934 research outputs found

    Radiocarbon dating of methane and carbon dioxide evaded from a temperate peatland stream

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    Streams draining peatlands export large quantities of carbon in different chemical forms and are an important part of the carbon cycle. Radiocarbon (14C) analysis/dating provides unique information on the source and rate that carbon is cycled through ecosystems, as has recently been demonstrated at the air-water interface through analysis of carbon dioxide (CO2) lost from peatland streams by evasion (degassing). Peatland streams also have the potential to release large amounts of methane (CH4) and, though 14C analysis of CH4 emitted by ebullition (bubbling) has been previously reported, diffusive emissions have not. We describe methods that enable the 14C analysis of CH4 evaded from peatland streams. Using these methods, we investigated the 14C age and stable carbon isotope composition of both CH4 and CO2 evaded from a small peatland stream draining a temperate raised mire. Methane was aged between 1617-1987 years BP, and was much older than CO2 which had an age range of 303-521 years BP. Isotope mass balance modelling of the results indicated that the CO2 and CH4 evaded from the stream were derived from different source areas, with most evaded CO2 originating from younger layers located nearer the peat surface compared to CH4. The study demonstrates the insight that can be gained into peatland carbon cycling from a methodological development which enables dual isotope (14C and 13C) analysis of both CH4 and CO2 collected at the same time and in the same way

    The role of tissue transglutaminase in 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium (MPP+)-induced toxicity in differentiated human SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells

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    Tissue transglutaminase (TG2) can induce post-translational modification of proteins, resulting in protein cross-linking or incorporation of polyamines into substrates, and can also function as a signal transducing G protein. The role of TG2 in the formation of insoluble cross-links has led to its implication in some neurodegenerative conditions. Exposure of pre-differentiated SH-SY5Y cells to the Parkinsonian neurotoxin 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium ion (MPP+) resulted in significant dose-dependent reductions in TG2 protein levels, measured by probing Western blots with a TG2-specific antibody. Transglutaminase (TG) transamidating activity, on the other hand, monitored by incorporation of a polyamine pseudo-substrate into cellular proteins, was increased. Inhibitors of TG (putrescine) and TG2 (R283) exacerbated MPP+ toxicity, suggesting that activation of TG2 may promote a survival response in this toxicity paradigm

    Monoamine oxidase-A modulates apoptotic cell death induced by staurosporine in human neuroblastoma cells

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    Monoamine oxidases (MAOs) are mitochondrial enzymes which control the levels of neurotransmitters in the brain and dietary amines in peripheral tissues via oxidative deamination. MAO has also been implicated in cell signalling. In this study, we describe the MAO-A isoform as functional in apoptosis induced by staurosporine (STS) in human dopaminergic neuroblastoma cells (SH-SY5Y). Increased levels of MAO-A activity were induced by STS, accompanied by increased MAO-A protein and activation of the initiator of the intrinsic pathway, caspase 9, and the executioner caspase 3. MAO-A mRNA levels were unaffected by STS, suggesting that changes in MAO-A protein are due to post-transcriptional events. Two unrelated MAO-A inhibitors reduced caspase activation. STS treatment resulted in sustained activation of the mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway enzymes extracellular regulated kinase, c-jun terminal kinase and p38, and depletion of the anti-apoptotic protein Bcl-2. These changes were significantly reversed by MAO inhibition. Production of reactive oxygen species was increased following STS exposure, which was blocked by both MAO inhibition and the antioxidant N-acetylcysteine. Therefore our data provide evidence that MAO-A, through its production of reactive oxygen species as a by-product of its catalytic activity on the mitochondrial surface, is recruited by the cell to enhance apoptotic signalling

    In-service Initial Teacher Education in the Learning and Skills Sector in England: Integrating Course and Workplace Learning

