5 research outputs found


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    For the transportation of natural gas through pipelines, gas pumping units (GPU) are installed at numerous compressor stations (CS), the energy carrier for which, in most cases, is transported natural gas. 0.5 ... 1.5 % of the volume of transported gas is consumed (burned) by the pumping unit drive. The situation with the replacement of existing equipment with modern equipment is associated with significant investments, on the one hand, and the uncertainty with the transit of Russian natural gas through gas transmission systems of Ukraine in the near future. More promising is the way to increase the efficiency of the GPU cycle through the use of circuits with preliminary cooling of the compressed gas. The aim of this research is studying the prospects for the application of technology for pre-cooling technological natural gas before compression in a gas pumping unit based on heat-using absorption refrigeration machines. To analyze the effect of pre-cooling of technological natural gas on the compressor stations of main gas pipelines, gas pumping units – GTK-10I were selected. The calculation of GPU power consumption and fuel gas consumption at various temperatures of the process gas at the inlet to the supercharger was performed. The calculation of the operating parameters of the gas pumping unit is performed and the energy and financial prospects of the technology for cooling the process gas before compression in the GPU CS are shown. For the current economic situation (July 2019) in the Ukrainian gas market, the daily decrease in operating costs in standard gas pipelines with a decrease in gas temperature before compression in the gas pumping unit by 20 K ranges from 1800 USD to 3360 USD. A scheme of a recycling plant based on absorption water-ammonia refrigeration machine (AWRM) is proposed, which in the range of initial data allows to reduce the temperature of technological natural gas before compression by 11 ... 13 ° C


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    For the transportation of natural gas through pipelines, gas pumping units (GPU) are installed at numerous compressor stations (CS), the energy carrier for which, in most cases, is transported natural gas. 0.5 ... 1.5 % of the volume of transported gas is consumed (burned) by the pumping unit drive. The situation with the replacement of existing equipment with modern equipment is associated with significant investments, on the one hand, and the uncertainty with the transit of Russian natural gas through gas transmission systems of Ukraine in the near future. More promising is the way to increase the efficiency of the GPU cycle through the use of circuits with preliminary cooling of the compressed gas. The aim of this research is studying the prospects for the application of technology for pre-cooling technological natural gas before compression in a gas pumping unit based on heat-using absorption refrigeration machines. To analyze the effect of pre-cooling of technological natural gas on the compressor stations of main gas pipelines, gas pumping units – GTK-10I were selected. The calculation of GPU power consumption and fuel gas consumption at various temperatures of the process gas at the inlet to the supercharger was performed. The calculation of the operating parameters of the gas pumping unit is performed and the energy and financial prospects of the technology for cooling the process gas before compression in the GPU CS are shown. For the current economic situation (July 2019) in the Ukrainian gas market, the daily decrease in operating costs in standard gas pipelines with a decrease in gas temperature before compression in the gas pumping unit by 20 K ranges from 1800 USD to 3360 USD. A scheme of a recycling plant based on absorption water-ammonia refrigeration machine (AWRM) is proposed, which in the range of initial data allows to reduce the temperature of technological natural gas before compression by 11 ... 13 ° C

