263 research outputs found

    Design of Waveform Set for Multiuser Ultra-Wideband Communications

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    The thesis investigates the design of analogue waveform sets for multiuser and UWB communications using suitably chosen Hermite-Rodriguez basis functions. The non-linear non-convex optimization problem with time and frequency domains constraints has been transformed into suitable forms and then solved using a standard optimization package. The proposed approach is more flexible and efficient than existing approaches in the literature. Numerical results show that orthogonal waveform sets with high spectral efficiency can be produced


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    Gas District Cooling (GDC) is a co-generation plant that owned by Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP). The plant supplies electricity and chilled water to the UTP campus. At present, there is no mathematical model available for GDC application. As a sole customer of the plant, the UTP 2011 load demand data is used to develop the load demand modelling using exponential smoothing methods. The methods produce a few mathematical models that replicate UTP 2011 load demand pattern. The result obtain in the analysis would address the variation of electricity demand in the university which is beneficial for the utility company and for forecasting purpose. Winter’s method is selected to characterize the mathematical load demand modelling for UTP since it produced the lowest MAPE as compared to Simple, Holt’s Fit and Holt-Winters of exponential smoothing methods

    Meneroka Kaedah Pengajaran Guru Cemerlang Pendidikan Seni Visual Selangor (GCPSV): Satu Kajian Kes

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    Kajian ini bertujuan untuk meneroka kaedah pengajaran guru Pendidikan Seni Visual di Selangor. Kajian kualitatif menggunakan reka bentuk kajian kes. Lima orang guru Pendidikan Seni Visual yang dipilih secara rawak bertujuan sebagai peserta kajian. Data dikumpul melalui kaedah temu bual, pemerhatian dan analisis dokumen. Data dianalisis secara trangulasi iaitu data temu bual akan disokong dengan data pemerhatian dan analisis dokumen. Analisis data kualitatif dirumuskan bahawa terdapat tujuh tema ditemui yang banyak digunakan oleh guru Pendidikan Seni Visual dalam pengajaran dan pemudah cara (PdPc) mereka iaitu persediaan rangcangan pengajaran PdPc, menyediakan set induksi, mengurusan bilik darjah ketika pdpc, mengamalkan pelbagai pedagogi PdPc, membuat penilaian semasa PdPc, membuat kesimpulan PdPc dan menggunakan pelbagai bahan bantu mengajar. Implikasi kajian ini adalah untuk menjadi guru cemerlang Pendidikan Seni Visual, seseorang guru Pendidikan Seni Visual itu perlu memiliki tujuh ciri PdPc seperti yang dimiliki oleh guru cemerlang Pendidikan Seni Visual dalam kajian ini

    Multi-Objective Optimization of Input Machining Parameters to Machined AISI D2 Tool Steel Material

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    Poor surface finish on die and mould transfers the bad quality to processed parts. High surface roughness is an example of bad surface finish that is normally reduced by manual polishing after conventional milling machining process. Therefore, in order to avoid disadvantages by manual polishing and disadvantage by the machining, a sequence of two machining operations is proposed. The main operation is run by the machining and followed by Rotary Ultrasonic Machining Assisted Milling (RUMAM). However, this sequence operation requires optimum input parameters to generate the lowest surface roughness. Hence, this paper aims to optimize the input parameters for both machining operations by three soft-computing approaches – Genetic Algorithm, Tabu Search, and Particle Swarm Optimization. The method adopted in this paper begins with a fitness function development, optimization approach usage and ends up with result evaluation and validation. The soft-computing approaches result outperforms the experiment result in having minimum surface roughness. Based on the findings, the conclusion suggests that the lower surface roughness can be obtained by applying the input parameters at maximum for the cutting speed and vibration frequency, and at minimum for machining feed rate. This finding assists manufacturers to apply proper input values to obtain parts with minimum surface roughness

    Enhanced Bioenergy Production through Integration of Molecular Biotechnology and Bioprocess Technology Approaches

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    九州工業大学博士学位論文 学位記番号:生工博甲第209号 学位授与年月日:平成25年9月27日Chapter1 General overview and big picture|Chapter2 Uncharacterized Genes in Escherichia coli Related to Biohydrogen Production|Chapter3 Uncharacterized Escherichia coli Proteins YdjA and YhjY Related to Biohydrogen Production|Chapter4 Metabolic Engineering to Enhance Hydrogen Production Using YhjY in Escherichia Coli|Chapter5 The curiosity a cryptic function of pseudogene in Escherichia coli genome towards hydrogen production|Chapter6 Electricity Generation from Waste Activated Sludge Using Microbial Fuel Cells Application|Chapter7 Influence of Pretreated Activated Sludge for Electricity Generation in Microbial Fuel Cell Application|Chapter8 Exclusive conclusion and suggestion九州工業大学平成25年

