24 research outputs found

    Basic Requirements for Systems Software Research and Development

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    Our success over the past ten years evaluating and developing advanced computing technologies has been due to a simple research and development (R/D) model. Our model has three phases: (a) evaluating the state-of-the-art, (b) identifying problems and creating innovations, and (c) developing solutions, improving the state- of-the-art. This cycle has four basic requirements: a large production testbed with real users, a diverse collection of state-of-the-art hardware, facilities for evalua- tion of emerging technologies and development of innovations, and control over system management on these testbeds. Future research will be irrelevant and future products will not work if any of these requirements is eliminated. In order to retain our effectiveness, the numerical aerospace simulator (NAS) must replace out-of-date production testbeds in as timely a fashion as possible, and cannot afford to ignore innovative designs such as new distributed shared memory machines, clustered commodity-based computers, and multi-threaded architectures

    Distributed Shared Memory: A Survey of Issues and Algorithms

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    26 pagesA distributed shared memory (DSM) is an implementation of the shared memory abstraction on a multicomputer architecture which has no physically shared memory. Shared memory is important (as a programming model) not only because of the vast number of existing applications which use it, but also because it is a more appropriate paradigm for certain algorithms. The DSM concept was demonstrated to be viable by Li, in IVY. Recently, there has been a surge of new projects which implement DSM in a variety of software and hardware environments. This paper gives an integrated overview of distributed shared memory. We discuss theoretical lower bounds on the performance of DSM systems, design choices such as structure and granularity, access, coherence semantics, scalability, and heterogeneity, and open problems in DSM. In addition, we describe algorithms used to implement and improve efficiency: reducing thrashing, eliminating false sharing, matching the coherence protocol to the type of sharing, and relaxing the semantics of the memory coherence provided. A spectrum of current DSM systems are used as illustrative examples

    MPI-IO: A Parallel File I/O Interface for MPI Version 0.3

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    Thanks to MPI [9], writing portable message passing parallel programs is almost a reality. One of the remaining problems is file I/0. Although parallel file systems support similar interfaces, the lack of a standard makes developing a truly portable program impossible. Further, the closest thing to a standard, the UNIX file interface, is ill-suited to parallel computing. Working together, IBM Research and NASA Ames have drafted MPI-I0, a proposal to address the portable parallel I/0 problem. In a nutshell, this proposal is based on the idea that I/0 can be modeled as message passing: writing to a file is like sending a message, and reading from a file is like receiving a message. MPI-IO intends to leverage the relatively wide acceptance of the MPI interface in order to create a similar I/0 interface. The above approach can be materialized in different ways. The current proposal represents the result of extensive discussions (and arguments), but is by no means finished. Many changes can be expected as additional participants join the effort to define an interface for portable I/0. This document is organized as follows. The remainder of this section includes a discussion of some issues that have shaped the style of the interface. Section 2 presents an overview of MPI-IO as it is currently defined. It specifies what the interface currently supports and states what would need to be added to the current proposal to make the interface more complete and robust. The next seven sections contain the interface definition itself. Section 3 presents definitions and conventions. Section 4 contains functions for file control, most notably open. Section 5 includes functions for independent I/O, both blocking and nonblocking. Section 6 includes functions for collective I/O, both blocking and nonblocking. Section 7 presents functions to support system-maintained file pointers, and shared file pointers. Section 8 presents constructors that can be used to define useful filetypes (the role of filetypes is explained in Section 2 below). Section 9 presents how the error handling mechanism of MPI is supported by the MPI-IO interface. All this is followed by a set of appendices, which contain information about issues that have not been totally resolved yet, and about design considerations. The reader can find there the motivation behind some of our design choices. More information on this would definitely be welcome and will be included in a further release of this document. The first appendix contains a description of MPI-I0's 'hints' structure which is used when opening a file. Appendix B is a discussion of various issues in the support for file pointers. Appendix C explains what we mean in talking about atomic access. Appendix D provides detailed examples of filetype constructors, and Appendix E contains a collection of arguments for and against various design decisions

    Grids: The Top Ten Questions

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    The design and implementation of a national computing system and data grid has become a reachable goal from both the computer science and computational science point of view. A distributed infrastructure capable of sophisticated computational functions can bring many benefits to scientific work, but poses many challenges, both technical and socio-political. Technical challenges include having basic software tools, higher-level services, functioning and pervasive security, and standards, while socio-political issues include building a user community, adding incentives for sites to be part of a user-centric environment, and educating funding sources about the needs of this community. This paper details the areas relating to Grid research that we feel still need to be addressed to fully leverage the advantages of the Grid

    Predicting Cost/Performance Trade-offs For Whitney: A Commodity Computing Cluster

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    Recent advances in low-end processor and network technology have made it possible to build a “supercomputer ” out of commodity components. We develop simple models of the NAS Parallel Benchmarks version 2 (NPB 2) to explore the cost/performance trade-offs involved in building a balanced parallel computer supporting a scientific workload. We develop closed form expressions detailing the number and size of messages sent by each benchmark. Coupling these with measured single processor performance, network latency, and network bandwidth, our models predict benchmark performance to within 30%. A comparison based on total system cost reveals that current commodity technology (200 MHz Pentium Pros with 100baseT Ethernet) is well balanced for the NPBs up to a total system cost of around $1,000,000