34 research outputs found

    P20-16. Ultra-deep pyrosequencing detects complex patterns of CD8+ T-lymphocyte escape in SIV-infected macaques

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    Background A complex population of viral variants exists within each individual infected with immunodeficiency virus. Deciphering the breadth and frequency of accruing viral mutations provides insight into immune responses, drug resistance, and potential vaccine targets. Contemporary sequencing methods are limited to detection of high frequency variants, leading to an incomplete assessment of the overall viral population. Here, we use ultra-deep pyrosequencing to create a comprehensive picture of CD8+ T-lymphocyte (CD8-TL) escape in two epitopes in SIV-infected rhesus and cynomolgus macaques, revealing a complex pattern of viral variants previously undetected. Methods Plasma was collected from SIV-infected rhesus and cynomolgus macaques at multiple timepoints between weeks 1 and 20 post-infection. Viral RNA was isolated and amplicons spanning the epitopes of interest were generated by RT-PCR, using primers that incorporated a unique 10 bp molecular barcode into each sample. Amplicons were pooled and sequenced on a Roche Genome Sequencer FLX instrument and analyzed using Roche Amplicon Variant Analyzer software. Results The increased sensitivity of ultra-deep pyrosequencing enabled detection of acute CD8-TL escape as early as 17 days post-infection, representing the earliest published example of CD8-TL escape in intrarectally infected macaques. Conversely, we observed the continued presence of a complex viral population well into chronic infection, indicating that viral mutations deemed ''fixed'' by Sanger sequencing are instead complemented by a broad array of viral variants. Additionally, we show that these methods can be applied to sequencing of the entire SIVmac239 genome, supporting the continued use of pyrosequencing in comprehensive SIV infection studies. Conclusion Overall, these findings demonstrate that pyrosequencing can be used to study viral evolution during HIV/SIV infection with an unprecedented degree of sensitivity. Utilizing newly emerging molecular tools is essential and will further our understanding of how viral pathogens evade the immune system

    Nomenclature for the KIR of non-human species

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    The increasing number of Killer Immunoglobulin-like Receptor (KIR) sequences available for non-human primate species and cattle has prompted development of a centralized database, guidelines for a standardized nomenclature, and minimum requirements for database submission. The guidelines and nomenclature are based on those used for human KIR and incorporate modifications made for inclusion of non-human species in the companion IPD-NHKIR database. Included in this first release are the rhesus macaque (Macaca mulatta), chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes), orangutan (Pongo abelii and Pongo pygmaeus), and cattle (Bos taurus)

    Characterization of killer immunoglobulin-like receptor genetics and comprehensive genotyping by pyrosequencing in rhesus macaques

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Human killer immunoglobulin-like receptors (KIRs) play a critical role in governing the immune response to neoplastic and infectious disease. Rhesus macaques serve as important animal models for many human diseases in which KIRs are implicated; however, the study of KIR activity in this model is hindered by incomplete characterization of <it>KIR </it>genetics.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Here we present a characterization of <it>KIR </it>genetics in rhesus macaques (<it>Macaca mulatta)</it>. We conducted a survey of <it>KIRs </it>in this species, identifying 47 novel full-length <it>KIR </it>sequences. Using this expanded sequence library to build upon previous work, we present evidence supporting the existence of 22 <it>Mamu-KIR </it>genes, providing a framework within which to describe macaque <it>KIRs</it>. We also developed a novel pyrosequencing-based technique for <it>KIR </it>genotyping. This method provides both comprehensive <it>KIR </it>genotype and frequency estimates of transcript level, with implications for the study of <it>KIRs </it>in all species.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The results of this study significantly improve our understanding of macaque <it>KIR </it>genetic organization and diversity, with implications for the study of many human diseases that use macaques as a model. The ability to obtain comprehensive KIR genotypes is of basic importance for the study of KIRs, and can easily be adapted to other species. Together these findings both advance the field of macaque KIRs and facilitate future research into the role of KIRs in human disease.</p

    KIR Polymorphisms Modulate Peptide-Dependent Binding to an MHC Class I Ligand with a Bw6 Motif