    Wax Deposition – Trend Of Formation In Crude Pipeline

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    Normally most of crude oils contain wax either in small or large percentage. Wax content in crude oils significantly gives some more cost to the production line, transportation and also process plant. So that it play an important role to the operating cost to any sections of oil industry. Wax deposition usually starts when the crude oils are flowing through pipeline or riser. At sea bed and undersea there are low temperature over there which cause wax component in crude oil start to crystallize and precipitate. It also has high viscosity which can cause pumping problems to pipelines. Over certain period of time wax can cause blockage to the pipeline. This kind of problem potentially increase cost of operation and become severe when the operation is being shut down because of pipeline failure. There is a method to overcome this problem by using circulation of hot oil from platform to well. It purposes is to maintain high temperature of flowing crude oil to storage tank, so there are less percentage of wax deposited on the wall surface of tubing. In UTP, most studies on waxes were conducted using batch system. This study will concentrate on continuous system where coolant is circulated in a cold finger flowing through fix amount of hydrocarbon solution. So there is an interest on how is it the deposition process works. Because the way of deposition occurs is different compared to batch system, the pattern and trend of wax deposition is still a question. This research will start by having literature review and number of sets of experiment to collect data and make analysis of wax deposition in a loop. This preliminary report includes project background, problem statement, objective, project scope and limitation, literature review, methodology and references

    Zakat Institution. An Alternative for Poverty Alleviation in Zanzibar

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    The main objective of this study was to explore the successful level of poverty alleviation strategies in Zanzibar and point out how zakat institution could be an effective alternative to eradicate poverty in this Muslims island. The study relies solely on existing secondary documents and review of the literature as the main sources of data and information. The finding from this study indicated the non-convincing level of poverty reduction, although some strategies and initiatives by both government and non-government organizations as the poverty incident is still very high with the alarming situation in the rural areas indicating needs for immediate actions. Following the nature of the island population, the study recommends for the strengthening zakat institution to capture for the needs of the very poor part of the community. More importantly, the study recommends for more studies in this area to include the role of society as a whole in strengthening zakat institution, corporate image and awareness level which are crucial aspects of developing zakat institution in Zanzibar Keywords: Zakat, poverty alleviation strategies, Zanziba

    [Khilaf Qiraat Mutawatirah: An Analysis of Menstrual Verse in Terms of Roles, Relevance and Relationship to Fiqh Law ] Khilaf Qiraat Mutawatirah: Satu Analisa pada Ayat Haid dari Aspek Peranan, Perkaitan dan Pertalian pada Hukum Fiqh