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    The aim of the paper is to advance understanding of in-service learning and skills sector trainee teachers’ learning and propose ways of improving their learning. A conceptual framework is developed by extending Billett’s (International Journal of Educational Research 47:232–240, 2008) conceptualisation of workplace learning, as a relationally interdependent process between the opportunities workplaces afford for activities and interactions and how individuals engage with these, to a third base of participation, the affordances of the initial teacher education course. Hager and Hodkinson’s (British Educational Research Journal 35:619–638, 2009) metaphor of ‘learning as becoming’ is used to conceptualise the ways trainees reconstruct learning in a continuous transactional process of boundary crossing between course and workplace. The findings of six longitudinal case studies of trainees’ development, and evidence from other studies, illustrate the complex interrelationships between LSS workplace affordances, course affordances and trainee characteristics and the ways in which trainees reconstruct learning in each setting. The experience of teaching and interacting with learners, interactions with colleagues, and access to workplace resources and training are important workplace affordances for learning. However, some trainees have limited access to these affordances. Teaching observations, course activities and experiences as a learner are significant course affordances. Trainees’ beliefs, prior experiences and dispositions vary and significantly influence their engagement with course and workplace affordances. It is proposed that better integration of course and workplace learning through guided participation in an intentional workplace curriculum and attention to the ways trainees choose to engage with this, together with the use of practical theorising has the potential to improve trainee learning

    Drivers of long-term variability in CO2 net ecosystem exchange in a temperate peatland

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    Land–atmosphere exchange of carbon dioxide (CO2) in peatlands exhibits marked seasonal and inter-annual variability, which subsequently affects the carbon (C) sink strength of catchments across multiple temporal scales. Long-term studies are needed to fully capture the natural variability and therefore identify the key hydrometeorological drivers in the net ecosystem exchange (NEE) of CO2. Since 2002, NEE has been measured continuously by eddy-covariance at Auchencorth Moss, a temperate lowland peatland in central Scotland. Hence this is one of the longest peatland NEE studies to date. For 11 years, the site was a consistent, yet variable, atmospheric CO2 sink ranging from −5.2 to −135.9 g CO2-C m−2 yr−1 (mean of −64.1 ± 33.6 g CO2-C m−2 yr−1). Inter-annual variability in NEE was positively correlated to the length of the growing season. Mean winter air temperature explained 87% of the inter-annual variability in the sink strength of the following summer, indicating an effect of winter climate on local phenology. Ecosystem respiration (Reco) was enhanced by drought, which also depressed gross primary productivity (GPP). The CO2 uptake rate during the growing season was comparable to three other sites with long-term NEE records; however, the emission rate during the dormant season was significantly higher. To summarise, the NEE of the peatland studied is modulated by two dominant factors: - phenology of the plant community, which is driven by winter air temperature and impacts photosynthetic potential and net CO2 uptake during the growing season (colder winters are linked to lower summer NEE), - water table level, which enhanced soil respiration and decreased GPP during dry spells. Although summer dry spells were sporadic during the study period, the positive effects of the current climatic trend towards milder winters on the site's CO2 sink strength could be offset by changes in precipitation patterns especially during the growing season

    Formality and informality in the summative assessment of motor vehicle apprentices: a case study

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    This article explores the interaction of formal and informal attributes of competence‐based assessment. Specifically, it presents evidence from a small qualitative case study of summative assessment practices for competence‐based qualifications within apprenticeships in the motor industry in England. The data are analysed through applying an adaptation of a framework for exploring the interplay of formality and informality in learning. This analysis reveals informal mentoring as a significant element which influences not only the process of assessment, but also its outcomes. We offer different possible interpretations of the data and their analysis, and conclude that, whichever interpretation is adopted, there appears to be a need for greater capacity‐building for assessors at a local level. This could acknowledge a more holistic role for assessors; recognise the importance of assessors’ informal practices in the formal retention and achievement of apprentices; and enhance awareness of inequalities that may be reinforced by both informal and formal attributes of assessment practices