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    Molecular interactions between killer immunoglobulin-like receptors (KIRs) and their MHC class I ligands play a central role in the regulation of natural killer (NK) cell responses to viral pathogens and tumors. Here we identify Mamu-A1*00201 (Mamu-A*02), a common MHC class I molecule in the rhesus macaque with a canonical Bw6 motif, as a ligand for Mamu-KIR3DL05. Mamu-A1*00201 tetramers folded with certain SIV peptides, but not others, directly stained primary NK cells and Jurkat cells expressing multiple allotypes of Mamu-KIR3DL05. Differences in binding avidity were associated with polymorphisms in the D0 and D1 domains of Mamu-KIR3DL05, whereas differences in peptide-selectivity mapped to the D1 domain. The reciprocal exchange of the third predicted MHC class I-contact loop of the D1 domain switched the specificity of two Mamu-KIR3DL05 allotypes for different Mamu-A1*00201-peptide complexes. Consistent with the function of an inhibitory KIR, incubation of lymphocytes from Mamu-KIR3DL05+ macaques with target cells expressing Mamu-A1*00201 suppressed the degranulation of tetramer-positive NK cells. These observations reveal a previously unappreciated role for D1 polymorphisms in determining the selectivity of KIRs for MHC class I-bound peptides, and identify the first functional KIR-MHC class I interaction in the rhesus macaque. The modulation of KIR-MHC class I interactions by viral peptides has important implications to pathogenesis, since it suggests that the immunodeficiency viruses, and potentially other types of viruses and tumors, may acquire changes in epitopes that increase the affinity of certain MHC class I ligands for inhibitory KIRs to prevent the activation of specific NK cell subsets

    The mosaic of KIR haplotypes in rhesus macaques

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    To further refine and improve biomedical research in rhesus macaques, it is necessary to increase our knowledge concerning both the degree of allelic variation (polymorphism) and diversity (gene copy number variation) in the killer cell immunoglobulin-like receptor (KIR) gene cluster. Pedigreed animals in particular should be studied, as segregation data will provide clues to the linkage of particular KIR genes/alleles segregating on a haplotype and to its gene content as well. A dual strategy allowed us to screen the presence and absence of genes and the corresponding transcripts, as well as to track differences in transcription levels. On the basis of this approach, 14 diverse KIR haplotypes have been described. These haplotypes consist of multiple inhibitory and activating Mamu-KIR genes, and any gene present on one haplotype may be absent on another. This suggests that the cost of accelerated evolution by recombination may be the loss of certain framework genes on a haplotype

    Dynamics of Envelope Evolution in Clade C SHIV-Infected Pig-Tailed Macaques during Disease Progression Analyzed by Ultra-Deep Pyrosequencing

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    Understanding the evolution of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) envelope during disease progression can provide tremendous insights for vaccine development, and simian-human immunodeficiency virus (SHIV) infection of non-human primate provides an ideal platform for such studies. A newly developed clade C SHIV, SHIV-1157ipd3N4, which was able to infect rhesus macaques, closely resembled primary HIV-1 in transmission and pathogenesis, was used to infect several pig-tailed macaques. One of the infected animals subsequently progressed to AIDS, whereas one remained a non-progressor. The viral envelope evolution in the infected animals during disease progression was analyzed by a bioinformatics approach using ultra-deep pyrosequencing. Our results showed substantial envelope variations emerging in the progressor animal after the onset of AIDS. These envelope variations impacted the length of the variable loops and charges of different envelope regions. Additionally, multiple mutations were located at the CD4 and CCR5 binding sites, potentially affecting receptor binding affinity, viral fitness and they might be selected at late stages of disease. More importantly, these envelope mutations are not random since they had repeatedly been observed in a rhesus macaque and a human infant infected by either SHIV or HIV-1, respectively, carrying the parental envelope of the infectious molecular clone SHIV-1157ipd3N4. Moreover, similar mutations were also observed from other studies on different clades of envelopes regardless of the host species. These recurring mutations in different envelopes suggest that there may be a common evolutionary pattern and selection pathway for the HIV-1 envelope during disease progression

    GagCM9-Specific CD8+ T Cells Expressing Limited Public TCR Clonotypes Do Not Suppress SIV Replication In Vivo

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    Several lines of evidence suggest that HIV/SIV-specific CD8+ T cells play a critical role in the control of viral replication. Recently we observed high levels of viremia in Indian rhesus macaques vaccinated with a segment of SIVmac239 Gag (Gag45–269) that were subsequently infected with SIVsmE660. These seven Mamu-A*01+ animals developed CD8+ T cell responses against an immunodominant epitope in Gag, GagCM9, yet failed to control virus replication. We carried out a series of immunological and virological assays to understand why these Gag-specific CD8+ T cells could not control virus replication in vivo. GagCM9-specific CD8+ T cells from all of the animals were multifunctional and were found in the colonic mucosa. Additionally, GagCM9-specific CD8+ T cells accessed B cell follicles, the primary residence of SIV-infected cells in lymph nodes, with effector to target ratios between 20–250 GagCM9-specific CD8+ T cells per SIV-producing cell. Interestingly, vaccinated animals had few public TCR clonotypes within the GagCM9-specific CD8+ T cell population pre- and post-infection. The number of public TCR clonotypes expressed by GagCM9-specific CD8+ T cells post-infection significantly inversely correlated with chronic phase viral load. It is possible that these seven animals failed to control viral replication because of the narrow TCR repertoire expressed by the GagCM9-specific CD8+ T cell population elicited by vaccination and infection