80 research outputs found

    Viscosity of Polar-Nonpolar Gas Mixtures Empirical method

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    The adequacy of the familiar Sutherland expression for tho viscosity of gas mixtures is tested successfully for binary mixtures involving one component as polar. The limited calculations of this paper also reveal that the co-efficients of the Sutherland expression may be treated as approximately temperature independent. This interesting result may find great use in predicting values at high temperatures where no direct measurements are available

    Critical micelle concentration of cholesterol-peptide hybrids in PBS at 25°C.

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    <p>Panel A. Ch-R5H5. Panel B. Ch-R3H3. Panel C. Ch-R5. Panel D. Ch-R3.</p

    Luciferase expression levels induced by Ch-R5H5/DNA, Ch-R3H3/DNA, Ch-R5, and Ch-R3 complexes in mammalian cells.

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    <p>DNA and PEI/DNA complex at an N/P ratio of 10 are used as negative and positive controls respectively. Error bars represent standard deviation of 4 replicates. Panel A. HEK-293 cell line. Panel B. MCF-7 cell line.</p

    Hydrodynamic size and zeta potential of Ch-R5H5/DNA, Ch-R3H3/DNA, Ch-R5/DNA, Ch-R3/DNA and R10/DNA complexes.

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    <p>Hydrodynamic size and zeta potential of Ch-R5H5/DNA, Ch-R3H3/DNA, Ch-R5/DNA, Ch-R3/DNA and R10/DNA complexes.</p

    Synthesis of cholesterol-peptide conjugates.

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    <p>Synthesis of cholesterol-peptide conjugates.</p

    Involvement in Denitrification is Beneficial to the Biofilm Lifestyle of <i>Comamonas testosteroni</i>: A Mechanistic Study and Its Environmental Implications

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    Comamonas is one of the most abundant microorganisms in biofilm communities driving wastewater treatment. Little has been known about the role of this group of organisms and their biofilm mode of life. In this study, using Comamonas testosteroni as a model organism, we demonstrated the involvement of Comamonas biofilms in denitrification under bulk aerobic conditions and elucidated the influence of nitrate respiration on its biofilm lifestyle. Our results showed that C. testosteroni could use nitrate as the sole electron acceptor for anaerobic growth. Under bulk aerobic condition, biofilms of C. testosteroni were capable of reducing nitrate, and intriguingly, nitrate reduction significantly enhanced viability of the biofilm-cells and reduced cell detachment from the biofilms. Nitrate respiration was further shown to play an essential role in maintaining high cell viability in the biofilms. RNA-seq analysis, quantitative polymerase chain reaction, and liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry revealed a higher level of bis­(3′-5′)-cyclic dimeric guanosine monophosphate (c-di-GMP) in cells respiring on nitrate than those grown aerobically (1.3 × 10<sup>–4</sup> fmol/cell vs 7.9 × 10<sup>–6</sup> fmol/cell; <i>P</i> < 0.01). C-di-GMP is one universal signaling molecule that regulates the biofilm mode of life, and a higher c-di-GMP concentration reduces cell detachment from biofilms. Taking these factors together, this study reveals that nitrate reduction occurs in mature biofilms of C. testosteroni under bulk aerobic conditions, and the respiratory reduction of nitrate is beneficial to the biofilm lifestyle by providing more metabolic energy to maintain high viability and a higher level of c-di-GMP to reduce cell detachment

    Impact of Sublethal Levels of Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes on Pyoverdine Production in <i>Pseudomonas aeruginosa</i> and Its Environmental Implications

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    Although bactericidal activities of nanomaterials against environmental bacteria have been extensively studied, little is known about the sublethal impacts of nanomaterials, which is a critical gap in our comprehensive understanding of the impacts of nanomaterials on microbial ecosystems. Using <i>Pseudomonas aeruginosa</i> as a model organism, we report for the first time that a sublethal level of single-wall carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) (40 or 80 μg/mL) inhibited the production of pyoverdine, an important metabolite that is involved in interactive behavior of microbial communities. Transcriptional assay and quantitative polymerase chain reaction analysis revealed a decrease (up to 85%) in the level of expression of genes involved in biosynthesis and transport of pyoverdine in the presence of SWCNTs. Pyoverdine produced by certain bacteria in environmental microbial communities can be exploited by other bacteria in the local communities and has been implicated as playing an important role in establishing intercellular interactions. Our results of the inhibition of pyoverdine production in <i>P. aeruginosa</i> by SWCNTs at sublethal concentrations imply an important sublethal impact of SWCNTs on cell–cell interactions in microbial communities that often exist and play critical roles in maintaining the health of ecosystems in various natural and engineered environments

    Optimal advertising/ordering policy and finance mode selection for a capital-constrained retailer with stochastic demand

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    <p>In this paper, we discuss how a capital-constrained retailer determines his optimal advertising/ordering policy and selects his financing mode when he faces the following modes: no financing service, bank financing, and supplier/mixed financing. For each mode, we construct an optimization model and present a method for how the retailer determines his corresponding optimal advertising and ordering policies in the terms of his initial capital level. Furthermore, we derive the conditions of retailer selecting the optimal financing mode based on both his initial capital level and the interest rates of the financing services. We show that when the retailer is relatively “poor,” he prefers bank financing mode if the bank interest rate is lower than the supplier, otherwise mixed financing mode; when he is moderately “rich,” he only selects supplier financing mode if the bank interest rate is greater than a threshold value and otherwise bank financing mode; however, when he is relatively “rich,” he always chooses bank financing mode even if the bank interest rate is higher than the supplier. We conduct numerical studies to illustrate the theoretical results and find adopting financing service significantly improves the retailer’s performance especially when he has relatively low initial capital level.</p

    Additional file 5: of Comparative transcriptome analysis and identification of candidate effectors in two related rust species (Gymnosporangium yamadae and Gymnosporangium asiaticum)

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    Unigene functional annotation of G. yamadae and G. asiaticum. This file provides the unigene annotations based on seven databases: Nr, Nt, Pfam, KOG/COG, SwissProt, GO and KEGG. (ZIP 77245 kb