301 research outputs found

    The Times Are A-Changin?: contracultura y música de la década de los sesenta en Estados Unidos

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    39 p. : il.-- Bibliogr.: p.36-39La música es uno de los principales medios de comunicación de masas modernos, así como espejo en el que se reflejan las inquietudes sociales de una época. Este TFG se ocupa de analizar la música contracultural de los años sesenta, observando cómo se convirtió en un medio de expresión de las reivindicaciones de toda una generación de jóvenes que se rebelaron contra el orden social y político heredado de sus mayores. Aquella fue una década de grandes cambios sociales y políticos en el mundo occidental, así como de desarrollo económico, todo ello en un contexto de Guerra Fría. Los años sesenta fueron una época en la que se cuestionó la moral sexual, dando paso al “amor libre”. También se generalizó entre la juventud el consumo de drogas psicotrópicas, con protagonismo del LSD. En el ámbito político, la lucha por los derechos civiles entró en una nueva fase, más reivindicativa. Muchos estudiantes salieron a la calle y bajo el movimiento de la Nueva Izquierda defendieron el feminismo, el ecologismo, la justicia social y económica y sobre todo se opusieron a la Guerra de Vietnam. Todos estos movimientos quedaron reflejados en múltiples canciones de la época, que generaron entre la juventud occidental una identidad cultural. Se consideraron muy transgresoras y se las etiquetó como “contracultura”. De todo ello se ocupa este TFG

    Non-coding RNAs in ovine immunity: Identification of unannotated genes and functional analyses of high throughput genomic data

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    210 p.Non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) are involved in several biological processes in mammals, including the immune system response to pathogens and vaccines. The annotation and functional characterization of two of the main classes of ncRNAs, microRNAs (miRNAs) and long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs), is more advanced in humans than in livestock species, and thus, there is limited knowledge about the function of these transcripts. The main objective of this work was the identification of ovine non-coding genes, concretely miRNA and lncRNA genes, that are involved in the innate and adaptive immune responses induced by vaccines, vaccine components and pathogen infections. For this purpose, high-throughput transcriptome sequencing datasets produced for this purpose and datasets publicly available were analysed with bioinformatic tools and workflows in order to identify unannotated non-coding genes, profile their expression in different tissues and perform evolutionary conservation analyses. More than 12000 unannotated ovine lncRNAs and 1000 ovine miRNAs were identified in the different analyses, with varying levels of sequence conservation. Differential expression analyses between unstimulated samples and samples stimulated with pathogen infection or vaccination resulted in hundreds of lncRNAs and miRNAs with changed expression. Gene co-expression analyses revealed immune gene-enriched clusters associated with immune system activation. These genes make up a prioritized set of potential candidates for deeper experimental analyses. Taken together, these results should help completing the sheep non-coding gene catalogue, and most importantly, they give evidence of immune state-specific ncRNA expression patterns in a livestock species

    Multicore Parallelization of CHC for Optimal Aerogenerator Placement in Wind Farms

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    In this paper, we study a parallelization of CHC algorithm (Crossover elitism population, Half uniform crossover combination, Cataclysm mutation) to solve the problem of placement of wind turbines in a wind farm. We also analyze the solutions obtained when we use both, the sequential and parallel version for the CHC algorithm. In this case we study the behavior of parallel metaheuristics using an island model to distribute the algorithm in different cores and compare this proposal with the sequential version to analyse the number of evaluation to find the best configuration, output power extracted, plant coefficient, evaluations needed, memory consumption, and execution time for different number of core and different problem sizes.XX Workshop Agentes y Sistemas Inteligentes.Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informátic

    Multicore Parallelization of CHC for Optimal Aerogenerator Placement in Wind Farms

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    In this paper, we study a parallelization of CHC algorithm (Crossover elitism population, Half uniform crossover combination, Cataclysm mutation) to solve the problem of placement of wind turbines in a wind farm. We also analyze the solutions obtained when we use both, the sequential and parallel version for the CHC algorithm. In this case we study the behavior of parallel metaheuristics using an island model to distribute the algorithm in different cores and compare this proposal with the sequential version to analyse the number of evaluation to find the best configuration, output power extracted, plant coefficient, evaluations needed, memory consumption, and execution time for different number of core and different problem sizes.XX Workshop Agentes y Sistemas Inteligentes.Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informátic

    GA and PSO applied towind energy optimization

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    In this article we analyze two kinds of metaheuristic algorithms applied to wind farm optimization. The basic idea is to utilize CHC (a sort of GA) and GPSO (a sort of PSO) algorithms to obtain an acceptable configuration of wind turbines in the wind farm that maximizes the total output energy and minimize the number of wind turbines used. The energy produced depends of the farm geometry, wind conditions and the terrain where it is settled. In this work we will analyze three study farm scenarios with different wind speeds and we will apply both algorithms to analyze the performance of the algorithms and the behavior of the computed wind farm designs.Presentado en el X Workshop Agentes y Sistemas InteligentesRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    CHC and SA applied to the distribution of wind turbines on irregular fields

