259 research outputs found

    Models of innovation process in knowledge economy: implications for innovation policy in Ukraine

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    http://vsed.oneu.edu.uaThe article analyses modern Ukrainian discussion on innovation and innovation policy and proves that that in domestic literature still prevails linear model of innovation, which is wrong in the knowledge-based economy. Evolution of knowledge economy and National Innovation System concepts are considered. The models of innovation process in knowledge economy are presented. The author argues that modern innovation policy is worked out on the basis of a narrow definition of innovation system and is focused is on science based innovation. Basic Ukrainian legislation on innovation policy and NIS is analyzed, necessary measures to build effective innovation environment are proposed

    Zu modellbildungen in der rezeptionspraxis

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    Purpose: Within the framework of the translation studies, the results of research on mass media texts were presented only by individual examples in the professional literature. While, for example, literary texts have developed a variety of guidelines, strategies, and models of translation. There were almost no studies on the TV news translation. We have found only a few references to this topic in scientific works dealing with mass media texts translation in general. There is still no comprehensive analysis of the German mass media translation in Ukrainian. Methodology: However the language for specialist purposes is a special style, which creates and presents to the viewer the news texts for television. Typically, the TV news services set their own requirements for the TV news language, but there are common rules followed by all TV news editors. The linguistic designing defines the light in which the events are presented and what opinion the recipient will form. Result: However, in recent years the demand for mass media texts translation has significantly increased. It was influenced by the distribution of audiovisual international information channels such as Euronews, BBC, France 24, DW. Deutsche Welle TV news which is currently being translated into thirty languages of the world, including Ukrainian. To some degree the translation of Deutsche Welle TV news into Ukrainian influences the level of Ukrainian integration into the European space. Due to a well-executed translation Ukrainians can learn about current political and economic events that take place in Europe and in the world, about the latest achievements in medicine, technology, ecology, sociology, etc. Applications: This research can be used for universities, teachers, and students. Novelty/Originality: In this research, the model of “Deutsche Welle” as a Mass Media Language for Specialist Purposes: Pragmatics, Analysis and Translation is presented in a comprehensive and complete manner

    Theoretical bases of science state management system formation and its impact on economic development of the nation

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    У статті досліджено сучасні теоретичні підходи до аналізу ролі науки та науково-технологічної сфери в економічному розвитку країни, зокрема, теорія технологічних змін, теорія «академічних революцій», концепція «академічного капіталізму», концепція «другого типу» виробництва знань та ін. Окреслено сучасні завдання та форми державного регулювання науково-технологічної сфери з метою посилення її впливу на соціально-економічний розвиток країни.В статье исследованы современные теоретические подходы к анализу роли науки и научно-технологической сферы в развитии страны, в частности, теория технологических изменений, теория «академических революций», концепция «академического капитализма», концепция «второго типа» производства знаний и др. Определены современные задачи и формы государственного регулирования научно-технологической сферы с целью усиления ее влияния на социально-экономическое развитие страны.The article investigates modern theoretical approaches to the analysis of the role of science and technology in economic development, including technological change theory, the concepts «academic revolution», «academic capitalism», «Mode 2» knowledge production etc. The current tasks and forms of state regulation of science and technology sphere to enhance its impact on socio-economic development are outlined


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    The paper is devoted to the actual problems of innovative technologies introduction into the activity on crimes investigation. Based on the analysis of the state ofperpetuation by the bodies ofpre-trial investigation of money, acquired by criminally wrongful way or obtained by a legal entity as a result of a criminal offense commission, the authors distinguished typical violations of procedural orders and criminalistical recommendations in dealing with monetary notes as material evidence during the conduct of investigative (search) actions. With the purpose of equipping the bodies of pre-trial investigation with modern scientific and technical means of field criminalistics, there was proposed the concept of a unique technical and criminalistic tool in the form of a manyfunctional multicurrency software and hardware complex, that in the processing of monetary notes - material evidence when carrying out investigative (search) actions, would ensure high-speed automated performance of such functions as: 1) detection of the validity of a large number of banknotes in national andforeign currencies ofdifferent denominations and years of issue, with recognition ofvarious types of falsifications, as well as souvenir products and special imitation means; 2) sorting; 3) recalculation with the determination of the total quantity and quantity by each note and total amount; 4) scanning and perpetuation by compiling and printing a detailed written description (appendix to the inspection protocol), andfull- colour digital photography and high-resolution video recording of not only the general form and machine-readable mandatory requisites of banknotes, but also various acquired criminalistic important signs (inscriptions, fingerprints, microparticles, spots of various substances of natural and synthetic origin, etc.); 5) data exchange in real time with databases of the National Bank of Ukraine and various criminalistics registrations, first of all, with a database of criminalistic accounting of monetary notes; 6) packing and sealing of seized monetary notes.Розглянуто актуальні проблеми впровадження інноваційних технологій у діяльність із розслідування злочинів. Виходячи з аналізу стану фіксування органами досудового розслідування грошей, набутих кримінально протиправним шляхом або отриманих юридичною особою внаслідок учинення кримінального правопорушення, виокремлено типові порушення процесуальних приписів і криміналістичних рекомендацій у поводженні з грошовими знаками як речовими доказами при проведенні слідчих (розшукових) дій, і запропоновано концепцію унікального техніко-криміналістичного засобу, призначеного для високошвидкісного автоматизованого опрацювання грошових знаків