    Вплив віброзахисних амортизаторів на динамічний стан бурильної колони

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    The object of research is the drill string bottom structure using the correcting devices of drilling modes to control the dynamics of the drill string. The work is aimed at the study of longitudinal, torsional and transverse oscillations when adjusting the axial load on the bit by using a drilling shock absorber with a two-link characteristic. A dynamic model of the drill string during the drilling process is presented, which is a concentrated-continuous nonlinear system that interacts with the ball bit and the downhole engine as a source of energy. It is shown that elastic oscillations of all types affect the interaction of the bit with the outcrop rock. In order to evaluate drilling performance, it is necessary to take into account not only longitudinal, torsional and transverse oscillations, but also parametric oscillations, which are associated with the deformation of the weighted drill pipe under axial loads and during its rotation in the process of deepening the hole. It was found that transverse vibrations of weighted drill pipes, as a flexible element, during the drilling process are, as a rule, parametric in nature. They lead to the appearance of additional stresses in the elements of the column and, as a result, to the acceleration of their destruction and accelerated wear of the bit arms and rolling bearings. It is proved that in the future, for the development of dynamic models, it is necessary to take into account their hydrodynamics and the type, design and parameters of the applied punching elements. The obtained research results can be applied in practice in the process of designing the structure of the drill string bottom structure (DSBS) using correcting devices of drilling modes to control the dynamics of the drill string, by using a drilling shock absorber with a two-link characteristic in order to correct the axial load on the bit.Об'єктом дослідження є компоновки низу бурильної колони з використанням коректуючих пристроїв режимів буріння для управління динамікою бурильної колони. Робота направлена на дослідження подовжніх, крутних та поперечних коливань при коректуванні осьового навантаження на долото шляхом застосування бурового амортизатора з дволанковою характеристикою. Наведено динамічну модель бурильної колони в процесі буріння, яка являє собою зосереджено-континуальну нелінійну систему, котра взаємодіє з шарошковим долотом і вибійним двигуном, як джерелом енергії. Показано, що пружні коливання всіх типів, впливають на взаємодію долота з породою вибою. Для оцінки показників буріння необхідно враховувати, не тільки подовжні, крутні, поперечні коливання, але враховувати і параметричні коливання, які пов’язані з деформацією обважнених бурильних труб при осьових навантаженнях і при його обертанні в процесі заглиблення вибою. Виявлено, що поперечні коливання обважнених бурильних труб, як гнучкого елементу, в процесі буріння носять, як правило, параметричний характер. Вони призводять до появи додаткових напружень в елементах колони і, як результат, до прискорення їх руйнування та прискореного зносу озброєння долота та опор кочення. Доведено, що у подальшому, для розробки динамічних моделей, необхідно враховувати їх гідродинаміку та тип, конструкцію та параметри застосованих вибійних елементів. Отримані результати досліджень на практиці можуть бути застосовані в процесі проєктування конструкції низу бурильної колони (КНБК) з використанням коректуючих пристроїв режимів буріння для управління динамікою бурильної колони, шляхом застосування бурового амортизатора з дволанковою характеристикою з метою коректування осьового навантаження на долото

    Improving Energy Efficiency of the Systems for Obtaining Water From Atmospheric Air

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    This paper outlines the prospect of obtaining water from atmospheric air by cooling it to the dew point temperature using refrigeration machines in order to partially reduce water scarcity in the arid regions of our planet. To minimize energy costs in the systems for obtaining water from atmospheric air, it is proposed to utilize solar energy with absorption refrigeration units (ARUs) acting as a source of artificial cold. The characteristic thermodynamic processes have been analyzed in a modernized ARU, capable of working at a lower thermal energy source's temperature than its analogs. The possibility has been studied to reduce the temperature of the heat source by including a solution vaporizer in the ARU scheme. The analysis involved an authentic method based on the balance of specific streams of ARU working body components and actual boundary conditions at characteristic points of the cycle. A limit was shown for the level of a minimum boiling temperature in the ARU generator (from 90 °C) when the systems for obtaining water from atmospheric air are operated under current climatic conditions. The simulation of heat-and-mass exchange processes during contact interaction between a steam-gas mixture and ammonia water solution was carried out. Based on variant calculations, it has been shown that the proposed ARU structure with an adiabatic solution vaporizer could work as part of systems to obtain water from atmospheric air at a hot spring temperature above 100 °C and constructively enough fits into the element base of standard models. It has been proposed to use two types of solar thermal energy sources to operate ARU. In a tropical climate, with vacuum solar collectors or solar energy hubs; in a temperate climate zone, with solar collectors with water as a heat carrie


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    For the transportation of natural gas through pipelines, gas pumping units (GPU) are installed at numerous compressor stations (CS), the energy carrier for which, in most cases, is transported natural gas. 0.5 ... 1.5 % of the volume of transported gas is consumed (burned) by the pumping unit drive.The situation with the replacement of existing equipment with modern equipment is associated with significant investments, on the one hand, and the uncertainty with the transit of Russian natural gas through gas transmission systems of Ukraine in the near future. More promising is the way to increase the efficiency of the GPU cycle through the use of circuits with preliminary cooling of the compressed gas.The aim of this research is studying the prospects for the application of technology for pre-cooling technological natural gas before compression in a gas pumping unit based on heat-using absorption refrigeration machines.To analyze the effect of pre-cooling of technological natural gas on the compressor stations of main gas pipelines, gas pumping units – GTK-10I were selected.The calculation of GPU power consumption and fuel gas consumption at various temperatures of the process gas at the inlet to the supercharger was performed.The calculation of the operating parameters of the gas pumping unit is performed and the energy and financial prospects of the technology for cooling the process gas before compression in the GPU CS are shown. For the current economic situation (July 2019) in the Ukrainian gas market, the daily decrease in operating costs in standard gas pipelines with a decrease in gas temperature before compression in the gas pumping unit by 20 K ranges from 1800 USD to 3360 USD.A scheme of a recycling plant based on absorption water-ammonia refrigeration machine (AWRM) is proposed, which in the range of initial data allows to reduce the temperature of technological natural gas before compression by 11 ... 13 ° C