lu3+ LAB forms in excess of 90 % [LnLn'(L)3]6+, the percentage being lower for pairs of lanthanide ions closer in size. The substituents on the new ligands modify the hardness of the nitrogen atom of the pyridyl group. The electron donating NEt2 group in LAB2 increases the hardness of the bpa group, which should improve the selectivity of the ligand. A similar improvement was expected for LAB5 in which the electron withdrawing Cl substituent makes the bpb moiety of the ligand softer. The two other new ligands LAB3 and LAB4 were, based on similar arguments, not expected to exhibit improved selectivity and were synthesised for comparison. Due to the tendency of LAB2 and LAB5 to form high proportions of HHT (Head-Head-Tail) isomers their selectivity turned out to be lower than anticipated. The proportion of heterobimetallic complexes reaches only 65 and 92 %, respectively, for the LaLu couple of lanthanides. The ligands LAB3 and LAB4, as expected, also give lower yields (up to 87 and 79 %) of heterobimetallic complexes. To investigate the details of the Head-Head-Head/Head-Head-Tail equilibrium variable temperature NMR measurements were carried out and the H and S values were determined for 26 different complexes. It was found that the equilibria were characterised by a subtle interplay of enthalpic and entropic effects, with the two isomers differing only by a few kJ/mol. Structures of five complexes of LAB3 were determined by X-ray diffraction. The structures contain molecular ions of composition [LnLn'(L)3]6+ in which the three ligand strands are wrapped around the two lanthanide ions in a helical fashion. To obtain information about the structure of the complexes in solution analysis of the lanthanide induced paramagnetic shift has been carried out. The so-called one proton analysis showed that contributions from two paramagnetic lanthanide ions in the same complex are additive. Extraction of structural factors demonstrated that the complexes of all the ligands are isostructural in solution. Comparison with the X-ray data proved that the solid state structures are maintained in solution. Finally, a modified one proton analysis has been devised to separate contact and pseudo contact shifts while taking into account the variation of the crystal field parameter B20 along the lanthanide series

    The Complexity of Identifying Large Equivalence Classes

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    We prove that at least (3k−4) / k(2k−3) n(n-1)/2 − O(k) equivalence tests and nomore than 2/k n(n-1)/2 + O(n)equivalence tests are needed in the worst case to identify the equivalence classes with at least k members in set of n elements. The upper bound is an improvement by a factor 2 compared to known results. For k = 3 we give tighter bounds. Finally, for k > n/2 we prove that it is necessary and it suffices to make 2n − k − 1 equivalence tests which generalizes a known result for k = [(n+1)/2]