    State regulation in the sphere of knowledge and technology transfer as a factor of Ukraine’s economy innovation development

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    У статті досліджено питання трансферу знань та технологій із наукового сектору в промисловість. Уточнено сутність даних понять в контексті формування економіки знань та виходячи з нелінійної (інтерактивної) моделі інновацій. Надана класифікація типів знань, розглянуто відмінності між явним і неявним знанням, інформацією, кодифікованим знанням та технологією. Проаналізовано державне регулювання у сфері трансферу знань та технологій в Україні.В статье исследован вопрос трансфера знаний и технологий из научного сектора в промышленность. Уточнена сущность данных понятий в контексте формирования экономики знаний и исходя из нелинейной (интерактивной) модели инноваций. Представлена классификация типов знаний, рассмотрены различия между явным и неявным знанием, информацией, кодифицированным знанием и технологией. Проанализировано государственное регулирование в сфере трансфера знаний и технологий в Украине.The article deals with the issue of knowledge and technology transfer from research sphere to production sphere. The essence of these concepts in the context of the knowledge economy formation, based on the non-linear (interactive) model of innovation process is specified. The classification of types of knowledge is presented; the differences between tacit and explicit knowledge, information, codified knowledge and technology are examined. Analysis of state regulation in the sphere of knowledge and technologies transfer in Ukraine is made

    Depression of administrative-territorial units of Chernivtsi oblast: social-geographical assessment

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    Problem Statement and Purpose. The world economy has always developed and continues to develop cyclically, which affects the economic development of individual countries and their regions. As a result of cyclical economic development, regions are formed that maintain a progressive or stagnant type of economic development, and some of them, especially during periods of economic crisis, develop a regressive type. Thus, depressed regions or their separate territories appear, the study of which aims to identify in time the territorial disparities and polarizations of different types of the social formation of administrative units and to establish the level of their depression. It should be noted that most of the available scientific achievements concern the study of the territory of Ukraine at the regional level, and not at the subregional (raion) level. Therefore, our research allows us to shed more light on the depression of administrative-territorial units of Chernivtsi oblast, which differs from other regions of Ukraine by its natural-geographical, demographic, ethnic contrast, as well as cross-border and border position, which certainly has a significant impact on depression of regions and cities of regional significance.The purpose of this study is to conduct a socio-geographical assessment of the depression of administrative-territorial units of Chernivtsi oblast, which allows us to learn about the current state of the oblast and its raions in terms of depression, as well as identify possible steps to solve this problem.Data & Methods. To study the depression of administrative-territorial units of Chernivtsi oblast, the following main types were chosen: economic, social, and demographic. For each of these blocks, the main indicators of indicators were determined, according to which a socio-geographical assessment of the level of depression in administrative regions and cities of regional significance was conducted.Having established the rating places for each administrative-territorial unit according to the selected indicators, or their relative values, it was possible to establish the average place of each unit and, accordingly, the level of depression for each of the studied blocks. It was also established the common place of administrative units in the region by all indicators and thus identified different, according to the level of depression, regions.Results. With the help of rating research, the typification of administrative-territorial units of the oblast according to the level of economic, social, demographic, and integral depression was carried out. The most depressed were the agricultural raions of the oblast – Khotyn, and Sokyriany. However, it should be noted that Khotyn raion has the same types of depression in all its components, and in Sokyriany raion the worst is the demographic situation, and the best ‒ the economic one. The lowest level of depression is characteristic of Storozhynets raion, which is explained by its favorable geographical location relative to the oblast center, which contributes to economic and social development, as well as polyethnicity, which strengthens the demographic component


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    The article deals with the problems of using compromises in the pre-trial investigation into tax, duty (mandatory fees) evasion with the use of money laundering conversion centers. Taking into account the existing public demand for reforms of bodies responsible for tax legislation implementation oversight and with regard to novelties in criminal procedure and tax legislation, the article suggests amending the system of compromises that can be achieved at the pre-trial investigation stage with a tax compromise for users of illegal services provided by conversion centers. The article concludes that a genuine human-oriented tactics of conducting specific investigation (search) actions must be based on the most inclusive use of tactical techniques in order to influence an individual. They include: 1) demonstration of potential outcome of the current situation; 2) explanation of the importance of honest testimony; 3) persuasion of the importance of providing assistance to investigation bodies. In order to implement these tactical techniques the article advises the investigator to provide the participants of the criminal proceedings with a timely and professional explanation of the provisions of the law in force in Ukraine regarding various types of compromises.Досліджено проблеми застосування компромісів у досудовому розслідуванні ухилень від сплати податків, зборів (обов’язкових платежів) із використанням конвертаційних центрів. Розроблено криміналістичні рекомендації щодо застосування компромісів на основі новел кримінального процесуального та податкового законодавств