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    The aim of this study is to explore the importance of Qira’at Mutawatirah as a discipline particularly in the field of fiqh (jurisprudence). As a field of study, Qiraat (Quranic reading) plays a significant role in Islamic Fiqh by way of shaping the opinions and views of the fuqaha’ (jurists). Nevertheless, some fuqaha’ are less familiar with Qiraat as a study which has thus led to some confusion and ambiguity on the matter. It was even suggested that the differences of fiqh found within the madzhabs (sects) are based on the fuqaha’s own Qiraat. Thus this paper is a discussion on the differences of wajh Qiraat within the farsh letters as found among the Qiraat scholars. This paper also analyses the relationship and influence of the Qiraat readings among the fuqaha when it comes to deriving a hukm (principle), particularly on fiqh ibadah (the laws of worship). As such, this significant study sheds light into the approach used by the fuqaha’ when it comes to extracting and deriving laws and principles based on the different Qiraat readings. The objectives of this study are to investigate the extent and role of Qiraat, to analyse and observe the relationship between Qiraat readings of the fuqaha and its relationship to the hukm. This study is based entirely on library research. Overall, the findings show that Qiraat is undoubtedly important; the differences in Qiraat have a major impact in the way that the various Islamic Fiqh were derived from the Qur’anic verses. Nevertheless, the chosen Qiraat readings by Fuqaha, on the other hand, do not play a major role in determining the fiqh within the various sects; instead the wajh Qiraat plays a major role within their respective sects. However, in some circumstances, the chosen Qiraat readings do sometimes become a source which a hukm is decided within their sects, and vice versa. It is hoped that this study becomes a pioneer for other researchers to conduct a more in-depth study on the sciences of Qiraat by exploring it critically within the various perspectives of the Islamic discipline. It is hoped that it can be analysed, studied, understood and implemented in the field of teaching and learning, in line with its importance within the other branches of Islamic discipline. It is hoped that as a study, it can be further expanded and remain significant to the Islamic scholars and the community at large. Keyword: Qiraat Mutawatirah, Fiqh, Qiraat, fuqaha‘   Penulisan ini bertujuan merungkai hubungan rapat Qiraat dalam disiplin ilmu Islam terutamanya ilmu Fiqh. Qiraat menjadi salah satu faktor yang dominan terutamanya dalam mencorakkan perbezaan hukum Fiqh Islami dalam kalangan Fuqaha’. Namun masih terdapat kalangan yang kurang mengetahui dan memahami hakikat kewujudan ilmu Qiraat sehingga menimbulkan kekeliruan dan kesamaran mengenainya bahkan wujudnya pendapat menyatakan bahawa hukum fiqh yang diinstibatkan dalam mazhab adalah berdasarkan daripada Qiraat yang dibaca oleh kalangan fuqaha itu sendiri. Justeru kajian ini akan menyentuh dan membincangkan perbezaan wajh qiraat yang terdapat pada farsh huruf dalam kalangan ulama Qiraat. Dalam masa yang sama, kajian ini juga akan menyingkap dan menganalisis perkaitan dan pengaruhnya terhadap pengeluaran hukum oleh kalangan Fuqaha’ terutama ayat-ayat al-Quran yang melibatkan fiqh ibadat. Kajian ini penting demi memahami keadaan sebenar bagaimana kalangan Fuqaha mengeluarkan hukum fiqh berdasarkan perbezaan Qiraat. Objektif kajian ialah mengkaji sejauhmana perkaitan dan peranan Qiraat pada hukum fiqh, menganalisis dan menilai sejauh mana pertalian bacaan Qiraat yang dibaca Fuqaha’ dengan hukum yang diinstibatkan oleh Fuqaha.’ Secara keseluruhannya, kajian ini dijalankan berdasarkan kajian ke perpustakaan sepenuhnya. Ternyata dapatan hasil kajian ini merumuskan bahawa perbezaan Qiraat pula memberi impak yang besar dalam mencorakkan hukum fiqh dalam ayat al-Quran. Bacaan ‘Qiraat PilihanFuqaha‘ pula tidaklah menjadi faktor utama mempengaruhi hukum fiqh mazhab yang diasaskan oleh mereka bahkan fuqaha hanya menjadikan wajh Qiraat itu sebagai platform utama dalam menentukan hukum fiqh dalam mazhab yang diasaskan mereka. Namun tidak dinafikan juga, bacaan ‘Qiraat Pilihan Fuqaha‘ itu kekadang menjadi sebab penentuan hukum bagi mazhab mereka dan kekadangnya sebaliknya. Kajian ini diharap menjadi perintis kepada pengkaji yang lain untuk lebih prolifik mengenai ilmu Qiraat dalam membahaskannya dari pelbagai sudut disiplin ilmu Islam secara lebih kritis supaya ia dapat ditelaah, dikaji, difahami, diperkasai dan diimplimentasikan dalam aspek pengajaran dan pembelajaran sejajar dengan kepentingannya terhadap cabangan ilmu-ilmu Islam yang lain agar terus berkembang dan bertapak pada kaca mata Ilmuan Islam secara khusus dan masyarakat sejagat secara umumnya.   Kata Kunci: Qiraat Mutawatirah, Fiqh, Qiraat, fuqaha‘

    Improving Process Writing with the Use Authentic Assessment

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    The paper discusses on how process writing is improved with the use of authentic assessment in an English Language classroom. Eleven primary school children from Year 4 in a rural school in Sabah are the participants of the study. Data were collected by observing them during the English Language lessons and at the end of the series of observations, an interview session was conducted. The results of the study revealed thatusing authentic assessment to assess young learners’ writing skills is beneficial and effective in helping them to write better in the English Language classroom. The presentation will therefore provide suggestions for the use of more authentic assessment in the classroom, particularly in English Language teaching and learning