612 research outputs found

    Small-Signal Frequency Response Theory for piecewise-constant two-switched-network dc-to-dc converter systems

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    Small-Signal Frequency Response Theory is a theory for calculating the output spectrum of ideal dc-to-dc converter systems, i.e. systems with system coefficients piecewise constant in time, for a given spectrum of the signal injected into the control-input, in the small-signal limit. This theory, unlike other methods, can be applied to both resonant and PWM converters, and gives analytic results in closed form for ideal converters. This paper discusses the special case of ideal two-switched-network converter systems in PWM, programmed, and bang-bang operation. For the examples under study, theoretical prediction and experimental results are found to differ by at most 2dB in amplitude and 10 degrees in phase at most frequencies up to three times the switching frequency. Examples are given in this paper for which the theory gives the correct prediction, while other methods fail


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    The role of a cricket bowler is to deliver the ball in such a way as to minimise batsmen scoring runs or get them out. Fast bowlers utilise the pace of delivery as a key tool to achieve this. The purpose of this study was to use inertial measurement units (IMUs) to investigate the relationship between IMU derived spinal kinematics, lower limb accelerations and ball release speed in cricket fast bowlers. Sacral vertical loading rate at back-foot impact and thoracic lateral flexion at front-foot impact displayed significant positive relationships with ball release speed (r=.521 and .629 respectively). Consequently, this study highlights IMUs are able to effectively identify trends in fast bowling performance and hence, larger accelerations at back-foot impact with increased lateral flexion at front-foot impact were effective strategies to increase ball release speed for the bowlers measured in this study

    Analisis Kebijakan Pengelolaan Rumah Susun Di Kota Semarang

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    This study was conducted to explain the process of management of flats in the city of Semarang and to know the obstacles that occur in the process of managing these flats. Flats is one good program to be implemented in urban areas such as the city of Semarang. Which is the main target for the victims of natural disasters, and low-income people who do not have homes .The subjects of this study is City Planning and housing and as a manager UPTD Home Rent Flats. The method used is qualitative research methods. Researchers collected data through interviews and observation in flats and look for supporting data.From the results of research conducted in the shade DTKP UPTD Rental Homes . It can be seen that the process of managing flats starting with the opening of registration for the MBR renting flats that do not have homes , people do miss every 1 week 2 times / more , with the balance of the income factor . MBR occupying flats to rent between Rp.55.000 pay up to Rp . 110,000 per month and is based on the Decree of the Head DTKP . However, in relation to the implementation of the maintenance carried out by housing and settlement . In the system of payment of rent , there are two systems that are currently running. First , the staff UPTD came to visit residents in public housing , and Second people can immediately pay directly to the manager 's office . There are barriers that result in less than optimal management , among others , took to the field staff which is inadequate because less people and factors affecting age , weak regulatory system , triggering residents to sign and peddle copies of flats , unpredictable weather conditions and the overlap overlapping interests in the management of flats.To reduce such violations shall have full authority managers, personnel managers should be added and placed in each location flats , the need to cooperate with other agencies in order to maintain a sense of comfort for the citizens of towers , the manager should also have an attitude of firmness to prevent deviations often occur

    Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Penilaian Kinerja Karyawan Berdasarkan Kompetensi pada PT. Tunggal Djaja Indah

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    PT Tunggal Djaja Indah estabilished in 1963. PT Tunggal Djaja Indah (PT.TDI) the paint factory is a leading paint manufacturer in Indonesia with many experiences in the field of industrial paints. ISO 9001 which has obtained is a proof of seriousness company. Human resource is one of the source of competitive advantage and the key element that are important to achieve a success in competing to achieve the goal. An individual employee performance improvement will encourage the overall human resource that can increase the productivity. Performance assessment is a right answer to the description above. Based on observations and interviews, the company discovered a problem in the process of assessment items were assessed to be in general and not detailed, although the company has structured competency standarts, and the frequent occurrence of errors in the records and the calculation of the assessment data is still done manually as well as the length of time required for run multiple processes in performance assessment. To overcome these problem it will be made an application solution Employee Performance Assessment Based on Competence for PT.TDI. This Application can shorten the process and the time it takes from 26 days to 9 days in the employee performance assessment phase by way of doing automation with competency data recording (1 day), valuation (6 days), valuation analysis (4 days), assessment approval (1 day), reporting the result of the performance assessment (1day)

    Analysis of the Sediment Filtering Action of Grassed Media

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    The movement of sediment in non-submerged flow through a rigid grass media was studied experimentally by simulating the media with cylindrical nails. Models of sediment movement were developed from probablistic reasoning and from the use of existing parameters describing total bed material in open channel flow. In the probability analysis, the percent sediment trapped was found to be a power function of the number of potential fall paths, Nf,a particle could make from the surface to the bed while traveling through the filter media. The percent trapped was also found to be an inverse power function of the Reynolds number ReT. The characteristic length used in the Reynolds number was a hydraulic radius calculated assuming rectangular open channel flow with a width equal to the spacing between elements and a depth equal to the depth of flow. This is defined as the spacing hydraulic radius, Rs. The percent trapped was finally related exponentially to a combined power function of Nf and ReT. Total bed material transport functions of Graf and Einstein were modified and evaluated as predictors of suspended and bed load. Bed shear was assumed to be equal to γRsS where γ is the weight density of water and S is channel slope. Both Graf\u27s and Einstein\u27s parameters were found to be good predictors of suspended and bed load. Based on the results of the study, procedures are proposed for analyzing the trapping capability of sediment by grass filters