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    In this article we analyze two kinds of metaheuristic algorithms and random search algorithm applied to distribution of wind turbines in a wind farm. The basic idea is to utilize CHC (a sort of GA) and Simulated Annealing algorithms to obtain an acceptable configuration of wind turbines in the wind farm that maximizes the total output energy and minimize the number of wind turbines used. The energy produced depends of the farm geometry, wind conditions and the terrain where it is settled. In this work, the terrain is irregular and we will analyze two study farm scenarios with a real wind distribution of Comodoro Rivadavia city in Argentina and we will apply both algorithms to analyze the performance of the algorithms and the behavior of the computed wind farm designs.Presentado en XI Workshop Agentes y Sistemas Inteligentes (WASI)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Multicore Parallelization of CHC for Optimal Aerogenerator Placement in Wind Farms

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    In this paper, we study a parallelization of CHC algorithm (Crossover elitism population, Half uniform crossover combination, Cataclysm mutation) to solve the problem of placement of wind turbines in a wind farm. We also analyze the solutions obtained when we use both, the sequential and parallel version for the CHC algorithm. In this case we study the behavior of parallel metaheuristics using an island model to distribute the algorithm in different cores and compare this proposal with the sequential version to analyse the number of evaluation to find the best configuration, output power extracted, plant coefficient, evaluations needed, memory consumption, and execution time for different number of core and different problem sizes.XX Workshop Agentes y Sistemas Inteligentes.Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informátic

    Using nodal coordinates as variables for the dimensional synthesis of mechanisms

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    The method of the lower deformation energy has been successfully used for the synthesis of mechanisms for quite a while. It has shown to be a versatile, yet powerful method for assisting in the design of mechanisms. Until now, most of the implementations of this method used the dimensions of the mechanism as the synthesis variables, which has some advantages and some drawbacks. For example, the assembly configuration is not taken into account in the optimization process, and this means that the same initial configuration is used when computing the deformed positions in each synthesis point. This translates into a reduction of the total search space. A possible solution to this problem is the use of a set of initial coordinates as variables for the synthesis, which has been successfully applied to other methods. This also has some additional advantages, such as the fact that any generated mechanism can be assembled. Another advantage is that the fixed joint locations are also included in the optimization at no additional cost. But the change from dimensions to initial coordinates means a reformulation of the optimization problem when using derivatives if one wants them to be analytically derived. This paper tackles this reformulation, along with a proper comparison of the use of both alternatives using sequential quadratic programming methods. In order to do so, some examples are developed and studied.The authors wish to thank the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness for its support through Grant DPI2013-46329-P and DPI2016-80372-R. Additionally the authors wish to thank the Education Department of the Basque Government for ist support through grant IT947-16

    New high resolution calcareous nannofossil analysis across the Danian / Selandian transition at the Zumaia section: comparison with South Tethys and Danish sections

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    A high resolution calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphic analysis was carried out across the Danian/Selandian transition at the Zumaia section (western Pyrenees). In the studied interval, spanning Varol’s Subzone NTp7a to Zone NTp9, a sequence of 10 distinct calcareous nannofossil events is identified. The recognition of these bioevents confirms the continuous and expanded character of the Zumaia section and allows an accurate biostratigraphic correlation of the D/S transition between Zumaia, the Danish reference sections and the more southerly Tethys sections. According to this correlation, the abrupt transition from the upper Danian limestones (the calcisiltite unit) to the Lellinge Greensand that marks the D/S boundary in the type area correlates with the lithological change from the Aitzgorri Limestone Formation to the Itzurun Formation in Zumaia. The calcareous nannofossil bioevents recorded in connection with the organic-rich layer used to mark the base of the Selandian in the Tethys region were detected in Zumaia ~10 m below the top of the Aitzgorri Limestone Formation. This finding suggests that the organic-rich layer is considerably older than the Danian/Selandian (D/S) boundary at Zumaia and the type area, and thus using it to mark the D/S boundary in Tethys is not appropriate. According to a counting of limestone/marl couplets, which are demonstrated to be the stratigraphic expression of precession cycles throughout the Zumaia section, the organic-rich layer in the Tethys region is ~546 kyr older than the D/S boundary at the type area

    Algoritmos evolutivos aplicados al diseño inteligente de parques eólicos

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    En este documento se muestran dos tipos de algoritmos metaheurísticos aplicados al diseño inteligente de un parque eólico, la idea básica es utilizar CHC y algoritmos genéticos para obtener una buena configuración de molinos dentro del parque de tal manera que maximicen la energía total producida y minimicen la cantidad de molinos utilizados. En este trabajo analizaremos dos casos de estudios con una distribución real de vientos de la patagonia argentina, un terreno irregular con restricciones y aplicaremos ambos algoritmos para finalmente mostrar las configuraciones obtenidas, la energía generada, la eficiencia del parque en su conjunto y los tiempos de ejecución de cada algoritmo.Presentado en el XII Workshop Agentes y Sistemas Inteligentes (WASI)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI