6 research outputs found

    "Migrações, Género e Inclusão no Contexto Europeu: Uma Abordagem Interdisciplinar". Curso de Formação a Distância

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    Technical coordination: Rais, Carlo (Pixel Associazione - Italy); Martellini, Lorenzo (Pixel Associazione - Italy) Collaborating team: Díaz-Jiménez, Rosa (Universidad Pablo de Olavide - Spain); Esteban-Ibañez, Macarena (Universidad Pablo de Olavide - Spain); Monreal Gimeno, Carmen (Universidad Pablo de Olavide - Spain); Pérez-de-Guzmán-Puya, Victoria (Universidad Pablo de Olavide - Spain).This publication is the third product of the Erasmus + Project entitled Voices of Immigrant Women (Project Number: 2020-1-ES01-KA203-082364). The e-learning package is aimed at university students from different disciplines, research staff, Higher Education professors and professionals who work in the field to address the social inclusion of migrant women with a gender perspective from Human Rights, an intersectional approach and interdisciplinary. The general objective of this resource is to improve the training of the different social agents who work or will work in the near future in migration and thus help combat discrimination, segregation, racism, harassment and violence, assuming the triple role that universities must carry out both in research, training and in social commitment. The contents are organized in 8 modules and each module has a double dimension: one transnational and one national. Training is based on theory and practice.Esta publicación es el tercer producto del Proyecto Erasmus+ Voces de Mujeres Inmigrantes (Número de Proyecto: 2020-1-ES01-KA203-082364). El paquete de e-learning está dirigido a estudiantes universitarios de diferentes disciplinas, personal investigador, docentes de Educación Superior y profesionales que trabajan en el campo para abordar la inclusión social de las mujeres migrantes con una perspectiva de género desde los Derechos Humanos, un enfoque interseccional e interdisciplinar. El objetivo general de este recurso es mejorar la formación de los diferentes agentes sociales que trabajan o trabajarán en un futuro próximo en el ámbito migratorio y así contribuir a combatir la discriminación, la segregación, el racismo, el acoso y la violencia, asumiendo el triple papel que debe desempeñar la universidad, tanto en investigación, formación como en compromiso social. Los contenidos están organizados en 8 módulos y cada módulo tiene una doble dimensión: una transnacional y otra nacional. La formación se basa en la teoría y la práctica.Universidad Pablo de OlavidePixelEuropean Public Law OrganizationThe Peace InstituteUniversity of FlorencePolytechnic Institute of BragançaEmet Arco Iris FoundationInstitut De Recherche Pour Le Développemen

    Policy Recommendations ebook. Migrations, Gender and Inclusion from an International Perspective

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    Technical coordination: Rais, Carlo (Pixel Associazione - Italy); Martellini, Lorenzo (Pixel Associazione - Italy) Collaborating team: Esteban-Ibañez, Macarena (Pablo de Olavide University - Spain); Macias Gómez-Esthern, Beatriz (Pablo de Olavide University - Spain) Monreal Gimeno, Carmen (Pablo de Olavide University - Spain) Moreno Amador, Gracia (Pablo de Olavide University - Spain) Pérez-de-Guzmán-Puya, Victoria (Pablo de Olavide University - Spain)This publication is the third product of the Erasmus + Project entitled Voices of Immigrant Women (Project Number: 2020-1-ES01-KA203-082364). This product is based on a set of policy recommendations that provides practical guidance on intervention proposals to those with political responsibilities in governance on migration management and policies for integration and social inclusion, as well as to policy makers in the governance of training in Higher Education (University) at all levels. This is intended to promote the development of practical strategies that allow overcoming the obstacles encountered by migrant women during the integration process, favoring the construction of institutions, administrations and, ultimately, more inclusive societies. The content presented in this book proposes recommendations and intervention proposals oriented to practice to: - Improve Higher Education study plans by promoting the training of students as future active protagonists who are aware of social interventions. This will promote equity, diversity and the integration of migrant women. - Strengthen cooperation and creation of networks between academic organizations, the third sector and public administrations that are responsible for promoting the integration and inclusion of migrant women. - Promote dialogue and the exchange of knowledge to, firstly, raise awareness of human mobility and gender in Europe and, secondly, promote the participation and social, labor and civic integration of the migrant population. All this is developed through 4 areas in which this book is articulated. The first area entitled "Migrant women needs and successful integration interventions"; the second area entitled "Promoting University students awareness and civic and social responsibility towards migrant women integration"; the third area entitled "Cooperation between Higher Education institutions and third sector"; the fourth and last area, entitled "Inclusive Higher Education".PixelInstitut De Recherche Pour Le DéveloppementPolytechnic Institute of BragançaUniversity of FlorenceEuropean Public Law OrganizationThe Peace InstituteEmet Arco Iris FoundationUniversidad Pablo de Olavid

    Multilingual Glossary. Migrations, Gender and Inclusion

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    Technical coordination: Rais, Carlo (Pixel Associazione - Italy); Martellini, Lorenzo (Pixel Associazione - Italy) Collaborating team: Díaz-Jiménez, Rosa (Universidad Pablo de Olavide - Spain); Esteban-Ibañez, Macarena (Universidad Pablo de Olavide - Spain); Monreal Gimeno, Carmen (Universidad Pablo de Olavide - Spain); Pérez-de-Guzmán-Puya, Victoria (Universidad Pablo de Olavide - Spain)This publication is one of the second product of the Erasmus + Project entitled Voices of Immigrant Women (Project Number: 2020-1-ES01-KA203-082364). This product is a Multilingual Glossary where different terms related to Migration, Gender and Inclusion are presented. It analyzes from a gender perspective the different concepts linked to the theme. You will find all the terms in five different languages: English, Greek, Spanish, Italian, French and Portuguese. The added value of this product is its multilingual nature and the gender approach that is the backbone of the entire analysis.Universidad Pablo de OlavideEmet Arco Iris FoundationThe Peace InstituteEuropean Public Law OrganizationUniversity of FlorencePolytechnic Institute of BragançaInstitut De Recherche Pour Le DéveloppementPixe

    The Chinese sex workers in Cameroon : anthropological approach on female migration

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    Cette recherche doctorale a pour objet la prostitution chinoise au Cameroun. L’approche anthropologique employée met en lumière les trajectoires de vie des prostituées chinoises, des clients et des prostituées camerounais, ainsi que l’organisation du marché du sexe dans les villes de Yaoundé et de Douala. À travers le prisme de ces différents acteurs, cette thèse fournit en premier lieu des éléments d’analyse sur la dette symbolique et financière des Chinoises. Ces deux formes de dette auxquelles elles sont contraintes les enferment dans le travail du sexe, présenté comme le seul moyen de remboursement par leurs créanciers. Cette étude révèle également l’influence des prostituées chinoises sur l’imaginaire de la sexualité des Camerounais, qui trouvent avec elles la possibilité de réaliser des pratiques sexuelles rejetées par les travailleuses du sexe et les femmes mariées camerounaises.This doctoral research deals with Chinese prostitution in Cameroon. The anthropological approach used highlights life trajectories of Chinese sex workers, Cameroonian customers and prostitutes, and sex market organization in the cities of Yaoundé and Douala. Through the prism of these different actors, this thesis provides first of all analysis elements on symbolic and financial debts loads carried by Chinese women. Those both kind of debt they have to bear locks them into sex work, presented by their creditors as the only way to repayment. This study also reveals Chinese prostitutes’ influence on imaginary of sexuality of Cameroonian customers, who have the possibility to perform sexual practices usually rejected by Cameroonian sex workers

    Le travail du sexe au Cameroun

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    Cet article traite des travailleuses du sexe chinoises et des processus de reformulation du travail qu’elles établissent. Il s’appuie sur un travail de terrain effectué depuis 2013. L’analyse porte sur les différentes contraintes qui s’exercent sur ces prostituées chinoises pratiquant leur activité au Cameroun et les espaces d’autonomie qu’elles créent afin d’établir des conceptions nouvelles de ce qu’est le travail dans le monde globalisé. Une attention particulière est portée sur les contradictions entre émancipation et aliénation par le travail sexuel, mises en avant de façon furtive dans les discours de mes interlocutrices.This article is about Chinese sex workers and their process of reformulating their work. It is based on fieldwork carried out since 2013. The analysis focuses on the different constraints on Chinese prostitute women practicing their activity in Cameroon and the spaces of autonomy they create to establish new conceptions of what work is in the globalized world. Particular attention is paid to the contradictions between emancipation and alienation through sex work as put forward furtively in the words of my interlocutors

    Subjectivations du(es) / au travail

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    Des téléologies globalisantes et de nombreux discours et analyses ont largement insisté sur les potentiels renouvellements des mondes du travail. Comment celles et ceux qui y sont directement impliqués pensent-ils et vivent-ils le travail ? Quelles sont les modalités de subjectivation dues au travail ou produites à son propos ? Traduisent-elles une intériorisation des conditions, normes et places imposées ? Ou alternativement manifestent-elles des tentatives d’aborder le travail en inventant de nouvelles formes ? Tels sont les questionnements au centre de ce dossier qui regroupe dix contributions issues de recherches de terrain portant sur des métiers et des configurations de travail très divers. Leur rapprochement dessine un tableau contrasté de subjectivations en travail, tendues vers des horizons d’attente multiples : de la mise aux normes des corps au travail à la quête de reconnaissance, en passant par la tentative de s’émanciper des cadres organisationnels classiques pour inventer, parfois, des horizons politiques alternatifs. Globalizing teleologies and numerous discourses and analyses have insisted widely on potential renewals in the worlds of work. How do those directly involved consider and experience work? What are the modes of subjectivation due to work or produced about it? Do they reflect an internalization of imposed conditions, standards, and places? Or alternatively, do they demonstrate attempts to approach work by inventing new forms? These are the central questions of this issue, which includes ten ethnographic contributions on a diverse range of professions and work configurations. Bringing them together draws a contrasting picture of subjectivations in labor, pointing towards multiple horizons of expectations: from the physical standardization of bodies to the quest for recognition, through attempts to free oneself from traditional organizational frameworks to invent, at times, alternative political horizons