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    Berdasarkan hasil Riskesdas tahun 2018, penderita hipertensi di Sulawesi Utara mencapai prevalensi 13,2%. Data yang di dapatkan dari Puskesmas Tanawangko menunjukkan bahwa hipertensi menempati urutan kedua kasus terbanyak di wilayah kerja Puskesmas setelah penyakit ISPA. Umumnya wanita yang berusia 44-55 tahun mulai kehilangan sedikit demi sedikit hormon estrogen yang melindungi pembuluh darah dari kerusakan. Dan ini terjadi secara terus menerus dan alamiah sesuai dengan bertambahnya usia. Usia yang semakin bertambah membuat aktivitas fisik semakin kurang khususnya bagi kaum wanita. Masyarakat di daerah pesisir pantai cenderung memiliki pola makan makanan yang berisiko seperi mengkonsumsi garam yang tinggi dan makanan yang dibakar yang memicu terjadinya penyakit hipertensi. Tujuan dilakukan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui Faktor-Faktor Yang Berhubungan Dengan Kejadian Hipertensi Pada Masyarakat di Desa Ranowangko Kecamatan Tombariri. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survei analitik dengan rancangan penelitian studi potong lintang ( cross sectional) di Desa Ranowangko Kecamatan Tombariri. Jumlah sampel dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 90 responden (18-60 tahun) dengan pengambilan sampel secara stratified random sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan nilai probabilitas untuk hubungan perilaku konsumsi makanan dengan kejadian hipertensi sebesar 0,005 (p≤ 0,05), aktivitas fisik dengan kejadian hipertensi sebesar 0,876 (p> 0,05) dan riwayat keluarga dengan kejadian hipertensi sebesar 0,041(p0,05) and a complaint hystory of 0,041 (p<0,05). There is the relationship between food consumption, behavior family history as the hypertension and there was no correlation between physical activity by the hypertension in the community in the district Ranowangko Tombariri. People should can change healthy lifestyle from the family and are the smallest of visiting doctor nearest health into the service.Keywords: High blood pressure incidence, food consumption behavior, physical activities, family histor

    High-speed, high-frequency ultrasound, \u3ci\u3ein utero\u3c/i\u3e vector-flow imaging of mouse embryos

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    Real-time imaging of the embryonic murine cardiovascular system is challenging due to the small size of the mouse embryo and rapid heart rate. High-frequency, linear-array ultrasound systems designed for small-animal imaging provide high-frame-rate and Doppler modes but are limited in regards to the field of view that can be imaged at fine-temporal and -spatial resolution. Here, a plane-wave imaging method was used to obtain high-speed image data from in utero mouse embryos and multi-angle, vector-flow algorithms were applied to the data to provide information on blood flow patterns in major organs. An 18-MHz linear array was used to acquire plane-wave data at absolute frame rates ≥10 kHz using a set of fixed transmission angles. After beamforming, vector-flow processing and image compounding, effective frame rates were on the order of 2 kHz. Data were acquired from the embryonic liver, heart and umbilical cord. Vector-flow results clearly revealed the complex nature of blood-flow patterns in the embryo with fine-temporal and -spatial resolution

    Uji Resistensi Bakteri Pseudomonas SP Yang Di Isolasi Dari Plak Gigi Terhadap Merkuri Dan Tetrasiklin

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    : Food and even water are commonly exposed to mercury in the environment. Mercury is a highly toxic element either in the element or compound forms. One of the methods used to detoxify mercury is by using mercury-resistant microorganisms, such as mercury-resistant bacteria. This can occur when mercury is exposed to the human body in a low level for a long time. This condition enables the bacteria inside the human body to adapt and even reduce the mercury level, therefore, lowering its risk consequently. This study aimed to find out whether Pseudomonas sp. was resistant to mercury and tetracycline. Mercury-resistance test of Pseudomonas sp. was conducted by using liquid Luria-Bertani (LB) media which had been incubated for 24 hours. The results showed that bacterial colonies were found in 10 ppm, 20 ppm, and 40 ppm of diluted HgCl2 which indicated its resistance. However, in 80 ppm of dilution there was no growth of bacterial colony. Tetracycline-resistance test used solid LB media that had also been incubated for 24 hours. The results showed the antibiotic inhibition zone of tetracycline was 27 mm. Conclusion: Pseudomonas sp. was resistant to diluted HgCl2 until 40 ppm, but was not resistant to diluted HgCl2 80 ppm and tetracycline
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